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My full reaction to The Flash 4x19 "Fury Rogue"


the flash 4x19 pat.wmv



I really like this episode. I don't think I've ever seen a superhero show tackle grief head on like this except of course Smallville. I am NOT a crier. I've only full on bawled during a show twice ever, but this episode was pushing it for me. If I was a crier, I definitely would've teared up quite a bit. Grant was AMAZING here.

Clay W

I just enjoy every episode that gives us Wentworth Miller.

Walter Alcaraz

I was watching episodes of that old hit TV show from the 1990s and 2000s, "E.R." and Wentworth Miller was on one of the episodes. He was really young, as it was 20 years ago. He played a high school football player injured during a riot at the game. In case you are interested it was 7x01 "Homecoming".

Walter Alcaraz

Nice, we get both Citizen Cold and Siren-X from Earth-X.