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Hey guys!
TLDR: Just wanted to drop in and say you can look forward to streams, art work and a new animation starting soon.

Basically I'm working this Christmas week sadly, however I will have the following week off work, so from the 28th till the 6th I'm going to aim for a stream at least once a day if it's possible!
I have some art to post that is for a secret santa event I joined on a discord server, I'll be trying to get that Micha animation I've been working on for the past 8 months working.
The reason it's not uploaded yet is sadly due to UE4 technicalities when reading keyshapes, but thats nearly fixed, moving forward from there... anyone like Senran Kagura ninja girls?
I do now :3

Merry Christmas, hope you all enjoy it and lets pray the new year is poggers af !!!


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