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I have been reading all of the feedback from the Atelier Tier survey and it has been SO helpful! Thank you for taking the time to help me improve. I have taken into special consideration the responses that came up again and again. Here are the bullet points that I am going to address:

1. I promise that I will stop apologising for my itchy nose and/or any other hiccup in production. We're all friends here so no need to be self conscious. 

2. Your time is super valuable, I totally get that, so I will be compressing the livestream lessons to fit into 1.5 +/- hours. 

3. You want to know the schedule further in advance. Both in regards to the overall Atelier Tier curriculum and with regards to the livestreams. I am doing my best to remedy both of these issues moving forward. 

4. During live Q & A's I will be be more selective about answering questions that are specific to what's going on in the lesson. We will work together on this one.

5. The deadlines to turn in work are very appreciated and maybe there needs to be a little more time before the group crit to allow you to finish your work.

6. Sometimes we will take 2 months to complete a complex project. The Belvedere Torso was super complex and many of you needed more time to complete it. Based on what I know of the projects I will schedule a longer time to complete them when necessary.



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