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Wanted to wish you guys a lovely weekend and also fill ya in on what I've been up to! Quick spoilers: I got a haircut 💇‍♀️! But don't worry... the long hair is here to stay. I just had to get it tamed haha 🤭



I could listen to you talk for hours, about anything. As expected, I really like your voice (and laugh), so no notes! 💕 Having long hair is a double-edged sword, but I personally wouldn't have it any other way ✨


As a long time long haired girlie, my best tip for drying is to use an old T-shirt instead of a towel and get it to maybe 80% dry before using a blow dryer 😘

GentleGeek's Geek Squad

I heard about this tactic but didn't know how well it would work, so thanks for vouching for it as I will give it a shot after my shower tonight! ✨

GentleGeek's Geek Squad

It truly has been a double-edged sword -- can confirm 😭 But learning how to take care of it has been a whole experience but what can I say, I'm down for it! And haha, thank you for your feedback and lovely comments too about my check-in but just all my audios in general! It definitely builds my confidence up knowing I have such lovely folks like yourself on the listening end having a good time whenever I hit record! 🎙️✨