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“This is going to be so lit! It’ll be just like having a brother!” He took a step toward me with his arms out for a hug. I tried to step back, but I wasn’t quick enough. Before I knew what happened, he’d engulfed me in a giant bear hug, lifting me right off the ground! Oh my God, I was being hugged by a naked, muscle bound, pretty boy… Holy crap! Did I mention he was naked!

“Oh… geeze…crap… Put me down! For the love of God, put me down!”

“What’s the matter?” he said, looking genuinely confused as he set me on the ground.

“Sorry! Sorry!” I said quickly, although I don’t know why I was apologizing. “I’m a little OCD. I don’t like to be touched.”

“At all?” he said.

“Pretty much,” I said.

“Oh,” he said, looking really disappointed. “I’m kind of a hugger.”


“Could you… maybe… put on some boxers? It’s a little hard taking to you like this.” Oh boy, poor choice of words.

“Don’t blame you for staring,” he said, cracking a grin. He grabbed his member and gave it a little twirl. “Donkey dick!” he chimed.


Then he pulled open a dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of underwear, which I was starting to wonder if he owned, and put them on.

“Sorry,” he said, “sometimes I forget I’m a little much to take in. My last roommate said I undermined his sense of masculinity. I expect it was the donkey dick… amongst other things.

“But you don’t have to worry,” he said, suddenly brightening up. “He wasn’t in the program. You are! Soon you’ll have a donkey dick of your own. How big is it now?”

“Excuse me?” I said, unable to believe he’d just casually asked such an intensely personal question.

“How big is your dick?”

“Ah…,” I said.

“That small, hunh?” he said. “Doesn’t matter. That stuff the pumped into you will turn that puny prick into a donkey dick!” He chuckled. “You like that? I made it up myself. Rhymes and everything!”

“It’s not puny,” I said before I could stop myself.

“Course it’s not,” he said, “and it be a whole lot more not-puny soon!”

“Okay, you know, on second thought, I really gotta get going,” I said.

“So soon?” He looked like a dog whose walk had been canceled.

“I gotta go back to town and pack… I still got some studying to do… I’m moving in tomorrow morning. What time do you usually get up?”

“I don’t have any morning classes, so I usually roll out of bed around 11,” he said.

“I’m an early riser,” I said.

“Oh,” he said. “That should be okay as long as you’re quiet and don’t wake up me or my guest.”

“Your guest?”

“Oh yeah, someone usually stops by… just about every night. I don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend or anything like that. They just come for the sex.”

“The sex?”

“Oh hell, yeah! Look at me! I get just about everybody hot and bothered. And thanks to the program everybody gets me going, too! Hell, even you are starting to give me a little chubby.”

Again with the TMI.

“Oh Yeah, by the way,” he continued. “We can get a little loud. My roommate-before-last said headphones helped. They almost drowned out the sound completely! I think they were the noise canceling kind.”

“Noise canceling headphones,” I said, backing toward the door. “Right. Gotta go.” I turned and hurried through the door.

“Don’t forget to take a selfie before you go to bed tonight,” he called after me. “Trust me, you’re gonna want a reference!”

A reference? What did that mean? And I got out of there as fast as I could.

Holy crap! How was I going to live with that? I guess I only had to sleep there. I’d be spending most of my time in the library and computer labs anyway. It’d be just fine. Or at least that’s what I kept telling myself, over and over and over again.



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