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From the bottom of my devilish heart, thank you so much for not only joining me on my mad journey to provide entertainment the best way I know how, but for being an AHMAZING community of artists, writers, fans and overall kind people that continually awe me.

I don’t participate too often in the chats (busy with work and adhd make me flop all around like a fish out of water on my socials) but I do read them. The kindness and support you show each other gets me right in the FEELS. My goodness!!! How dare you give me hope in humanity again??(You really do!)

So thank you, dear pigeons. I am very proud to be part of your tribe in this wonderful fandom! You bring me endless happiness!

Love, Gleafer

PS: yes that is me in a gorilla suit. It’s how I met my husband for his birthday lunch at work. Goblins gonna goblin.



