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Hey all,Please remember to share a review on Royal Road for me.  Not a lot of people are seeing the story, and positive reviews will help it become more available.  I feel uncomfortable asking for feedback, but I've been told that I'm just being an 'elitist asshole', and if I want people to see my story, I need to start getting some word of mouth going.

I figured I needed a place to tell you all about how things are going, and what my current plans are for Nero Walker and this patreon.  So, I decided to create this post.  I plan on updating it whenever there is something you guys need to know.

I'm going to be keeping to the Monday through Friday releases for Royal Road through January.  I typically consider that the final edit.  Although at some point, I should go back and give it a more thorough edit now that I have a little more experience writing.  I like the story the way it is, but sometimes my phrasing could use a little polish.

As for my writing process, I usually write large chunks at a time while using libre office.  I try to get my ideas down and not worry too much about the details.  Then I go through the chapters and edit them before considering them 'finished'.  Then, I tweak them as I reread them when I schedule them for release here and on RR.

Right now I'm near the end of book 2, but a lot of editing needs to happen before I can get those chapters posted.  I've been conservative with my early access, because I don't want to fail to live up to the promise I made to you all.  Rest assured, you don't have to worry about me missing a deadline.  I always hated that when I was in your shoes.

New chapters will be posted at 5:30 CST for RR and my highest patreon tier.  I have to manually update the permissions for apprentice, and adept tier, so they might happen a little earlier, but never after 5:30 CST.  In the future, I might switch to batch releases for the week.  Like that week's chapter being released on Sunday, so I don't have to do it manually.  It's been recommended to me, but I'm not sure if you all would be cool with that.

As for my other story ideas, I just posted them because I kept getting ideas about what was happening in the world I envisioned.  I have this large universe in my head, and there is so much I want to explore.  I don't have any immediate plans to work on those stories, but I'll occasionally drop some chapters.  Please let me know what you think of them.

Right now, 'Death is for the weak' is in the early stages.  I just started writing it for the January RR event.  I already had a character with a backstory that was too perfect to pass up, so I started writing it down.  Until I get some kind of surplus, there won't really be a schedule for it.

I'm really grateful for you guys signing up, it's awesome that people appreciate the world I built.  There is so much more to see, and I'm looking forward to getting Nero out into the world and into some action.  I like the idea of Nero gradually exploring the world, and seeing crazy things that we only dream of.  Thank you all for supporting my efforts to share this story.

That being said, please remember to share a review on Royal Road for me.  Positive reviews will help me a ton.

Humbly grateful,



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