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You’re gosh darn right it is!

WINGZ made by the lovely writers and artists (me included!) of GOAD and the mods who did the heavy cat herding! Special thanks to the hubbers who was editor in chief!

Enjoy this glorious thing so we know if it’s worth making more!


GOAD Secret Project takes WingZ!

Itz HERE! Ladies and gentlemen, goblins and ghouls, and everyone in between. There might have been mention of a super secret project involving smut and wingz and such, and we're not going to hold it...



omg just reading and I just had the BIGGEST "awwwww!!!!!" moment when whoever did the poster about the orgy organised by Mrs Sandwich adopted my HC first name for her of "Rosemary Sandwich" which I first used in Seamstress of Soho (then in Incubus of Soho) - I explained why I settled on choosing the name Rosemary or Rosie, because Neil hadn't given us a first name for her in canon. It's due to her being a "seamstress" - which stems from Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld books - the "seamstress's guild" is the Ankh-Morpork guild for sex workers. "Seamstress" was the euphemism that Terry used for them. Head of the Seamstress's guild of Ankh-Morpork, and most famous "Seamstress" of them all, was Mrs Rosemary Palm, or "Rosie Palm" (pun on rubbing one out - "seeing Rosie Palm and her five daughters" was euphemism for self-pleasure with your own hand.) And so I thought it'd be a nice homage to that to give Mrs. Sandwich the first name Rosemary in honour of Rosie Palm from another of Terry's universes. I just find it so adorable and affirming to see so many people in the fandom just read that and went "yup, that works, we're using it unless Neil tells us otherwise". I pointed out that if/when Neil does give us a canon first name for her, we can always say that Rosie is her professional name or vice versa ;) It's one thing coming up with a headcanon, but it's adorable when other people agree with it! <3
