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"No escape!" As soon as I set foot close to the school I'm ambushed. It seems Ayako decided she would wait for me here, even if it meant she would be late for school. "Now you can't avoid me anymore!"

"I wasn't avoiding you Ayako." I give her the most fake smile possible. I was definitely avoiding her after all, but it was for the good cause of making her desperate and therefore cuter! And my plan worked!

Ayako's eye twitches. "Then why didn't you call me, huh!? And what about that day you said you should meet me at the club, but then didn't go there!?" Actually I forgot I even had your number. And for the second one... Skadi distracted me.

Shiro sighs. "Yeah, I'll be going up ahead." It seems she decided to abandon me, much like Luvia did. Except Luvia actually had the good excuse of not even attending our school, while the Heroine of Justice is just a traitor.

Ayako waves her off. "Do whatever you want." And then she pokes me. "And you... like... you cannot run from this, got it!?" Wow, she looks and sounds super angry! And also very tired...

So I tilt my head. "Have you been sleeping well, Ayako?" And while I question her, Shiro really does run off, leaving me alone with this scary beast. The scary beast which I created, how poetic! Or something...

She blushes. "N-no... Of course I haven't! I mean, I learned about the supernatural, so how was I supposed to sleep soundly!?" You see there's this super crazy technique where you close your eyes and relax for while until sleep claims you.

She continues. "I was constantly worrying about how a vampire could enter my room and kill me or something!" I very much doubt that could happen. Though I think you're lying in general.

Ayako probably just the past few days daydreaming about stuff. I bet actually hoped a vampire would show up to her room, so she could date the guy. If there was a Dead Apostle chatroom online she would be there after all.

I shrug. "Okay. So what do you need to know? Oh, and make it quick, since we are late for class." I won't fight back. Mostly because I want to get this over and done with already, it's super hot and uncomfortable outside right now...

She quickly nods. "Right! So what have you been up to for the past few days?" That's what she wants to ask? What a waste of time. "I'm curious, 'cause recently I heard an older woman entered the class, claiming to be your wife." Ah.

She would cry if she heard people were referring to her as a older woman. "She's not actually married me to me, we are just in a relationship." And by that I mean she's my concubine who through one way or another managed to completely delude herself.

Ayako crosses her arms. "I figured, you seem to be living the harem protagonist lifestyle recently after all." Not true, I have sex. "So, is she someone special or just a normal woman? A normal woman you didn't ignore, I mean."

Scary... Nah, Ayako can't be scary. "She's actually the Skadi, a goddess from norse mythology... I think." Oh, and she's also Scáthach... Whatever that means. My wifely concubine pretty much never explains anything.

Ayako gasps and takes a step back. "I thought the gods were bad guys!?" They are... Except not really, they're just arrogant people, but they aren't inheritable bad or anything, I just tend to dislike them due to my purpose.

I wave her off. "Depends on the god, but Skadi is okay... Besides, she's actually a goddess from another dimension." For some reason Ayako only seems even more shocked. "Oh, and she's also weakened compared to a normal god." Though she can in theory be quite scary if she gets enough time to setup a base.

"Yato, how is she from another dimension?" Ayako is sending me a pure smile. One made purely out of confusion of course. I think she doesn't know how to react, so her body is faking politeness... as expected of a Japanese gal.

"Ah, that's pretty simple, she was born there." And as she glares at me, I realize that's probably not what she meant. "Oh, and the legendary king Gilgamesh summoned her for me. He's a pretty good guy." I wonder what he's up to?

Her face morphs into something I can't quite describe. I think Ayako might have just invented a new expression. "What? When did... this Gilgamesh guy get involved!?" I think she actually doesn't know who he is.

Which makes sense, overall he's a pretty minor figure, and it's not like school talks about him a lot or anything. If Gilgamesh heard that he would probably destrou our school though, so I won't tell him.

I make a thinking pose. "It's... complicated to explain, but basically there's this wish granting device called the Holy Grail War." She freezes. "Normally it has some super complicated ritual involving a deathmatch where mages summon legendary heroes from history, but..."

"I'm crashing the ritual, and stopping it by summoning people and forbidding them from fighting. So far I summoned Cleopatra and Skadi, though the latter was obtained by cheating." And in a way so was Cleopatra.

"Anyways, Gilgamesh was summoned by someone else who I don't know." Dirthy little thief. "But so far they seem to be avoiding fights just like me." So we can all live happily together! Yay, I suppose.

Ayako moves back, as if she was punched. "Yato did you just say you summoned Cleopatra?" I nod. "Yato... are you having crazy harem hijinks with Cleopatra right now? Like does Cleopatra go all red when you enter a room?" Why is she focusing on that?

I scratch my cheek. "No comment." I don't know why, but suddenly I'm feeling quite shy. Also, I have a feeling that if I told Ayako that Cleopatra gives me blowjobs through the night she would actually collapse and die.

Ayako actually laughs a bit. Like the Joker. This is not a good sign. "Holy shit, this is what I like to hear..." She's also mumbling to herself, which is also not a good sign.

I definitely need to escape this conversation. "Right... anyways, time's up Ayako. I'm way too late at this point." I did say we could only have a quick conversation. It's not my fault she decided to waste this opportunity to talk about my harem.

"Fair enough." No resistance!? "Just meet me up after school is over and we can continue talking." She got so confident that she's expecting me to come to her? Nah.

"Sorry, but I'll be busy." She doesn't seem convinced. "I mean it! I'll be like the most busy guy in the history of mankind!" I have to meet up with two maids! And a old king! And also the sun is melting my brain.

Ayako raises an eyebrow. "And do you mind elaborating on what exactly is making you busy?" Since when did you become my dad? Or my mom? Or a worried parent in general?

I smile. "I have to go to a forest so I can summon King Arthur. Who's actually a girl by the way, at least biologically speaking." I have no idea what he... she... they identify as, but soon enough my penis will be inside of them, so it doesn't matter!

But for some reason my revelation seems to have completely frozen Ayako. Oh well. "Anyways, see ya like... tomorrow or something!" And so I walk away.


"If another bug falls down of me, I will be committing genocide." I have decided that I hate forests. Or at least I hate them when it's dark out and all the creepy crawlers are out and about.

The only consolation prize here is that at least it isn't as hot as it was during the day. The heat was actually killing me... Skadi must have suffered a lot today, but it can't be helped. I can't exactly kill the sun... yet.

Shiro quickly interjects. "Please don't." As Illya asked, she came here. "Besides, we are literally at the door." And it's a massive door indeed. I suppose this is what anyone should expect from a castle.

Sakura smiles. "I disagree with Emiya-Senpai." Eh? Why does she sound... weird? "If a... bug is bothering you, it's only natural to get mad, Senpai." Oh cool. Then maybe I really should declare war against their existence.

Illya sighs. "Stop being a little weirdo Sakura." She puts her hands on the door and opens them without any difficulty, making me wonder if magic is involved. "Just remember that your chance is coming up." Her chance...?

Immediately as we enter, Illya shouts. "Sella, Leysritt, come here, now!" She really sounds like an abusive employer right now. As expected of my onahole ex-wife!

Now we just have to wait for her maids to show up, I guess. "Hey Illya, why did we need to bring Shiro along?" And so I might as well take this opportunity to ask. Though I guess I could have asked on the way here too.

I was distracted by the bugs, okay?

Shiro nods. "Yeah, I'm curious too. I'm not exactly a great mage..." She's exactly an awful mage!

Sakura interjects. "Well, I'm not a good mage either..." No need to worry, I'll manage the mana cost. "Though I have been training a lot for this specifically!" I send her a thumbs up. That's what I like to hear.

Illya clears her throat. "Just don't mess it up, Sakura. Rin and I did the ritual perfectly, so it would be embarrassing if you didn't." No pressure, am I right? "And about Shiro... it involves the matter of the catalyst."

I gasp. "She's a distant descendant of King Arthur, isn't she!?"

"No." Ah... lame... "You see Kiritsugu once... stole an artefact from the Einzberns. This artefact is heavily tied to King Arthur." Wow, Shiro's dad stole it? That means he was a criminal!

"It's name is Avalon and it has healing properties, though they are very, very minor when King Arthur isn't around. For some time I thought Kiritsugu had just thrown it in the ocean or something, but..." She points at Shiro. "After some testing I determined it's inside of you. I guess he must have put that in there to heal any lung damage you may have suffered because of the Fuyuki fire or whatever." Why do you sound mad about that?

Shiro is shocked. "W-what the hell Illya!? Why am I hearing that now of all times!?" Because it's only relevant now. "What do you mean dad stole something from the Einzberns!? Like why!?" I imagine it's because he summoned King Arthur or something.

"A-and what do you mean by testing!? When did you do any testing!? I certainly don't remember it!" You don't remember a lot of things, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Illya snorts... and then looks at Sakura. "So we will be putting the super legendary healing items inside of you, 'kay?" Ah... but I sort of wanted it... Well, more safety for my harem members is always good.

Shiro grits her teeth. "No, you don't get to change the subject this time Illya! You better elaborate and drop that mysterious persona you have going on, and you better do it right now." You will never learn about the training. Never.

Sakura hesitantly nods. "Y-yes, we should probably talk about that first..." I see Shiro has gained her support. Maybe it's because of the cooking lessons she has been giving out? She's certainly better at making allies than Luvia at least.

Illya giggles. "Hey Sakura, did you know Avalon can heal a hymen? Isn't that crazy?" You are getting dangerously close to revealing our secret training sessions, so please stop before you doom us all.

Sakura gasps, there are stars in her eyes. "Really...? W-we should go summon Saber then!" I have a feeling you are thinking about a weird fetish right now. "I-I mean, a master could steal her slot at any time!"

Shiro glares at her. "No more cooking lessons." And Sakura immediately lowers her head. I guess I was right on the mark on that one. "And Illya don't think you can escape from this..." I think she can.

Though I'm also thinking of why she wants to transfer Avalon to Sakura. Couldn't we just have used Shiro as a catalyst...? In the end it doesn't really matter, but I'm curious about it nonetheless.

Illya completely ignores Shiro. "Look, my maids are finally here!" So they are. Two adult women enter the room, one with small boobs and one with big boobs. What a commentary in the state of mankind.

They bow. "Lady Illyasviel." Through what Illya has told me, I know the lazy one is Leysritt and the annoying one is Sella. She didn't tell me anything other than that though, so I'm completely lost.

That is until Illya starts speaking to them. "Sella, get two rooms ready!" The one cursed with small breasts nods. "Leysritt, put your hands against the wall and raise your butt!" The big boobed one nods. And now I know which one is which!

Leysritt immediately does as ordered. "Like this Lady Illyasviel...?" It is then that I notice that she's also in a possession of a big butt. If she's a homunculus, her creator must have been a perv.

Sella however, blushes bright red. "Lady Illyasviel, why are you giving her such commands!?" She's constantly shifting her stare between Leysritt and Illya.

Illya glares at her. "Don't question me!" Sella flinches. "Actually, switch places with Leysritt, she goes to prepare the rooms while you whore out yourself!" I was right, you really are an abusive employer!

Sella takes a step backward. "W-whore out myself!?" Now she's staring at me. Considering I'm the only guy here she is probably assuming some perverted stuff. This could count as slander, ya know?

Leysritt pouts, taking her hands out from the wall. "Prepare rooms for what exactly?" Right, Illya didn't even elaborate on her orders.

My ex-wife sends her smile. "Prepare one for the summoned of a Servant, and the other one because I like giving out extra work." Leysritt gives her a thumbs up. Oi.

She then glares at Sella. "And yes! You are going to whore out yourself!" She gives a very Luvia like laugh. "Yato here hasn't had sex today, and you are just the type of woman to cry and beg as semen floods her womb!" Oh, I see...

Sella sputters. "B-but that's...!" She takes a long look at me. "Lord Shibata, I...!" I think she might be asking for help. Sadly Sakura and I don't care, while Shiro has learned Illya is uncontrollable.

She takes a deep breath. "Very well, please enjoy Einzbern hospitality!" She puts her hand on the wall as ordered. "A-and be gentle..." Her whole body is trembling. Admittedly the sight is indeed making me a bit excited.

Illya looks at me. "You don't have to listen to what she says. Feel free to go straight for her ass." Sella lets out a whimper of fear. Truly my ex-wife is an unstoppable, cruel tyrant.

But... "Nah, I'll pass for now, we have to summon Saber. Also, their clothes are a bit... too much. Cleopatra will definitely complain, that's for sure." Though she complains about everything anyways.

Illya raises an eyebrow. "Don't worry about their clothes, you can rip them out. Treat this as if you were a barbarian raping Sella." Did Caren possess you today? Or are you just trying to shock Shiro into amnesia?

Sella wiggles her butt. "Y-yes, there's no need to worry about decorum Lord Shibata!" Shouldn't you be complaining about this? I guess a maid has her pride, just like a concubine...

I sigh. "No, it's not about ripping clothes... It's just that the clothes in general are kinda ugly." I'm met with shocked silence. "I mean, mostly the head part. I wanna see their hair!" Though I can understand why a maid would want to conceal it.

Illya takes sometime to respond. "For real...?" I nod. "I... fine." She then looks at the petite maid. "Sella, go fix your uniform so that you may look more rapeable next time!" I never rape anyone though.

Sella, seeming a bit disappointed, takes her hands off the walls. "Yes Lady Illyasviel..." She then mumbles to herself. "I personally think they're elegant." Nobody cares for your opinion though.

She then shakes her head. "Anyhow, while I don't understand the situation, are you sure leaving the preparations of a Servant summon up to Leysritt is a good idea?" Is there inner fighting amongst the maids?

Leysritt sends Illya a thumbs up. "I got this, don't worry." For some reason her tone of voice doesn't make me feel very confident. Maybe because she sounds as emotionless as Sakura once did?

Illyasviel sighs. "Ugh, you're right Sella. I guess Leysritt really is only useful for fighting... and now for being sexually assaulted by Yato. You two are following us back home by the way." It will certainly take a load of everyone's shoulders.

Leysritt holds her own breasts up. "Useful for being sexually assaulted...? That's nice." Is it? Well, I'm glad you're happy at least. I'm also curious about the fighting part, but it's probably nowhere close to a Servant's ability, much less mine's.

Sella clears her throat. "Very well then, I shall prepare two rooms, our luggage, and... our uniforms, so that..." Her blush returns. "So that I may be more sexually appealing to Lord Shibata." Sorry, it's not you, it's me. Actually it's the clothing.

Shiro crosses her arms. "By the way Illya, I still haven't forgotten what you said. Elaborate." She doesn't.

As expected.


The room bursts with red light and mist. This summon has been a messy one, just like with Cleopatra. I suppose I can't blame Illya's maids for not being as good as Golden Waver though, I'm sure Sella tried her best.

I take a deep breath to calm myself down, hoping that King Arthur won't be too aggressive. Just like with our first summoning, we brought as little people to the room as possible, so the Heroic Spirit won't freak out.

In this case as little as possible means Sakura and I. Illya wanted to be in the room as well, but I decided that it would be a bad idea and forbid her. She has Command Seals after all, and that could freak out Saber.

As the air clears, she eventually shows up... The Legendary King Arthur, and with a single glance I can tell without a doubt that she's one of the greatest kings to ever exist. And also that she looks like a really young girl, sorta like Caren and Sakura actually. Cute.

Saber ignores me, completely focusing on Sakura. Rude. "I am Saber, your servant. I come in response to your summon." The moon shines upon her through the window. "Are you my maste-, why am I here?" And then Saber flinches for some reason.

But a blushing Sakura ignores that. "You're so pretty..." And that comment gets her Saber's attention back. "I-I mean, yes, I am your Master!" I'm just glad we actually succeeded. I'm a hundred percent sure this is King Arthur.

Saber slowly nods. "Very well then, the contract is formed. Let us obtain victory... and the Grail." She says the last word with such passion that it makes me feel that she will be a bit hard to handle.

Specially since Sakura shakes her head. "Actually I summoned you so you could date my boyfriend!" Saber immediately raises an eyebrow, but keeps her calm.

Saber chuckles. "Your boyfriend...? I assume you mean the young man in the corner." She takes a glance at me. "Well, if you two are the type to joke around so easily... well, I don't disapprove of that." Ah, she thinks this is a joke.

Sakura grasps her hands. "No, it wasn't a joke! Please date my boyfriend!" I'm technically nobody's boyfriend, but I don't get mad at Rin for calling me that, so I won't get mad at you either.

"E-eh?" Saber's face is slowly becomes red.

And Sakura is slowly becoming more desperate. "Please, you can't reject him Miss Artoria!" Her name is Arthur. "If you do... it will be super embarrassing for me!" Don't worry, she can't reject me! She's already in concubine town!

"I mean, Illyasviel-" She gets cutoff by the Servant.

"Illyasviel!?" Yes, I know it's a weird name, but no need to act so shocked.

Sakura completely ignores her. "Already summoned Cleopatra, and she's super nice to Yato and sucks his dick every night!" Saber is immediately bug eyed. "And Big Si-, Tohsaka-Senpai summoned a goddess! An actual goddess, because of course she did!" Why do I hear a bit of hate there?

"And this goddess is also doing everything Yato wants, so if you're the only Servant who doesn't obey... Yato is gonna be so disappointed at me!" I would never! "So please unconditionally love my boyfriend and have tons of sex with him!"

Amazing, Saber doesn't even know Ayako, and yet she's making the expression she invented.


AN:Seibah is here...! And hey, this can't be much worse than Kiritsugu, right?



I was half-expecting yato to comment on how Jeanne who he met earlier and saber have the same face


Imagine the quiplash Saber is experiencing. Previous summoning had her master be a brooding, dark, edgy, and serious master who treated her like a tool. Next summoning was by an innocent looking young girl who asks that you pleasure her boyfriend. Man, that quiplash is real