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The Perfect Gift

With the arrival of well-known, influential figures, the numbers in the hall swelled to over two hundred. The leaders of the Clans and Houses invited to this social gathering wasted no time in slipping in their promising talents. Chu's eyes twinkled since everyone brought a gift.

"Let me introduce you to Yu Sin. He is seventeen this year and serves as the assistant manager to the Blue Eatery. Most likely this grandson of mine would inherit this establishment. Coincidentally, he hasn't married yet..."

Patriarch Yu said while standing with Mr. Thomas by the wine table as they sampled the rare vintage. On the stage, a couple of women from the Main Houses gathered together in a circle of chairs.

"I have never witnessed such a lavish coming of age ceremony for a girl. Usually, something this big coincides with the girl marrying into a large Clan. The smiling faces can dazzle you like the sun."

"If I may, I have never seen such a beauty as your eldest daughter. I can imagine the troubles your husband faces in fending off the hundreds of suitors. A Noblehouse would beam in pride to retain such a daughter-in-law. From the looks of things, the two younger ones would also become matchless beauties."

"I agree. The girls radiate such loveliness while the boys seem to have no problems in socializing. You and Mr. Thomas should be proud."

Mrs. Thomas smiled while casting a gentle gaze at Amanda laughing within a circle of girls at the fountain. She remembered how her daughter spent her coming of age celebration, covered in grime while helping Mr. Thomas milk a cow. Her eyes turned to the young boy sitting comfortably at a table near the balcony, in heated discussions with a batch of wrinkled men. Mrs. Thomas herself had never experienced a celebration held in her name like this.

"These kids are companions who are related through friendship. My daughter has been lucky to find such friends."

Mrs. Thomas said.

Chu stretched, loosening the muscles on his back. Anyone would raise an eyebrow on seeing a teen sitting at a table accompanied with only white and gray-bearded figures. Like in his old world, shrewd businessmen never missed an opportunity.

"Apprentice Chu, surely you cannot deny the people. This mirror cannot be shouldered by one person alone since they cannot handle the large market."

"Elder Brook is correct, this can sweep across the Empire. I have never seen such a clear reflection."

"Very well, since you have graciously provided me with so much, I can hammer out the details another day. What about our business later? Will the arrangements be enough?"

"Yes, the manager has doubled the staff and food. Does this mean we are also invited? And what about what we discussed?"

Chu narrowed his eyes at these shameless leaders before sighing.

"Sure, I will have Sue invite the guests from the Guild, Tower and Churches Union over. You can continuing mingling on the hopes of catching an opportunity. As for approaching my Elder with marriage requests, you can try but don't grouse if you get turned down."

In the evening, Chu finally left the Blue Eatery. This time, however, more carriages followed then on the return trip. At the gate, a large banner with the words Birthday celebrations hung from the tree top while draping ones issued blessings under the recipients names. Torches lined the road, primed and ready for upcoming darkness.

On the open field before the villa, a long table filled with an assortment of food occupied a corner. Behind it, a dozen chefs worked their magic, preparing various dishes. An attendant rotated a skewered boar over an open fire pit. Circular tables and chairs with glimmering silverware had been set up nearby. A wooden stage filled another corner, filling the air with sounds of the harp and soothing music.

The wagons and carriages of the guest ended up parking in another field beside the overcrowded stables. Out under the shade of the trees, and in the open, yells and shouts sounded from all around.

"Aaah! Look at that wild beast... aaah, it has no chain... it's free...?!"

"Somebody help Franny, she just fainted!"

"Eeeeh! Such a huge wolf... can, can I pet it?"

"Not everyone can pet this one's wolf. How about a silver coin?"

Chu launched a chop on the redhead when he heard her talking while passing by. Dyna had introduced her wolves to the crowd but even with a pre-announcement, the sight of the large, unrestrained predators caused a commotion. Of course, Chu would never have them locked up away from the celebrations. Since he couldn't bring them to the restaurant, he organized the second part of the birthday celebrations at the villa.

Patriarch Yu already had the catering staff set up since they left in the morning as planned, as well as having them familiarise themselves somewhat with the dangerous creatures. At least now they only flinched and didn't run screaming when Dyna tossed half of a roasted bird to one who snacked it down.

Miki sat by a table surrounded by a circle of girls, young masters, and curious old men. In the middle of the table perched a glittering silver bird whose feathers ended in a faint reddish hue. The size of a parrot, it ignored the inquisitive eyes while preening its feathers. No one would think that the soft, downy-looking feathers were actually more like pliable iron.

"His name is Alicanto, a wise friend gave him to me as a present. Want to see something amazing? Who has a gold coin..."

'Silver? Gold? Can't they ask for a copper coin?

Chu spotted Ming among a group of young men, laughing and chatting loudly in a corner. Some were dressed in clothes befitting young masters from noble and merchant houses while some wore yellow and blue robes of scribes and apprentices.

"Young Master Ming, introduce me to your younger sister Lucy. This young master has mustered his courage."

"You mean you drunk enough Jellberry wine. Do you want both of us to return to this circle with broken legs? No, no, this good brother will spare us the pain. See that girl on the table with the short black hair sitting next to Miki? She has been glancing at you since you joined us..."

They grouped together near the long table holding the casks of wine and ale. Ever so often, a few of them would scatter individually towards the circles of girls formed from the academy and esteemed families from Limerock. Whether successful or not in their initial courting, the angelic laughter at the girl's table always increased.

Chu occupied the role as host of this gathering. He mingled around this crowd of birthday well-wishers, business opportunists, young suitors, and hungry intellects. He treated this more like a large convention. Like the manager of such a convention, he greeted and guided the relevant lost individuals towards their interest.

"Greetings esteemed Elder, this humble one is named Chu and am the host of this birthday celebrations. May I enquire your name, Senior?"

"Greetings, this one is called Healer Joss. Priest Silas sent a message to the Alchemist Guild for I and a few Senior Healers to follow the messenger. I haven't seen him..."

"Priest Silas? He is with Pillmaster Sue and other Alchemist at Patriarch Long's table discussing use of medicinal treatments for injured patients. It would be an honor to have such Senior Healers participate in an intellectual meeting. Patriarch Long's grandson is also with them..."

"Ah Pillmaster Sue is here? Where? I have a lifetime of experience in healing broken bones..."

Of course, before these men joined their companions, they always passed by the table occupied by Mr. Thomas to offer greetings. Chu's business this evening and tonight lay in pleasing the crowd while ensuring that his companions enjoy themselves to the fullest.

When dusk arrived, most gatherings like these would end but tonight Chu had another surprise.

He instructed the catering servants to bring out trays filled with small iron cans which looked similar to the base of an oil lamp. A small hole had been pierced in the metal cover at the top. These were placed on the center of the tables while a cylinder made entirely out of thin parchment paper bordered by a wooden frame was placed beside it.

"This is called an alcohol lamp, its perfect for summer outdoor celebrations and for family gatherings. This ideal is my birthday present dedicated to my companions..."

Chu held a candle to the top of the wickless can. Under the stillness of the summer night, a small blue flame flickered to life. He then placed the shade over it so any light breeze might not extinguish it. The glow might not seem much in the darkness but when the rest of the tables joined in, it became surreal.

The faint glows in the night cause some to clap, squeals from the girls and women who tried to light one themselves, and an uproar from the inquisitive old men from the Guild and the Academy. In the eyes of the socialites of Limerock City, this would turn out to be an unforgettable memory.


"Ahhh, I thought those old men would never leave. I had to convince Elder Shi more than ten times, that I would demonstrate this to them when I return to the academy. I swear the old man wanted me to make another impossible Blood Seal."

"You think you had it bad, Chu? I spent the entire night holding back those Young Masters from bothering Amanda and the others. Thank the heavens you diluted the wine. After all that stress, the Sersen of Lucy's friend jumped me with a boatload of questions. When I told him we knew General Kettle, the old man shamelessly took all the remaining alcohol lamps while telling me to lodge a complaint whenever we're in the Capital."

"I made the lamps so you and the girls can see something new. We'll show it to Clod and the others when we return home. This birthday present would have people remember your names in this city..."

Chu replied. The two of them sat on the ledge of the upstairs balcony overlooking the now empty field. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas had just waved goodbye to the wagon filled with the last of the caterers. Each one of them had received an extra gold coin from the host couple for an excellent job.

"Why are you stiffening like that? Is it because you ended up losing more than fifty gold coins tonight?"

A gentle voice from next to him asked.

"You're reading my mind now Lucy? It's ok, what is fifty coins to pay instead of over two thousand. We came out great today. Did you enjoy yourself?"

Chu asked the girl who joined them on the balcony. Lucy bit her lip in a cute way while nodding. She ran her delicate fingers through her loose wet hair, tossing it lightly behind her to dry from the bath. Chu bumped her softly with his shoulders.

"Once you enjoyed it. Since this marks our first time celebrating away from home, we had to make it special. Don't worry, soon we will return home to the others. I told Clod to also throw a good one this year at the farm."

Cough, cough.

"Ahem, well I think the bath water should be ready for me now. I am going to crash later on my bed. Don't wake me up early tomorrow Chu."

Ming glanced at the two of them while leaving them gazing at the stars. When he ducked his head in later, he found a line of chattering birds sitting on the balcony.


In a large villa outside of Frost City...

"This new gang has spread across the slum district with their tentacles occupying nearly half the shantytown."

"Larks, the head of the Vulture Gang has reported that they also took control of the two gambling dens in the Red Light district owned by the Guido Gang. It seems they clashed and defeated them within a month."

A thin tall man dressed in the uniform of a steward stood at the base of a stage in a large hall while reading from a scroll. Completing his report, he then looked up the wide steps towards the man sitting on a large throne-like chair at the top. The man resting his chin on a hand seemingly with a bored look, while the figures of two men stood behind him on either side, both shrouded in darkness.

The man on the chair finally sighed while leaning on the soft velvet backrest.

"Send a message to this new gang. Since their territory exceeds that of a petty gang, our creed states they have a right to join. Not even I can break the code with my power."

"Yes Milord but what about the leader of the Guido Gang? He was after all your cousin..."

The man narrowed his eyes while staring into the hall before replying.

"Guido might be my cousin but he was an idiot. Who names a large gang after themselves? The women in the brothels have all probably breathed in relief after learning about the death of Scar Stamping Guido. Don't think you can cover his exploits from me."

The man shot a glance at the steward causing him to flinch. Laughter then floated down from the stage making him shiver.

"But, like you said. He was family...."


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