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Hello there friends,

I'm glad to see people enjoying the story and looking forward to see what Nero will do to further incite confusion and misunderstanding among the locals of Dorchester. But that's not what we're here to talk about today.

No, today is about this month's situation update.

I'll be brief, because although you hopefully like my writing, this probably isn't the topic you signed up to read about.

First, even though I'm struggling a little with the pace I've set myself, I'm still going to try and make it through this month with the same schedule. 5 days a week, and the chapters are starting to average out around 2750 words. You can thank Royal Road for doing another damn writathon that I am too mule-headed to ignore. Even though I really want to start building up a stockpile of chapters, I decided to hold off on that for the time being.

Next, the discord is up. I occasionally log in while I'm writing if I'm not super pressed for time. Feel free to chat with each other if you feel like it. No one is really using it at the moment, so don't feel like you have to. In fact, this is about the amount of interest in the platform that I expected, so I'm not too worried about it.

Finally, the story's been getting some nice reviews for the most part on RR. Also, it's been on some of 'popular this week' lists I've been told. All of that is to say that people seem to be liking it, which is awesome. So, feel free to spread the word to people who might like to read about Nero's delightfully offensive personality.

As for the patreon itself, the growth has slowed a bit, which kind of sucks. But it is what it is. I'll just blame the bitcoin situation. It seems like a good excuse that everyone is using for whatever disaster is currently going on at the moment. Hopefully in the future it will pick up and I'll be able to put some more effort into avoiding work and focusing on my writing.

Until next time guys and gals,


P.S. Thank you all for your continued support! Your positive feedback and enjoyment of the story is what keeps me writing. Seriously... From the bottom of my lukewarm, and until recently ambivalent heart... Thank you.


Osama Laden

Regarding Patreon slowing down, amount of Patreons tend to correlate with how popular the series is. I personally feel that all this series needs is people to give it a chance as the story and writing is really good. Maybe you should try to change some stuff to make the series look more attractive e.g changing the “book cover” on royal road to something more flashy like a battle field with Nero blowing shit up - something that makes the series pop out when people see it. I mean some good book covers are things like perfect run or elydes. You could also try that royal Road ad thing, thought it might be expensive but something to still consider and I do tend to click on ads that have interesting shit going on inside them. Just some things to consider if you’re willing to change some stuff


I should probably do all that. I still haven't gone back and fixed the first bunch of chapters. It shall be added to my to-do list. Though, tbh, I still find the picture of a guy holding up a proto-typical smirk as the cover kinda funny. It's like a person with a t-shirt that says 'clever slogan' on it.


Your book was on my recommend and than my reading list for weeks before I read it and it was all due to the cover, and if it wasn't for the (lit-RPG) in the title I probably would of never clicked on it at all. There are thousands of great books to read on royal road and people are going to try the ones with the most instant appeal, I saw someone mention ads on royal road and the truth is that they work, there are plenty of books way worse than this that get much more popular since they are marketed better.