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"Hey Megumin... can we talk?" I'm currently knocking on her door. To be honest, I'm scared of having this conversation, and I wanted to leave it for another day, but... she's starting to miss school, and that isn't good.

I can hear her angelic voice from the inside. "Unless you are here to deliver Chomusuke back to me, we may not." She's blaming me for what happened to her cat!? It was her cat's fault! Sort of... It's complicated.

Aqua groans and interjects. "C'mon Megumin! We don't want to see you being so... so... Kazuma." Please don't compare her to him. "The path you're walking is a dangerous one you know? Also, I need you to open the door, because I sleep here." You could technically ask for another room.

Darkness nods and strengthens the goddess' point. "Yes Megumin, you are acting unlike the Arch Mage I know!" She grasps her pendant. "I understand that you are mourning Chomusuke's passing, but she lives on our hearts... And in Wolbach! Literally." Don't add the last part!

Megumin starts hitting the wall, like a true NEET... This is bad. "All of you shut up! I don't wanna hear it!" She then takes a pause to calm herself. "Aqua can enter though. I mean the door isn't even locked." A weakness!

I open the door and enter without any hesitation at all. I must not let this angel be lost to the NEET devils, even if that means evading her privacy. That said, I do hope she doesn't immediately blast me with Explosion Magic.

As soon as I enter, Megumin basically jumps out of bed. "I'm gonna blast you with Explosion Magic!" Ah, that's bad! But also very expected! "Who gave you permission to enter huh!? Don't you get it that I don't wanna see your ugly face!?" I get that, but...

Aqua waves her hand across her nose. "Ew, the room is all smelly. Open some windows Megumin." Oi, at least let me respond to her shouting...! That said, you are correct... there's a familiar smell in the room.

Darkness gasps. "This...! I recognize this...!" If our resident pervert does, then this can't be good. "Megumin, did you spend the whole day masturbating instead of going to class!? You did, didn't you!?" Ah, so that's what I was smelling. Sex.

My face immediately goes red, flooded with images that an engaged man such as I really shouldn't be thinking about if he wants to retain his happy life. However, perversion isn't the only thing born from this information, I'm also feeling worry. Skipping class to masturbate has to be one of the most worrying signs someone is becoming a NEET right?

Megumin's face to goes red, becoming the same color as her eyes. "What the heck Darkness...! Don't say that type of stutf outloud! Where is the crusader who is secretly shy about sex stuff when it doesn't involve her very specific fetishes!?" The Arch Mage tries counter attacking with the power of shame!

It isn't very effective, and Lalatina proudly puffs her chest. "Well, that was the past me, the me who didn't know better. Yesterday... or maybe today, it probably happened after midnight... I was reborn as a new woman!" We just had sex... it's not that special!

Megumin glares at her with crimson eyes shining. "Lalatina." She's trying to use one last trump card to completely break down the crusader into a blushing embarassing mess. As expected, the NEET must take down others to their level.

However... The crusader has evolved past that level. "That is my name, yes. Also, did you know being taken from behind is pretty great? Oh wait, you don't of course, why would you?" Don't say stuff like that to her! She may enter double NEETdom!

While Megumin sputters, Aqua begins opening the windows. "Smell of unwashed coochie... begone!" Okay, you guys really are trying to make Megumin commit rope. There's no way you're not doing this on purpose.

Since Megumin is now dying inside, I might as well be nice to her. "Hey, I'm just gonna say... I'm completely willing to forget the past few moments if you want." Just like I forgot molesting Nanahoshi! It's a skill of mine!

The Arch Mage quickly nods. "Please do! Also, leave my room before I call the principal!" Eh, that guy is super scared of me because of the Badigadi stuff, he probably wouldn't even do anything. Man, it's too easy to abuse the power I don't have.

I gasp and look at the ceiling, ignoring her. "W-wow, why am I here!? I was just going to Megumin's room!" I then look at my hands, an exaggerated look of confusion in my face. "Could it be... I unlocked my cheat power!? And it's teleportation!?" Yeah, I totally forgot the past few moments.

My mind definitely isn't stuck on the thought of Megumin touching herself, her face red and sweaty as she lightly moans. And I definitely am not thinking about who specially she was touching herself to.

MMT pouts, and crosses her arms. "You're the absolute worst...!" She then looks away, still angry. "What do you even want to talk about? We pretty much ended our discussion." Well, at least she's now willing to talk. That's progress...

I take a deep breath. "I just don't want... I don't want us to end up as enemies, I guess." Man, how do I even put this into words. "I'm not here to beg for your hand in marriage or anything, and I understand if asking for friendship is too much... But can... can we at least not be fighting?" In essence... forgive me MMT!

She huffs. "I'm not even fighting you. Urgh, the moment a woman doesn't pay you attention you go begging for it. How pathetic, go away Worsezuma." See!? That feels like fighting to me! And I can't stand fighting an angelic demon like you!

Aqua comes from behind and pats her head. "Give Subaru a break Megumin... He's worried about you, we all are." She nods to herself. "Skipping class is cool of course, but only when you do it to be a delinquent, not when it's to be a NEET." It's never cool!

Megumin scowls and swipes her hand away. "Shut it Aqua! Of course you would take his side...! You've been acting like a puppy who wants attention ever since you saw him! I mean, statues!? Really!?" Please don't bring the Giantbarus into this, they have committed no crimes.

As expected, Aqua says something incredibly mature in response, and Megumin immediately receives enlightenment. Except not really, instead she runs to my side crying, and then hugs me. I do not hug her back. "Subaru...! Megumin is abusing me! Abuse her back please!" Way to prove her point...

Darkness then points at the Arch Mage, she's scowling now too. "You... Have you reached such NEET levels that you seek to become Kazuma!? Will you blame Aqua for all problems as well!? Will you steal Chris' panties!?" Please elaborate on the last one...

Megumin glares back at the knight. "I don't want to hear anything from the shitty crusader who went and became a sex slave." This is totally a positive for her though. "It's like you people think we are living in a romance novel! Have some common sense!" You have a fetish for explosions!

Darkness sighs, her rage disappearing. "Megumin... I'm not a Milis faithful. I understand if you may disagree with my decision of course, but do not act like I'm delusional for it." You kind of are. It's okay though, that delusions helps me.

Actually... "Do you even have a religion Megumin? Do the Crimson Demons have one?" I don't think a race of supposed demons are gonna worship anyone, but you never know. And maybe this would explain her attitude a little better...

The Crimson Demon shrugs. "We just worship what's cooler at the moment. A few years ago we were worshipping the Witch of Envy for example." For real!? "But then the kingdom thought we had become cultists so we had to change it. Currently we worship Dragon God Orsted, because his title sounds awesome." Your culture truly is something special...

I nod. "I see... But for real Megumin. Screw harems or whatever... Let's go back to neutral. Please." I don't need a reason why she's against it, it's fine to be against it. I just don't want her to hate me, also I don't want her to be a NEET.

She blushes and looks away. "But I... I don't want to start off as neutral." She kicks the air in a show of frustration. "I mean... c'mon...! At least come here with...!" She takes a deep breath. "You aren't even calling me Megumin-Tan." I have committed a great error.

I immediately bow, I bet my body even got covered with Fighting Spirit for a moment. "I'm so sorry Megumin-Tan! Please let's be friends then!" I would also prefer this to returning to neutral. She's the person who saved me after all...

She shakes her head, and laughs... evily. "I don't want to, but I'm glad I got to make you beg!" She then waves me off. "Anyways, I never actually liked you, dumb loser! Now leave!" This might actually be my worst nightmare... Right behind Eris going back to Rudeus or something.

As my jaw hits the floor, I can only turn around to start walking away. I guess this is the end of this... It's... it's not too bad though, in the end as long as Megumin got over me, then it's mission accomplished really. I'm guessing her love finally died out, and that's why she just said what she said.

As soon as I step out of the door however, MMT screams. "W-wait! I-I didn't mean what I said!" She wants to step on my heart even more!? "I just... I was mad and I wanted to one-up you! So I said something dumb and regretted immediately after it! I'm sorry!" That's...

Aqua takes a step back in shock. "Megumin is swallowing her pride!? Who's this alien that stole my friend's body!" You of all people cannot talk about pride.

Darkness' eyes widen. "And to think I was about to give Megumin a black eye for hurting Subaru..." You were gonna punch her!? And if anyone deserves to get hurt here it's probably me, considering I started all of this...

I turn around, now staring at MMT. "Megumin-Tan, I..." I don't really know what to say. Does this mean she still wants to be friends? Is the nightmare of being abandoned by MMT not happening?

She begins rumbling an apology. "I-I'm sorry okay! I know... I know I have been worrying everyone! And it isn't fair, 'cause I mean, it's not like you need to break up with your fiancee because of me or anything, and...!" She takes a deep breath, and recomposes herself. "Sorry, I was in a bad state, and then the stuff with Chomusuke happened so..." I understand.

She continues. "The truth is that I get it. I mean, you announced that you were engaged, and then I went and confessed... and then got mad that you didn't want to dump your fiancee." A sigh escapes her mouth. "That was unfair of me Subaru... And I want to go back to being friends too." So...!

I extend a hand towards her. "That's all you had to say Megumin-Tan. Let's go back to being school buddies... By the way, we got a new teacher and she messed up our seats." I had to withstand Fern awkwardly ignoring me, but then suddenly smiling at me everytime Frieren checked on us.

She however, does not shake my hand. "For reasons which I will not elaborate, I won't be touching you." Right, that thing I forgot. Hot. "That said... yeah! I'm glad to be your school buddy again!" All is well when it ends well.

Aqua suddenly interjects, her face is true anger. "Hey, wait a minute! Am I misunderstanding something here, or did I just hear that Megumin tried confessing her love to my Subaru!?" She didn't try, she succeeded.

Darkness points an open palm to her. "Indeed, you are misunderstanding. And therefore you should not raise a fuss over it, and instead you should be joyous that Subaru and Megumin made amends!" M-my hero!

Aqua sends the crusader a thumbs up. "Okay Darkness! Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!" Her lie worked!? Well, even if it didn't, it wouldn't matter much. This goddess has the memory capabilities of a goldfish after all.

Megumin looks down, and starts stuttering. "H-hey, there's s-something I want to show you Purge King..." Oh? My mind is definitely thinking about perverted stuff now. "Now t-that I think about it, you've never seen Explosion Magic, right?" It does sound like a pretty cool magic...

I nod. "Yeah, I know Wolbach can do it, but she has never shown me either... I do remember that time you almost used it against Badigadi though." I was pretty scared that she was gonna destroy the city... Our first meeting was weird.

She smiles. "Well then... I want to show you, but... I can't exactly use it inside the city, so can you follow me?" That sounds... problematic. "It will be a worthy sight, I swear." I don't doubt that, the problem is that I have been skipping too much training with Eris recently.

And I haven't even started my training with Wolbach, even though she's supposed to be teaching me Yin Magic... Ah, I want to learn how to use my Gate already damn it! Maybe I'm secretly super talented at it!

In the end though... Fixing my friendship with Megumin matters more than losing one day of training. "Sure, I'll go with you Megumin-Tan. Show me what you got!" I'm expecting something even greater than Aqua's statues.

Megumin's smile turns less bright for some reason. "Thanks... I guess I'll go back to using Explosion Magic Everyday... It's already crazy that I went so long without it, it was driving me nuts." Suddenly I remember something...

Megumin had once said that she stopped using Explosion Magic daily, because I was her explosion. The fact that she wants to change that... I don't know if her love has died, but she's certainly trying to kill it.

Megumin sighs. "Let me take a bath before we go though. I'm stinky for reason you have hopefully forgotten." There's no way I could forget... I mean, I totally forgot, for sure! My mind is clear of any thoughts of MMT masturbating. "And then I'll show to you... just the two of us..." Yeah...

Darkness clears her throat. "Actually, as Subaru's bodyguard, I don't feel comfortable with leaving him alone. I will go as well." I totally forgot about that! Welp, you do have a good point...

Aqua imitates Darkness. "And I'm going too... Because I want to see the pretty colors! It's been quite sometime since Megumin showed us!" Hey, if you want to fourth wheel, at least use a good excuse!

Megumin looks at the crusader. "I understand, Darkness..." She then looks at Aqua. "You're not going though." An immediate rejection!?

That's pretty much what always happens to Aqua though.


"Okay, I think this is far enough." Megumin stops walking as soon as we find an empty clearing. "If Shariah complains about us blowing up stuff so far from the city... then it's their problem, not ours." I'm pretty sure they're gonna make it ours!

Darkness raises an eyebrow. "That seems fair enough Megumin, but... Are you sure this place is okay? It's not like there's any targets here..." Why would she even need a target anyways? What even constitutes as a target for Explosion Magic?

Megumin chuckles. "Wrong! There is a target, you fools just haven't seen it!" When you say stuff like that, I half expect you to blow me up. "You two are looking with your eyes, when you should be looking with this...!" She points at her heart with her free hand.

And then she raises her staff with the other. "But if a guiding hand truly is needed...! Then pay attention, for the shadows are upon us!" Is she talking about how it's night...? "I shall blow up... a star! Right here and now, I'm just trying to find the prettiest one!" For real!?

My face morphs into shock. "Is... is that even possible!?" Now I'm looking up, for the first time ever I'm paying attention to this world's constellations. It goes without saying, but they're completely different from the ones I know.

Darkness jaw hits the floor, as she shakes her head. "It shouldn't be... It would take insane firepower to blow up a star obviously, not even the Seven Great Powers could do it. And that's not even taking account the sheer range necessary...!" As expected. "But this is Megumin, so...!" That's... a surprisingly good point.

Megumin takes a deep breath. "Watch me, I'm going to do it. The world shall be the witness of my pride right here and now...! That stupid star is gonna disappear! Conquered by Explosion Magic!" I don't think that's gonna be happening, but... I'll certainly watch you try.

Megumin looks up, and takes off her eyepatch. Right now she's not even dressed in the academy uniform, she changed to her adventurer's clothing, with a big hat and all. "Okay, that one! That one looks stupidly beautiful enough!" And now she grasps her staff with both hands, pointing at some star I can't identify.

Mana begins gathering in the area. "Crimson glow that brings upon destruction...! Show me your might and beauty, surpass it all...!" This moment would be cooler, if I didn't know she was making this stuff up, she has no need for chanting after all... "This ain't it..." Hah?

She takes a deep breath. "I don't need words." What's with the sudden attitude change? Well, whatever her reason doesn't matter. The mana in the air is getting denser and denser, gaining color, becoming black.

And without warning, suddenly it's like there's a star unbelievably close to me. But it's definitely not that, it's just Megumin's explosion being fired much faster now that she has given up chanting.

It's a surprisingly beautiful sight. For some reason when she used to describe it, I really thought it was gonna be just... just fire, I guess, but no. It's bright red is genuinely beautiful... and probably horrible for my eyesight. And it's noise is without a doubt ruining my ears.

That's why instead of looking at the harmful beauty of it, I look at the much more simple beauty of Megumin and her shining crimson eyes.

But even through that, I can still hear Megumin lamenting. "Ah, I couldn't blow it up after all." Yeah, destroying a star isn't possible. That's something you would expect from Superman, not... not a mage, but if nothing else, your explosion almost looked like a star.

Megumin falls to the ground, and...! "Everyone, please give me your ratings...! This is my magnum opus, so I'm expecting a great review...!" Please explain why you fell first! Is it lack of mana or something!? And there's that thing too...!

I run over to her. "Who cares about that!? Are you okay!?" Did she pump too much mana on it!? Maybe we should have brought Aqua along after all... What was I thinking!? Leaving the healer alone while we go to unknown territory!? Talk about stupid!

Megumin giggles even though she's motionless on the ground. "I'm fine, this is natural really... Now please give me your rating... I need to hear it Subaru." But...! Can't you see more important things are abound!?

Darkness rushes to her side. "No, I agree with Subaru! You didn't just collapse like usual Megumin!" Collapsing is usual for her!? Explosion Magic really is dumb! Can I like... forbid it or something!?

Megumin is now starting to sound worried too. "Eh!? What happened then!? Did my arms blow up or something!? I can't feel my body and my vision is all white, so I can't tell!" You're feeling all that and you care about ratings!?

I... look at it, the thing that changed. "It's just that... your hair is completely and utterly white." It actually reminds me of Sylphie's hair... Is this a bad thing? I hope Aqua can fix it, if it is...

Megumin gasps. "Oh, that sounds awesome! I might rock that for a while... Now please give me your rating Subaru. I need to hear it before I pass out." You're about to pass out!? Don't say stuff like that so nonchalantly...

However, if she needs to hear it... I have bad news for her. "S-sorry, I missed most of it since I was looking at you..." I can't believe I fumbled the bag this bad, but in my defense... Ah, there is no defense!

Darkness too gives her rating. "It was okay, I guess. You seemed unfocused Megumin, and it's shape was all over the place, also you completely missed your target. You really raised up expectations with the star talk you know?" You're giving her a serious review!?

"You guys... are the worst." And so she closes her eyes. We better take her to Aqua and fast.


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