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Well, it's time for another mid-month update. Hopefully, this one finds you all well. Between the massive heat wave, fires, wars, elections, and the controversy around the new Disney adaptation of Star Wars... I'm sure you're all enjoying yourselves. But hey, at least there is still soda to bring you happiness and comfort in your time of need.

Speaking of soda (see what I did there?), I've had a fun month so far. Turns out that sitting at a computer and drinking soda all day is bad for your teeth... who knew? My brilliant lifestyle choice led me to have to have 2 simultaneous root canals to alleviate a massive infection in one of my roots or sinuses or whatever. Let me tell you, it was really fun. As a result, I've been a little absent from answering comments and such. Please, don't take it personally.

Many times I've read authors bitching about their personal problems, and I'd never expected to be one of them. But, in a way, I guess it's almost impossible NOT to have something go sufficiently wrong over any period of time. Like, in the last year, has something just sucked for you? It has, hasn't it? You might not think about it after it's over, but now I'm stuck mentally reviewing the past few years and sighing at how much I'd put up with.

This whole experience has given me a great deal of empathy for all those authors I used to mentally destroy for their bitching.

Anyway, enough about that. You want to hear about the story!

Things are looking to close on the kobald arc. I don't know how soon, as I don't know how many chapters what I have planned out will end up taking. This whole book has ended up a lot longer than I thought it would. There is just so much going on around him, and so much going on in his life that I want to touch on. You're finally seeing Nero have some real progress in his personal development (or lack thereof). He's truly starting to understand himself. The plans he's now screwing up are much bigger, and his reach is beginning to expand outside Dorchester. Soon, you'll be seeing him take his wackos and make a name for himself in the wider kingdom. But, don't worry, Dorchester will always be his home... kinda.

Regardless, everything is already all planned out more or less. So now, I just have to write it.

The RR story is really picking up views now that I changed the cover. Which cracks me up by the way. And I got a great review for my writing, although whoever they are REALLY hates the character of Nero. Which I also find pretty funny.

We've had a lot of new members sign up. So, Welcome! I'm really thankful for your support and that you enjoy the story. If you've read this far, then you've seen the story change pace a few times, as it was always intended to. The story of Nero Walker is one of growth (irony!!) but also a microcosm of a lot of stuff. Subjects that hopefully make you think, and also laugh. The times of Nero's life will be laid out from beginning to end, and you'll see him go through the learning process of what it means to find himself. But, it will be from the perspective of someone who doesn't really want to... which I find freaking hilarious.

The story will stay M/W/F, and I don't expect that to change any time soon. I might end up adding a bit more of a lead for you guys, but it will take some time. The chapters are getting a little longer, and I'm getting a little more anal about choosing how I present things. Hopefully, you all appreciate the development of my writing style. That's not me fishing for compliments, as you being here is already enough to make me feel all warm and fuzzy. Keep up with your criticisms if you have them, as I like thinking about them. As usual, I make no promises about altering the story or anything, but it's still good to get feedback.

Thank you all once again for signing up and supporting my passion project. I'll try and remember how to be comfortable answering comments and whatnot in the future. And remember, if something is wrong on the site, please speak up so I can fix it.

Which reminds me, I decided to stay with the current system of not sending out an email blast every time I update permissions for the tiers. I can't pick and choose who gets them, and it would just be too weird for the mages to be getting 3 email blasts every M/W/F when I post a new chapter and update permissions. I hope that's not too troubling, but if it is... I get it. You have both my sympathy and my thanks for putting up with it.

Talk to you soon my patreons.

Nothing but love to ya,


*P.S. - Enjoy your soda. Don't let my sacrifice teach you anything. Life has few joys, so if you find one that works for you, embrace it. Unless it's like heroin or something... don't do that. You know what... this is why I don't give advice. Just ignore this part.


Osama Laden

👍👍👍👍 Glad to hear the stories picking up on RR. Can’t wait so see the shit Nero pulls and that root canal stuff sounds rough, hope you’re recovering well 👍