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In this 'game' you all will be choosing options for what happens next in the comic that will be posted in December. ALL POLLS FOR THIS WILL BE PUBLIC, THE COMIC WILL NOT.

This is just to prematurely set out the story, but I let y'all choose.

Depending on the most popular vote on each poll, the winning option will be how the story progresses. There are no wrong answers, BUT some choices CAN end the game.

Please, enjoy!!!

In this story, Eddie is your pet. You've gotten him to pretty much do whatever you'd like, for the most part. He's a bit unruly sometimes, but you can tell he's trying his best. Right now, you have him completely naked wearing only a collar and puppy ears you'd bought just for these times when he's in this mindset-- You’ve decided to give Eddie a treat, continuously petting and giving him praise for his good behavior today. Once he was finished with his treat you walk him back to his cage, clean him up and have him lie down.

-The End-

Bonus for fun bit I wanted to write:

Some time later while making dinner you decided he’d probably want a warm bubble bath after all that, and you finish up cooking to head back to his cage. Opening his cage and waking him up gently with a few pets to his messy hair, you carefully pull his halfway off puppy ears and set them aside. With a few pets to his face he squirms around and eventually sits up as much as he could with a yawn.

“Is something happening..?”

“Nope. Just time to get you properly cleaned up before dinner is all.”

You tell him with a smile as you lead him to the bathroom and start the bath, adding relaxing salts and even some bubbles that you swished around with your hand to mix into the water. Looking back at Eddie you notice he’s not wearing his glasses and still has his collar on so you reach over and take that off as well before helping him into the tub. At first he hisses at how hot it is and grabs a tight hold of the rim of the tub, but quickly he relaxes and his grip softens with a sigh.

As per usual, Eddie wants to do things on his own like wash his hair and body, but the least you could do is help him wash his back which he happily allows. The remainder of the bath is mostly uneventful, though there was a bit in the middle where you fingering him felt like the best way of cleaning him, so in doing that, the bath took a bit longer than expected. Once you were finished with that and cleaning up the new mess he’d made, you drained the water and helped him step out of the tub.

Handing him a towel to dry off with, you notice he’s feeling much more independent and no longer in puppy headspace, so you let him finish up on his own and go get dressed by himself while you go start setting up both your plates for dinner.

-The End End-



That's such a sweet ending 😭


Tbh this was all sm fun to write!!!! Even if it’s not a poll I can definitely see myself writing little drabbles and stuff about my OCs for fun😼


i would love to read drabbles about your oc's!! this was a lovely read, thank you!