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"One of these days Ayako will kill you, I just want you to know that." Shiro is glaring at me, as if I had done something super wrong. What kind of world do we live in, where I can't even ghost a friend without being judged!?

I wave her off, a big smile on my face. "It's fine... She literally can't kill me, after all." It's one of the good things about being a Campione! I'm far beyond any normal human on the planet.

Shiro's eye twitches. "You're missing the point, but whatever... I already had a talk with her about the supernatural." Eh!? I wanted to be the one doing that! Though I guess I'm fine with skipping boring exposition.

"That said I..." A blush appears on her face. "Kept out some details. She doesn't need to know everything, got it Yato?" No. But hey, if you're gonna help me with turning her into a desperate whore, I'm all for it.

I nod. "Sure." And so we continue our leisurely walk back home... until a question comes to my mind. "So has Skadi been getting along with everyone?" She seemed pretty cheerful in the school, but I want to make sure.

Shiro shrugs. "She doesn't bother anyone, but she doesn't talk with anyone either. I tried to start a conversation with her recently, and she sent me the coldest look ever..." So she's the opposite of Cleopatra, huh.

I think for a while, before responding. "Well, as long as she's not bothering anyone, then it's all okay. In the end I don't want to force people to get along or whatever, as long as she's happy then it's alright." But I need to make sure she isn't planning anything.

Shiro smiles for once. "That's probably a good idea." Wow, me and my guide agreed on something!? "I gotta say though, it's a bit... well, I'm proud of how you're handling the Grail War, that's all I wanted to say."

For real? I thought she would hate the fact that I'm using some legendary wish granting device to make my harem even bigger. Shiro Emiya sure likes to surprise me out of nowhere.

I raise an eyebrow. "How are you okay with it though? I expected you to send me an essay on why I should leave the Grail alone." I wouldn't read that essay of course, I have Rin for that.

Shiro chuckles. "Um... nah, you wouldn't even read it anyways." She knows me so well. "It's just that... you took this ritual which was meant to be a bloodthirsty slaughter and made it peaceful, that's good." I see.

Your mind has already been broken enough that you consider me making legendary heroes my sex slaves inevitable, isn't?

Suddenly Shiro's expression shifts. "I have something to confess though..."

Oh boy, here we go. "I'm all ears." Maybe I spoke too soon. This girl will definitely say how I shouldn't be turning everyone into a concubine and yada, yada. For her information, most of my concubines are very happy with their positions!

To my surprise that's not her problem though. "I think you guys are messing way too much with this ritual. I mean... We are going to control three Servants. Possible more, if I get why you wanted a Caster." Ayup.

"And one of those Servants is a goddess you also cheated to summon... And that's not even mentioning how we started the ritual a year earlier." It's okay though, cheaters never lose, that's why they call them cheaters.

She sighs. "It just feels like... in a competition made by some crazy mages, where everyone is supposed to kill each other, they would have some backup plan in case something like this happened." That does make some amount of sense.

But she's not taking something very important into account. "Shiro, I'm a Campione. I doubt people were making plans on how to handle me, because I'm literally impossible to handle." That's why I have a harem.

She looks away. "I can't deny that..." Why do I feel like I just got insulted. "Just make sure to remember that the world doesn't spin to give you access to fresh women. Keep your guard up, or you could get hurt." Nah.

Well, sort of nah. It's true that I do need to keep my guard up, but it isn't true that I could get hurt by... normal people. Also the world might not spin to give me access to new women, but it's easy to get them anyways.

I stretch, letting out a tired yawn, school was a pain, as always. "Whatever you say Shiro..." I won't argue back right now, but I might just be extra mean to her later.

"Emiya!?" Suddenly we are interrupted by what I'm assuming is a friend of Shiro. I turn around to see who it is, and it's just a brown haired girl I don't recognize. "It's... really you..." Her attention is completely focused on my concubine.

Shiro takes a step back. "Um... do I know you...?" Oh, so she's not your friend? Well, you can be pretty kick ass at the whole archery thing, so maybe she heard about you from that?

The brown haired girl blushes. "Ah, you don't..." But she also seems pretty sad. "I just... heard... I just heard you were really good at archery, and I'm interested so..." Yeah, it's just as I expected it.

Shiro smiles. "I see. Are you a student of Homurahara too?" I don't think so, unless she skipped a day. She's not wearing a uniform after all, and right now all students are going home just like us.

Still, the brown haired girl uses this to start a conversation. "No, but I'm going to enroll soon. I heard it's a nice school." There's something weird about her... She's getting way too relaxed around Shiro.

Sure she's a fan or whatever, but normally people will be just a bit tense around a stranger... I guess this girl might just be a super extrovert though, considering she approached us without any hesitation.

Shiro nods. "It sure is... When you join feel free to call for me if you have any troubles!" The Fake Janitor wastes no time in showing her true power. I would say it's amazing, if it wasn't a bit sad.

The brown haired girl nods. "Of course, I know you're a reliable person..." Does archery really give this much street cred!? What about my kendo huh!? Why aren't cute girls randomly approaching me!?

Actually now that I think about, Illya did randomly approach me... And I literally have girls as concubines. That's all because I'm a Campione though, it has nothing to do with kendo... Maybe I should start training with a bow.

The brown girl coughs. "A-and I should probably introduce myself. My name is Hakuno Kishinami, it's a pleasure to meet you Emiya." She then remembers I exist. "A-and you too of course!" Wow.

Well, whatever. She's not even that cute anyways, barely a match for Ayak-, Ah! This is the girl Ayako told me about! The one that was frozen or whatever... I'm technically talking with a celebrity right now!

Should I ask for an autograph? Or is that too shameful for a Campione...?

I interject. "My name is Yato Shibata! It's super nice to meet you Hakuno!" I'm talking a bit too fast now, but I'm excited I know who she is and Shiro doesn't. Thank you Ayako! Even if I won't stop with the bullying.

Hakuno doesn't actually seem put off by me though, not even by the fact that I straight up called her by her first name. "Yeah, I hope I can rely on you too Yato." She's definitely a super extrovert.

However, I must now run the idea of turning her into a concubine on my head. To be honest, I still haven't seen enough to decide, so maybe I should keep talking to her. I don't know why, but I have feeling this girl is special.

I smirk. "You can rely on me alright." And now Shiro is sending me a concerned look, probably because she knows what I'm about. "By the way, I'm part of the kendo club. One might even say I'm the kendo version of Shiro." Yes, I'm still but hurt about not getting the same treatment as my concubine.

Hakuno raises an eyebrow. "Really...? I didn't know Homurahara even had a kendo club." Damn, our reputation is that low!? Maybe I really should attend more, before people start calling us frauds.

Shiro tilts her head. "We do, and Yato isn't exactly wrong when he says what he said... Honestly he's probably better at swordsmanship than I am at archery." Now Hakuno seems amazed. Thank you wingwoman!

"He's a total playboy though, so don't trust a single word of what he says." I'm removing that thank you! Why did you suddenly decided to throw me under the bus like that!?

Well, if it was to stop me from getting a concubine, then sorry, that won't work. Though I still don't even know if I want this Hakuno girl at all yet, that is to say, she's still under analysis. There is one point that she has gotten however... the perverted girl point. I noticed that Hakuno keeps stealing glances of Shiro's boobs. So at least she has an eye for art.

Hakuno giggles. "I'll take your warning into consideration Emi-, Shiro." Oh, how adorable, she's trying to get closer already. "But I should probably get going, I don't want to bother you two." Already huh...

Shiro shakes her head. "You weren't a bother... but yeah, we should probably get going." The Heroine of Justice probably wants to start dinner already. She also needs to keep going on her mission to teach Sakura the secrets of the kitchen as well.

We wave goodbye, and go on our separate ways.

Or at least that's how it should have gone, but instead I grab Hakuno by the arm and lift her up. "Thief." I can see it on her hand, the beginnings of a Command Seal.

I'm glad I noticed before we left. Because while she clearly hasn't summoned a Servant yet, and therefore isn't Golden Waver's Master, she could have. I feel like a super detective who just stopped a robbery before it could even happen!

The girl groans in pain. "Huh?" She doesn't seem to be panicking though, just confused. Something like that is both praiseworthy and suspicious... No normal girl would remain calm in a situation like this one.

Hell, Shiro is panicking more than her. "Yato, please explain what you mean immediately, and drop her before her arm comes out from it's socket!" Ugh, that does sound pretty gruesome.

I lower her down, but I don't let her go. "She has Command Seals, or she will have them... In essence, she's a cocky, dirty thief who should never have come here." I can forgive visitors just fine...

Illya for example didn't announce her presence on my city, and I didn't get mad at her for it. It's a completely different matter when those visitors are trying to take my things however... This girl is as bad as that one spy.

Hakuno's eyes widen. "Command Seals...?" She recognizes the term, she definitely does. This isn't accidental theft then, not something I can forgive. This mage came to my country, and had the nerve to steal my things.

I tighten my grip on her arm, but she doesn't scream, instead she just bites her lip. There's no doubt left in my mind, this girl is a mage, or at least someone connected to the supernatural. Maybe she survived that disease with magecraft.

Shiro pokes my shoulder, sounding furious. "Damn it Yato, stop that! This is not the time to start acting like a crazy Campione!" I... I think I'm justified here, but whatever. I lessen my grip.

And then I pout. "Didn't you hear anything of what I said? This girl is stealing my Command Seals... I can't just let that go." Hakuno stays silent, which is probably the wisest thing she can do right now.

But for some reason it's just creeping me out... her whole calm attitude is creeping me out in fact. That's not how people act in this situation, not even magical people. This girl has nerves of steel.

Shiro sighs. "Yato... How do you even know she has Command Seals...?" You're still under the delusion that she's normal?

Hakuno nods. "I would also like to know that... Is this a Moon thing? Am I still on the Moon?" Not even trying to hide your true identity? Good. That would just have made me even more angry. Also, what the hell do you mean you were in the Moon!?

Even Shiro seems surprised. "What does that have to do with anything...? You're actually a mage, aren't you?" But now it seems the Heroine of Justice finally came to the same conclusion I did.

A awkward smile appears on Hakuno's face. "Not really... It's complicated." So just someone who has contact with the supernatural? Maybe she's some sort of super soldier then.

I glare at her. "I don't care if it's complicated, you're explaining it later." She slowly nods, thankfully she's obedient. "Anyways, I can tell she has Command Seals because she has some weird bruises on her hand."

Shiro's eye twitches. "That could mean any-" I cut her off.

"Yeah, there's plenty of reason why someone could have a bruised hand, but I can tell this one will become a Command Seal. It's just... instinct, I guess." Maybe it's me sensing mana or something, who knows.

"Which means this person who clearly knows about the supernatural came here ti Fuyuki to steal my Command Seals and participate on the war... So I'm taking them back. I don't care if I have to cut her arm off to do so." It is what it is.

Hakuno immediately objects. "Wait, I didn't steal anything." I hold back from rolling my eyes. "I didn't even notice I had Command Seals until now... Seriously, I didn't mean to steal from you... Are you a Servant?" Huh?

Well, I guess I have shown the pride a Servant like Skadi or Gilgamesh would, so I don't blame her for getting confused. "No, I'm a Campione." She definitely doesn't think I'm a Master. She can see my hands after all.

But now she seems confused. "Campione...?" Has she not heard of the term? Nah, no way. Everybody who knows about the supernatural should know about Campione... Except I have an example of someone who didn't. Shiro.

Shiro crosses her arms. "Well... cutting her arm off is too much. I mean, don't you feel any pity Yato? She looks super terrified." Does she? She looks pretty calm to me.

Hakuno takes a deep breath. "I-if... there's a way to remove Command Seals without losing an arm, I'm willing to freely give them away..." Bargaining for your life? "And... I rather lose an arm than die. I'm not here to cause you trouble." I see.

I look away. "Well, maybe there is one way or another to remove Command Seals. We have plenty of people who can help after all, like Rin and Caster." Hakuno's eyes gain a strange shine at the mention of my first concubine.

Shiro is quick to throw support my way. "Yeah, that sounds good. You should let Rin handle this." Why do I feel like you're thinking of me as incapable right now?

Hakuno sends me a smile, I can only find it creepy since I just almost broke her arm. "And I promise to not resist Mister Campione. So... if you wanna show me the way..." Um... I guess this is not the worst solution imaginable.

I nod. "Fine. Besides, I can make other tests there too." I still haven't decided if I want her as a concubine, but in case I do, it would make everything about this way easier.

She sends me an excited grin. "Then lead the way!" And then proceeds to muble. "Finally, some action..." I have no idea what kind of crazy plan is going through her mind, but I have a feeling she will be disappointed very, very soon.

Because I give her a neck chop. "Anime go to sleep move!" And she falls like a puppet who had their strings cut. A puppet who is still alive of course, no sense in killing her right now.

Shiro looks down on Hakuno's passed out body. "Yato... why?" Good question.

"Because her creepy little smile was pissing me off." She was looking at me like she knows something I don't! Which is actually very common... "Anyways, let's bring her back home. We can throw her in our basement." We are kidnapping a celebrity!

That's awesome!

Shiro raises an eyebrow. "Do we even have a basement?"

"We better have, I mean what's a mansion without a creepy dark basement!?"


We did not have a basement. We do have many rooms however, so we just locked her into one. Currently I'm coming to check on the weird Moon girl, after asking Skadi and Rin to run a health check on her.

"Why did you take her clothes off anyways Rin?" Currently Hakuno is tied up, and almost naked. My concubine let her keep her bra and panties for some reason... There's also the fact that the way Rin tied her up is very strange.

Like... why is there a rope going through her breasts? Welp, it's hot, I guess. Is this the legendary bondage?

Rin shrugs. "I dunno, just figured this is what you would have liked doing with a kidnapped girl." I suppose that's true. "What, you don't like it...? It was really hard to tie her up like that." And now she looks like a kicked puppet.

I smile. "I like it Rin, you did a good job." I chuckle. "She totally looks like she just got kidnapped and thrown into someone's basement to be used as a sex toy." Which is what happened!

Ring hugs me, a bright smile on her face. "Yay! I'm so glad you feel that way!" And then that smile dies. "Let's avoid ropes though, it was such a pain to tie her like that..." It can get easier with experience!

Skadi hugs me from the other side. "Dear husband of mine, don't you have something to ask of me as well?" Rin glares at her with the anger of a thousand suns. I'm guessing her husband schtick won't be making her any friends here.

I nod. "Oh yeah, is she healthy...? Are those really Command Seals?" She looked pretty healthy to me, but I also know she had some super disease and had to be cryogenically frozen, so...

Huh, her parents must be dying of worry... Welp, it can't be helped that their daughter is some weird, perverted (accidental) thief. Besides, if she passes my concubine test she will be just fine.

Skadi smiles. "She is physically healthy, and those are indeed Command Seals... They will probably manifest soon. There should still be a year until the war, but the Grail must be freaking out with all the recent summons."

"Not that she could ever support a Servant anyways. She has magic circuits of good quality and quantity, but they are atrophied. She couldn't use basic magecraft, nevermind summon a legendary hero." I see... So she really wasn't lying.

She's not a mage, and she didn't intend to steal from me, because she literally can't. "That's good to know. If nothing else, I won't kill her now." If she has committed no crime, she deserves no punishment.

A glimmer of light appears on my eye. "But now... it is time to decide if she's worthy of a spot on the brilliant Soviet Harem!" I escape from the hug I was receiving, and move closer to Kishinami.

I start inspecting her body. "Pretty bland bra... Completely white." There's no frills or anything! That's pretty boring... "But her panties are pretty stylish, even if they don't combine." She's wearing black panties with a red lace. Nice.

Rin interjects. "A-actually she wasn't wearing panties at all... I gave her one of mine..." I see...! She definitely gains points then! Specially since she was wearing a skirt before.

I giggle. "Honestly you should have left her without panties... Though I think it would also be good if she was wearing white panties with a little bear on them." I nod to myself. "I know it's normally loli attire, but I think it looks way better when a high schooler is using them!"

Skadi seems lost. "Dearie, I must confess, I have no idea what you're talking about, but I believe you might have the wisdom of Odin in this area." Please don't compare me to the husband you never had, thanks.

Rin makes a thinking pose. "No, I get it. Besides, with bland girls like this, you have to everything you can so she standa out. I think even Hakuno understands that... she was wearing some super ugly smile t-shirt under her blazer you know?" Oh...?

Rin continues. "Clothes give someone a soul, and that includes underwear." Wow, I never expected such wisdom from you... "I think a easy way to upgrade her from NPC levels would be to make her wear a hairpin. What do you think Yato?"

I gasp. "Where did you even learn the word NPC!?" Her having a phone, and that phone still working is already surprising enough!

She blushes, playing with her hair. "Well, you like games, and I always pay attention to what you say..." Oh, right. I almost forgot dere Rin was unbeatable. "Still, if you don't like my hairpin, there are other ways to spice her up."

I chuckle. "Nah, I liked it. But there's no sense in talking about how to upgrade the product before I even purchase it." She's still in the test phase after all. And you must be a top tier woman to enter my harem!

Skadi deadpans. "And they say gods are cruel and callous..." Eh? Why suddenly bring that up?

I go back to observing Hakuno. "Um... I guess in looks she passes the test at least. She's pretty enough." I would say she's decently above average. It's just like Ayako said, she's a normal level of cute.

Rin interjects. "Well, I doubt she's using any super expensive products. So I can lend her some of mine, and I bet she will look even prettier..." I'm surprised you even use any of those products at all, but I guess beauty doesn't come for free.

But again, I won't think about upgrading her for now. Instead... "It's ass test time!" I roll her tied up body, so I can see what is arguably the most important part of a girl. Small boobs are okay, but small ass is bad after all.

And much like everything about Hakuno Kishinami, it's okay. "She's certainly not rivaling anyone here, but the fight will always be between Cleopatra and Skadi anyways." I pinch her butt. It's nice and soft.

Rin crosses her arms. "W-why am I not in that competition...?" Sorry, but it's not like I think you're lacking either. In fact I think you might be a challenge for the two once you're older... Maybe. You're Japanese after all, we aren't exactly known for being thick.

Skadi blushes. "My dear husband, not in front of the concubine." You're one too. "And I'm definitely better than that little traitor..." So you still haven't forgiven Cleopatra for not saving you? It's not like she could have done anything anyways.

I ignore them, and start massaging Hakuno's ass. "Eh, it gets a passing grade..." With that said... "I'm surprised she hasn't woken up though. Is she really such a heavy sleeper?" I'm literally playing with her butt.

Skadi puts her hands on her hips. "She's not waking up because she's under my magic." Oh, just like Illya does with Shiro! "She has a surprisingly strong mind however... It was no problem for me, but she would be able to resist your average magus."

"So Dear, would you like for me to wake her up? You won't need to stop with your... erm... interview. I can do it with a swipe of my finger." That's neat... It also doesn't surprise me Hakuno has a strong mind.

I shake my head. "Nah, I don't need to test her personality right now, she already won a passing grade on that." Well, I don't know if it was her personality or her will. Either way, I'm pretty intrigued.

Rin looks away. "What doesn't get a passing grade for personality when it comes to you?" Um... boring, generic people? Shinji, if Shinji was a girl? Young and scary Luvia?

I roll Hakuno again, it's time to analyze her front. "I don't know Rin, it's not like I have a list... I just like interesting people." And this girl is interesting. "By the way, was one of her arms damaged, Skadi?" I held her pretty tightly.

The Caster nods. "Not just damaged, it was almost broken." And she still didn't show any big reaction to it. A strong will, and a equally strong pain tolerance.

I poke Hakuno's belly. "Thanks Skadi." There's not a lot of muscle, but she isn't fat either. I imagine she had to exercise a lot when she woke up from being frozen. Sort of like someone being woken up from a coma.

I then move my hand up, and grope her tits, she lets out a small moan, more of surprise than anything else I imagine. Specially since she's still asleep.

Now, how do I describe these. "They're nice. I don't know why, buy this girl feels very... molestable." I just want to tease her all day... Maybe she's just the type of girl who drives people like me crazy?

Rin tilts her head. "So, is she in...?"

I raise a finger. "There's one final test... Wake her up Skadi." And with full trust that the heroic spirit will do as I asked, I lean my head downwards and plant a kiss on the sleeping princess over here.

She wakes up as soon as our lips connect, and my tongue invades her. "Mmmmm!?" And for once I actually got her surprised at something. So as soon as she freaks out I end the kiss.

It's good to see she can make such a panicked face. "W-what are you doing!? What happened to me!?" She looks down and sees the state she's in. "Aha! I knew it! H-huh?

Why does she look so smug!? "I knew this was some sort of... hallucination or whatever! Let me guess, it's you Kiara! I lost to you and then you put me on sex matrix!" Oh, cool, she's actually insane.

Cute. "There's no such thing as a sex matrix! What's happening here is simple...! I have made you my concubine, so get ready to put those hips of yours to the test whenever I so please!"

The pervert sputters. "H-how the hell do you say that with a straight face!? Wait..." And then she frowns. "Why are you doing this anyways... Actually let me guess, you fell madly in love with me, and now you want to kill me in some twisted way." Wow. This girl might be crazier than me.

"Nope, I just think you're cute. In... like a homely way."

Her face seems shocked. "For real?" I don't know what she's expecting of me.

"For real."


AN: Hakuno is here! And she has already been sexually harrassed... CCC was super pervy, but Hakuno should get ready to actually lose her virginity!

Anyways, she summoned Female Nameless in her war, and yes she remembers the war... So I guess you could say this is a real Hakuno who got NPC Hakuno's memories. Or fused with NPC Hakuno, whichever you prefer.

She also has essentially three choices of servants to summon. The first one is just a generic unaffiliated servant, and I probably won't go with this option.

The other options are either one of the Sakura Five/BB so I can make jokes about them getting cucked, or FemEMIYA. That said, if she doesn't summon FemEMIYA someone else will.

Or I could summon normal EMIYA too, that could be funny.


Infinite Daze

“The world doesn’t revolve to give you new women.” Shirou the world literally has a will of it’s own and it dotes on Yato like a new born baby. A new girl literally showed up not even five minutes later.


On one hand FemEMIYA, Shirou threesome on the other normal EMIYA seeing his past self as a concubine would be hilarious.