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Well, I finally got the discord up and running.  No idea how many people are actually interested, but it's there.

When I write, I plan to try and log on.  That is unless I'm on a time crunch or something.  I'll usually throw up a greeting, then a sign off.  I set it up so people should be able to see the history of the page in general chat.

I have a few ideas on what I can do with the page, so let me know in the comments if any of this is interesting to you.

1 - I was thinking I could make a channel with a weekly conversation topic.  Like "If dwarves spend so much time drinking, then why is it always beer?  I used to work in a bar, and anyone who drinks daily for a while ends up trying random crap all the time.  Sure, they always have their 'usual', but even a guy who is addicted to Kettle One over ice ends up ordering a tequila sunrise every once in a while."  You know, something like that.

2 - Treating the general chat like a reddit thread.  Leave the comments there for all to view for a while, maybe a couple months.  Then people could just post stuff, then see where the conversation goes.  Hopefully it doesn't turn into a meme-war.

3 - Maybe a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly time that I set aside to chat with everyone.  No idea if anyone cares enough to talk to the author.  I know when I'm a reader, I care a lot more about the story than I do the author.  He/she could be a closeted fan of Glee for all I care... I'll still read the story.

4 - Whatever good idea I hear from someone else.  I used to use discord to listen to music and argue with people in channels about games and fantasy crap... so I don't know how everyone else expects them to be.  Feel free to float your opinion.

As for everything else... I have no expectations with the discord channel.  Even If nothing comes of it, I'm cool with it.  I mostly just put it there because everyone else on patreon does it.  So, if you're interested, check it out.

And let me know if something isn't working or you think I should change something.




Ocean Breeze

I pretty much never use discord, and I rarely have the time to even if I was interested, so I don't really care about this. That being said, I hope it works out and you are able to get it populated and active. All the best.