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My full reaction to Batwoman 1x1 "Pilot"


batwoman 1x1 pat.wmv




Clay W

You're a little early. You haven't gotten to the crossover that introduces her yet.


This takes place before the crossover bc in the crossover she’s already an established hero


I know this show gets lots of mixed receptions but I personally like it. Female led shows always get harsher criticism imo. It just is what it is. The action is decent and I love the character interactions and dynamics. I don't know how you'll feel about it we'll see over time you always give your honest opinion. To me Alice, the villain is great and the actress brings a gravitas to the role. Easily top 5 Arrowverse villain performances imo. Here's my top 5 performances in no particular order: 1. Josh Segarra as Prometheus 2. Manu Bennett as Deathstroke 3. Tom Cavanaugh as Reverse Flash 4. Matt Letscher Reverse Flash 5. Rachel Skarsten as Alice Honorable mentions are Merlyn, Zoom, Damien Darhk performance pretty good and Tobias Whale on Black Lightning.


You have to suspend disbelief when watching any show set in Gotham. It’s important to understand to a lot of people Batman IS Gotham so people never expect him to leave. That’s the problem with doing other characters like Batgirl, Batwoman, Nightwing had to move to a whole ass different city. Like there’s almost no good explanation for where Batman is. So unless this show is set in the very far future or it’s a prequel like Gotham there’s no good explanation for where Batman is. So you just have to accept that. In the comics Batwoman exists because Batman went missing remember you saw that storyline in Batman Bad Blood where Dick took over as Batman. Suspend disbelief that Batman just isn’t gonna be around it makes it easier to watch then trying to understand why Batman isn’t there


He didn’t stay to make sure they get out because Batman was trying to stop the Joker that’s why Luke said he saved 34 kids that day. He thought he saved them too. It’s weird situation not necessary clearly just for drama but this isn’t out of character for Batman he did save them and he saved 34 kids on that bus from the Joker as it states on the newspaper


Welcome to batwoman one of the most mixed reviewed shows on the cw.


The reason batman doesn't appear is because Warner Brothers doesn't like two of the characters appearing on TV and film at the same time.


Hey Mangual, personally I think Batwoman is not a great show in general and really not worth your time but if you're committed to watching it you should wait until next season ( Arrow 8, Flash 6, Supergirl 5 etc...) where it was originally aired and will make more sense considering episode 9 of this series is part of the next crossover (the one after the current season) Anyways thank you for the reactions and have a great day

Walter Alcaraz

I was kind of meh on the show myself until episode 8. That's when it started to turn things around.

Clay W

This show does not start off great, but it’s slowly improving.