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"Take Hide and run, Saber!" My aunt screams while looking at the new arrival. Still, Saber...? Does that mean she's a servant as well? And one of the same class as Altera at that, the supposed strongest class in the Holy Grail War.

Saber raises an eyebrow, she seems almost... offended? It's hard to read her expressions, she's also like Altera in that way. "Why? The enemy is right here, and the giant is running around like a fool." I get what you're saying...

I really do, Kingprotea is unbelievably strong, a titan of endless power and growth, but she's also running around chasing the mysterious archer like she's a looney tunes character. At least that's what the loud sounds in the distance seem to indicate, which means she won't be joining the fight.

But this new Saber, this dark knight, she's making a fatal mistake, she's assuming Kingprotea is the dangerous factor here. The truth is that Meltryllis is just as, if not even more dangerous than the giant, capable of running circles around my aunt and Rider.

Meltryllis glares at the dark knight. "Oh? Someone sure is confident... Admittedly, I don't know who you are." A mocking sigh leaves her mouth. "Where are all of these servants coming from? Gosh, it's like cockroaches... if you find one, there's bound to be a nest." This is strange...

I get up from the ground and interject, even though I know I should stay quiet. "Why are you surprised? Isn't the Moon Cell summoning servants?" Shouldn't BB know this...? Altera clearly came from the Moon Cell, and so did Andersen. So it's only natural to assume the same applies to this Saber, or the mysterious Archer... Rider is the only confusing one, seeing as she had no master.

Meltryllis lightly shrugs, though she seems interesting in what I'm saying. "The only thing I was told to expect was your little glowstick puppet, and the snake." Who's the snake supposed to be? "I have no idea how this fox showed up, or who that archer is... and even who you are, knight." She ends that sentence by looking at Saber.

I wonder, does she know of Andersen? I guess I better not mention him, for his own safety if nothing else. That aside though, why didn't BB tell Meltryllis of other servants not being around? Did she not know for some reason? Or maybe she chose to not tell her daughters just to be an asshole? You can never know with that A.I.

Saber points her dark sword at Meltryllis, in a way the blade she carries is the exact opposite of Altera's weapon. "My doesn't matter, I am a dragon who crushes all that stands against me... That's all the information you require." That was... certainly something.

If nothing else she's living it up to her JRPG evil boss appearance.

Meltryllis chuckles, and now there's a strange glow in her eyes. "You would have made a wonderful doll... With just one look I can tell there are many adorable outfits just waiting for you..." This doll thing again!?

Saber does not respond, instead she dashes forward, trying to stab Meltryllis with her dark sword. Her movement is a black blur, and a loud noise reaches my ears, it's... strange to describe, but I think she's moving differently from how Rider and Auntie move.

Meltryllis gracefully dodges of course. "One!" And then she raises a leg in the air, since Saber stretched her body for a stab and the Alter Ego is much taller... "Two!" She is able to descend one of her metal legs on Saber's back.

A scream of pain leaves the swordswoman's mouth, and Meltryllis now has the perfect opportunity to finish her off... she doesn't of course. "You might break a bit too easily to be a high quality doll however..." Her expression is as smug as it can be.

After those words, Meltryllis is forced to jump back. The reason for that is that an explosion of darkness occurred all around Saber's body, like if she had become a grenade. It adds new context to her last lunge, I think she was using this ability to move faster.

The dark knight gets up, but it's obvious that she is in pain. "Tsk. I see what you mean Rider..." Both my aunt and my servant look at her, these names are confusing. "She may be even faster and stronger than the berserker from our war." Your war...?

There's a thought forming in the back of my mind. About how my aunt is called Rider, abour how she knows this Saber, about how she's so stupidly powerful somehow, about how she never ages, but... surely what I'm thinking is way too ridiculous to be the truth?

Auntie nods. "I'm glad you understand, so take..." She looks at Rider. "You take your Master and run." That... I guess I could get away with a plan like that.

Kazuradrop and Passionlip left, Kingprotea is being lead on a goose chase, Violet is fighting Altera, and now Meltryllis would be fighting my aunt and this Saber. I... obviously can't accept that, I won't leave my aunt alone with this monster.

Nor will I leave Rider of course, so far she has decided to trust that Hideaki Emiya is worthy of leading her, so what kind of king would abandon her and run? The only person I don't truly care about is Saber, but she won't be able to hold Meltryllis by herself.

Rider does not listen to my aunt, instead she looks back at her master, at me, anxiety on her face. "So, what do you wanna do Handsome?" Auntie scowls, though she doesn't say anything else. Obviously a servant will consult it's master.

I... For now I'll press Meltryllis even harder! I raise my hand. "With my Command Seals, I order...!" It may be foolish, but this is not an RPG where I can hold onto my items until the final battle. I'll bring Altera here and win...!

Besides, I want to take my Saber out of her fight with Violet anyways, I know she's strong, but she's fighting that monster alone. That's why, I'll blitzkrieg Meltryllis, and when Violet reaches us we will do the same thing to her as well! I'll take Altera out of her disadvantageous position, and bring us in an advantageous one with one fell swoop!

Or at least I would, but Aunt interrupts me. "Wait Hide, do not use those right now! Even with a Command Seal boosting her strength, Rider will simply rise to our level, she won't beat this monster." I know...?

Oh, she must have assumed my plan was something different from what I was planning. Does she not know of Altera? I guess she could have missed her fight with Violet, or assumed that we are not affiliated with each other...

Yeah, of course she would assume that. I know at this point that typically a master can only have one servant, that's because they can only summon one, and even if they do manage to find another servant willing to make a contract with them, mana reserves are a problem. Currently I'm the exception, not the rule.

Rider glares at my aunt, she obviously took offense at such a comment. "Please do not talk about me in such a way in front of Handsome. Thank you." Sorry, but I have already realized you look weak.

Meltryllis chuckles. "Ara, ara... There's no point in trying to hide the truth Fox, everyone can see that among the weaklings fighting me, you somehow manage to be the weak link." When did people decide to bully my Rider? "Honestly, who even summoned you? What kind of hero looks like that?" Rider's eye is twitching.

Auntie frowns. "Well... It is true that a servant with such a body type doesn't exactly inspire confidence... Perhaps she's some type of bewitching seductress?" I think her body tyoe is actually what disqualifies her from being one.

A weak smile appears on Rider's face. "That's pretty much correct..." It is!? "I'm the type of woman who brings man to their knees when they least expect it." What are you, Daji!? Should I break our contract!?

Saber raises her blade. "Enough about... this, take your master and run already. Your atop of your mount already, are you not?" She's referring to Rider's giant fox of course, with the help of that animal, she's probably the fastest one here, at least when it comes to travel.

Meltryllis' eye twitches. "Oh no, no. We are not done with this discussion." She points at my servant. "How are you a seductress? I could accept that coming from the snake, but you clearly are just some brat! If anyone can seduce man here, it's me." I... guess that's true?

I could go for either of you two. At least if this wasn't a life or death scenario... and if Meltryllis didn't look like my mom. Honestly, why is this even happening? I guess it's just a clash of two massive egos, Rider and Meltryllis.

However, to my surprise, while Rider prepares to answer her, the one who actually does so is Auntie. "You are far too tall to be seductress, just like me, no man will be attracted to you. Rider however, is quite the beauty." You... seem to have strong opinions on this.

Such strong opinions that even Meltryllis had no choice, but to stay silent. Which is why it's my turn to speak up. "Auntie... you know you're like... super beautiful, right?" I do not know how to feel about saying this about her. In a way, I too am confused about this whole situation.

A light blush appears on her face. "Hide, do not say such things to your aunt, specially in a battlefield. Save them for your servant." I... I have entered in a fever dream, that's the only plausible explanation.

That said, this... all reminds me of Altera in a way, how even in the apocalypse she stays calm... and of me of course. In a way it makes sense that Rider and Saber are able to have a talk in the middle of a fight, because they are legendary heroes, and obviously Meltryllis is not normal either.

But why is my aunt acting just as weird as them...? The answer is obvious, I have grasped it a long time ago, and yet I refuse to accept it. Why is that? Is it because it's just such an absurd concept? I wouldn't doubt it.

Meltryllis crosses her arms. "Enough of this tomfoolery." Hey, you are the one who likes to play with her food. "What will you pick Hide? Are you going to run away, or fight? I won't move until you make my choice." I... I will...

I can still call Altera, but before that... "What, you're calling me by a nickname now? I don't get you at all." I don't like when she says that name, it's not something that belongs to her, it's something that belongs to the people I love.

She rolls her eyes. "It's because I love you, obviously. Is it not common for a person in love to call their lover with an affectionate nickname?" She seems disappointed. "Why don't you get it? Even after I said all of that... are you in denial about my love?" No.

I understand that it exists, I just can't understand how it functions. "Don't call me by that nickname again." A sane person cannot ever truly understand a madman, maybe that's why I cannot understand her.

She claims she loves me, and yet her whole plan is to... 'selflessly' absorb me and all that I love... Something which I'm clearly not comfortable with, something which I clearly do approve of.

I get that she probably has an alien understanding of love, but at this point, isn't it clear that this is the wrong path? Wouldn't she rather pursue me normally...? I could certainly use another ally against BB, specially such a powerful one.

Even now, Meltryllis doesn't react negatively at all from my snide comment. "How mean, but I do suppose copying your family would be weird... How about... Aki?" She has a teasing grin, unafraid of what I'll say.

I take a deep breath. "You can call me Aki, if..." And then I extend my hand. "You join my team." I can't believe I'm about to do this, but if you can't beat them... Join them, or at least make them join you.

I thought about pulling Meltryllis to my side once she first confessed, but now that I think about it, I never actually made the offer. I never truly reprimanded her... explained to her why I don't want to be absorbed.

This is the one chance I'll give her, I want her to show me her heart.

For once she shows an expression that isn't arrogance. "Are you... are you willing to get absorbed?" There a tinge of a blush in her face, though her mind is in a different place than mine.

I shake my head and walk forward, as soon I do... I hear Auntie screaming. "Step back Hide!" Oh, I wish I would.

She's not the only one of course, Rider reacts too. "Master...!?" She doesn't object though, it seems she's willing to wait and see what I will pull.

Saber's expression doesn't change at all, she simply mutters. "Shirou's child indeed..." I can't tell if that's an endorsement or not.

I take a deep breath. "Meltryllis, I don't want to get absorbed, and that happening to my family sounds like the worst nightmare imaginable. From what you have described it, it's even worse than death, it's the erasure of identity." There, I'm trying to win her with words.

She raises an eyebrow. "Does it really sound like that? It's going to... Trust me, Aki, you won't regret becoming one with me. I'll make the moment the most pleasurable thing ever, and every single moment after it." I still can't agree with that.

But I have to think of her heart. "Sorry Meltryllis, but even so... I would like to keep being Hideaki Emiya. Besides, isn't this the guy you fell for? Would you really want him to disappear?" My heart is about to explode.

As I talk, I walk closer and closer to her, with the hopes that she will hear me out instead of just striking me down. Now that I'm so close all my allies are paralyzed too, the tense situation stopping their bodies from moving.

Meltryllis tilts her head. "You won't disappear, all that you were will simply change, despite of everything it will still be you, it's just that it will be me as well." She smiles. "Is that not the goal of all love...?" I can't say.

I never had a lover, which means I can only base this idea on platonic love. Now, would I want to become my father? My father to become me? I... No, I don't want to become Shirou Emiya, not in a thousand years.

But I had the opportunity to thoroughly know him, I didn't have the opportunity to know her. "Meltryllis, will you join us? I think if you come to learn more about me, then... then you won't want to absorb me." In a way, I feel like I'm asking a girl out on a date.

She looks down. "What would even be the point? We can skip all that. There's no reason to intermingle saliva, there's no reason to intermingle sweat, let's melt and become one already." Even as she says that, she doesn't attack me.

I put a hand on my chest. "Meltryllis... I think... at least for us humans, we would rather have our heart melt naturally, with time." This is pretty embarrassing to say in front of so many people, but I guess it can't be helped. "You're a selfless lover, right?" I'm definitely a selfish one.

She looks back at me, and nods. "Yes. I want to give you everything. I knew that from the moment I saw your face, but my heart knew it from the moment I was born." That's a interesting distinction to make...

Oh boy, here I go poking the dragon. "Then I ask, as the one you love, don't absorb me and my family. Betray BB and help me defeat her." There, I've explained my reasoning, and outright asked her for her help. She can't claim I haven't acknowledged her love anymore.

And yet again she looks away. "I... This is for your own good. It's just like motherly love, right? Sometimes the parent knows best, sometimes the lover knows best." Please don't compare yourself to mothers... "But I... respect what you just tried to do, so I'll let you walk back to where you were." So she won't attack me, huh.

I can hear my aunt and Rider sighing out of relief. They probably think this was the best outcome possible to come out of this foolishness. And they're probably right... they should be right...

And yet I feel like even now I don't quite understand this girl. I always thought to myself that I more or less knew how humans work, but knew that I'm facing someone that thinks so differently from me, I can't help, but think...

Was I wrong? I clearly can't understand Meltryllis, so how can I confidently say that the conclusion I reached for humanity was the correct one? I can't. That's the simplest answer here.

Sure, as I have acknowledged, she is not human, both in mind and body, but I'm not trying to understand her as a human anymore, I'm trying to understand her as a impartial observer, as a king of the world.

Meltryllis loves me, she says she selflessly loves me, she wants to absorb me and give me the entire world. From her perspective this is just and right, the same thing as giving your lover a gift on Christmas. It's the least that she could do.

But I very specifically told her I didn't want that, and that if it needed to happen, she should at least get to know me first, so why is she so insistent? That's not the behavior of a selfless lover.

However, in the end, the question will always come to this, why does Meltryllis love Hideaki Emiya?

I wish I knew her heart just a bit more, but she won't give me that opportunity. Therefore, the only option available to us is conflict, I'll call Altera and defeat her just as I planned to do a few moments ago.

My ring glows. "Hah?" I raise it to my face, looking at it in shock. I'm not the only one of course, Meltryllis flinches back, and thankfully doesn't attack me. I guess she noticed I'm just as surprised as her?

I feel my body moving without my consent, and I'm not just walking either! I'm flying and the person I'm flying towards is...! Meltryllis, of course.

My mind goes black for a moment, the last thing I hear is Rider's scream. "Wait a minute Master!" I wish I could, but this dumb ring is doing something...!


I see three walls/secrets in front of me, they all break in less than a second. I feel like a hypocrite for some reason.


I blink for a second, and suddenly I'm falling. "A-ah...!?" I'm falling in an endless abyss, and rain is falling together with me. "Shit, shit, shit!" Is this what it mean to be absorbed? Falling forever?

Now yes, I don't actually know if I'm being absorbed, or if I was absorbed, or whatever is happening, but... But my body got dragged into Meltryllis' body and now I'm falling forever while it rains. It seems like kind of what I should expect.

A soothing voice breaks through my mind. "I was... just... I was nothing. Only proud of one thing and one thing only, only loving one thing and one thing only." That voice... It's Meltryllis, but it is ringing all around me.

It sounds sad for some reason. "The thing I was proud of was my beauty. The thing I loved was love, but I didn't know that back then. Because back then I didn't know much at all." Where is she talking from? Is this really a consequence of me being absorbed?

She chuckles a little. "So at the beginning, without love, and secretly longing for love, I just did whatever my creator told me to. I slaughtered them, all those little bugs at the moon. It felt good to make my ocean bigger, to make my honey stickier. Tastier." But that chuckle sounds weaker.

That isn't all, her voice is getting weaker. "I knew I was an all consuming force, from the moment I was born. One day I would probably even melt my own creator down... Yes, I was longing for something I didn't know, while being proud of my own ignorance." I can barely hear her at the end.

And then her voice comes back with full force. "But then...! Just as I was about to accept a life as a lonely stage beauty, I learned of my love! Ah...! Ahhh...! It filled me so much! It made me so much sticker, so much tastier! At that point, I couldn't help, but be embarrassed of my own previous beauty/ugliness." Oh, I get it.

I don't know how I get it, but I did from the moment she mentioned love. I'm currently descending down Meltryllis heart. She can't hide anything from me, because she is in a similar state to what I was back in the cave with Altera. And without a doubt those same rules will apply to me to some extent.

The ring is granting the wish of the victor, our hearts are touching.


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