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"The Cork farm is deserted. I found blood stains in the hall and bedrooms."

Ming rode up to the wagon and yelled to the driver. The four horses continued to labor and pull the wagon through the knee-high snow. The wind whipped around them while the falling snow lowered the visibility to under a hundred feet. A shadowy figure bounded towards them jumping and swimming in the white ocean.

A cloaked girl muzzled under a tightly wrapped scarf clambered next to him.

"I can't scout very far when the weather is like this. The wind also makes it hard for the wolves to find a scent."

Dyna said while tugging the scarf from over her mouth.

"Lead the way to the Cork farm. We'll wait out the storm there and also allow Miki time to recover. The horses deserve a rest so prepare it warm and cozy for the night."

Chu ordered. They had covered a considerable distance in four days considering the state of the road. The journey in the height of winter placed them in a precarious situation. Miki lay inside the cage nursing a fever from catching the common cold. He and Dyna had only recovered yesterday while Ming began showing signs of sniffling today.

To make matters worse, a blizzard caused them to hunker down early yesterday and showed no signs of abdicating. Chu had taken advantage of a lull to resume travel since morning but the winds indicated another storm loomed on the horizon. Luckily at midday, they found a familiar place.

"Check the barn and secure a clean place for the horses. Lucy, scout the surroundings."

In a few hours, they huddled in a section of the barn with the horses munching on bales of hay. A large fire along with torches and lamps brought from the house provided light and much-coveted warmth.

"I found bones on the other side of the stables, probably from the horses. They didn't leave many remains in the house either. Bitzers really earn the right to be called demon beasts."

Ming reported.

"Let's see how the weather pans out. If it eases before nightfall we will make a break for home."

"I won't forgive them. I'll hunt them down."

"Don't worry. I'm sure Clod and the others are ok. The farm has plenty of places for them to climb out of reach."

Chu consoled the little redhead leaning next to him. What he didn't mention to her was the information Ming told him in Karst. The scouts who discovered the overrun villages never bother to check the surrounding farms. The garrison commander in Karst did not send patrols to search for survivors but reinforced the remaining villages. Even if a person climbed to safety, the lack of food, water, and the biting cold ensured his death.

After visiting Miki and checking her condition, Chu decided to spend the night in the barn. By tomorrow the storm should dissipate leaving him a full day to plow across the road towards home. Resting by the fire he could not help think he somehow had an affinity for a barn.

Not to mention, the conspiracy of withholding a cure for the common cold seemed to run across worlds...


The clear sky saw them rumbling across the banks of snow. On spotting the stationary windmill in the distance, the travelers hastened the pace. Chu had Dyna restrain the wolves at the idle blacksmith building for fear of the bear-traps. With trembling hands on the reins, the wagon rolled to a stop before the east gate.

Two middle-aged men with unkempt beards and wearing leather armor under a cape stared down suspiciously at him from above the gates. Another frazzled-looking man poked his head out from the watchtower casting him a wary look. One of the men standing on the platform near the gate eventually spoke.

"Who are you, what business do you have here?"

Chu was about to unleash Lucy to slap the man off his high perch when Ming rode up.

"Eh, Old Lyle? Why are you scowling at me in front of my gate? Do you want another beating like the one in the tavern? You have some balls keeping this young master out in the cold."

Ming shouted after removing the scarf from his face.

An hour later, Chu sat in his familiar chair inside the workshop. Clod, Bon and Halter stood behind him while opposite him on the table sat five men of varying ages. A tall man with a short, yellow-trimmed beard on a weatherbeaten face, clenched his fingers resting on the table while speaking.

"The demon beasts attacked us late in the night. Ever since the wolf demon episode in the village, the guards have always kept the gates closed during the nights. By the time the demon beasts broke into the village, the alarm had sounded. The survivors escaped to the upper floors of places like the inn and barracks while others climbed ladders to the roofs."

Captain Joss reported.

"How did you survive and end up here? The scout delivered a report to Karst that there were no survivors."

"The demon beasts remained until the late morning after the night attack, devouring our family, friends, and companions before our very eyes. We probably killed a hundred of them but the horde overwhelmed us. They attacked the towers relentlessly tearing the supports. The archers shot like rookies as if under a spell while my companions who defended with swords and iron spears died in unspeakable ways."

The man hands trembled on recalling the dreadful night.

"The majority of the horde left the village but about a dozen remained to prowl around. I don't think any riders escaped to Karst since the beasts massacred every living being, and turned our village into a lake of blood. In the evening, the garrison commander relayed a message across the roofs to the survivors. The guards, adventurers, and mercenaries in the village who survived launched an attack to break the siege. He and many brave fighters sacrificed their lives for us to reach this farm. My commander said this place would be the closest haven."

Chu twisted his mouth on hearing the report. No doubt the commander made this decision since he knew about the farm's reputation. The man had, after all, been paying him during the goblin skirmishes. When the scout from Karst arrived, the villagers already made their escape. Probably the man returned in haste without investigating further.

Discovering a village splattered and soaked in blood, Chu knew he would have done the same. He turned to the council he left in charge and pointed to the other men sitting beside the table.

"So, who are these guys?"

A cough interrupted him as one of the men folded his arms and spoke.

"I am Sweeto, the leader of the Bullhoof Mercenary group. We had escorted a merchant who died during our escape from the village. I represent two dozen fighters which include the surviving adventurers. As the largest fighting group, we have a say in decision-making."

Chu nodded at the burly, bald man wearing a fur and leather vest. His revealing muscular shoulders were riddled with scars from numerous fights. He then turned to face a thin and shrewd eyed man with a hooked nose.

"I am Drey, I represent the villagers since the chief died during the raid. We have the largest number of survivors and outnumber everyone on the farm. I have been demanding that the members of the farm open the Barnhouse for our use. It's ridiculous that such a large building remain unused. I have over two hundred villagers including farmers and able-bodied men from the slums."

A short stocky man in complete leather armor and iron breastplate rose from his chair while clasping his hands.

"Young master might not remember me but I once accompanied you and captain Simon into the forest. Later we visited you to make and collect deliveries. When all seemed hopeless, Master John wanted to break out to the farm but lost his life in the attempt. I survived with some brothers to lead them, my family and friends here. Please offer us shelter. This humble one is known as Styke."

"Ahaha, young farmer Chu, this old man is only here to offer his gratitude. When he knew about the raid, young Clod sent a message to my farm. Since then my family and I have been in your care."

Chu nodded as farmer Brown paid his respects. Mrs. Thomas always maintained good relations with the farmers in the village and Chu knew Clod would have tried to aid those who survived. The death of John, however, rattled him but he maintained his poker face. Grieving would come later.

He shot a stiff smile at Clod before turning towards the men at the table while drumming his fingers. Removing the Tower Mage token from his sleeve, he slapped it on the table. Eyes widened in fear as the travel experienced men scrambled from the table. Only farmer Brown and the ignorant village chief remained seated while looking at it in curiosity.

"Do you idiots know the meaning of dictatorship?"


Chu sat at the long table in the barn. The group gathered and surrounding him consisted of his companions he left behind. He had already pampered a host of babies securely bundled in thick furs before sitting with Yin and Hope on the side.

"So we lost Rile and his wife in the village."

"Yes, they decided to handle the village home and business during the winter. Master John also didn't make it."

Chu nodded silently, clearing his throat while controlling his emotions. These were companions he interacted with on a daily manner. Rile worked the fields with Clod while his wife acted as Sue's main helper. The little cook would be devastated.

"Have everyone here move into the barn since we are all family. Clod, tell Styke and Captain Joss to settle some of the villagers in the warehouse and mill. Let Sweeto handle security and organize the guards. Make sure the ones who stay there can climb easily."

"Ming, set up a roster for our guards on the towers. I only want our trustworthy men manning them. Halter, uncover our multishots and ensure they are ready at all times. Miki, organize the drills. Jim and Toll, handle the traps, Dareck, inspect the repeating crossbows..."

Chu rattled out commands to his members. Satisfied he leaned on the chair while thinking. Bon approached him before leaving and handed him a short round stick.

"I finished it. It works perfectly. Old Hodge has also created a thin and near snow-white paper. We haven't idled you know. And don't try to act tough brat."

The bald, round belly blacksmith paused and then whispered.

"You earned my respect Boss. When we learned of the village, I knew you would return."

Chu cast a stiff smile until his eyes focused on the item in his hand. Springing up, excitement sparkled in his eyes.

"Great, nothing less from men who hold the title of Grandmasters. Call Finn and fire up the forge because I have a stamp for you to make."


The four Bitzers stretched their taut muscles digging a path through the snow. The second-tier Bitzer leading the group raised its head sensing the surroundings. It then continued forward until bursting across a snowbank to the edge of a wide river. Slabs of ice collided against each other while floating south on the icy water. The Bitzer claws clicked on the stone bridge as it pushed forward. It paused near the opposite end while issuing a mournful howl.

The three, second-tier Bitzers following behind, parted to allow a hulking figure passage. If the second tier Bitzer approached the size of a tiger then this one exceeded it.

With bulging front muscles to rival the tone of a bodybuilder, the large beast stalked forward and clawed at the stained stones. Exposing the red slush beneath the recent white snow, the slits behind the front legs flapped open and closed. Its eye flashed open as if sensing the pain of its subordinates.

Turning its head towards the direction of the woods it raised itself on a pair of powerful hind legs and bellowed.

From the north of the woods, puffs of snow rose from the smooth surface as countless tunnels raced towards the bridge. The Bitzer stumbled forward on its two legs before darting off with blinding speed towards the woods. The tunnels arched and followed behind.

The goal of the evolved Bitzer lay in the west. Vengeance against a terrible, weak human who devoured its servants. A faint electrical trail led the way...


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