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"I..." I stare at MMT in shock, without being able to process what she just told. Now, I have always been aware that Gumins can indeed be very... special, but I didn't imagine they could reach such levels.

And before I ever have the time to think on this newly obtained information, I hear a strange sound behind me. I turn around, and raise my guard, I don't know what that sound is, but I'm not feeling very friendly considering the circumstances.

Thankfully what I see is the most friendly face of them all, Wolbach. "Subaru...! You're okay!" She dashes towards me and envelopes me in a hug, and as her fiance I immediately hug her back of course.

She must have teleported here, maybe because she got worried over the announcement...? That said, I have no idea on how she found me in the first place, but I'm guessing she has some magic trick that allows her to track me?

Before I can question her however, I hear a similar sound, which I now attribute to teleportation. A second later I'm on a triple hug. "Flugel...!" Ah, Frieren came to my rescue as well.

They must be the only mages back at Megumin's house who can teleport... Aqua is a healer, so she can't, Darkness is a fighter, so she can't, and Fern is a novice, at least when compared with Frieren, so she can't as well.

Furthermore, Yuiyui must be incapable as well, because... Actually, I just heard that sound that is quickly becoming very familiar, and now I'm on a quadruple hug. I appreciate the attention of course, but this has now become very uncomfortable.

Her voice confirms her identity. "Subaru...! You're okay... And so is my daughter!" You thought of me before her? I... I don't exactly know how to feel about that, but I won't blame you, since you're my soulmate.

Actually that begs an interesting question. When a woman gets hit with the Cupid's Arrow her affection goes to max... Does that mean that I could possibly have more affection that MMT in your eyes...? You know what, I don't want to think about that.

Eventually I free myself from their hug, I would die otherwise. "You guys came here... But is everything okay back in the house?" I would assume so, but I would like to make things clear, confusion could be deadly in this situation.

Yuiyui nods, there are tears in her eyes. "Yes, everything is okay. Hyoizaburoo is staying back with Komekko." Ah, that's good... "And well... sorry, but I rushed here too fast to bring Darkness, Fern or Aqua with me." I'm sure they will be fine.

Frieren sighs. "I'm ashamed it's the same situation with me Flugel. When that announcement reached my ears, I feared the worst..." Her ears are dropped down, like a sad dog. Elves are truly wonderful creatures.

Wolbach smiles. "Well, I more or less knew you would be fine, since Miss Eris and Miss Megumin would be with you, but... A heart worries nonetheless." That smile turns into a smirk. "By the way, I got here first." She let's out her pride, a rare sight.

A cute sight too, but for now my mind is mostly stuck on how they managed to find me. And also how I'm gonna manage to fix the mess caused by the Demon King's Army before they hurt anyone... if they haven't done so already.

That said, I'm feeling pretty hopeful right now. "As you guys can see, I'm fine. I really appreciate that you all came to check on me though." It means a lot... Wait, a minute, isn't it crazy that three people here know how to teleport!?

Emilia blushes bright red. "Subaru is so~ popular... I can see how he has charmed so many women..." Well, you don't know it yet, but both Yuiyui and Frieren are in my harem as well, even if Megumin will deny the first one.

Yuiyui waves her off. "Yes, Subaru is quite the charmer..." She then glared at her own blood related daughter. "Sadly some people seem to not understand that very well, but they will learn..." She's scary.

Which is probably a good thing right now. I'll be unleashing all of her might on the Demon King after all... And however many soldier he has, without a doubt most of his army must be occupying the city right now.

Megumin flinches, and hugs herself. "No thank you." We are dating now though! Well, I won't force you to sleep with your mother and me at the same time. Heck, I won't force you to sleep with anyone.

Eris glares at her. "What's that supposed to mean? You leaving already...? Good." Oh, they're starting again.

Megumin glares right back. "I'm not leaving anything. Now talk with some respect to the future head wife!" Yep, it's starting again.

Eris and Megumin have started to bicker while the town presumably bleeds red. I don't even bother interrupting, hell, I don't even bother listening to it. Perhaps my body has naturally evolved to defend myself, because I just tune it out all out.

Emilia however, is getting confused as she looks at Yuiyui. "S-sorry, but who are you...? And I do believe Megumin is Subaru's lover, right Subaru?" She sends me a questioning eyebrow, to which I respond with a thumbs up.

Megumama's eyes widen. "Oh?" She then looks at me. "Oh!?" Ah, well, she probably wasn't expecting me to do what I did, and for what I did to work in the first place.

But I don't have time to explain any of this. "Sorry Yuiyui, but could we leave this talk for later?" I try to look as serious as possible. "We have to stop the Demon King's Army, and save the hostages." I just don't know how.

Yuiyui nods. "How heroic..." She then looks at her screaming daughter. "Did she cry when you broke her though...? I sort of need to know right now." W-what!? I... I won't even dignify that with an answer.

And my silence invites others to speak, first Frieren. "Well, normally I would say it's foolish for you to get involved in this mess, but you are... well... you." Right, I'm the Sage. I should know how to handle this situation.

Wolbach smiles, and completes what Frieren said. "Furthermore, the general assigned to this place is Sylvia... She isn't exactly a fighter, more of a researcher... She's still emperor ranked, but on the bottom of it." I see...

Frieren raises an eyebrow. "And you know that how...?" At this point I'm assuming you haven't figured out the truth because you're in denial.

Wolbach looks away. "It is fairly common knowledge... I just happened to know, that's all." I imagine you actually have quite a bit of knowledge of the Demon King's Army, considering you were a Demon General.

I make a thinking pose. "So out of everyone here, who has experience dealing with this army?" Obviously all the Gumin's hands go up, I mostly ignore them though. I imagine all of their information is littered with Chuuni propaganda.

That said, a few interesting people will talk. First Frieren. "I am know as Frieren the Slayer to these scum, and I'm intimately familiar with their tactics... If you have any doubts, feel free to ask me." It's good to have a legendary hero with us.

Emilia gets closer to me, and suddenly hugs my arm. "W-wow, we are gonna work with a legend, Subaru..." Her casual intimacy is so surprising that I can only blush and nod in silence.

Wolbach makes a curious face, but ignores the silver haired elf for now. "I... I also might know a thing or two about the Demon King's Army! So if you're curious about something... Feel free to ask!" Wow, I wonder how you know!

By far the most surprising person to raise a hand though... Is Eris. Welp, I'm assuming she must have fought them back when she was adventuring with Rudeus and that Rujierd guy.

She smiles. "I fought them yesterday!" Eh...? "Me and Rudeus went to the frontlines and wrecked shop! It was super rad!" Ah, I see, so that's why you two were looking super tired yesterday. Well, I'm just glad I wasn't getting counter NTR'd or something.

Wait a second. "What do you mean you fought them yesterday!? You went in a battlefield and didn't warn me!?" I could have become a widow...! I think, I don't know if a fiance can become a widow in the first place.

Eris steps back, looking pale, and I can even see a smug looking Megumin on the background. "S-Subaru...? Did I do something wrong?" Of course you did!? Isn't that obvious...!

Before I can scold my fiancee for jumping into a goddamn battlefield though, Frieren interjects. "Flugel, leave the Reid scolding session for later. Time is a finite resource." What's a Reid scolding session!?

Urgh, whatever, she's right. "Okay... got it." I then look at Wolbach. "Hey can you bring Aqua here? She will probably be useful." I... I don't want to sacrifice anyone of course, but just in case a tragedy happens...

I can only hope Yunyun is okay.


"I just-." I instinctively stop myself, before I ruin my cover. I'm so anxious that I almost talked out loud...! In my defense though, this is definitely the scariest thing I have ever done.

I... I essentially asked Nina, and Rudeus who I met on the way here, to wait for me while I rescued Yunyun and her father. And as it turns out, sneaking in on a building full of demons with only the help of Lurk is incredibly scared.

I slowly walk over to the next room, doing my best to hide from any demons. Lurk isn't infallible, and if I get caught then...! Then I will definitely get killed, and I will doom the hostages as well.

I couldn't just wait for help though, besides the Demon King's Army apparently has magical circles that disrupt teleportation, similar to the ones found in Sharia. This means someone would have to sneak in to find the hostages anyways.

Eventually, I manage to stumble on a room being guarded by two demons. This should be the chief's room, so maybe the hostages are there...? I sure hope so, because I have to knock these two guys to get in.

But first, I crouch on a corner and listen to their conversation, the yellow one seems to be angry. "Ugh, I can't believe this is how we finally defeat those Crimson Demons bastards!" Oh? Did they use some underhanded means?

The red one shrugs. "Who cares man? I'm just glad we are still alive... Shit, I miss Lancel." He looks sad... Right, even demons have feelings too, even demons want to live... But they're the invaders right now.

The yellow one, which I shall affectionately name mustard, raises an eyebrow. "What happened to him anyways? Did he get hit with some magic?" I imagine that would be the case, considering the place you're attacking.

Ketchup shakes his head. "Nah, there was a red blur and suddenly his head was flying... It was definitely a Sword Of Light." Huh...? A red blur? I wonder if it was Eris...?

Mustard seems scared now. "For real? I thought all of these pests were magic users though. Since when did they start learning swordsmanship." It's surprising that they don't to be honest.

Ketchup shrugs. "I don't know, and to be honest I don't even know if it was a Crimson Demon. Maybe it was some other random adventurer who's here for some glory." Eris isn't exactly the type to chase glory.

She is the type to jump into an active battlefield as long as it gives her an opportunity to get stronger though... Rudeus told me that he had gotten experience fighting the army since yesterday, but then he looked down and said he didn't actually do any of the dirty work...

Yeah, I can see it on my head. Eris saying something like... Watch this! And then Rudeus slowly becoming more and more horrified as she causes a trail of destruction. I can't blame her for attacking the Demon King's Army though.

Mustard glares at him. "Got it. You did warn Lady Sylvia though? Right?" Ketchup starts to sweat. "Of course you didn't... well, I guess I might as well." And then he casually leaves his post.

Should I let him though...? I don't think so. Apparently Sylvia is unaware that there are more people here, and I would like it to keep it that way, which is why I... slowly walk up to Ketchup.

And then put a Chunchunmaru to his throat. "Don't move, or he bites the dust." Announcing my presence is scary, but I have to do it. Even if I have no idea how I'm supposed to subdue these guys quickly and non-lethaly.

That's right, non-lethaly. I actually never had any troubles killing before, but for some reason I... Sort of want to limit that now. It's that guy... Himmel's fault, I just know it.

Ketchup thankfully doesn't scream. "Ah... shit." He's actually being surprisingly calm even, which makes me not feel calm! Does this mean he has some super trump card or something!?

Mustard too is calm. "And who are you supposed to be? Brat? Some Crimson Demon reject?" N-no...? But now I get why these guys are calm, they're used to dealing with crazy people, so they're used to dealing with stressful situation.

I try to make my voice not shake. "I'm Kazuma Satou and... Huh?" I suddenly feel Ketchup slumping over my body, I almost accidentally hurt him. And... strangely enough Mustard passed out too.

They're faces are super pale, like they have suddenly been hit with a great amount of fear... I wonder why? Either way, I drag their bodies to a corner where they won't easily be seen. Not that something like this will buy me much time.

I whisper. "Lurk." And that automatic sensation of being hidden comes back. Nina can make fun of Adventurer Cards all she wants, I still think they're crazy useful. I wouldn't be able to abuse my Yin and Yang affinities without them after all.

I slowly open the door, and... find Yunyun and Hiropon! Who are safe and sound and... not even tied? What the hell!?

They don't notice my presence, so I can listen on their conversation. "D-dad! Let me get out of here already...!" Wait a second, what the hell is that supposed to mean!? Don't tell me this idiot is acting like an idiot!

He huffs and looks away. "Trust me Yunyun, this is for your own good! Once the Purge King comes and saves you, he'll forget about any Dark Goddesses and Evil Elves or whatever." I... should have expected this.

She raises a hand. "I don't need any of your help! Teleportation!" Her body starts to glow, her teleportation spell is actually quite slow compared to that of Wiz, but it seems to be working...

Hiropon points a hand at her. "Disrupt Magic." And then her spell fizzles away. "Yunyun, trust your dad. You may not know this, but I was actually quite the playboy in my youth, so I know how the mind of a man works." I doubt that for some reason.

Also Yunyun looks like she wants to kill her dad, so before she does that, I end Lurk. "Hey everybody! I'm here to take you guys out of here!" I'm no Subaru, but maybe her dad will be okay with this?

Yunyun smiles. "Kazuma!? The always reliable and disgusting Kazuma!?" O-oi... Maybe I should leave? This is not the treatment a girl should give to her savior you know?

Hiropon glares at me. "Go back from where you came." And he immediately gets hit in the head for his troublesome behavior. The blow came from his daughter by the way, and it was a deserved one.

After the hit, Yunyun walks over to me. "Ignore my dad. Please take me out of here Kazuma..." Well, since you said please, there's no way I could ignore you. Even if you were rude. Seriously, why did you decide to break my spirit like that!?

I nod. "Rig-." And then my heart drops as the door behind me suddenly opens. So much for stealth, but to be honest, it's already a miracle that I have gotten so far, my luck must have been working overdrive.

From the door enters a massive woman, easily two meters tall... or maybe she's even taller. "Oh? And what do we have here...?" Even her voice sounds scary. I would say hot as well, but I'm engaged. "An adventuring rat... and two rats trying to leave their cage." Shit.

Hiropon raises a hand. "Actually, I'm perfectly fine with staying in here. In fact, please help my daughter stay in here as well." Please take this situation a bit more seriously, this womam screams final boss after all.

Yunyun glares at him. "You... I will never allow you to call me darling little princess again." And now Hiropon looks like he has been struck with enough force to break all of his bones.

The tall woman's eye twitches... "This..." And then she takes a deep breath. "No, it doesn't matter how weird they are. What matters is that I'm finally winning...!" She's winning? Does this mean she has some super high rank in the army.

Well, her appearance makes it obvious, but just to make sure... "Just who are you anyways?" Hopefully she's just some super grunt and no one dangerous. Well, even if a fight does break out, Rudeus and Nina will go to my side as fast as they can.

That's right, I'm gonna fight side-by-side with an amazing swordswoman who can break the sound barrier, and a amazing mage who can cast hundreds of spells without feeling winded. Is it weird that I'm now kind of hoping a fight does break out?

The woman laughs. "Oh, the audacity! But I do respect that... You stand before the Demon General, Sylvia! Now say your prayers, cute boy..." Shit, this is bad. "Actually... you really are very cute, I might just let you leave." Or maybe good?

No, you are engaged Kazuma Satou. "I won't run, because there's no need to run!" She may be a Demon General, but... Okay, maybe I should run. "In fact, you should be the one running! There's no need for us to fight!" What am I even doing!?

She raises an eyebrow. "Someone is cocky... or stupid. Probably stupid, considering how adventurers are... Tell me boy, what even is your name?" I wonder if I should introduce myself as Mitsurugi or something.

I shake my head. "There's no need for that." I wave my hand. "Instead of worrying about my name, you should be taking your army out of here, while you still can." I don't know if I'm genuinely being brave, or if this is all bravado.

What I do know however, is that Himmel, I, lost our life here to prevent bloodshed. This place is sacred, so I won't let blood be spilled here! And even Demon Generals bleed... Yeah, that's right, I want zero casualties from both sides.

She frowns. "Before asking anything of me, you should give out your name, I gave mine after all." She sighs. "Adventurers really have no manners... or brains... what a waste of a cutie." Never tell any of this to Nina.

I take a deep breath. "I'm... I'm... not some great adventurer. I haven't mastered a blade, and I haven't reached his level yet, but..." I put a hand on Chunchunmaru's hilt. "My name is Satou Kazuma, and I have no enemies." I'm also a thief.

For some reason she goes pale. "K-Kazuma Satou...?" But then color returns to her face. "Well, just you alone won't be enough to stop me!" I... I know that better than anyone does, but even so...

Before, I stopped enemies from giving out information to this very same woman, but now for some reason I begin blurting it all out. "Don't think for a second that I'm alone! My entire party is on this town!" Though they're all useless.

So I continue. "And that isn't all... Nina Farion, daughter of the Sword God, Rudeus Greyrat the Quagmire, Eris the Mad Dog... They're all here too!" Her face is losing color again. "And there's even more! Frieren the Slayer and her apprentice, Subaru the Purge King... And even Wolbach the Dark Goddess! They're all by my side!" Weird, I suddenly am not staring at her face.

Probably because she passed out...

Is this a new trend amongst the Demon King's Army or something!?


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