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I hurried across the quad as fast as my feet would carry me. I couldn’t miss this opportunity. My life might actually depend on it.

Building 12, building 12, which one was building 12? There it was! Biggerson College had the most confusing layout of any facility I’d ever been to. Why couldn’t they just put the buildings in numerical order? 10, 11, 12, what was so difficult about that? Why was building 12 right next to building 37? It made no sense whatsoever!

Okay, okay, I’m just nervous, panicking a little. I really need to get this under control. Calm, I’m calm, I’m an ocean of clam. That’s me, calmness personified. Mr. Calm, himself.

I’ll just walk in the front door, slowly and full of confidence and OH MY GOD WHERE IS ROOM 8? There’s 6 and 7 and then it goes straight to 9! Where the hell is room 8?

I spent a few minutes scurrying around the first floor looking at every door, until I finally discovered room 8 was the big one in the front of the building. It had been the one right in front of me when I first walked into the building, of course it had.

I checked my phone. No, not late, not yet. I took a second to catch my breath. Calm, calm… no, I’m not doing that again! 



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