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I went back to the Library for some more studying and then finally, when I felt my eyes closing of their own volition, I went back to my dorm room where I prayed I would lose consciousness quickly. But no, fate and my roommate had other ideas.

I walked into the dorm room fully prepared for anything I might find. But to my surprise, all I found was my roommate, actually not nude for the first time since I’d met him, lying on his bed reading. 

This was almost normal, and so, of course, did not last. As soon as the door closed, Grant sat up and greeted me with his usual goofy grin.

“David!” he cried. “You’re back! I was beginning to think you weren’t coming back. That happened with one of my roommates, just can’t remember which.”

“Grant,” I sighed, “I’m really tired. Can we just…”

“But I’ve got it all planned,” he said. “I even dressed for the occasion.”

He was wearing a pair of red boxer briefs. And honestly… I was grateful.

“What occasion?” I asked, really hoping not to get an answer.

“Our get-to-know-you evening,” he said. “Since we were going to be roomies, I thought it would be a good idea if we got to know each other a little better.”

“Oh god, no,” I said. “I mean, I’m really tired. I’ve had a long day and right now all I want to do is sleep.”

“just a few minutes,” he said. “I really feel we need to know each other better, if I’m going to guide you through the Adonis process.”

“Okay,” I said, “in a few minutes. Just let me get changed.”

As I got changed into my pajamas, I couldn’t help but feel his eyes on me.

“Damn, dude,” he said. “I think you got bigger since this morning!”

“Really?” I said, not interested in the slightest. I finished dressing, sat down on my bed across from him and prepared myself for this inane exercise. 

“Let’s start with music,” he said. “Who’s your favorite band?”

“Mozart,” I said.

“Mozart’s not a band; he’s a composer,” said Grant. “Who’s your favorite band?”

“Any orchestra playing Mozart,” I said.

“How about Katy Perry?” asked Grant.

“No,” I said.

“Taylor Swift?”

“No,” I said.

“Lady Gaga?”

“No,” I said.

“So, you’re pretty much just…”

“Mozart,” I said. “With maybe a little Beethoven and an occasional dash of Berlioz.”

“I’m sensing a little resistance to my efforts,” said Grant.

“Look, Grant, I appreciate what you’re trying to do,” I said, doing my best to be diplomatic. And that is just not a natural state for me. “But I’m just too tired. Maybe we could do this some other night when I’m not about to pass out.”

“Fair enough,” said Grant. “How about Thursday?”

“Thursday, sure, fine, whatever,” I said, and I remember starting to lay down, but I think I was out before I finished.



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