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Happy New Year everybody! Thank you all who decided to support me or just follow me despite the struggles during 2018, I appreciate it :3

I'd say Im feeling much better than the last couple of months so as for January's plans:

- Polls are back this month, yay!
A catch though, no HD characters are allowed for nomination. Sorry to disappoint, but HD characters are something I'd prefer to work on spare time so instead...
- If you're a 5$+ patron and you have a character suggestion, feel free to name your character suggestion.
Keep in mind, it's not a guarantee I will make your character but depending on factors like how much request it gets and if I like the character enough that I'll consider to do it on spare time. Think of this like a wishing pond, your wish might or might not happen~

Im planning on opening polls next week so you guys on the 10$ tier better start thinking of some candidates by then :3

As for plans through the year...
- There will be months where I'll take a break.
Whether if it's because of health reasons, studies or other artistic pursuits I will pause my MUGEN spriting activities from time to time. Don't worry though, I'll let you guys know in anticipation before a month ends and if you guys decide to cancel your pledge that's very understandable but I'd just kindly ask to click the follow button so you guys can stay tuned on my updates and plans for the coming months! Since Tumblr died this is a good way to follow me, no munnies needed.

For now that's it! May this be a year be full blessings for all of you :3


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