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Hi guys!

It's been a while since I released an animation, so I figured who better to feature than Angie, the new protagonist from "'Growing Thunder"!

To be honest, I've been struggling to improve my workflow for animations, which is why I've been focusing more on sequences lately. They're new to me and I find them really enjoyable.
Because of this, I'll be making animations less frequent due to their repetitive nature and the constraints they put on creative freedom—at least until the technology advances.

I know some of you really enjoy these animations, so I don't plan on dropping them entirely, but it might take some time before I can truly make progress in this area :)

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this one and see you in a few days for the cover reveal of the next comic!

Take care!





I admit I'm one of those that like animations, but don't force yourself if it's becoming a chore for you or if you feel you don't have fun doing them. Or, you could always find a way to have fun with them. You could try a different angle, like from behind and focus on ass expansion. Or from another angle, like from the side. Or you could do something different. Let's take Angie for example. The scene where she was touching the TV and got expanded? That could make for a sweet short animation. Or, hey, your animations don't always have to be about transformations. When Angie was fully expanded after touching the TV, and resting on the couch, fondling and squeezing her big breasts, those two panels could possibly make for an animation too. I want to say "easy", but I actually have no idea, heh. Or, something else you could do, one day, maybe you could make a collab with an animation artist you like? That could be fun, if it's something you maybe want to do. Anyways, it seems that, currently, doing animations is something you enjoy less than doing sequences or comics, your current tools seems to be limiting you and it feels you don't have the creative freedom to do things the way you would want. And, while I would love to see more animations from you, don't force yourself, okay? Do them because you want to do, and if you prefer to avoid doing them for the time being, or doing them, but rarely, that's perfectly fine. Art shouldn't be forced or rushed. Have a good day!