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Just to let you guys know, I'm still making movements on the new content coming.
Ahri's crystal mayhem is still being planned and prep'd as I'm figuring out the model's new shapekeys and such whilst building ideas for how the scenes should progress and transition going forward.

Miriam is also making good progress as you can see above, her model is just missing a few bug fixes and then onto expressions and shapekeys.
Once she'e complete you can be sure to see more of her next year.

I'm going to be working right up until christmas day so I probably won't be able to get anything done as I'm still fighting off this winter's cold bug thats been spreading around, but expect some stuff to drop just after christmas I will have 10 days off for content creation.  :3

Thanks to all of you for your continued support, it means a lot that you are all still supporting me :3



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