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I'd like to thank everyone who decided to support me up until now. It's hard for me to put it in words, but your generosity greatly improved time i have to spend on drawing and producing content. I have had way more time for live streams as well, and i have been motivated to draw and explore new areas. So i would like to thank you very much for supporting me up until this point ♥

Now with gratitude out of the way, it's time to address less cheerful news (depending on your outlook i guess). I have redone some of my tiers due to my plans for the future. In theory not much will change, and also quite a lot will change. My basic tier still gives you access to full resolution picture + basic and text less edit, Comics PSD files and voting. Of course, all posts so far will remain in this category as well. You will not lose access to any content already posted.

The new implemented tier will give you access to all edits + PSD files for my every picture + suggestion threads for next characters to draw. Raffles and all randomized benefits have been removed from all tiers, since they're against Patreon ToS, so selection of suggested characters will be based on my personal preference or voting system.

Lastly, if you have any complaints regarding the changes please comment in this thread. Please be polite and constructive while doing so. There's definitely room for discussion.

Thank you ♥



I feel bad that I didn't support you sooner! For being such an awesome artist! I'm very curious to see what things you'll do next and of course I always love Cinnamon~


This all seems pretty good, keeping it varied enough and growing in a way that hopefully continues to be manageable! I think arranging the tier descriptions to highlight what line items are added above previous tiers would be easier to see at a glance, if there's a difference between 'full resolution picture' and full resolution pictures and edits' if the first tier already has some edits but not as many as the second


Hi DankFlank, thanks for your amazing work. I think it's normal, you want to change and to developp new possibilities with tiers. Thanks to this, new contributors would be interested and more interesting for you. Let's try, we will see.

Half Naked Hero

So tier 1 won’t have access to the edits?


Tier 1 will still have the base edits such as textless or basic spread edit. I however want to start making more edits per picture as seen on my last Angel post. Varied edits like that will be behind tier 2 along with PSD file, if that makes sense.


Thank you for the feedback. Definitely something i will check out and optimize.


When I signed up I was surprised to see it was only $2. $5 is more than fair, keep up the good work :)


If Tier 1 is supposed to voting then how come I can't on the newest post? Also some edits, but not all are being moved to tier 2?


That one is a suggestion thread where people suggest characters. Vote threads is where i'll post different sketches and people will choose which one should be drawn. In fact i'm working on one right now. And as mentioned before, basic edits will stay in tier1 as it was until now. I will just be doing more edits than usually, and some of them will be for tier 2 only. As was discussed this will probably be for time of 2 weeks or so before they move to tier 1 as well. It is still something i'm figuring out details for based on feedback.