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"Um... So this is Eris, my fiancee." Right now I'm introducing Emilia to everyone, including my War Goddess who has returned from whatever place she was at with Rudeus. Ah, by the way, people seem to accept Emilia, though there is a small problem...

Eris raises an eyebrow. "Hah? Who's this? She's..." As expected, the first thing she noticed is Emilia's appearance. Though she doesn't linger on it too much, my fiancee is not a judgmental person.

Emilia doesn't even introduce herself, instead she raises an eyebrow. "Fiancee...? You have a fiancee, Subaru...?" Her tone of voice sounds weird, and it doesn't fit someone that sounds like MMT, but whatever.

And speaking of MMT, she crosses her arms and huffs. "Yeah, he has three and also a sex slave." She sounds pissed, something which fits her voice much more. She also has a black eye, courtesy of BMT.

If you're wondering what BMT has received from his brawl... Well, maybe I'll ask him once he has woken up. That's right, the winner of their brawl was Megumin, which is surprising considering she isn't all that physically speaking. Being embarrassed must be a strong motivator.

Emilia tilts her head. "Three...? And what even is a sex slave?" You don't know...? Good! That means I can avoid such a weird topic! Seriously, there is too much on my plate already.

That's why I clear my throat and get everyone's attention. "Right, I probably zoomed past introductions way too quickly." First I motion to my fiancee. "As I was saying, this is Eris, we are gonna get married... eventually." Once I have money.

I then motion to a tired and traumatized looking Quagmire. I'll ask him what happened later. "This is Rudeus, he's... a fellow student from the academy I attend." I thought about describing him as a friend, but I don't consider him one!

I continue. "You already know Megumin, but..." Then I motion to the purple haired girl. "This is Fern, Frieren's apprentice." She rushed here to ask for help apparently. By the way, the Granny Elf is currently speaking with the village's chief to explain the situation.

Hopefully he gives the okay to stay, and hopefully he also doesn't do anything crazy, but this is Yunyun's dad, so I'm not expecting much.

And speaking of her... "By the way, I will introduce you to my other lovers later, but their names are Wolbach..." Should I say the next one? "Yunyun..." Sure, screw it. If I didn't include her while in front of Eris, she would probably get mad or something. Mad at Yunyun of course. "And Darkness, she's the sex slave by the way." And no, I won't explain what a sex slave is...

Emilia slowly nods. "So sex slave is just another word for lover...? Though I wonder why the word slave is there." Is this some weird way of trolling me? In that case, please stop, my mind is already destroyed enough.

I then motion to Emilia herself, ignoring her comment. "And everyone, this is Emilia, I know her appearance is..." Beautiful, but y'all aren't ready for the truth. "Suspicious, but let me explain how she got here first, she actually got summoned by-." I get cut off.

And it was by Rudeus of all people. "Let me guess, that Bukororii messed up the ritual and summoned the wrong girl." My eyes widen in shock, how does he know!? "Crimson Demons are awesome, but they're also sort of predictable." He ends that with a shrug.

Eris however, shows us a big smile. "As expected, you're as intelligent as always Rudeus!" Her reaction is just as expected as Bukororii's fuck up. She doesn't exactly hide that she has a lot of respect for the Quagmire after all.

I sigh. "Geez Eris, you went and congratulated him before I even confirmed anything." I'm beginning to feel a little jealous. "He's right though, Emilia is actually a citizen from Lugunica, and just a normal girl." Not true. No normal girl is that beautiful.

Emilia bows, she gives off the feeling of a very polite puppy. "Y-yes, please take care of me everyone!" And with that introduction she already receives smiles from everyone... or at least she does from Eris and Rudeus, but...

Fern crosses her arms. "I see, I shall believe you are not the Witch of Envy for now, since Lady Frieren vouched for you." She focuses solely on Emilia. "But I'll be keeping watch over you, even for a piss poor ritual such as that one, it is weird that it misfired in such a way, instead of failing." Is it? You didn't take in acount the fact that it was made by a Gumin.

Honestly, I want to get mad at Fern for not immediately accepting the silver haired elf, but... I can't blame her, I know she's not being racist or anything, her teacher is Frieren after all. That means her concerns are pure, appearing because she's worried.

What is a lot harder to accept however, is MMT's vitriol. "Well, I for one think Satella herself is standing in front of us! There was no misfire!" There definitely was! "I mean, just look at this little voice thief...!" That just means I get to hear two beautiful voices though!

Still, I'll admit it. It is incredibly strange that the both of you sound the same, though it's not like it's an impossible phenomenon right? And even if it's almost impossible... Just look at me, everything about my life is almost impossible.

Nonetheless, Emilia bows again. "I-I'm sorry for stealing your voice...! So please stop calling me Satella, and saying how cool it is!" And there's the caveat to her acceptance by the Crimson Demons. They very much still think she's the Witch of Envy.

Megumin huffs. "No. You're Satella! Which would be cool, but now that I have met you, you're sort of lame! Love enchanting Purge King and all that!" Technically we sort of love enchanted each other. "Also, don't consider me to be the average Crimson Demon." You are a SSR Gumin of course.

She continues. "They may have accepted you, because having a legendary witch and a dark goddess in the village is super awesome or whatever, but I'm not like them!" She grins, acting totally like them. "You're my enemy! My destined foe!" And so Crimson Demons and Silver Haires Elves clash...

Suddenly Eris pulls on Megumin's ear. "Ignore her, she's a fool who lacks vision or taste." You're still mad she rejected me...? Oh boy, I fear the day I have to tell you about Yuiyui. Which means I fear today really.

After a while of Megumin groaning in pain, Eris lets MMT go. "Anyways, I have to agree that the voice thing is weird though, why do you two sounds the same? Also, what's with the love charm?" Ah, they're gonna tell me my fiancee the cringe actions I have committed.

Emilia looks down, and responds to the first question while Megumin recovers. "I don't know why our voices are so similar... I guess it's just bad luck?" Eris looks to Quagmire immediately after that.

It's like she's waiting to see if he will confirm or deny the possibility of what Emilia just said. Seriously, how did this guy gain so much of her respect...? I have to ask Eris more details about her travels eventually, specially since I know she would love gushing about it.

Rudeus shrugs, he looks disinterested, but my Subaru senses are tingling...! "Don't look at me Eris, it's not like I can explain anything. That said, didn't that prophecy involve something about stealing tongues?" That's what I thought too. "I was hoping it meant the two were going to kiss by the way." Don't just random drop such powerful words!

He suddenly gains a wide smile, it's almost comical. "By the way, I'm dating the most beautiful girl in the entire world." But Emilia is not your girlfriend.

Still, I now get what he's doing. He's a man who is almost losing himself to the Emilia appeal! So he's manually reminding himself that Sylphiette is pretty great too... Which I agree with, my future wife is top tier.

Ah, I had a dangerous thought just now, but that's something that always happens when I think about that cute elf. I should try controlling myself, if that guy gets out of his mental cage while Emilia is around, things could get bad.

Fern rolls her eyes. "Why must men brag about their lovers with every opportunity that they get? Please stop with that Lord Rudeus." Eh? Did this cute mage just show a bit of femcel dissatisfaction?

Rudeus chuckles a little, and then mutters. "Femcel." For a moment I wonder if any of our companions will react to that word. Some modern terms such as NEET have reached this world after all, so it wouldn't surprise me.

They don't though, which means Rudeus and I could theoretically popularize the term... Ah, what scary power has suddenly fallen on my hands! Can Subaru Natsuki truly control it, or will he fall towards that deep pit called feeling smug because I know things other people don't!?

Fern glares at the Quagmire. "Lord Rudeus, I may not understand what you have said, but I can clearly understand it was an insult." And with that, he flinches. Good. Only I get to bully my soulmates.

Eris interjects. "Nevermind Rudeus saying stuff only he understands and then giggling to himself. That's normal." Ah, the sad truth of being an Earthling. "What I want to know, is what the tasteless brat meant when she said love charm." And here we go...

Megumin finally recovers from the attack she received. "I mean that Satella ensnared Purge King with some sort of mental magic! He immediately started protecting her like a love sick fool...!" Hey, couldn't you have taken this opportunity to complain about Eris pulling your ear or whatever? Is your Emilia hate that strong!?

Speaking of the elf, she blushes bright red. "I-I didn't do such a thing...! I don't even know a-any magic like that!" Don't even answer MMT, she's just mad she's losing her opportunity to face a BBEG.

Eris takes a moment to think, something rare and wonderful. "Well, it's not like my Subaru needs any excuse to protect a damsel in distress. He's amazing after all." I definitely need an excuse, and I had one. My excuse is that Emilia happens to be my type!

Eris continues. "So yeah, I don't think my Subaru was ensnared by a love charm or anything of the sort, and even if he was, he would break out of it, since my Subaru is my soulmate." Aren't you going to hard on the my's!? Is this a sudden bout of jealousy...!?

That's unlike Eris, she has her insecurities of course, but she did allow me to have multiple wives... Did my fiancee somehow sense the fact that I thought Emilia was the most beautiful girl in the whole world!? If that's the case, then please sense my regret! Eris is the best, for sure!

Emilia looks away. "That's good...?" I'm guessing she's weirded out by her comments. "What you have with Subaru sounds wonderful, I'm a b~it jealous!" Please don't throw wood in the fire.

Eris smiles. "I imagine most people would be." They wouldn't, I'm not exactly amazing, and they definitely wouldn't like sharing a guy. "Well, good luck finding a man one day... who isn't Subaru of course." This...

When did Emilia get Eris disapproval? Is it really because she realized how quickly the silver haired elf gained Subaru points? Normally I would say that's impossible, but underestimate someone's fiancee instincts is foolish!

That said, I'm surprised Eris is... sort of trying to be subtle with her dislike of the girl. Okay, she isn't being subtle at all by the standards of a normal person, but this is Eris! She might as well be a ninja right now!

Emilia's expression now has a hidden sadness to it. "I... Yes, thank you! I rea~lly hope someone loves me one day!" And then she silently mutters. "Even if I don't really understand what that means..." I-I can be your teacher! Definitely...!

My fiancee glares at her. "I don't like you, don't talk with my fiance again." Ah, all of her previous Eris branded subtlety went out of the window! Like a shark she immediately smelled my bloody true feelings...!

Still, it's not like she usually acts towards girls I like in this way. Emilia must have ruffled her feathers in a way even I can't understand, maybe there's something about their personalities that makes them not compatible or something...?

To my surprise however, Emilia doesn't get teary eyed or anything, she just looks away. "I see..." She must be used to things such as this, but since Eris was sort of being nice before, this must have caught her off guard.

I'll have to question my fiancee, sadly. "Eris, is something wrong...?" It's not only my voice that comes out. Annoyingly enough, Rudeus is perfectly in synch with me... Stay in your lane if you know what's good for you Quagmire!

Eris shrugs, showing a face that screams she doesn't care. "I'm fine. I just don't like this girl that's all." She crosses her arms. "And because I don't like her, I don't want her near my fiance." That makes sense...

Or it would have made sense, if you had given a reason for your dislike. But it's whatever though, even if this leaves a bad taste on my mouth, I'll question Eris about it later. That's because I don't want to put her on the spot, even if Emilia is sad right now...

It hurts to think of a silver haired elf like this, but the truth is... Eris is simply more important to me, I just met Emilia after all. So obviously when it comes between the two of them, I would pick my fiancee each and every time... Still, why does that feel so alien, so strange to admit?

The room is filled with tense silence for a few moments, but eventually Hiropon enters and breaks it. Yunyun's father has a big smile on his face, and he's also being followed by Yunyun herself, who is holding onto his shirt like a scared child.

He raises his voice. "Hey everybody! The talks are going great!" That's a relief, Frieren's word must be worth a lot, though I'm sure their natural Guminess is also helping to accept a girl who looks like the Witch of Envy. "But..." Ah, maybe I spoke too soon.

Thankfully his smile doesn't die out, which does make me feel better. "We still would like everyone's opinion on things... So please follow me." That makes sense, I guess...? To be honest, our word is definitely not as trustworthy as Frieren's.

I send him a nod. "That sounds fine...?" I just hope it doesn't take too long. Everybody back at Megumin's house is probably worrying about me, so I would be happy if we could wrap this up quickly.

Specially since we also have to find Emilia a place to sleep for the night, and one that is far away from Eris... Which means she can't stay with Hiropon. I also don't want her to stay with Yuiyui, because she's Yuiyui.

Or maybe I'm being a idiot. Eris may not like the girl, but she's Eris, she won't screw Emilia over for no reason. I bet she's totally fine with sleeping under the same roof as her, my fiance is amazing after all.

Hiropon sends me a thumbs up. "Great! You are the exception by the way, Dark Seduction Man Purge King." What's with that title!? "Um, I was thinking and talking with my daughter, and maybe you two should spend some time together...?" Hah?

Don't tell me this is all a ploy to get me alone with Yunyun! She might seriously die...! Though... considering what Hiropon said, and her current blushing face, this might have been her idea.

Eris nods, she seem strangely happy. "Good, that's a nice idea." She sends Megumin a glare. "My husband is gonna spend some time with his third fiancee." Don't tell me the whole reason you accepted Yunyun was to fuck MMT over...!

Megumin's eye twitches. "Crimson Demonip...!" Oh, so she's still going with that crazy theory...? At least it's making her not use her memory erasing technique. "Be careful Dark Seduction Man Purge King." You're calling me that too!?

Yunyun stops hiding herself. "D-don't be stupid Megumin! It's not like I'm going to hurt Dark Seduction Man Purge King!" H-how did that name spread around!? What are it's origins!?

Yeah, it's about time I intervene, this has gone for long enough. "Can you guys stop calling me Dark Seduction Man Purge King!? Where did that even come from!?" I must end the reign of DSMPG. Seriously.

To my surprise the one to respond is Fern. "Well, I told everyone that Satella had made you into her love slave when I was looking for help. Considered you are already engaged with a Dark Goddess... Let's just say you are reaping what you sow Lord Subaru." No...! That name surpasses even my chuuni limits!

Hiropon laughs. "Ah, there is no reward more sweet than a badass nickname!" It's not badass at all! "Anyways, let's go everybody. It's already getting late after all." Ugh, I'm finally being freed. I will cry on Wolbach's lap about this eventually.

But before they leave... "Hey Rudeus, I need to ask you something." After saying that, I get his attention. "After this talk, meet me up somewhere with Frieren. I have something important to talk with you two." And it involves annoying gods, scary witches, and german names.

He smirks. "No way man." Hah? "I would rather die than spend time alone with you." It wouldn't be alone though! Frieren would be there...! Also, I actually agree with you, just thinking about spending alone time with you makes me pissed off.

Eris raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Is that literal Rudeus?" There's faint bloodlust emanating from her. My amazing fiancee definitely knows what I want to talk about, so she's giving me her full support.

Rudeus immediately backtracks. "Nope, it is not literal!" Her bloodlust fades, and he breathes a sigh of relief. "I'll go meet you after then. It better be important though." I nod, there's no way I would want to talk with this guy if it wasn't.

After that they leave. And so I have to be in a room with only Yunyun, the awkward is palpable... Well, mostly from her, at this point I'm past the point of caring about this type of stuff, at least to a certain extent.

Which is why I'm the first one to say anything. "So... about the whole marriage thing..." I want to tell her it's totally fine to cancel it, but I also don't want to offend her or something. Which is why I'm carefully choosing my words.

She interrupts me however. "I know it's super embarrassing! Sorry...!" And after that she bows. "But I'll try my best to get to know you and stuff!" Eh? Is she really going on with this? Is it because she thinks she has no choice?

I sigh, this has been quite the day. "No need to bow Yunyun." Dealing with her is certainly bound to be different than dealing with any other Crimson Demon. She's surprisingly shy for a Gumin after all, like a reverse Yuiyui.

She ends the bow. "S-sorry...!" Her face is completely red. "I won't do it again...! Unless, I need to bow, in which case I will!" Oi. Perhaps she does have some Gumin abilities after all? That's dangerous, because I'm attracted to that.

But back to the topic. "So, as I was saying... The thing about this engagement is that you should feel free to choose how it's gonna go." Why am I giving her the option of rejecting me? I should reject her myself.

Oh, I know why. It's because I'm scum of course! As soon as I was given the option of having a second wife I pursued one for no other reason than lust and greed after all, so I obviously can't part ways with a third one.

Yunyun smiles. "R-really? I was super worried for a second...!" Oh? So she wants to break up? Great... "I don't want to have a Crimson Demon type wedding after all, I want one just like they do in the Central Continent!" Actually, I was completely wrong, and she's talking about something completely different.

I will go with the flow. "I see... To be honest, I probably shouldn't be admitting this, but... I don't know much about wedding styles or whatever." The reason for that is that I'm from another world of course.

I should still do some searching about the topic however, I'm about to become a married man! However, I currently lack money, so it's not like it matters much... I'm also an Eris faithful, I wonder if that changes anything?

Yunyun hums. "Really? Well, marriages here are..." She sounds a bit embarassed, I think Yunyun doesn't quite click with her Gumin culture. "Strange. We would need to hunt a monster and stuff, and then sacrifice him to a dark god. That dark god being the manifestation of our love and..." She stops herself.

With an a shake of her head she continues. "In essence it's super over the top! Like all the annoying things here..." Yeah, she definitely doesn't click with her village's customs. "Marriages in the Central Continent tend to be way nicer though." Now I'm interested...

I smile at her, and talk, I don't want her to think I'm not paying attention. "Really? Well, I imagine they are a lot more diverse at least." We comparing a continent to a village after all. There's no doubt in my mind that the Dragon Continent also has a bunch of different customs surrounding this type of thing.

She nods. "Yeah, but they tend to... Well, a lot of people in the Central Continent just declare that they are married, sign a document, and that's it." How surprisingly modern of them... "I heard nobles from Asura throw big parties though... Oh, and it's not uncommon for normal people to make small gatherings." That sounds nice, but...

The first one sounds expensive, which makes sense of course, but now I'm wondering if Eris would enjoy something like that. She's originally a noble after all... Ah, if she wants one, I'll give her one.

That said, she's not here right now, Yunyun is. "So, how would you like our marriage to go?" I'm guessing she would like to just sign some documents? No embarrassment, just a quick and easy process... Yeah, that sounds like Yunyun's style.

She passes a hand through her hair. "I would like a small party, one with just a few people invited, like my dad." Oh? That's surprising, but it's not like I know Yunyun too well anyways. "Not that I could invite many people... I don't have many friends." Please don't suddenly destroy my heart like that.

I smirk. "Don't worry, the two most important people in the whole world would show up." I will try my best to cheer her up! That said, I'm surprised she hasn't passed out yet... I mean we are talking about our potential wedding here.

She raises her eyebrows. "Erm, what do you mean by that?" Great, she took the bait!

Now I just need to reel her in. "Me and you of course. That day will be ours and ours only." I'm genuinely looking forward to marrying Yun-, Eris and Wolbach. It's gonna be a magical experience that's for sure.

Her face becomes bright red. "G-gosh, this is..." She looks down. "So, about clothes and stuff... I..." It seems she's lost now. Ah, how did I go from planning to reject her, to planning my marriage with her?

I wave her off. "Don't worry about it Yunyun. We have plenty of time to plan stuff, so take your time and think of what is truly special to you." She nods. "That said, I must admit... You have been surprising me through this conversation." Both because she's not as Gumin as I thought, and because she's not as... Hinata Hyuuga as I thought.

She seems a bit shocked. "I surprised you? Um, sorry if I did something wrong." She's also quick to apologize, and I can't help, but wonder why. I guess some people are just naturally shy...

I shrug. "Don't worry, it's been a good surprise. It's just that... until now you always pass out when we interact too much, but now we are talking about our eventual marriage without any trouble." I haven't even discussed this with Eris yet! So it's crazy that I'm doing it with her.

She starts sputtering. "Ah...! Um...!" Welp, I spoke too soon. This poor Yunyun only had so much strength, and by making her realize what we were talking about, it's only natural that she would pass out.

Except that she takes a deep breath, and continues awake. "I hope to surprise you in good waays even more thorough out this whole thing." i have to consciously hide my shock, she actually didn't go down!?

I chuckle. "Of that I have no doubt." Yunyun clearly has some problem with being too anxious in social situations. It's a familiar thing to me, for obvious reasons, but she just fought against it, and she didn't even need a MMT like I did!

Yeah, it turns out I grew some respect for this girl.


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