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An innocent child

Zubyia followed the small party as they trudged through the trees. Ever so often, a supple branch from the sprouting springtime hedges slapped his long nose as the human in front, tore through a thicket. The goblin realized the action seemed unintentional since the older human always spun back to offer words of apology. From their numerous interactions in the lumberjack camp, Zubyia knew this woodsman called Jim possessed a straightforward and easygoing soul.

The younger but tougher looking human waving and signing away nonstop with the Goblin Elder, however, caused the vein above his left eye to throb. Unlike the devil residing on the farm, Zubyia ranked this stumpy-bearded fellow on the same level as the Goblin Champion. They both possessed a streak of bravery and courage but it couldn't mask the fact they remained idiots.

The wiry goblin scout leading the party soon brought them into a clearing in the forest. A shallow, gurgling stream ran next to it as the clear splashes bounced over smooth rocks and round pebbles. The distant chopping from the lumber camp could barely be heard.

Pointing to a tree, the leading scout began a series of miming in front of the watching audience. The short goblin pointed, hugged the tree, and also portrayed his thoughts using his tongue, and various facial expressions. At the end of the charade, the scout used his dagger to chop into the bark of the tree.

"Are you saying to taste this?"

Ming asked while staring at the sharp wound on the tree. A golden brown sap slowly oozed out from the trunk. He accompanied his words by pointing to the viscous liquid and then his exposed tongue. The miming scout, the pair of goblin fighters, and the Goblin Elder all nodded in approval.

"Maybe you should let me try. If anything happens, it's easier for you to carry me back to the farm."

Jim said while watching the bark. What might be good for the goblins might not be palatable for them. Take for instance the meats from the Jaga and other wild predators of the forest. The goblins cheerfully cooked and consumed it while humans would have become poisoned. As a trapper, Jim knew of the risk of eating or drinking from unknown sources in the Great Forest.

"It's ok, I have a bottle of antidote with me in my first aid pouch. A small taste shouldn't do much damage."

Before Jim could discourage the teen, Ming already dipped a finger onto the sap and sucked it into his mouth. Narrowing his eyes and scrunching his brows, he stood still for a moment until his eyes shot wide open. The expression caused the Goblin Elder to nod like an advising sage in satisfaction.

"It's sweet Jim, just like honey. There is a tangy taste at the end but it's also good. Hand me a wooden cup, I want to take some of it home. Maybe I should try it some more to make sure."

"Don't even think about it. Who will drag your sorry behind if this sap spreads like a slow-moving poison? Antidote potions don't cure all poisons, you know."

Jim retorted. Unlike Miki and Dyna who truly conducted themselves like experienced hunters, this boy operated like a rookie. Even during the journey, his mouth refused to shut when even a child would know to travel in silence within the forest. Now, here he was, dipping his finger again and again to sample the thick sap.

The goblins and the human continued their charades while the scout circled his dagger around the trunk to maximize the flow to the cup. While Jim mussed on why he didn't bring along Root or one of the other lumberjacks, Zubyia held on to a different train of thought. Shaking slightly on the sidelines with a throbbing vein, the little goblin translator finally exploded.

"If you didn't need a translator, then why did you drag me for nearly half a day across the forest...!"


A week later, Chu sat on the mutishot platform overlooking the western gate. Not too far in the distance, the instructions of Elder Pick to a group of diggers floated towards his ears. Worths had completed his surveys, so Pine issued Elder Pick the green light to begin the trenches. Soon these would take the shape of the foundations for the outer wall.

He nodded within his head on watching the men burrow down deep into the earth. Any demon beast who decided that digging a shallow tunnel would breach his walls would end up sorely disappointed. With the battlements eight feet thick, his defenders had more than adequate room to deal with such foes.

Next to him, a little girl, about five, sat with her feet dangling and swinging on the edge of the platform. Golden hair cascaded behind the shoulders of her one-piece white frock. Every now and again, her little fingers sent the carved palette topped with the hardened candy into her mouth. The action caused her blue eyes to shut while her face curled up in bliss. Reluctantly, she pulled it out again as her tongue savored the aftermath.

"Brother Chu, this lilipop tastes divine! How did you even think of making this! All you did was add heat to that thick sap in a pot."

The girl asked while her tongue exited her lips to steal another lick. Chu smiled as he ruffled the head of the girl.

"It's a lollipop, and I made it just for you."

Since the day Ming returned with a cup of the liquid, Chu figured this might be similar to harvests like Maple syrup on earth. So far, the only sweetener he stumbled across was honey from marble-sized bees. This new discovery scraped his plans to rear the dangerous insects. He already informed Jim to mark the tree and investigate on any means of propagation.

Unlike Ming who wasted resources, Chu had summoned Zubyia. He learned goblins called the tree the 'Sustainer' because although it didn't fill their stomachs, they could survive. The golden liquid could tide a starving goblin and replenish his strength. During the harsh winters, goblins also ate the hardened sap to survive.

Instead of the goblins who used any random tree they discovered, however, Chu envisioned a grand scheme of hundreds of acres. After learning how Sakura wrote of her implementation of glass in Limerock, he secretly planned to corner a distribution market. Soon he would have glass jars. All he required was a product to initially wow the hearts of nobles. This was because he expected the first glass products to cost a fortune.

Or products.

He could cultivate large acreages south of his farm and also have the goblins join in growing trees within the forest. As the sole link between the goblins and humans, he could control and monopolize any trade. Even if anyone discovered and tried to compete with him, he could bankrupt them by lowering the prices for a short time. He had enough skilled workers who could manage this business while he adventured. His thoughts became interrupted by the interjections of the approaching teen.

"Hey, hey, it wasn't your brother Chu who discovered that syrup you know. Your big brother did all the work. Who braved the wild beasts in the forest to bring you back some more?"

"Thank you, big brother, Ming. Big Brother Ming is the best!"

"Hehe... Only little Hope knows how great her big brother is. Don't let the others fool you ok. Your big brother will always be the best!"

Grinning, Ming whistled along his way to the nearby watchtower.

"Brother Ming is really kind at heart but Sister Dyna and the others work him hard because he makes so many mistakes. Not everyone can be as smart as Brother Chu."

The little girl smiled while watching the boy depart along the southern rampart. Her eyes fell on a man sitting alone outside the fence.

"Uncle Lye looks so sad again today. I think I will go cheer him up. Yin said he tested this syrup and made sure it was good for us."

"Uncle Lye?"

Chu muttered while following the girl's gaze. He didn't recall anyone called Uncle Lye. When he focused on the man he then remembered the face. This uncle Lye was the last remaining member of the bandits Ming had brought back. When Ming returned with the first batch of syrup, Uncle Lye had also been the one to test it. Only afterward did he regret his decision since the man occupied a key position in an ongoing experiment.

"Yes, I went down a few evenings with Dyna to deliver dinner. He didn't speak much at first but then he started crying one time. After that, he talked a little. Did you know Uncle Lye lived a life like how Lucy said you all lived before? He was even braver than brother Ming."

"Oh, how come?"

Chu asked the girl her opinion.

"Well, Sister Lucy once told me a bedtime story of how Brother Ming wanted to become a bandit when he lived in the slums. Uncle Lye had the same dream and bravely decided he would do it. Now that he thought back on those times, he said he regretted it. I feel sad for him, though."

"Why? Bandits are bad people who will hurt anyone."

"Uhuh, they are bad, but I still feel sad about Uncle Lye. It is because Uncle Lye is not as lucky as Brother Ming. If Uncle Lye had found Brother Chu, he would have never become a bandit. Brother Doug once said, if it wasn't for Brother Chu and Elder Thomas, they would have become lowly bandits. Uncle Lye never had a choice."

Hope blinked her blue eyes at Chu while popping the candy into her mouth. removing it with a departing lick, she then continued.

"Bandits are bad but I think brother Chu can change them. Did you know I woke up the night when someone was screaming? I cuddled up with Yin but I was frightened. All I kept thinking about was if it was someone I knew. Brother Chu, I don't like hearing horrible wails, it makes me scared."

Chu wrapped his arm around the girl and hugged her. Looking at the lonesome figure down below, his heart softened. Recalling his adventurers, he frowned. Certainly, he could have handled some events differently. Since spilling human blood, he treating this world as if living a fantasy or Xiania novel.

One day, would he really arrive at the stage where he would massacre an entire family by the roots?

Looking at Uncle Lye, he cracked a sad smile. On earth, there occurred numerous situations where medication, herbicides, and even food, all once thought to be beneficial became the center of controversy. Side effects ranging up to cancer had companies bracing for lawsuits.

Could what he did to Uncle Lye be compared to this?


Killing to defend himself, he could justify since he did not plan to have a knife in his back, but not much else. He turned to the innocent girl beside him.

"So what does little Hope think we should do to bad people who want to rob us?"

The girl twisted her lips and raised an eyebrow for a while before looking at him.

"Sister Lucy says Brother Chu is the shrewdest man in the Empire. Brother Chu knows everything about gold coins. Can't brother Chu use gold coins to defeat bad people? I've seen how humble and pitiful Brother Ming looks when he goes begging for coins..."


"And what about the people who want to fight us?"

The little girl raised her head proudly before answering.

"Then Brother Chu has no choice but to protect me..."



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