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An added favor

"We'll head back now. Boss, whenever you finish resting, please visit the headquarters. Elder is familiar with the subordinates guarding the lane."

"Sure, Doug. You guys did great considering the situation. Not only did you handle yourselves well but you ensured Mr. Thomas and his family remained safe. This Boss is very pleased indeed. Singh, Chong, you have both assisted Doug admirably. Hans, Fole, I look forward to seeing the foot soldiers you trained. Green, your cunning ideas are worthy of Ming. Now, however, is not the time to become complacent."

Chu said while nodding in satisfaction. He then continued,

"When Elder regains his honor and strength to walk the streets of Frost City freely, our task will become complete. As for rewards, haha, you all should harbor no doubts as to what it will be..."

"Boss, we have only done what you asked. As for aiding Elder, that deserves no reward. Ever since he opened the world to us, this is considered filial piety. When we received the letter about you rushing back to the farm, the six of us already decided. Even if we lost you and everyone else, we would sacrifice our lives if need be, to raise Elder's status and help in his revenge."

"Haha, well said, but now things have changed for the best. We should be in a great position so we don't require sacrificing our lives. Tomorrow we will continue adding to the suffering of a few while squeezing the vice down on others."

Chu stood up and clasped his hands to offer a token of gratitude to these young men. As Doug said, if it wasn't for Mr. Thomas, then maybe Lin might not have been the only one contemplating power. Chu organized the manpower of the farm into divisions to pursue different goals. Mr. Thomas, and Mrs. Thomas, however, fostered the spirit of family and belonging.

With around two months of travel separating them, Doug and his group did not need to remain loyal. With there skills and experience from traveling to the Capital, they could have created the Behemoth Gang with themselves as rulers. On the arrival of Mr. Thomas and his party, they also wasted a golden opportunity to hand him and his family over to established, high ranking nobles and merchants for favors.

"Thank you, Boss. For us, we have never once considered abandoning our true home and family. Goodnight Elder."

Doug smiled as he returned a solemn bow to Chu and then one to Mr. Thomas. Singh and the others solemnly followed his example before they exited the door. For the six of them, all their pent up frustrations and rage vanished on seeing the boy. The mountain load of worry vanished because the Boss had finally arrived.

And he had not come alone...

"Wait for us Doug. This one will join you outside."

Dyna said while following them outside. Chong reflexively remained to hold the door open for her to stroll through. Sakura cast a wry smile to Chu before rising from her stool to step behind.

With the major discussions over, Amanda dragged Miki and Lucy into the smaller bedroom with Ishara in tow. The Hakkim had long discarded her mask to display her otherwordly beauty. She had grown accustomed to the side glances cast by these unknown companions. Even Mr. Thomas received an elbow from his wife for sneaking a few peeks.

Sue called Sally and Brella to help place a mug of warm water on the table for Chu and the others. She then pulled Hope and the younger group to the girl led conference in the smaller bedroom.

Chu sipped his water while chatting with the husband and wife on their journey and arrival to Frost City. Naturally, the topic of conversation kept circling back to the talisman tattoo. Not only had the boy managed to successfully imprint an Ancient Talisman but he spouted a hope induced claim. The enticement of Mr. Thomas being able to once again join the ranks of Sersen nearly caused the man to faint.

If Mr. Thomas knew that not only could Chu successfully created a Sersen from an Ancient Talisman but even modify it to nine times the strength, he would definitely fall into a coma. The boasts from Ming didn't help either since Mr. Thomas felt the need to strangle this insensitive bastard.

Since the small shack appeared filled to capacity, Chu decided he would sleep outside on top of the wagon. Barring the smell of the slums, the novelty added to his decision. He could cross off his bucket list with the goal of sleeping in the slums of an ancient medieval city.

"Wait. Before you go, I have a favor to ask."


Chu lay on his weatherproof sleeping bag courtesy of the barrel worm. When they constructed this makeshift cage to keep curious eyes away from the wolves, he ensured the flat roof above was covered by boards. No amount of sleeping bags or furs could whittle away the discomfort of tossing and turning on iron bars or strips of wood.

Summer yet had one month to go, so the cloudless heavens and warm night created the perfect atmosphere for sleeping outdoors. Even if Doug didn't claim full protection over the slums, the four-legged companions resting outside the open cage deterred any criminal minds.

"What do you think, Ming?"

Chu asked the boy resting beside him. The teen had one leg dangling down the side of the wagon as he sprawled out.

"I smell something like tallow, with a hint of moldy bread and a splash of piss. The smell is not that overwhelming, probably because Chong began that clean-up drive in the sewers. I heard Hans complaining about it earlier."

Chu snorted while jabbing an elbow at the encroaching mass. Ming slept like Dyna in that they both tried to occupy all the terrain within rolling distance. With an oomph, Ming shifted himself to lie facing the heavens while clasping a pair of calloused hands behind his head. His black eyes locked onto the stars twinkling above.

"Mrs. Thomas has always been forthright. We traveled here to help Mr. Thomas gain revenge for his fallen companions and his family. The family of Mr. Thomas is his wife and daughter. Mrs. Thomas asked you for a favor to help her own family. I think she wants to make it clear that even though some of the matters are intertwined, this and that are two different things."

"Mrs. Thomas doesn't want us to take up additional burdens. From what you said, Chu, she asked a favor so you could help or choose not to depending on the situation. Mr. Thomas's business comes first, and then if possible, we can also help her family."

Lucy added after Ming voiced his opinion. She lay on the other end of the roof with Chu sandwiched between them. Dyna and Sakura had headed out with Singh so he could drop them off to bunk with Daisy at the church. Amanda had latched onto Miki for the raven-haired girl to act as translator for Ishara. Presently. the three of them lay on the roof of the caged wagon while trying to nod asleep.

Chu turned to see the blue eyes on the unblemished face gazing at him. A fragrant scent drifted into his nose while bringing with it the freshness of Spring.

"I guess it has to do with etiquette. But even if she didn't ask, I would have yet helped. Sue and Sakura began on the correct footing so all we have to do is build on the foundation. Who knew Mrs. Thomas had such a past."

"Yep, no wonder she knows so much about nobles and their customs. Her assistance in preparing to impress the six houses of the Capital when they visited our farm was valuable."

Chu sighed on listening to Lucy's words.

Beth Willows...

"It seems like we will have to gather more information on these Ancient Clans. Besides sorting out the problems of Mr. Thomas we also have to contend with the Bloodnight Society and the clash of the Ancient Clans."

"You really know how to sum it up nicely, Chu. Something tells me you're going to be working me to the bone in this city..."

Ming exhaled before turning on his side.


Chu probably only received an hour's rest before morning. Rising as the sun casts its rays onto the roof, he washed with a bucket of water before entering the shack. Inside the crowded room, Sue and Mrs. Thomas bustled between the kitchen and the single table. The occupants around the table were already engaged in chatter.

"Crud, Lucy. Some friend you are. You left me all alone and snuck out to join Chu. Big Sis questioned me for the entire night. I even had to light a candle to translate words from our dictionary book between her and Ishara. Do you know what's the most important organ for a crack shot ranger? My eyes Lucy, my eyes that spent hours straining under a flickering candle searching through your notes."

Miki complained while pointing at her bloodshot eyes. Underneath them also hung a pair of dark-colored, tired bags. On her shoulder sat a metallic bird busily preening itself. A fist thumped the raven-haired girl from above, as a young woman with golden hair sat down next to her.

"You can really work that mouth when you're ready, Miki. Last night you rattled on and on so much that you didn't even know when Lucy disappeared."

"Sister Miki talked for the whole night. I listened to her adventurers from returning to the farm to entering the forest."

"So you were awake in that bed, huh. I see you've been learning well how to pretend."

Amanda looked to the little girl who playfully pouted in response while nibbling on a slice of bread.

"If you prefer to rest for today, I can visit Doug to organize a larger place. This shack was already crowded before you arrived."

Mr. Thomas said to the approaching boy.

"I could do with a little rest after our travels but I want to visit Doug first and make arrangements. Once we have all settled, then we can begin our operation. For now, information gathering is enough."

Chu replied as he dipped a piece of broken bread into his small bowl of vegetable stew. Savoring the taste of Sue's cooking, he continued.

"Tonight Hans will take Ming around the nearby districts so he can familiarise himself. Miki will join Sakura to view the operations of the information network. If Doug can find a hideout suitable for us by tonight, I can look forward to a good night's rest."

"Okay, sounds good enough. It's better to unwind and relax after traveling on long journeys. When you're ready to go, let me know. I feel like I've been cooped up for ages."

Mr. Thomas replied.

A knock came from the door. Mrs. Thomas answered it as she stood nearby. With her family around she had nothing to fear, especially with three wolves outside.

A redhead and a brunette entered chatting.

"You can't go around telling a young lady she has good childbearing hips, okay? Think about it, it just doesn't sound like a compliment."

"But it was Sakura. I heard Ms. May once gossiping about it in the kitchen. It's supposed to be a good thing. I don't see why Daisy should blush so much when I said it."

"Of course she would blush, you idiot. You told her it in front of Singh when he came to pick us up. Sometimes I wonder about you, you know..."

A hand rested on Dyna's shoulder, interrupting their conversation. The redhead looked up to see Mrs. Thomas smiling down at her.

"So, you have also gained a Sersen ability to know which unwedded lady possesses child-bearing hips. It seems like your years of etiquette training requires some polishing, young lady..."



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