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Battling against an invincible foe

The death of the wolf demon lifted the terror overhanging the goblin race. Free from that calamity which prowled and depopulated entire villages, the goblins began the process of reclaiming their lost territory. Thinking about it while stepping into the small clearing, Chu realized how little he grasped of the world around him.

Back then, he had cheered Clod as the boy unleashed his vengeance against the demon beast. Sure the creature terrified him, but, he had likened his fear to a person within a film who encountered a werewolf for the first time. The wolf demon displayed a keen sense of intelligence, fortitude, and overwhelming power. Yet, its life ended like any normal beast of the animal kingdom.

Only when Simon explained to them about the sheer danger did he begin to understand the fear for the carcass which lay in his barn. Later, from the attitude of the Military, information gleaned reading books, and the arrival of Mr. Thomas increased his knowledge. All later supported the deciphered books in the ruins that spoke of the horror associated with a rare demon beast.

Entering the rickety palisade, Chu scanned the round wooden huts and weeded ground. A few curious goblin families peeped out from behind the small open doorways.

Chu knew that most of the male goblins from this tribal village currently labored as woodcutters for his defensive project.

Even so, if this village numbered over two hundred goblins with the hired woodcutters included, it amounted to plenty. He noticed most of their gazes seem to gravitate to the fair-haired girl walking beside him.

"We really have a lot to learn about the planet we live on, Lucy. Why do you think they stare at you?"

Chu asked like a master inquiring of his disciple. When it came to philosophical questions or ideas relating to society, he and Lucy shared the same wavelength. Except for Sakura who rarely adventured, philosophy was wasted on his other carefree companions.

"The Shaman said all the goblin tribes know that a yellow-haired, blue-eyed human girl defeated the demon beast. All of them know the girl who accompanies the devil wearing the goblin armband defeated the nameless terror. She said even before the Chief Elders named Pug the Goblin Champion, word went out that I bear the power of the wolf demon."

"Yes, wolf demon. But have you ever grasped the meaning behind those simple words of the Shaman? Can you imagine the fear which that demon beast imprinted onto this race? A fear so strong, it actually forced the northern tribes to migrate south."

"If so, are you saying that back then, we started a chain of events? You know, like what you once spoke about?"

"Exactly so. Ever since I saw that stuffed taxidermy representation in the tower ruins, I felt we probably used up most of our luck when we survived the real one. Remember the Kurat? I dare say, Lucy, I have a frightful thought budding in my mind concerning demon beast evolution. As for this matter, can you imagine the work of terrified children once triggered the goblin migration? What a good one for the history books."

Chu replied. Pausing at the front of the larger rectangular hut, He could understand how vulnerable the goblin tribe lived and survived within the forest. Unless the Shaman summoned the entire race or enacted the deadly goblin tide, the tribes had to content themselves by eeking out an existence.

Watching the Chief hobble out from the hut while holding the customary gnarled wooden staff, he sighed. Secretly, he thanked the heavens for establishing a balance. If the goblin tribe had flourished within the forest, then who could live to gauge the endless potential of a Goblin Tide? Chu watched the chief round eyes peer at them from over a pimpled long nose.

'Have I set in play another performance by supplying the goblin race with easily available food?'


The discussion with the chief concluded well. The party spent the night in the goblin village, roasting an entire wild boar caught by Dyna. By morning, Chu received two large pouches of chipped obsidian and the assurance from the Tribe leader for continuous bilateral trade. The focus on the sign-language discussions centered on extending the contract for the woodcutters and also to provide young seedlings from the Maple-like tree for cultivation.

Securing a cargo precious to even the Tower Mages, within his leather backpack, he bade the pleased Chieftain goodbye. After journeying for the entire day, he braced a few of his party members while making camp for the night.

"Ming, empty out your pockets and hand over the obsidian stones that goblin scout gave you. No way I am going to let you travel to Frost City with them. Second only to our talisman production, if the Tower finds out about our obsidian source, chaos will begin."

"But Chu, if I pawn it away in the alleys, no one would know."

"Hell no. We can pawn gems, food, and even yourself, but not this. The cornerstone of our talismans lies in our superior ink, smooth paper, and an advanced printing press. This is so important that I plan on dismantling and hiding the stamping plate before we leave for Frost City. Prying eyes, if they appear, must never discover our secret."

Chu explained. Satisfied in shaking down Ming, he turned to the raven-haired girl preparing the fire.

"Give me one good explanation as to why you sold half your rations for that gnarly wooden staff."

"Hehe... did you forget about Rugol's wooden spear called Gugnir? I plan to portray this staff as a goblin treasure called Firecaster. Can you imagine how much those mages will shed for this legendary item in the city? A little rumor here, a tall-tale there, and gold will come raining in."

"Why does this taste like Ming had a hand in it? Do what you want then. I refuse to believe this is how weapons earn their fame in history."

Shaking his head, he stooped down to deposit the received pouches in his bag. While doing so, his eyes fell on Lucy between the trees. The girl beckoned him by waving her hand while raising the finger of her next to her lips. Watching her signals, the campsite turned silent as the three of them followed the girl in silence.

Lucy led them to the end of the low ridge and completed her steps by crouching and crawling behind a large uprooted log. Dyna and the two wolves already secured a position while peeking over. Chu learned from example as he found a suitable position and raised his head. His eyes widened before his head sped back down.

He looked at Lucy as his mouth formed the voiceless words

"Bloody hell!"

Boosting his morale with a few short breaths, he raised his head a little more confidently to study the scene.

At the far end under this low hill, an animal lay on its stomach while chewing in content. Ever so often, its bloodied tongue caressed along the long meaty bone held between the pair of ripping paws. Casually, a wicked claw tore across the tendons to snag a chunk of severed flesh. The mangled cut soon disappeared between the ferocious teeth.

Chu signaled to the others to circle for a meeting while the wolves kept an eye. The silent discussion provided him with added information.

"It's downwind from us. We can leave without being noticed."

"That's my deer it's feasting on. I told you we should have killed that snobbish buck."

"Blitz attack. I can shoot it in the ear."

"The goblin village is not that far away. Who knows if it might wander in and attack them."

"My deer, Chu. The bastard is eating what should have been mine."

Chu shifted himself to view the beast again. The real-life image before him somewhat caused the one imprinted in his mind to pale. The jaws on this one seemed much larger. The thick furs on the body bore numerous scars with a particularly fierce one crossing the right eye. The coal-black pupil of that eye appeared like an island floating on an ocean of blood. Ripples emanated from the powerful bulky paws as they moved and ended at the massively muscled hump between the shoulders on the broad back.

The claws, teeth, and scars indicated this hardy Snowbear possessed a vast wealth of combat experience.

Frowning, Chu contemplated for a suitable decision. On one hand, they could simply ignore this tank-like predator and slip away unnoticed. Then again, they could engage in a battle to test their current strength and coordination. But should he take the risk?

He signaled to Miki while pointing at her crossbow. To the others, he indicated them to prepare for battle. Dyna mentioned about the goblin village. Yes, his relations with the goblins were friendly but to him, it had yet to approach the point for him to risk his life. Their stage remained at the level of business and providing food. The real reason to attack lay in conquering his fears.

Apart from the wolf demon, the Snowbear occupied his listing as the first truly horrifying beast he encountered in this world. Chu discerned when he began training with Mr. Thomas that a split second of paralysis of fear meant the difference between life and death. Such was the times he lived in.


Miki moved first. While the massive predator cracked and slurped on the marrow bone of its conquest, she materialized about ten feet away. Her approach had been quick, near-silent, and ended with the strumming of the released weapon. The crossbolt seemed destined to pierce into the bloodshot eye when the snowbear tilted its head. With a muffled thump, the iron stuck into the fur of the matted cheek.

The devilish eye, however, glared out towards the source of the disturbance. A low reverberating growl spewed from its twisting and fang-bearing mouth.

"Miki, fall back."

Chu shouted to the unmoving girl while jumping over the log to encircle the beast. He had fought enough wild animals to ascertain this foe possessed that uncanny sixth sense gained from experience. Miki might have conducted a surprise attack but with a slight movement, a critical attack switched to a little scratch.

His shout woke the girl from a brief stupor as she flitted away to a safe distance. Chu watched the mountain of muscle slowly rise as the predator seem to ignore the gathering circle of adversaries. The terrible head turned sideways to lock a disdainful eye at him.


The word popped immediately into his mind. The brief period of immobility falling on Miki confirmed his thoughts. Like the vampire bats with their sonic attack or the variant boars with their charge, this creature possessed unknown abilities. If a yawning grumble could have that effect, then what would an angry roar cause?

"Careful, beware of its growl. Ranged attacks only. Titans, go!"

Their coordinated strikes matched the haphazard movements of wasps delivering their stings from a distance. Against the thick hide and muscled composition of the Snowbear, however, it matched flies roaming around an ignorant horse.

After the first barrage, Chu realized he found a worthy foe. The Snowbear seemed to understand they only aimed for its head. With little shakes of its head, the bolts missed their mark. When Chu summoned his courage to blink closer, the Snowbear literally hopped towards him as if charging. He could only fire his bolt as he made a speedy escape. When he used his skill to run, he saw the beast switch it's rush to Ming instead.

"Don't venture closer, it's also playing with us. He has a fake charge and I dare say he is hiding his true speed when swiping with his front paws."

"Chu! He's looking at you... run!"



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