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The sun has set on the 30th of September, you prepare your sheets and scissors, sewing kits and fabrics, for some women, lingerie, for some men, lingerie, you prepare your costumes, decorate your house with Christmas ornaments cuz you happen to live in the Philippines (Here in the Philippines, Christmas starts from September until December 25. It's like a 100 day count down till the birthday of the J man). And the sun rises, AND IT'S..... not halloween yet. It's just October 1...


HERE COMES THE OCTOBER 2020 POLL! This month's theme is Vampires!

Wait till the sun goes down, and throw away those stakes and bottles of holy water cuz these vampires are sure to suck you dry of your... You get the idea. I have kidnapped these 5 waifus are bloodlusted hungry and cannot wait to dig in! How? I'm a vampire hunter you dummy! With your votes, you have the power of your vote, you can set one free and let her go rampant on your body. I will guarantee your swift but pleasurable death, and my safety cuz of course, I came prepared. But not you sir! Once you set one free the others will die! Cuz who would wanna have these lovel, beautiful, terrifying, hell spawned creatures lose? NO ONE! So, after she's done with your dead body, bloodless and most importanly, cumless, she will go for me now. I cannot win this fight for the sole reason I let her consume you first! We both lose! But win at the same time ;)

So get voting, set one free, and have the once in a lifetime experience of your inevitable demise. AND MINE TOO!

Jokes aside, I love you all and thank you soo much for your support~

Poll end in 2 

Happy Halloween!



Seras has some fucking badonkadonks


This is quite the hard choice for me.