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Made this super quick on my IPad. I designed everything execept for the shoes (I know they are very simple but I´m proud of it). 

I wanted to make it really minimal looking with a lot of linen and plain shapes, with a lil futuristic vibes. I inspired myself on character from a recent brazilian novela (soap opera); she is a really fancy and sucessful lawyer on the show. I´ll start working on it really soon, hope u like the designs. 

With love, Ana 🌼



Thea Bee

Love this!


wow absolutely gorgeous

asha D

Ooh, I love this concept! I have pants like those and they're quite comfy. Can't wait to see this in the sims 4!


Ugh, I need this collection in real life. Looks so great. You've really shown that your skills are improving. Looking forward to this. Thank you for sharing the wip.


Thank you K! I really want to draw stuff more often cause I think my connection to the pieces are way stronger, if that makes sense XD


the SHOES!!!!!! AAAAAA