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"Ugh...! Fine, fine! I'm now your lover, got it!?" Right now a dream of mine is coming true, I'm being hugged by Sensei. "You better be happy with this, or I'll seriously kill you!" I am very happy with this, so don't worry.

I'm also immensely confused however. "My little sisters are that powerful...?" Right now I can't even deny that they're my siblings, that's how broken my mind.

I have been going on date after date with Sensei, and while things have been going well they seemingly never finish. And by that I mean that Sensei starts freaking out and rejects her feelings just before the end.

Kohaku and Hisui used the power of emotional blackmail to overcome that however... No, it's more like they flipped the moral of this situation in it's head. Suddenly Sensei going out with me is a good thing, since it means Kohaku and Hisui won't miss their harem chance.

Kohaku giggles. "Of course we are! What could be more powerful than a little sister...!?" Consider you're older than Hisui, I'm guessing that came from the heart.

Hisui lightly smiles, she isn't even responding to me, just muttering to herself. "It's working out... He's making progress..." Ah, I really did worry her too much with this. And in the end, for all my cocky talk, she had to help me.

Sensei's body trembles. "Yuta...! Don't talk about other women when I'm right here... No, what I mean is, please say something about our new relationship!" Right, I can't just be awestruck forever.

I smirk. "My comment is thus... I always knew this would happen." It was as inevitable as the sun inevitably exploding, or Arcueid giving me a headache once per week. An event that will happen no matter what.

Sensei's twitches. "I immediately regret my decision..." And then she looks down. "But I don't have the courage to break up with you...! This is the worst!" Even if you had, it wouldn't matter. What matters is love after all.

I pat her head. "There's no need to break up with me! I'll cry after all!" I genuinely would... Getting Sensei only to lose her would immediately put on the same level of suffering as someone like Guts.

Touko snorts. "Adorable, seeing two teenagers starting a relationship in front of me..." Oh? Have you decided to start calling Sensei a teen now for whatever reason? Well, I'm sure her secret hag levels appreciate it.

Aoko immediately turns around to glare at her. "And what's that supposed to mean?" So her secret hag levels didn't appreciate it... I guess it came off as patronizing. I gotta note this down, it's important information.

Touko smirks. "It means that I always knew you were the type who started a relationship with a hug." Ouch. What's wrong with that? "I also always knew you would fall... and just when we are do close to the finish line as well." That's right, it's already Friday after all.

"And once that finish line does arrive... Your relationship will be over. I hope you enjoy the little time you have, Aoko~!" Speaking of enjoyment, aren't you enjoying this a bit too much!?

Sensei flinches. "Ah, shit...!" The conditions she accepted are now coming back to her. And so she points a finger at a Aoko, a blue light glowing from it. "Okay, fall in love with my boyfriend now... And then fall out of love immediately after it." That's a hard ask!

But this is the scenario I was hoping for in a way. It's just like I predicted, once one pillar falls, she will help with the rest. Sensei is a romantic after all, and probably already planning our marriage in her head, so there's no way she will let this thing fail.

Touko hums. "No, I don't think I will..." It may be just my imagination, but I think she actually sounds a bit mad. Is it really just because her sister found a new boyfriend. "Anyways, can I leave early?" Eh?

I raise an eyebrow. "Why? Is something wrong?" As per our deal, she has to accept any date invitation. That said, if she has an emergency or something... Then it can't be helped, I'll let her go. Even if we are dangerously close to the end.

She crosses her arms. "Nothing is wrong, but haven't you made enough progress for today?" There's definitely something wrong!

Aoko scowls. "Oh no...! You don't get to pull this now!" Sensei shifts her gaze to me. "Don't buy any of the bull crap she's spewing Yuta! She's jus trying to ruin this for me!" That could be it, I suppose.

Aoko points at her sister. "But if you think that will work, then you're wrong! I messed with time to save my stupid, idiotic friend once, so you have no idea how far I'll go for my boyfriend who is also my pupil! It's like double combined love!" Eh? Does that mean my victory is now guaranteed!?

Touko chuckles. "Indeed, keep proudly announcing you're dating an underaged man." Geez, why does every keep bringing up my age? Gimme a break! Any men, no matter the age, would want to date Aoko!

Sensei grits her teeth. "Shut up, before I shut you up!" At least she's not denying our relationship anymore, that's certainly progress.

Kohaku whispers in Hisui's ears. "Those two really have no unity, huh?" The younger sister quickly nods. For the two of them, a relationship like Aoko's and Touko's must be completely alien...

Kohaku then takes a step forward. "C'mon you two, there's no need to fight!" She then mutters with a dark smirk. "I will kill Miss Touko if she doesn't become lovey dovey with Yuta before the deadline though." That's scary, but think you for the support.

Hisui flails her arms around. "Perhaps another dose of hypnosis is in order?" I don't think there was ever a dose in the first place, considering it didn't do anything besides warming my heart.

Kohaku excitedly nods however. "Yeah! Go for it Hisui! We already charmed one gal for Big Bro, so we might as well charm another!" I cannot deny that a great part of my Aoko success is due to your help, however...

I sigh. "There will be no need for hypnosis Hisui... You can use it on me though, I would totally fall for it." Of Hisui turns me into her mind slave, I could die happy. "And it's fine if you wanna go home, Touko." I have made an important realization.

I think Touko is just mad 'cause Aoko is now happy with me, and wants to go away so she can seethe and cope in peace. Obviously losing a date sounds bad, but... Maybe that way she will realize what she's missing out and accept me.

Aoko glares at me. "Hey, is this some elaborate form of dumping me? I'll kick you." I haven't been kicked in a while, so that almost sounds nice. Like the nostalgic feeling of playing an old game.

I wave her off. "Sensei, my two other girlfriends are already the crazy type who threaten my life daily, so please don't follow their footsteps." Even I have limit.

Kohaku clasps her hands together. "Well, I know I would never harm you at least!" You're technically not my girlfriend. "But Lad-, but Akiha would definitely kill you, and Miss Touko sounds like a nutjob." Please don't say that in front of her.

Touko looks away. "I wouldn't kill my lover for no reason. If he ends up dead, it's probably because he ignored a bunch of signs." But you won't deny the possibility of him dying in the first place?

Hisui looks down. "I would also not harm Elder Brother, but I do worry for him..." Sorry, but thank you for loving me through my faults.

And let's be honest here, the person who would most likely try to kill me for nonsensical reasons would be Noel-Sensei.

Aoko basically growls. "You didn't answer my question Yuta...!" And then her anger suddenly changes to sadness. "Y-you are not dumping me right? If I did something wrong, I'll apologize..." What a quick change in mood!

Could it be... that Sensei is the clingy girlfriend type who quickly changes between angry and depressed!? I guess that's just standard Christmas Cake things though.

So I pat her head. "There, there, nobody is dumping you." This woman is in her thirties. "But if Touko wants to go home, that's fine. Trust me, I know what I'm doing." Tomorrow I'll put an end to this!

Kohaku tilts her head. "Do you? I remember Hisui and I doing most of the work..." I instinctively flinch... But what she said definitely isn't true! They just gave the final push, that's all!

Aoko pouts. "You know what? Fine. If this doesn't work out... I'll break the Geass one way or another." You can do that!? Well, maybe I could kill it with the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

I need to start thinking more like a cheater, specially since I have the most bullshit power ever, and with very little restrictions at that. I'm the type of character people would call fraud on Twitter because he keeps stealing the spotlight of their faves after all.

Touko too pouts, her and Aoko look eerily similar now. "Then I'll be going... See you tomorrow, Yuta Okkotsu." I wave at her and she starts walking away. I can only hope I can defeat her before the time limit comes.

Hisui is the first to speak up after that. "So... what do you plan on doing now, Elder Brother?" Huh, good question. Since I didn't go on a date, I ended up having way more freetime than I thought I would.

Aoko plays with her hair. "Well, we could still go on a date..." She then looks at the twins. "Maybe these two should go home though, this town is too dangerous for people without magic." Right, Roa could theoretically show up at any time after all.

I awkwardly smile. "I was thinking of something else actually... So maybe we should skip out on a date." These are dangerous words to say, but I have a place where I'm going with this.

Sensei takes a step back. "N-no way! You stop trying once the beginning phase is over!? Normally that's reserved for the marriage phase!" It's still bad even when the marriage phase ends...!

Kohaku looks down. "Well, Big Brother only went on one date with Mom... And does he ever go on date with Rika?" Oh no, they're onto me...! Hell, even cute and pure Hisui is glaring at me right now!

I-I was watching movies with you guys yesterday though...! "W-well, it's not like... Look, I just want to find a place where Sensei can stay!" That bridge has wore off it's welcome to be honest.

She crosses her arms. "Hah? What's the problem with the place where I am living!?" Everyone is wrong with it...! Specially when as you previously said, this town is super dangerous!

I cross my arms too, I'm willing to argue too. "Look, don't even start... I'm fine with my mentor living in the middle of nowhere, but my girlfriend deserves better than that!" I could always throw Sensei into Arcueid's castle.

Aoko takes a step back. "I see where your priority lies... But look, Yuta... This is okay with me, I'm a girl who travels a lot, so I don't need any place better than a bridge." It goes without saying, but she will keep traveling even now that she's dating me.

There's no way I can her excuse. "That's great and all, I'm not against you traveling. But let's at least find you a nice place for you to stay... I can probably bribe a hotel into overlooking your criminal charges or something." Money solves everything!

Hisui interjects. "And... um... I'm sure Ciel would be willing to take one more person into her apartment. Specially if it's someone so important to Yuta..." I don't think Senpai has any free space though.

I look away. "I don't know... I'm kind of forcing the limit right now. So I was thinking of maybe letting Sensei stay with Shiki and Akiha until I find a hotel that is willing to accept her?" And once my houses are built, she can just live with us.

Kohaku smiles. "Geez, there ain't no need to worry Big Brother! Ciel is kinda like an abused housewife, so it's okay!" H-huh? "As long as you bow a little and say sorry, she will forgive you, and then start feeling guilty herself!" Oi...

My eye twitches. "I feel like you have a distorted view of our relationship... I'm just Ciel's stupid little Kouhai who keeps bringing her trouble! Not some abusive husband!" Yep, that's what I'm going with.

Kohaku makes a thinking pose. "Um... Nah. I mean I can definitely picture it in my head, Big Brother bringing more and more women home and poor Ciel just accepting it all because she's just so forgiving and kind."

"Or stuff like Big Brother putting it in the wrong hole, but Ciel smiling and saying it's okay. Or stuff like Big Brother gambling away all the money they have, and Ciel smiling and saying she will work harder or..." Please stop.

Hisui pulls Kohaku by the shoulder. "Honored Sister... Take a deep breath, your face is becoming blue." Kohaku wasn't even breathing while she ranted... Scary!

I look back at Aoko. "So... I guess I can at least try and convince Senpai. Wanna check it out, Sensei?" It's either that or the Akiha route. Both probably put my life at risk if I'm being honest.

Sensei looks away. "I... I don't know, I mean won't I be intruding? I don't wanna be the awkward older women ruining all the fun you and your girlfriends are having..." I see, but there is one problem with what you're saying...

"Sensei, you are my girlfriend."

"Oh! You're right!" She's way too cute.


"Thanks for letting Sensei stay, Senpai." Right now I'm having a much needed talk with Ciel. "And sorry for always pushing stuff like that on to you." Her little apartment definitely wasn't made for this many people.

She pushes her glasses off. "At least you're self aware! But... fine, I'll forgive you, since you had good intentions." Ah! She really is acting just like Kohaku said she would! I'm sorry for doing this to you, Senpai.

I awkwardly look away. "I wouldn't say I have good intentions. My intentions are pretty perverted in fact." I mean, I'm dating three women at this point, and I know damn well way more than three women like me.

Ciel smiles. "For all that you say that Yuta, you rarely act on these perversions." That's true, I guess... I'm weak. "I mean, you're on a dark park with me, and you're aren't trying nothing..." That's true.

Senpai decided she wanted to walk a little to clear her head, probably because I'm stressing her way too much. Being the nosy little fellow I am, I decided to follow her.

I smirk. "Do you want me to try something?" She blushes bright red. "What a bad girl... I can control my perversions to a certain extent, but if you keep tempting me..." She does have the secret hobby of putting her ass against my crotch.

She pouts. "I'm not tempting anyone... I-In fact... you're the one who keeps tempting others!" Considering what happened to Arcueid, I can't exactly call her a liar, I can however become extremely smug about this.

I chuckle. "Sorry for tempting you, Senpai. I guess walking into a dark forest with you is way too much temptation huh?" Well, not that anything is going to happen here. Actually, I shouldn't say that, the universe might send an attacker after us to prove me wrong.

Senpai suddenly gets up from the bench. I raise an eyebrow. "Wanna go back to walking?" She doesn't look seriously, so I doubt some super enemy has shown up or anything. The universe still hasn't decided to punish me after all.

She shakes her head. "Nope!" And then gets on top of me, sitting on my lap, and looking directly at my face. She does have to hold onto me, and I do need to hold onto her however, since this is a pretty awkward position to be in.

I immediately blush of course. "Senpai...!? What you're doing!?" If we were naked right now... this would be the perfect position for her to ride me. Ah... This is bad...! Did Arcueid possess her or something!?

Her face is just as red as mine. "I-I'm... tempting you... I guess..." Then it's definitely working! "I mean... You're gonna lose right? The whole bet you made with the Aozaki's." Her face is now back to being serious.

She's wrong though. "I won't lose. Just t-today, I made S-Sensei my girlfriend." It's hard to talk normally when she's on top of me. Her whole weight is against me, and it feels surprisingly nice.

She sighs. "You say that, but from what I hear you didn't even go on a date with Touko Aozaki today." That's all part of the plan though. "Now... I have been thinking about the contract you made, and our discussion about it." Is she still thinking of ways to break it in case I lose?

Sensei is pretty confident she can do it, so I guess it doesn't matter much, but I'm still curious on what exactly Senpai came up with. She's a bonafide genius after all, and the girl who so gently protected a dumbass like me from the supernatural.

Ciel frees one of her hands, and removes her glasses, carefully putting it besides us, on the bench. "From what I understand, you can't pursue a harem anymore, right?" Assuming I lose.

I sputter. "D-don't worry Senpai! I got e-everything under control!" I hope this moment lasts forever. That's all I can say about the fact that Ciel is currently on top of me like this.

Ciel pouts. "You don't exactly inspire confidence when you say that while stuttering!" I wouldn't be stuttering in any other situation. "But it's fine, being arrogant is just part of you..." Her hold on me gets tighter.

"And now I could lose you, genuinely lose you..." The more I experience the consequences of my actions, the more I feel like a jerk. "Hey Yuta, I genuinely like you. Maybe even... even love you, as stupid as that sounds." My heart might actually explode.

"W-which is why you're so mean for putting on a time limit for my confession, Yuta." A time limit? "I was... I know it's absolutely awful of me, and I can't ever truly be forgiven for what I've done, but..." What is she talking about?

Oh, I get it and just thinking about it pisses me off. "Senpai, you committed no sin. I know you're the type who wants to take responsibility for everything, because you're kind, but it just reaches a level where it's stupid to do so." I can be pretty awful.

And I was even worse. The only reason why I changed for the better, is because Senpai is just too amazing. That's why I get mad when she talks to herself like this, because if she's a sinner... what the hell is a normal person? The devil?

Ciel weakly smiles. "Not now Yuta." Should I have stayed silent...? No, I won't let Senpai be mean to herself no matter the context. "What I wanted to say, is that after we killed Roa, I wanted to... be with you." Oh.

"I mean, we would travel a lot, that's a given for members of the church like us, but... the entire time we would be side-by-side too, so... Even if it was selfish, I really wanted to start a relationship with you." My heart isn't about to explode, it has officially exploded!

She sighs. "But then you went and made that contract, and put all of this pressure on me... So it can't be helped. You can't pursue a harem anymore? Fine, then I'll just pursue you instead." I... never thought about that, but it could technically work.

She starts grinding against. "So yes, congratulations Yuta Okkotsu, you made the church girl take you into a dark park alone so she could have sex with you, because you keep bringing annoyances to her home." She means Arcueid and Sensei of course, not the twins.

And about the other part... "F-for real!? I don't have condoms and... and this is some dark park where somebody could show up at any moment!" The condoms part is definitely the most important one.

As my excitement rises however, it seems more and more like something I shouldn't care about. That's just my stupid human brain wanting to breed and nothing else though. People get stupider the more they get horny after all.

Ciel rolls her eyes. "I don't even know if I can get pregnant, considering how my... existence works. Besides, there's always a pill I can take on the next day." You're not gonna address the dark park part?

"Now walk the walk, Yuta." Senpai proceeds to kiss me, hungry for something I hope I can give. I guess I really am walking the walk!

Or I would, if Arcueid didn't interrupt me. "Yo Yuta! I got bored and decided to check on you!" As expected of my vampire girlfriend. If she can't have sex, no one can.

At least that's what probably happened to a Yuta Okkotsu across the universe, not to me though, I just keep kissing my beautiful Senpai. Disbelief, love and lust are mixing it up on my head in equal amounts.

We end up shifting positions, with Ciel's back now being against the bench, and with me being on top of her. I really will lose myself if I keeo seeing my beautiful Senpai blushing and panting below me.

But there's something I just noticed. "Hey Senpai, aren't you on top of your glasses?" Wouldn't that hurt? Though I don't think we actually broke them, or at least I didn't hear any glass cracking sound.

Ciel responds with another desperate kiss... and then actual words. "It's alright Yuta... a little bit of discomfort makes this better, don't you think?" No...? What is this M side of yours!?

I look away. "What if it breaks under you, and it cuts your body though?" And speaking of body, I won't be able to crush Ciel with mine if she keeps being on top of that stupid thing.

She pouts and then awkwardly puts on of her hand below her, once she grabs on to the glasses she chucks them away with none of the care she has previously displayed. This time the glasses definitely break.

She smiles. "T-there... you better be extra rough with me though... as an exchange." Masochistic Senpai is as hot as one would think...!

So even though we are doing this with zero protection in a public space, when I haven't even had sex with my girlfriend yet, I can't stop myself. Hopefully Rika won't get too mad at Rabbit...

I immediately go back to kissing her. "Got it! If you want it rough, then I'm willing to oblige!" I expected Ciel to be the type who would want wholesome missionary sex with the purposes of reproduction, and only after marriage, but this is okay too!

I start pulling my pants down, and my underwear too of course, though I don't actually take it all off. Maybe it's because we are technically in public, but I don't feel comfortable being completely naked here.

Senpai takes her time looking at it, I actually become a bit self-conscious. "W-wow... I really am about to have sex with my student. In public." Well, she hasn't made a disgusted face and then said it was small, so we are still in!

But... "H-hey Senpai, if you're feeling shy or nervous... we don't need to do it. The moment you tell me to stop, I will." I really hope she doesn't say that though! "And if the location is the problem... we can go to a love hotel or something." Is it wrong that I want to take a member of the church to such a place?

She slowly and shily shakes her head. "No, don't be stupid. At this point I'll genuinely get mad if that thing doesn't go inside of me. And it better happen soon." Senpai might be the most perfect woman in the world.

I don't know, there's tough competition all around.

Here's a fun fact about Senpai, she really likes the school uniform for some reason. Maybe it's because she herself got sadly taken from school before her time...? I don't really know to be honest, but I won't judge.

What matters right now though, is that Senpai uses her uniform like it's normal fashion, which means she's using it right now. Which means she's wearing a skirt.

This is important, because it grants Ciel the power to simply take off her panties while keeping the skirt. The panties now hanging off her leg and showing me that she has concluded her mission as a member of the church, and taken me to church.

As a pure and true man, I immediately look at her bare pussy, of course. "Completely shaven, huh?" I had a feeling she would either be like this, or the exact opposite. Both sound hot to me, so my expectations were high!

She sputters. "D-did you really have to say that!?" I won't apologize for following my heart. "J-just put it in, if someone catches us I will genuinely die of embarrassment!" Who would be here at this hour anyways, a serial killer? Roa?

I line myself against her, the fact that most of our clothes are still on actually make me a bit more excited. However... I have a feeling that once I go back home a war will start.

Rika... will be fine with this, to a certain extent at least. She's very aware of the fact I have been going after Ciel for a while. Aoko, Kohaku and Hisui probably won't care much either.

Arcueid though? She might throw Senpai and me at the Moon. Will that stop me though...?

Senpai moans as I enter her. "Y-Yuta...!" Nope, I won't be stopped! This is my moment! "B-be as rough as you can, got it!?" That's a weird request coming from a virgin, but alright.

And Senpai is definitely a virgin, since there's bl-, actually maybe she's not. I have seen her body coming back from being torn apart, so this is probably just a consequence of that. Sorry Senpai, this will make sex way worse.

Or maybe better? Since Senpai is clearly a M?

Either way, I respond that with a kiss, and with me moving faster. I would be okay with whatever fetish she had, and to be honest, this is a pretty mild one all things considered.

Senpai is moving her hips against mine, not hesitating for a moment. "Y-Yuta...! That's right... Ahhh~... That's just right!" My Senpai might be a bit too lewd. This is a good thing of course.

And so I want to partake more of her lewd body, grabbing her tits and playing with them without asking for permission. The fact that she's clothed makes the experience a bit weird, but it's not bad.

I can still feel how soft she is, and how massive they are. This is the type of body people would kill to abuse, and since she actually likes to be abused I'm groping the with a decent bit of force.

Senpai smirks. "Ah~... You like them Yuta~?" Who wouldn't it? "They're all yours~!" And now I also have her permission too. "You can play with them, whenever you want and in whatever way you want~!"

I grin. "You're surprisingly perverted, Miss Holy Church!" I'm speeding up, losing myself on her, and her pussy that is desperately milking me. I have to always be careful when having sex with Rika due to obvious reasons, but here...

Here I can just go as wild as I want, and so I can move my hands wherever I want. From playing with her tits, to trying to feel her muscles through her clothing, to groping her fit ass. I don't have to think.

Ciel rolls her eyes. "Look who's talking... O-ohhh~... Mister Harem King~!" Huh, I really am one now huh? I guess I won't be losing to anyone in a competition of pervertedness. Which I probably shouldn't be proud about.

Still, there's no way I won't challenge her back. "Shut it, Senpai." I would normally never tell her to shut up, but since we are having sex and she's an M... "Don't go talking back to me, when you're spreading your legs like this...! What kind of Senpai are you!?" If a student saw this... The entire school would know by tomorrow.

It's then that I notice that Senpai is crying a bit, but... her expression isn't one of sadness, so it's okay. "The type of Senpai that really loves her Kouhai~! The type of Senpai that is really glad she gets to share this special moment with her Kouhai~!" Ah, if she responds to my perverted comments with a serious heartfelt response..

I really will end up cumming inside of her without thinking too much about it. But hey, at least it won't get cum all over her school uniform, right? Silver lining.

I don't think Senpai ever looked more beautiful than she does right now. "And this Senpai~... Is really... really happy that her Kouhai would lust after someone like her~!" Ah, so this is what this whole masochistic thing is all about?

Then she shouldn't worry, because I'm getting close to my limit. "I see! Then listen closely Senpai...! You're a really precious person to me, so when you're this sexy, it's only natural I would want you."

Ciel smiles. "Then please prove it to your Senpai by filling her up~!" That's my cue, I feel Senpai tightening and cum. "O-oooh~...! It's hot~!" It's also dangerous, she could get pregnant.

Those are the thoughts that immediately hit me, this is the legendary sage mode. I have experienced many a time, like when I realize Rika could have ripped out my cock with her teeth by accident.

Senpai is much more safe though... to my own health. So I pull out, watch my cum leak out of her and desperately hope that she really will be taking that pill. And then horny Yuta comes back and I suddenly think about how hot pregnant sex with her would be.

Senpai recomposes herself pretty fast, she's a fighter after all. "That was...! That was wonderful! love you Yuta! I really do!" We are in a dark park. We just had sex in a bench.

Well, that doesn't change anything. "I love you too-." And then I get interrupted.

"Are you guys banging!?" I immediately turn around to look at the voice, it's a masculine one, so it's definitely not Arcueid or whatever. Though he is a pretty girly guy all things considered, he looks like a male Akiha.

With the facts that he has white hair, a weird kimono, looks like he hasn't eaten in a while and is smelling really badly... Yeah, this is the type of guy one would expect to encounter in this park at this hour.

I have no idea what to say. "I-I... Shit..." This is embarrassing, but I don't even know him, so it's not as bad as someone from the school seeing it.

Ciel immediately covers her face however. "P-please leave!" Right, I have to protect her modesty!

Before I can say anything though, the guy turns around. "Sorry, I didn't see anything, I swear!" And then he runs away. Welp.

I still consider today a success!


AN: Helped him against Vlov... Trained him... Gave him a temporary residence... Found him a job... And now had sex with him. Yeah, Ciel might just be best girl.

As expected of the girl who had anal sex to supress Roa. Based to the very end.

By the way, the original plan for this was introducing Arach's big ass spiders, and then having Yuta have a short clash with SHIKI while Ciel handles the spiders. This would mean that Ciel sexo would be interrupted, but...

I decided to throw Yuta a bone for once though, even if he might lose his life to Arc in the next chapter as a consequence.

Also, I thought it would be funny to have the blue haired woman get fucked in the red haired women arc. Poetry or something.



Man when u wrote that fake arcueid interruption...i was ready to take up my golden pitchfork lol. Good on you Ciel. Good on you Yuta


Great chapter, thanks! Finally Yuta became a true harem king, so Ciel now is a harem queen? And poor Sensei, she was cucked in her own arc.