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A Crazy Experiment

A team of four horses pulled a long wagon across the road while the wheels crunched on the freshly fallen snow. A beggar's blanket of white covered the plains, with torn holes showing patches of dried shrubs and obstinate tuffs of green grass. The driver followed the recent trail of hooves from a cavalry squad meandering between the hills in the distance. Crumbling stone markers, ditches, and intermittent rows of hedges indicated the path on this journey.

On a desolate evening road, now only frequented by armed patrols and mercenaries escorting supplies, a lone wagon indeed created a rare sight. This was no mere wagon, however, and its occupants were no mere travelers.

A cloaked rider appeared over a hill in the foreground, wearing a black cloak easily spotted against the snow. Motionless like a solitary and forgotten statue, she waited for the enclosed wagon. When it rolled to a stop, she dismounted and tied her horse before opening the cage door at the rear.

Entering the iron cage enclosed by fastened layers of thick hides, she unwrapped her frozen scarf. A single oil lamp, hanging overhead shed light in the dark but warm caravan. A boy sat in one corner fiddling with a rectangular box while conversing with a girl sitting nearby. Lucy rubbed her hands before joining in.

"The cavalry heading to Karst on patrol has decided to make camp not far from here. I spotted their scout circling around the grasslands in the north. So far, I found no trails of demon beasts."

"The scout is probably Fletch, Ming will handle him. Dyna is guarding our rear, so she'll report in soon. Miki, prepare something for you and Lucy to eat, you've also been meditating since morning and haven't eaten. I am stepping outside to talk with Ming. When Dyna returns then we will join the camp."

Chu said on hearing Lucy's report. Since a week ago, he departed Limerock, following a Military cavalry deployment heading to Karst.

His companions on the journey consisted of proven combatants, hunters and experienced scouts. All children.

Dyna and Lucy handled scouting, Miki occupied the position of watch atop the iron cage, while Chu and Ming satisfied the requirements of close-range fighters. Against a raiding pack of Bitzers, they could only retreat inside the iron cage. A high-risk and foolish venture but the only alternative to worrying behind the walls of Limerock.

The Captain of the fifty or so horsemen welcomed them once they could keep up the pace. He did lower the speed since he recognized the importance of having expert scouts. Every evening a scout would circle around to contact them while exchanging information. Dyna's wolves covered a wider range than a human scout.

Chu flattened the light snow as he walked towards Ming who sat and stared at the open sky.

"I can't believe you changed Elder's mind to allow us to leave."

"He knew we had to return. We cant remain worrying over the farm, helpless within the city."

Chu replied. Mr. Thomas wanted to make the trip but Chu denied him. After a night of strategizing and planning, they decided on a suitable one. Chu would lead a party to the farm and ensure everyone's safety. Depending on the situation he could move everyone to Limerock.

Mr. Thomas would remain in Limerock until safe to travel to Frost City. Chu hoped to meet up by summer. Lucy's friend planned to journey to the city so they would travel along with her. Ming looked at the caped rider approaching them.

"I think so too. Hmm, that looks like Fletch riding over the hill. Do you have anything important for me to tell him?"


Chu inspected the wooden box to ensure the thick glass at the top didn't have any signs of cracks. With one week ride separating him from the city and the patrol set to camp for the night, he planned to conduct a little experiment.

"Nom, nom. You've been fingering that chest ever since we left the city. Is it that important?"

Ming asked while stuffing his mouth with a bite of bread and alternating it with another bite of sliced meat. He received a slap across the head from Lucy sitting at the side.

"Don't talk with your mouth full."

"Ah, I swear Lucy. You're getting more and more like Chu every day. It's only the three of us inside here anyway, just like old times. By the way, where are the other two?"

"Miki went with Dyna to dig for edible roots over the hill. The wolves are circling out on patrol. Come, give me that."

Chu broke in between them while calling over with his hands the greasy parchment of bread and roasted meat. Pulling out the kitchen knife he sliced open the loaf of bread and stuffed the meat inside it. Not finished, he cut a few thin slices of cheese and handed over the sandwich to Ming. The larger boy promptly took a bite.

"Ah, wow, amazing Chu. I have everything on my mouth, it tastes so good! How in the world do you come up with these mind shattering ideas?"

"Didn't Lucy say to stop talking with your mouth full?"

"But it tastes so good! And for half the work too!"

Chu shook his head while creating another sandwich for Lucy. He continued talking to answer Mings initial question.

"Yes, this is important. I'll let you in on a secret, halfstone tribulation is worth more than gold. Bring the two boxes with you, we need to do this outside."

The three of them squatted around the rectangular box with two chests placed on opposite ends some distance away. The wooden box was three feet long and one foot in height and width. On one side had two holes, sealed with a pair of long gloves made from the fabric of a waterproof cloak. The top had a transparent foggy lid made from a thick pane of clear crystal. On the bottom, an iron spike bored through the center, with half the length inside and outside.

Chu set the original creation on the ground, burying the metal spike into the earth. He opened the lid while removing two small wooden boxes thick but large enough to hold an engagement ring.

"Ming place a left eye halfstone in one box first and then open and place one from the right eye chest into the other box. Once the sealed lids are closed nothing will happen."

Ming swallowed the remainder of his dinner and followed his instructions. When he held the closed boxes containing the halfstones in his pair of hands with no signs of retribution, he turned to Chu with astonishment plastered over his face. The look vanished to a frown when he found Lucy and Chu standing about twenty paces away.

"If this was so safe then why are you two standing way over there?"

"Ahem, this is how you question your sworn brother and sister? You should be ashamed of yourself. Knowing you faced danger and didn't even have the courtesy to say stand back!"

"You bastards, you taking me for an idiot!"

"Hey, hey, place it in the box, the box, don't come running with outstretched hands here..."

Chu sweated as he closed the glass lid over the two boxes inside.

"Ok, fun and games are over. This is serious so both of you step back. Do you know what to do?"

"Yes. If I see the lightning escape out of the box and hit you, don't come over. Use this rope tied to your waist to drag you away from the box."

Chu nodded as he peered over the glass lid while fitting his fingers into the long gloves attached to the side-holes. He struggled using the cumbersome thick gloves before managing to open the lid of one of the smaller boxes. When he did the same to the other, a blue and purple light blazed behind the glass. The sparks which arched between the stones soon congregated on the iron spike in the center.

Fumbling for what seemed like an eternity, Chu grasped a halfstone in each gloved finger and moved them closer together. His fingers tingled on sensation but the insulator held firm. In a blinding light, the two spheres touched and melted together. Chu blinked while peering into the darkness.

A purplish marble lay on top of his gloved palm, with blue flickers dancing intermittently on its surface.

Chu removed his free hand from the glove while turning to Ming. Ignoring the shocked and curious faces he instructed them.

"I am going to open the lid. Same rules apply, if I faint or shiver, pull me away."

Waiting for their nods, Chu slowly opened the lid while controlling his excitement. Breathing heavily to steady his hand, he reached inside and touched the warm, complete lifestone with the back of his palm. Electrical warnings always mentioned never to grab a live wire since the current would contract your fingers making it impossible to let go.

"Something like that..."

He murmured.

Finding no response, he held the lifestone between his thumb and index finger up to the sky.

He felt like running around screaming or cackling with mad laughter. Choosing the latter, he released his euphoria until Ming dragged him away with the rope.


Chu returned to the wagon after speaking to the Captain while his blue robe swished over the snow. During the night the cavalry would allow them a spot within the bonfires under the protection of the night patrols. The passing soldiers provided a respectful bow as he walked by. Chu had spun a story of being an apprentice out on important Tower business.

Wearing the blue robes of an apprentice while waving around the token he stymied from Tye, he looked every bit of the part. Walking up to his caravan, he grabbed a long from the firewood basket hanging on the side and fueled the campfire burning under the open tent. The tarp made of stitched hide stretched from the top of the wagon to a pair of pickets on the opposite end. Around the fire burning in the center, circled two sleeping wolves.

Patting the head of the patroling wolf who trotted by, Chu hailed out before entering the enclosed cage.

"I reported to the Captain that we will be leaving camp a little late tomorrow so he didn't have to worry."

Chu said while rubbing his hands and breathing in the welcome warmth. The four occupants glanced at each other before turning to him.

"Chu, we were talking and we don't think this lifestone is of any use. We don't have the blood."

Ming whispered as he sliced a loaf of bread and stacked in cuts of meat and cheese.

Chu nodded and smiled. He reached out for a small leather saddlebag and pulled out a few pages.

"Why did you think Dyna practically lived in the Alchemist Guild? All I needed was someone to convert mana from the star field into spiritual energy. From tonight we are going to brew potions to increase our stars."

"But we only have about ten or so stones. Didn't you say using lifestones is practically like burning gold? It takes one lifestone to create one potion. We can't split that among us. And we don't know if we have equal left or right stones to make a complete one."

Miki reminded him. The few halfstones they harvested from the Bitzers in the villa might not provide much.

Her statement led to a chuckle from Ming. The large boy handed over the sandwich to her as he replied.

"No, need to fret Miki, I now understand why Chu made me pay to have those unscrupulous characters unbury and collect the halfstones from the Bitzers killed by the Limerock garrison and Military patrols. We probably have over fifty halfstones."

Miki received the sandwich while casting an admiring gaze causing Chu to feel uncomfortable. She bit into her sandwich.

"Mmmm, amazing! I don't have to worry about the sloppy grease on my fingers, and the taste is incredible! It's like the steamed bun in the farm."

Miki closed her eyes while chewing blissfully before continuing her praises.

"Ming, this is awesome! You're a genius! I..."

Her words barely left her mouth when she paused. She moved the sandwich from her mouth and frowned.

"Wait, that doesn't sound right?! You stole this idea from Chu?"


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