Items with Flo and Maury (Messy) (Patreon)
Featuring Sollicticus1400
So I've been working more on some ideas for the video game, as I draw Flo and friend Maury trying out some inventory items. The inventory should be pretty small in the game, maybe only 4 spaces, plus the player character's key weapon/item. This will mean that you have to think smart and stay light on your feet. You'll have to choose when to optimize; maybe combine healing items, like the baby powder and medicine and bandages to make a full-restore healing kit, to heal and even improve stats. Reloading bullets manually is slow, but maybe sticking them in a quick auto reloader clip will save you precious seconds during a fight.
As for the image, Flo didn't want to waste a diaper, but he was carrying too many weapons and healing items, and had to come back for the baby powder, to aid his very stinky diaper condition. The DiapNites will help with sogginess protection, but not be so good with messy defense. Perhaps they could function as an additional layer of padding?