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I can be quite the little stress ball at times -- especially when my schedule for a day switches up at the last second. This morning was a bit of a mess and also kinda funny at the same time; plans fell through all cause I got confused with what time it was, my wall clock decided to start playing tricks on me, and maybe I shoulda done my laundry yesterday? πŸ˜†

(Also thought you'd guys would like the little behind-the-scenes look at my recording space and my older laptop hard at work on a new audio πŸŽ™οΈ)



Your setup looks so cool! Somehow more spacious than I imagined lol. And I can totally relate to feelin anxious when plans don't go quite right πŸ˜‚ Also I noticed this in the last check in, but I think your morning voice is really cute! :3


In my mind it was half closet half recording studio. Where do all your clothes go??


I swear i thought the set up was small asf .. that looks so spacious

GentleGeek's Geek Squad

Haha if you can imagine me sitting on the stool then they are literally right behind me πŸ˜… so like right outta frame in that pic! So there are definitely clothes there πŸ˜†