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As Lucas left, Joshua knew he should be creeped out in this weird chamber, painted with the dust of centuries, but he wasn’t. 

All he could do was look up at the statue and wonder what it would be like to be that massive, to have muscles that hard and chiseled.

He wondered if the statue was modeled out of someone’s imagination or if it was actually patterned after a living man, and if it was, what must he have been like? How strong must he have been?

He wondered if the man’s body had been as hard as the marble in the statue. He guessed it probably was. What must it have been like to walk around in a body like that? To be that hung? Everybody must have wanted this dude, at least those who didn’t want to be him. No one probably ever messed with this guy. He could probably do or get away with anything he wanted. 

Joshua wished he could be like that . He wished he could have a body like that.



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