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"So this is a Demon General huh..." One that isn't Wolbach at least. Well, if nothing else, much like my Dark Goddess, Sylvia is very pretty. "Should we like... wake her up?" We could throw water at her face, I guess.

Kazuma shrugs. "I dunno, it's your choice. The Crimson Demons decided that handling evil women is apparently your area of expertise." Not a single one of my wives are evil! Some are just... misunderstood.

Frieren glares at the sleeping woman. "I could wake her up Flugel. In a very painful way at that." Please don't do that. Ugh, I'm guessing the silver haired elf has history with the Demon General? That would make sense.

By the way, the reason why Frieren is here, is to protect me. She's not the only one either, as Aqua and Wolbach are in the tent... Even if they're far too busy glaring at each other to acknowledge me.

You see, as soon as we made a decent plan to save everyone... We found out that everyone was already saved anyways. Kazuma apparently rescued the hostages, and knocked out the big bad, and with this opportunity Nina and Rudeus wiped the floor with the remaining demons.

Many ran away of course, but we captured quite a few. And all of those prisoner's are currently being interrogated, including this massive woman. "I don't know anything about interrogation to be honest..." I don't want to torture her, that's for sure.

Wolbach stops glaring at Aqua for a second. "Maybe tell that to the Emilia girl? All the Crimson Demons seems to follow her, so they would probably stop being so insistent." That's true, but talking with that elf is complicated at the moment.

She's blushing just at the sight of me, and she told me we should talk later about something important and then pretty much disappeared. It's probably related to all the bullshit Megumin and Eris were saying by accident, which means I'll have to clarify the actual truth later.

A sigh escapes my mouth. "Emilia is occupied for now... I think." I force a smile on my face, and secretly motion to Frieren, just enough that Wolbach can notice. "And are you sure you should be here?" She's is an ex-Demon General after all.

Wolbach smiles. "Of course, Sylvia can be tricky, so I would like to keep a personal eye over you." But... "By the way, I would like to remind everyone that she might say lies to try and break the bond between us!" Ah, so you're already planting seeds, huh...

Frieren nods. "Yes, I admittedly never met her in the battlefield, but as a Demon General she must be no fool." I'm happy you're buying Wolbach's premade excuses for why Sylvia will probably be calling her a massive traitor.

Aqua and Kazuma look away, in perfect synch the mutter. "You'd be surprised..." I can accept my fellow isekai person calling someone else an idiot, but the Water Goddess definitely doesn't have that right!

And speaking of her... "Aqua, can you throw some water at Sylvia's face? So she will wake up?" There's no meaning to delaying this further. Even if I have no idea what I should be asking in the first place.

I was given to instructions, or specific pieces of information that the Gumins desire. They probably just thought it would be cool to interrogate a bunch of captured demons, and so I imagine that currently they're all around the town screaming their little chuuni torture delusions.

Aqua sends me a thumbs up. "Of course!" She cheerfully walks over to Sylvia. "I just knew torturing scum would be a good bonding session for us!" Is that the real reason why you're here!? And there won't be any torture.

She points a finger at Sylvia's face, like her hand is a gun. "Bang!" And then she fires a bullet of water at the the poor woman's face... Well, I probably shouldn't feel any empathy for the Demon General, she was trying to take over the town after all.

Sylvia wakes with coughing. "H-hah!?" But it doesn't take to long for her to recompense herself. "Ah, I see what's happening here..." She forces and obviously fake grin on her face. The truth is that she's probably horrified.

Aqua grins like Christmas has come earlier. "That's right~! It's... waterboarding time!" No, it's definitely not.

I pull her back by her shoulder, using a decent amount of strength. "That will depend on Sylvia over here." I have no plans of torturing the Demon General of course, but she doesn't need to know that.

Sylvia glares at me. "Sorry, I don't know what you intend to ask, but..." Our eyes meet, a shock runs through my body, and her face immediately becomes bright red. "I'll tell you everything!" That's... convenient.

Honestly, I almost avoided her eyes out of habit, but then I remembered that I could get literally erased from existance by doing so. Still, this now bodes the problem of how I'm gonna convince everyone to let her go...

This time, I'm the one being pulled back, and it's by Frieren. "Flugel, she's planning something, I can see it on her eyes." I don't think she's planning anything right now, she's probably freaking out too much for that.

Seriously, her face is completely red. I guess that's the soulmate effect to you... Maybe I should be more weary of a Demon General, but then again, Wolbach exists and I love her, so... Sylvia deserves a chance too.

Speaking of the Demon General, she has now noticed the elf. "S-so you really were here...!" Her face is filled with fear, and then she notices Kazuma, who just makes that face even more pale than it already is...

But that all changes when she finally lays eyes Wolbach, her eyes now filled with fury. "T-traitor! You goddamned traitor!" Ayup, I pretty much knew it with ninety-nine percent sureness that my fiancee was evil, but this confirms it.

Wolbach points at her, a clear panicked look on her face. "S-see! I told you all that she was gonna try to sow discord!" Ugh, I love you my beautiful rock, but you should have definitely not come to this little discussion.

Frieren nods, a serious look on her face. "As expected, time might pass and positions might change, but a Demon General is always scum incarnate." Y-you're actually buying what Wolbach is saying!?

Aqua nods. "Yep, they're all trash..." She points at Wolbach. "Including this woman! She's clearly a Demon General!" Ah, it's so bad that even this dumbass goddess knows. That said, I can't let my fiancee get executed or whatever.

So I intervene by giving Aqua a light chop in the head. "Enough with crackpot theories for now... You're rivalry with Wolbach is getting a bit out of hand." She looks at me like I'm insane. Which I am, but whatever.

Aqua has the reputation of a dumbass, and she also is known to hate Wolbach. This means I can deflect any and all accusations she makes with ease. That said, this could be troublesome if Sylvia brings some evidence to the table.

Thankfully she doesn't, instead she just keeps glaring at Wolbach. "I... I can't believe you would change sides! What about all of our comrades!? They gave their lives for the cause!" I wonder how many demons futilely died against the Gumins...

Wolbach rolls her eyes. "Beldia was a pervert, Vanir was Vanir, and Hans was a monster." Oh? Did a bit of personal dislike seep out? "F-from what I heard of course! This is all very public knowledge!" Frieren definitely likes you a lot.

She must, because that like must be blinding her from the truth as the elf points her staff at Sylvia. "Enough, it's clear that this one's tongue is made out of hatred. Let's kill her." We have not even begun with the interrogation.

Sylvia looks away. "It's made out of a lot of stuff actually." What is that even supposed to mean!?

No, it doesn't matter right now. "Wait a minute Frieren! We can't just randomly kill her like that!" The elf immediately pouts, but she does step back. Sorry my silver haired elf granny, but I have to save my soulmate.

Sylvia's blush returns. "Y-yeah... I can be useful..." Oi, aren't you super against betrayal or whatever? Don't give in so easily. Though I can't exactly blame you, considering you are my soulmate and all.

Still, with her previous reaction, and now this one, it seems like if nothing else, it will be easy to get any information I want out of her. Not that I have any information in particular that I need, besides something stupid like asking if the Demon King has any weaknesses.

Actually, even then a lot of this stuff is information I could ask Wolbach about. This means Sylvia is pretty much only useful to give me more recent information... which would probably be great if I was a general actively involved in this war, but I'm not.

Kazuma takes a deep breath, and finally speaks up. "I agree with Subaru, for once. Just executing a prisoner would be... wrong." Immediately Sylvia's blush disappears, and she glares at him. Talk about lover's privilege.

Frieren sighs. "Very well, I shall let the two of you decide how this goes... You detained her after all, and Flugel here is the Sage..." She lightly hugs one of my arms. "I know that he will always make the right decision." That's a bit too much of trust to put on me.

Slowly what Frieren just said, sinks on Sylvia's head. "H-huh...? D-do you mean this boy is the S-Sage? That sage? Shaula...?" I guess in a way I must be just as legendary as Frieren to her, even though I'm a nobody.

Kazuma raises an eyebrow. "Last I heard of it he wasn't." He looks at me. "So Subaru, since when did you stop being a NEET and become some person who just jerks it on a tower all day." I haven't been a NEET in a while!?

Hell, I don't think I ever even told you my backstory, so...! Ah, it's probably his NEET senses, and he did see me getting revived by Aqua that one time... Whatever, he also missed the Sage talk from yesterday, so his confusion is understandable.

Sylvia's eye twitches. "I didn't know you were the type to insult your own allies Kazuma Satou. I see that heroic facade really is just a facade." W-wow, she's the only one here who actually defended me! And I'm her enemy.

I clear my throat. "It's a complicated story, and one I should probably explain later... though you can also feel free to ask pretty anyone about it at this point. But yeah, I'm the Sage, but I have like... amnesia or something." There's no point in hiding it.

Kazuma frowns. "Oh, so you're some sort of legendary figure? As expected of the universe's special little favorite prince." Wow, where did all that spite come from!? Specially when you're the favorite one here...

I wave him. "Ignoring Kazuma..." I glare at Sylvia. "You better listen to what we say, or my stance in this issue will change." It won't. I know she's an evil person, but if she's compatible with me, surely she can't be that bad?

The Demon General immediately nods with a blush. "Yes!" And then she shakes her head. "I mean, no! I would rather die than betray the land I fight for!" Actually, what does the Demon King even fight against?

Aqua smiles. "Wow, she's so commited to the cause! Let's honor it and kill her!" How can you say stuff like that with zero hesitation at all!? Aren't you supposed to be super empathetic with other people or whatever!?

I need to stop her though, I know Aqua means what she says. "W-wait a second there! It's only natural that a prisoner will at least put up a bit of resistance at the beginning..." Though I'm also unwilling to torture her, so maybe I should shut up.

Wolbach sighs. "Subaru... for once I agree with Aqua. Sylvia is a dangerous person, even these magical bindings might not be enough." She crosses her arms. "Why are you even so adamant on defending her anyways?" Oh, so you didn't realize?

I start blinking with only one eye. "Haha, I don't know! I guess I'm just the type of guy who would be unwilling to electrocute someone!" This is my desperate attempt to say I felt the shock.

Frieren makes a thinking pose. "It is true that such methods can be rather gruesome, but don't worry, I intend to give her a painless death." Well, I suppose not everyone would get my genius analogy.

Wolbach frowns. "Are you serious, Subaru...?" I nod, I wouldn't lie about something like this. "I see... but to be honest, that doesn't change much in my opinion." Eh? "How do I put this..." There's no way my rock is about to say what I think she is, right?

Aqua leans on her rival. "What this idiot wants to say, is that just 'cause you're soulmates with someone, that doesn't mean they deserve to live... So let's chop her head off." You didn't even try to hide the fact that this conversation is about soulmates.

But Aqua did say something which is sort of true. I'm trying to make a super mega harem because I don't want anybody dead or sad, but maybe... maybe Sylvia is undeserving of that, she's a Demon General after all!

Now, don't get me wrong, so was Wolbach, but she switched sides so seamlessly that I didn't even notice. Sylvia however is putting up some resistance to it, she's being a nuisance that could hurt people...

That doesn't matter right now though, what matters is that Aqua's lack of subtlety has it's consequence. First from Frieren. "There is no way I'm hearing all of this, correct?" She already sounds mad.

By the way, Sylvia is just confused. This whole talk about soulmates is definitely going way above her head, which probably means I shouldn't even have bothered to hide what's happening in the first place.

Frieren looks me deep into my eyes. "Tell me Subaru, is Sylvia your soulmate?" Of course, Sylvia blushes bright red while hearing this, releasing an involuntary gasp. I imagine this must be quite the trip for her.

I can't lie to such a direct question from Frieren. "Yeah she is, I'm sorry..." I imagine this will piss of the granny elf, but it's not like I get to pick this sort of stuff. If I did I would make my situation a lot less complicated.

Sylvia is sputtering. "S-soulmate!? Me and this man!? When I don't even know if his name is Subaru, Flugel or Shaula!?" She giggles, sounding like a schoolgirl with a crush. "There's just n-no way!" You're weak to romance, aren't you?

Frieren looks at her like she's looking at living trash. "Well, the quality of Demon Generals has certainly decreased with time." She looks at me. "I suppose redemption might be possible in her case." That's...!

I immediately raise up Frieren, she's light so it's easy. "I knew you would get it!" Not even Wolbach did, and Aqua certainly didn't! But my pure, sweet elf granny did! Probably because she's technically my oldest soulmate.

In the end, the truth is that I don't want to kill anyone who's in love with me. I can make excuses on my head on why they should die, but I just know that I would regret it in the end. I'm pathetic like that.

Frieren blushes, and smugly smirks. "Of course I would. Now feel free to hold my body for longer." F-for real!? But I'm holding onto you like you're Simba... Well, if you're comfortable with it, then I guess it's all good.

While I give Frieren what she asks, Kazuma smiles and looks at Sylvia. "So you're Subaru's soulmate...?" I'm surprised he even know what that means. I guess Aqua has probably told him or something. "That's great! It means that's there's no need for any further bloodshed!" I didn't expect you to have such a pacifist attitude...

Sylvia however, scowls. "Hah, you all can say what you like, but I will not be betraying my people any time soon." That's fine, it's not like I'm about to release you from your bindings any time soon either.

Kazuma clenches his fists. "Why are you even like this? What's being offered you that you would be willing to throw your life away...?" Sylvia remains silent. "I... Whatever, at least tell us what you wanted with this attack." It's pretty obvious.

Sylvia snorts. "Never. Sorry to tell you, hero... But you won't hear a peep of important knowledge coming from me." You sort of just admitted that there was a greater reason for you coming here though.

I release Frieren and look at the Demon General. "So, why were you here anyways?" I try my best to ignore how the granny elf has a sad look on now. I can't hold her up for forever, damn it!

Sylvia smiles. "Well, I knew this was obviously a trap, so I moved in a few of my forces to capture a few key figures and...!" She finally stops herself. "You are a dangerous man, Sage..." I'm definitely not.

I chuckle. "Well, as you guys can see, she's a mess. Let's give her some time and she will crack naturally." I'm glad everything is going smoothly.

Now I just have one more problem to solve, and I can begin preparing to go home.


"So Emilia, just what do you want to talk about...?" Right now it's just me and her, under the stars. "And why is Megumin here!?" Or at least that's what I thought would happen, but MMT is here too for some reason.

Megumin pouts. "Does my boyfriend have some sort of trouble with my presence now?" That's definitely not it and you known that! I won't say what's on my mind though, since MMT can be very combative.

This is inconvenient though, because MMT will certainly make revealing the truth to Sat- Emilia much harder. Ugh, I'm so tired that I'm even beginning to confuse the two names... I can't even imagine how beat I would have been if I ended up needing to fight Sylvia.

Emilia smiles, she's blushing as well. "It's just that she... said she had something important to talk with you about and..." The elf pats her stomach. "Since we are in similar situations, I feel this would only be fair." What, you two got a tummy ache or something? Then go talk with Aqua.

I nod. "Okay, got it. But first of all, let me tell you something Emilia... It involves all the stuff that Megumin and Eris were talking about earlier... We are not married." Her eyes widen, but before she can say anything, I continue. "The truth is... it's..." This is hard to tell her, for some reason.

Thankfully Megumin is here, making this easier, surprisingly enough. "What Purge King wants to say is that he's the reincarnation of Satella's husband." How can you just dump all of that without any hesitation? "And you're Satella, obviously. Now give me that head wife seat!" This is totally why you're here, isn't it?

Emilia looks down. "Ah, so I really am married to Subaru..." H-huh? "That's good then... That's rea~lly good considering the circumstances... raising a child won't be easy..." Where did the kid talk come from!?

I take a step back instinctively. "H-hey Emilia, you told us you weren't Sate- The Witch of Envy before, remember?" This is bad, her eyes look cold for some reason. Why do I feel like I just stumble onto a secret boss...?

Emilia is sputtering. "I-I used to think that I was Emilia, but... everyone and everything has been calling me Satella, so... maybe they are right!" She clasps her hands. "And so we are married! And now you're gonna help Megumin and I raise the child growing in our bellies!" Huh?

"Huh?" That came from Megumin by the way, not me. "Since when was I pregnant?" Since when were the two of you pregnant!? Did I get NTR'd somehow!? By who!? Rudeus is too dickless to try something like that...!

Kazuma. It was probably him. Okay, I'll be snitching his crimes to Nina so I can get a good view of her cutting off his balls and then feeding them to him. Yeah, that will be my ultimate revenge!

Jokes aside though, I have no idea where this is coming. I guess... I guess Emilia could have gotten knocked up by some guy before she came here, but I'm pretty sure Megumin can't have gotten pregnant out of nowhere.

Which is why I try not freaking out. "I think there has been a misunderstanding here..." Maybe Emilia means something else? As a future harem king, I must keep my mind calm and collected in moments like this, or conflict will arise.

And now MMT is also sending a curious look to the elf, who simply tilts her head in confusion. "There's no misunderstanding. You made me and Megumin pregnant!" Since when!? I would remember such a sacred scene, right!?

Megumin glares shifts to me for some reason. "You... attacked me while I was asleep, didn't you?" Where did that come from!? "You... you asshole! I'm gonna kill you, so I hope all the sweet moans you heard coming from me where worth it!" And of course she brought her staff this time...

Emilia gasps. "Subaru kissed Megumin while she was asleep!? That's horrible!" Oh.

Both Megumin and I look at her. We are actually both pretty familiar with tropes and cliches like this, so our minds immediately understand what's going on. Which means I won't get exploded today.

Megumin rolls her eyes. "Ugh, don't scare me like that, I thought Purge King made me miss out on all the fun." You're a very weird tsundere. "Anyways, make sure pay attention to what I'm about to tell you." Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

She grins. "Babies are actually made when a guy puts his dick inside of a girl's pussy and stuffs her full of cum until she becomes a mini-Darkness. By the way, not knowing something like this immediately makes you lose your position as a head wife." Have some shame!

Emilia flinches. "I... It is true that I don't know what a pussy, or a dick, or a cum, or a mini-Darkness are, but you can't just make me stop being the head wife!" You... I knew you were naive, but you are even more than I could have predicted.

It's such a dumb situation that I can't help but chuckle. "Emilia... look, I'll ask Wolbach to explain all of this to you later." The Dark Goddess won't joke around like MMT. "And drop this head wife stuff, there's no need for it, and even if there was, you wouldn't be Satella." What a complicated girl.

Megumin glares at me. "You're spending too much time with Aqua recently, it's rotting your brain." What do you mean? I barely spend time with her at all, which is probably something I should fi-.

Oh. "I meant to say the Witch of Envy! The Witch of Envy!" But it is far too late for any corrections, she has certainly hear me. So in the end, I didn't solve the problem caused by Sylvia, in fact I brought even more problems to the table!

In this beautiful night, the shadows come alive, and the Moon descends.

"Ah...! Wolbach save me! Save me!" There's nothing else I, Fraudbaru could say.


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