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Hey guys! I know know... I´ve been pretty absent here lately, specially this month. So I thought it would be very important to clarify somethings for y´all. As I said on my Tumblr, this month I was full of things to do, due to my college, and  after that, my vacation haha. But this things didn´t stop me from creating, I actually did mostly of the stuff I had for this month´s catalog. Turns out my computer started to show some weird problems, and I had to reset it. I thought I was doing everything correctly for not having my apps being uninstalled, BUT they did!So now, here I am, 28 december installing EVERYTHING again.

So after all that, I thought it was good to warn you guys that this month, there will be no cc releases :( I will keep the stuff I already did for the next year, and add some others. I am really sorry about that, but I hope you guys understand. Althought I´ve been struggling to have some new ideas lately, I promise that 2020 I will for sure bring for you guys lots and lots of new stuff, so, keeeeeep up! 

Anyways, I wrote too much. I wish a very happy New Year,  and that this decade brings lotss of sucess and joy for all of us... yay! 



BELLE ANNEE 2020 et merci pour cette année 2019 avec toutes vos créations


No worries! As long as you are okay, then we'll be good. Happy New Year! <3