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"Philip, this is my son, I brought him along with me this time." Flugel needs to start learning about travel, specially if he continues with his idea of eventually finding Roxy... If Zenith even lets him of course.

My wife has basically swore eternal vengeance against the young looking woman. And as for me? I was pretty pissed at the moment, but if Flugel still wants to pursue her once he becomes an adult...? Then that's his decision to make.

By the way, in the end it was agreed to keep Roxy's actions mostly under wraps... Pretty much only the adults of the village and a few of the older kids know. And once the younger kids grow up we will explain things to them as well of course.

And speaking of wise decisions, my son does the standard nobleman bow. It's something I taught him, even though I myself have no care for it. "It's a pleasure to meet you Lord Philip." As polite as always...

Thankfully he receives a smile from the failed noble. "Ah, so you're the boy who I heard so much about. And one who's quite talented at that... A Saint-Ranked Magician huh?" Yeah, though he has stagnated after Roxy left.

It can't be helped, it isn't exactly easy to find a tutor who's willing to teach King-Ranked magic. But hey, it isn't all bad, since Flugel essentially almost entirely stopped his magic training, he had way more time to train with a sword.

He's talented... I think. Sometimes it feels like I'm teaching an adult in the body of a child, one with all the advantages of that, but nonetheless my son is close to becoming an Advanced swordsman in all styles, just like me.

My son smiles back. "Well, I don't like to brag, but yeah, I work hard." There's no one who can deny that. If my son isn't sleeping or eating, then he's training. It's almost worrying to be honest, he should probably play more with his friends... Then again, he is thirteen, his days of playing are about to end anyways.

Philip nods. "Indeed, I also heard you have about a dozen or so kids you yourself train Flugel." Shit. Welp, he was bound to figure it out eventually. "Apparently they are all very powerful mages or swordsmen, and they worship the ground you walk on." Where is he going with this?

He closes one of his eyes. "You know... there's no need to be a man of such little ambition like your father." This fucker...! "I have a cute daughter who became an adult recently, she has quite the body, and I have been holding on with her marriage..." He was just waiting for me to bring my son, wasn't he!?

I have to hold myself back from punching him... and so does Flugel, he inherited my bad temper. "So you want to recruit me and all of my friends? Why?" To my surprise my son actually questions him.

Philip chuckles. "Because you are a Notos Greyrat. There's a massive power vacuum there, and it's all free for the taking since you and..." He looks at me. "You, have such strong claims over it, more than Pilemon ever did at least." So this is what he wants...

I raise an eyebrow. "Why do you even want that region? There's a power vacuum sure, but there's also a literal vacuum." Nothing in that area survived the Metastasis Event.. Even if people are trying to rebuild it.

That's even the reason why we are here in the first place. Three years after that disaster and Philip still calls me sometimes so we can discuss relief efforts and such... but now I see that he was just trying to gain my trust.

As if I would ever get even close to that political mess... I'm glad I ran away when I had the chance, so now I'm not like my brother who is rotting dead in some random place. Instead I have two beautiful wives and three beautiful children, I couldn't have asked for better.

Philip sighs. "Land has its own value, specially when it's so easy to take, and the name Notos Greyrat has history and prestige. Right now Pilemon's child is just that, a child, even if he's technically reached adulthood. And he doesn't have a crumb of the talent that your child does... The only reason he's still alive is because Ariel Anemoi Asura has taken a shine to him." The princess...?

I glare at him. "I have no intention of picking a fight with royalty." I know I should let Flugel answer, but still... "Besides, this is probably just a convoluted plan for you to take power back from your brother anyways." Make his kid Lady Notos, and then use that to his advantage somehow? Sounds like the guy I'm childhood friends with.

He waves me off. "Don't worry, the princess isn't that protective, she will cut her losses eventually. And about my brother... so what? In the end my father won't intervene, he loves Eris far more than he loves any of his other grandchildren." I...

He continues. "If you join us... Just imagine how much power we would have Paul. You're an S-Rank adventurer, and the same applies to your wife. Your son is a prodigy, my daughter is one too... One who's been trained by Ghislaine as you know, and she will follow me to war if asked." It's true that a Sword King is absurd...

He continues. "And about those kids back in the little village you're supposed to be watching over... Nothing like a bloody political conflict to bring some personal glory back home eh? The common peasantry loves it." Don't say that while laughing.

I hate his smug look. "We could crush my brother, we could make your son the noble you couldn't be. Just think about it... you have two other daughters right? Don't you want them to grow up in a mansion?" Now he's even bringing Norn and Aisha into this.

He then looks at my son. "And you... you're a Greyrat. If you became Lord Notos you could have dozens of concubines, doesn't that sound enticing? My father for example, takes a different maid everyday." Ah, he made a mistake just now.

Subaru clenches his fists. "I'm already married." You aren't! And if you say that in front of Zenith she's gonna cry! "And a man should only love one woman." I can't believe your mother actually made you, a Greyrat, think that... Just goes to show how amazing she is.

My son grits his teeth "That's why I won't even look at your daughter... Besides, if she's anything like you, she's bad news." I have to agree with that. Don't misunderstand me, I do appreciate all that Philip has done for me, but...

He is an incredibly shady and greedy man, always has been, and considering what happened to his children after his lost the Boreas' little succession war... I imagine he is feeling more ruthless than ever. Just thinking about one of those scummy nobles trying to take my children from me already makes me enraged after all, and he actually experienced that.

He chuckles. "Well, I won't deny that Eris, my daughter... is... strange. She's quite the ferocious woman really, if you do accept my proposal I would understand if you needed to tie her up and fill her up with aphrodisiacs before filling her up with yourself." We are talking about your babygirl here man! Have some class!

He looks down. "And about the issue of your supposed marriage... I wasn't even aware that you were married. Sure, I didn't expect a Greyrat to stay a virgin until he's thirteen, but married?" He sends me a confused look.

I shrug. "He's not actually married, he just fell for his teacher who left. He's planning on searching for eventually actually." Ah, shit. I shouldn't have said that, now Philip has newfound hope in his eyes.

He claps his hands together. "Oh, now that is great news!" He then looks at my son. "So how about you have a chat with my daughter before you make any decisions Flugel? As I said, she's a beautiful young woman... your heart might race." Not like that is rare for a Greyrat.

My son huffs and looks away. "Sorry, but I'll say it one last time... I have no interest in other woman. I'm a believer of Milis, and even if father and mother don't accept it, I'm a married man." Sylphie might cry with that attitude. "Besides, my pupils that you're so interested in... none of them would actually follow me." That is simply not true.

It's downright scary how loyal they are to my son. I don't know how he did it, I guess it's just natural charisma, but... The little group he calls Pleiades would do anything for him. And like Philip says, it is a rare chance for glory...

Philip hums. "I see... what a shame. I mean could you imagine how much happier your teacher would be? Loving a noble instead of the son of a lowly knight?" Hey, I'm right here! Still, now he got his attention...

Flugel's eye twitches, he has a horrible poker face, just like me. It's kind of funny really, he got pretty much everything from Zenith. He has blond hair, blue eyes, thinks a man can live with only one woman, but... he got my rage, the worst part of me.

And Philip can see right through that. "Oh, and by the way, I'm not the only one interested in the Notos name. While the princess has clearly thrown her support to Luke, and the second in line to the throne is a coward... the crown prince might act..." That's...

He continues, his smile dying. "I do not know if he will come at a similar angle as mine, or if he will try to poach Luke Notos Greyrat, or even if he will try to pass along the title to Darius Silvia Ganius, but... If he does see your claim as an obstacle... You're not an idiot, right Flugel?" This is really bad.

So I step forth. "I will protect my family, no matter what." I have no intention of getting involved in all this bullshit, surely the Crown Prince will understand that...?

That annoying smile returns to his face. "Sure." He then looks at my son. "Well, if you adamantly refuse my offer, then... I guess you simply must not bed Eris. Though I do implore, at least have an talk with her... She's in desperate need of friends your age." What? You think he's gonna lose his cool and fuck her? That's not Flugel.

Philip snorts. "Funnily enough, she used to be playmates with the Luke boy, before everything went to shit." And now you want her to marry the man destined to kill him? Yeah, you're reminding me of all the reasons I left.

In the end though, the decision will always be up to my son. There is only one thing I will never budge on... And that is that I will protect my family. If the Crown Prince suddenly decides he wants us dead... I will cry and beg to everyone I know for help.

If nothing else, I'm good at that, as I'm sure Philip is aware.


"My name is Eris Boreas Greyrat! Now introduce yourself!" Both me and this strange boy are sitting and having tea. Mostly because dad asked me to do it and I'm feeling nice today... I have a feeling I'm close to becoming a Saint, and that is doing wonders for my mood.

He smiles, but... "My name is Flugel Greyrat, it's nice to meet you too Miss Eris." He doesn't look me in the eyes. Yeah, that's it, I don't like this little brat... Any man who's to cowardly to look a woman in the eyes needs to be punched.

I huff. "Ghislaine, kick him out!" I won't punch him though, because he's not a man yet. Father told me that he is only thirteen... As a supremely mature adult, I will forgive him. Hopefully he learns his lessons and grows up.

Ghislaine awkwardly nods. "Sure...?" She's confused for some reason... Maybe because I didn't explain the eye thing? Nah, she's like... a super mega adventuring genius, so she totally understood what I was getting at.

The boy raises his hands in protest. "Why though...!?" My urge to punch him is rising. I heard some very cute maids whispering that his father is scum, and I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I punch the table, though not with enough force to break it. "Because you're a coward! Go bed a woman and then we can talk!" Luke used to say that's how men built courage, he then said he wanted to be brave for me.

I broke his nose for that of course. Still, I do miss him, and I do hope he's fine of course... I know there are bad things happening in the Notos region after all, and that his parents are now dead and gone.

Flugel's mouth opens in surprise, doesn't he know he looks ridiculous? "I... Man, your dad is a special guy if he thought this ever had a chance of working out." My father is indeed great, but flattery won't be saving you now!

He gets up, seemingly giving up... another pathetic trait! "By the way, just so you know... I've bedded a woman before." Now it's my turn to be shocked. "So don't go acting all cocky, you massive virgin." His face has a scowl on.

I basically jump over the table to dash at him. I don't care if he's technically not an adult! If he needs some manners to be beat into him, I'm more than happy to comply! Really, he will be thanking me later, when he stops being a smartass!

To my surprise he actually does a decent job at defending himself, actually putting his hands to protect his face. And as I punch him, I realize he is reasonably tough, he definitely has Fighting Spirit at least.

And it isn't long before I'm launched backwards by a burst of wind. "Get the fuck off me, you animal!" I fly backwards, his magic is surprisingly strong, and I'm unfamiliar with facing mages in general.

Thankfully I manage to land on my feet, I immediately put my hand on the hilt of my sword. Chantless magic huh...? That means the usual strategy of rushing won't work, what a pain.

And in the time it took for me to recompose myself, he got up as well. Instead of drawing a sword however, he makes one out of ice. Water magic I'm guessing, and the blade is short enough that he has kept one hand free.

I know through my lessons with Ghislaine that a mage can only use magic through his hands, because of nervous systems or whatever. That means that I only have to watch out for one of his limbs.

That's because from our short exchange I confirmed that I'm physically stronger, so I'm probably the more skilled swordsman too. That said, if he has a Gate then this could be more annoying. That's because Gate magic does not possess the limitation of hands.

And... I snort. "Fitting stance for a coward!" He's using Water God. It's a more defensive style, and it will counter my Sword God very nicely. I can only hope I'm that much more superior to him... Of course I will be though, since I'm the adult here.

He glares at me, his expression is one of pure anger. "I would insult your own Sword God, but I pratice that too, so..." Oh? He may be talented, but he's definitely lacking experience. There was no need to give me valuable information like that after all.

However, before I can teach him the lesson he deserves, Ghislaine shouts. "You two, stop now!" Eh...? But I was about to win! Only stop the duel if I'm gonna lose damn it! That's basically common knowledge.

To my surprise she glares at me. "Eris, you're an adult now. Stop acting like a little girl... it's seriously embarrassing." B-b-but I'm just trying to be cool like you...! And he was the one being lame and stuff!

I sheath my sword. "Whatever!" Her words are making me think of going with one of my original plans. That is, the plan of running away to become an adventurer... I know better than anyone that I don't compare to Ghislaine after all.

But maybe I could be like her, if I went through the stuff that she did. And sure, I don't know how to read, or do basic math or whatever, but those things are useless lame shit anyways! An adventurer only needs her sword!

Ghislaine then looks at Flugel, she has an apologetic expression. "And... sorry kiddo. I don't know what set her off, because she's even dumber than me." H-hey! Ah, I miss when I was young and Ghislaine wouldn't say things like that.

He sighs, and his sword melts into nothing. "It's... Well, I won't say it's fine, but don't worry Miss Ghislaine. I won't cause any fuss over it." He's pissing me off again, because even now... the bastard is not looking at her eyes.

Well, I guess I couldn't blame him if he was looking at her amazing abs or her massive tits or something, but no, he's just avoiding her eyes. Is he stupid or something!? Haven't I made it clear that he's not allowed to do that!?

I put my hand on my sword's hilt again. "That's it...! I'm beating you up and forcing you to act like a man for once!" The woman he fucked must be the most pathetic little piece to ever breathe is she was okay with this.

He scowls, and now we are back to screaming at each other. "What's your malfunction!? Do you think this is a fighting game!? Can we solve whatever is wrong without the mandatory fight!" We could if you weren't a coward.

Ghislaine suddenly points her open palm at him. "Give me a moment Flugel." She then looks at me. "Eris, please communicate outloud your current problem with Flugel." Huh!? So you didn't realize it!? Strange...

I pout and look away. "He refuses to meet people's eyes. Either because he's a coward or because he's a creep, either way, I don't like it one bit." Luke never hesitated to look at me. He also never hesitated to get punched by me.

His scowl disappears, replaced with disbelief. "Is that really it...?" I nod, what else could it be!? He seems pretty okay otherwise! "I... sorry? I guess? But yeah, I rather avoid eye contact." If it's causing this much trouble then just do it! What a massive pussy...!

Before I can say anything though, Ghislaine raises an eyebrow. "Are you afraid of making eye contact with women Flugel...? Is it because of... that?" Strange. Normally Ghislaine will go straight to the point, but now it's like she's dancing around it.

What the hell could have made even Ghislaine uncomfortable...? I guess if it's something that bad, then avoiding eye contact is fine. In fact I might even apologize... But it will be a quick apology! 'Cause Flugel could have just explained the situation instead of being a dumbass!

He shakes his head, a frown on his face. "Nah, that isn't it... Trust me, dad is pretty cool... sometimes, but he's making that sound like a bigger deal then what it was." My eye twitches, they aren't explaining anything. Explain so I can understand.

Ghislaine walks closer to him, and pats his head, something that should happen exclusively to me. "I see... I won't pry, but please be aware that I won't let you get hurt. I owe Zenith a lot... and Paul too, I guess." All I know is that Paul is supposedly a loser.

She smiles a little bit. Ghislaine is pretty stoic, but it's noticeable if someone is paying attention. "In fact... why don't you look at my eyes? I promise I won't do anything bad to you when it happens." Yeah, it's not like he's gonna explode.

The boy, because he's just a boy, looks down. "I... don't think that's a wise idea Miss Ghislaine... trust me on that." Who the hell trusts a guy who refuses to make eye contact!? That's one of the signs people use to see if someone is worthy of it in the first place.

Ghislaine doesn't give up though, 'cause she's Ghislaine. "Flugel. It will be fine." Slowly he moves his head to face her. His eyes meet with her one uncovered eye. "See...?" For some reason there's a light blush on her face. Cute, she looks way too cute.

He chuckles, he sounds worried... "Yeah, sure Miss Ghislaine. Thanks for the help." He then scratches his head. "But I'll keep avoiding people's eyes, it's for the best." And now the beast woman looks sad. Unforgivable!

In fact, I shall make my displeasure known. "You scum! You're looking into my eyes right now!" And I dash at him again. Ghislaine stops me of course, but in the shock of it our eyes do meet.

A shock runs through my body, probably because he has cute eyes. He's still scum though, so I won't ever, ever like him.


"Ah...! Why won't Flugel love me!?" Recently I confessed my love for him, but he rejected me. And now he's gonna leave tomorrow since a week has passed...! "What do I do Grandpa!?" That's why I'm asking for the advice of the most wise man in the world.

He nods with a serious face. "I understand the situation..." And then he raises an arm. "Where is Paul's boy!? It seems he's just as rotten as his father, so he's gotta die!" N-no! Then he won't be able to love me, and we won't be able to build a family together and stuff!

I immediately object to his decision. "B-but grandpa...! I don't want him to die! I want relationship advice!" I just don't get why he doesn't like me! And to show my frustrations I punched him after he rejected me.

My grandfather stops his rage. "Eris..." And then he gets mad again. "You fool! Why would you come to me for relationship advice!? I'm a man, and you're a woman! Ask your mother or Ghislaine instead!" That's...

I look down. "I tried. Mom said I should just choose a better man..." Who could be better than Flugel? Luke...? Just the thought of it makes me want to throw up. "And Ghislaine always takes his side nowadays!" I don't understand why.

Normally she would at least be impartial, but now she's like a dog who's constantly keeping watch over him. Even his father found it strange, since even when she was an adventurer she didn't act like this.

My grandfather hums. "Um... that does sound problematic." He raises an eyebrow. "Eris, did you try that technique? The secret one that is meant to be used in bed?" Don't even mention that, just thinking about sex makes me embarrassed.

I blush bright red. "Well, I couldn't ask for him to put kittens in me, since we never got that far, but..." I imitate cat ears using my hands. "I did say, please marry me nyah!" Just remembering feels me with embarrassment.

His eyes widen. "And... and that didn't work!?" I hesitantly nod, and the large man takes time to respond. "Sorry Eris, but it seems Flugel Greyrat really is too much like his mother, as in, he likes men." Oh no!

I step back, my face filled with shock. "N-no way! I know he isn't a virgin! And that he lost it with a girl!" I don't know who took his virginity though. Everytime I ask everyone just becomes silent. "And even if he's into swords like that... I can be pretty manly!" That has to count for something, right!?

Grandfather closes his eyes. "I see, but nonetheless, if he resisted that technique then it's hopeless." I can't believe this... My amazing grandpa is really saying that there's no way for me to win? Where did I go wrong?

Maybe it was when I punched him three days ago, and he lost a few teeth, and then he had to use healing magic to attach them back? Nah, it was his fault since he called me pretty in front of everyone. It was mega embarrassing!

I look at my hands. "I..." Maybe I need to leave and train until I'm worthy of him! In this week Flugel has proved that he's both smarter and stronger than me, so maybe that's why he doesn't love me...

Suddenly my grandfather's eyes open. "Actually there might be one chance remaining!" There is!? Yay! "This is normally used by males of the Boreas, in fact that's how I stole your grandmother's heart..." So this will be super amazing!

He raises a finger. "But be aware that I'm making an exception here because you're cute and my favorite grandkid! Don't teach this technique to any other girl, just whatever boys you may have." I quickly nod. I always obey the stuff that mom and grandpa say about girls and boys! Since it's always smart!

He takes off a few golden coins from his pocket and hands them to me. "First, take a few maids that I hang around with and go buy a few aphrodisiacs. Tell the maids you want the stuff grandpa normally uses." W-wait, am I gonna have sex with Flugel!?

He continues. "You will need to make the boy unconscious, you aren't one for subtlety, so hit him in the back of the head... carefully. And then chain him up once he's passed out." I can control my strength! That's one of my good traits!

My grandpa grins. "It will need to be magical chains of course, since he's an warrior, but we have plenty. Ask those same maids for it's location." Wow, why do these maids know all of this stuff? Well, whatever. They're a bunch of weirdos who hold back tears whenever grandpa is near after all.

Now grandpa is shouting. "So once he's chained up, you fill him with aphrodisiac and fuck him hard! Make sure to scream, get ready to be treated like the bitch in heat you are!" He then laughs. "Well, you're a girl, so that last line doesn't work. Alter it a little." G-got it!

I smile. "Thanks Grandpa, I love you! And I'll totally make Flugel mine and only mine!" Well, I don't mind if he has other wives, but he is a follower of Milis.

He pats my head, even though I'm an adult. "I love you too Eris! I hope you get your man...!" He then scratches his moustache. "Even if I don't really care for Philip's politicking..." Eh? What does dad have to do with this? Well, whatever, I'm too stupid to figure out stuff like that.

I'll just leave it up to Flugel once... once we are husband and wife!


"Please be more like Paul than Zenith..." Right now I'm walking towards my daughter's room, while hoping that she has gotten dicked down. I'm also being followed by two bodyguards, we live in dangerous times after all.

Ah, I should probably elaborate on the first point right? Well, it's simple. I want to chain up this boy and all of his resources and titles to my family, and I basically told him that. To my surprise though, even with his Greyrat blood... he hasn't even touched Eris!

And the girl has actually been extra nice to him too, which was a nice surprise... But in the end he took no action, and now for some reason I feel like Ghislaine is about to leave. I thought I was gonna win resources, but now I might lose them instead.

However... today the boy didn't show up during breakfast, even though he should be leaving shortly after. So while everyone went around looking for him, I made a beeline to my daughter's room, hoping that her charms got to him.

I reach my destination and open my daughter's room, if it did end up happening then I have to catch him before he hides the evidence, so I can force him into a marriage. This may be mean, but please get pregnant and make your father proud Eris!

Immediately I grin. "A Greyrat through and through..." Even Zenith could only do so much! I notice that they did it, because my nose is hit with the familiar smell of sex. Sweat, cum, high-grade aphrodisiacs...? All the good stuff!

However, my eyes tell me a different story. Because instead of attacking my girl like I thought he would... Flugel Greyrat is chained to the bed, though it's clear that they did it, he was not the initiator.

I chuckle. "Welp, as long as it happened..." Ah, my alliance with a village of freaks, and a bunch of S-Rank adventurers, and a once in a generation prodigy with strong claims to a important noble title is here... it smells of semen, the semen that is inside of my daughter's womb. "You made your father proud Eris." I couldn't be happier.

One my bodyguards mutters. "What a weirdo..." True.

I'm not as bad as Darius though, so it's okay!


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