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Well, I’ll show you. Since Good Omens S2 aired, I’ve been elbow deep and three sheets to the wind in this wonderful fandom community, drawing nonstop comics and one-offs of these darling deviants. Somehow along the way, I’ve found myself with a lovely group of followers who encouraged me to…do more with this fun little thing I do.

So here I am. Doing more.

Not just Good Omens. Ohho no! There’s plenty of my crazy to spread around. (For instance SPN, Buffy, OFMD, Hannibal and MANY MORE.)

I also have OC characters that are just DELIGHTFUL. *pats them lovingly on their heads*

I encourage you to take a gander, and if you like what you see, stick around. I promise you’ll be entertained, to say the least.



Lindsey S.

omg YOU did the drawing with them and the baby! That one's been hanging around my brain lately. The rest are stellar too. Happy to be here, no regrets!


Ugh i love your patreon so much youve no idea. But I have probably what's a very weird question. Did you do a piece where angel Crowley smooches Demon Azi or did I hallucinate/dream that up at some point? I could have sworn there was one, I remember it being in your style and I'm a complete sucker for your reverse omens (I hope we see more of it) but I can't find it anywhere. Am I crazy? Did I dream it?! 🤣