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"You're totally lost aren't you? Man, come on this isn't that hard." Shut up Rudeus, I won't take any insults from you of all people. "I guess it's your past as a NEET appearing, you can't navigate for shit." You were a NEET too!

I point at him, anger clear on my face. "Shut past fatass!" I actually don't have anything against fat people, but I do enjoy insulting Rudeus. "Of course I got lost, I'm in the middle of a random ass forest!" Ah, I just want to get to Lugunica already...

Shaula gasps. "So you finally admit it master! We are totally lost!" Ah, damn it, now this dumabass is gonna start to complain. "Geez, you should have admitted way before, yep." No, I refuse. I have my manly pride!

Eris nods. "Yeah, Subaru... You know, there are plenty of people who could guide you..." She sighs. "Having some stupid pride will only delay our meeting you know...?" Ah, you're right, I guess.

I can't do that to [Subaru Natsuki] he has to come and fix this mess already, so... "Fine. Can someone tell me where I am? I'm so lost... Though maybe the book will help." I should read it before I leave.

Atoferatofe laughs. "I hope so, that warrior was quite something! I haven't had such an workout in a while!" Eh, he really stood no chance. You and Shaula working together is just too scary... Good, that way maybe even I can accomplish what I need too.

Nina crosses her arms, she scowls. "Stupid regeneration, if it wasn't for that Kazu would have gotten her." It's a good thing he didn't. The faster I bring back [Subaru Natsuki] the better. But still...

I can't deny that he really was amazing, and to that Frieren agrees. "He really was moving so similarly to Himmel... So talented." Yeah, though the pain of losing everyone pushed him to be better too.

I get closer to his body, and crouch down to pick his book. "Please watch over my body like usual." It's time to learn more about [Subaru Natsuki], as always it's a scary experience...! Ah, why couldn't I have had a easier isekai experience?

Shaula nods. "Of course master! I'll keep a goooood watch over your body! Yup!" Please don't say it like that! It's way too embarassing for a virgin like me! "But... are you sure about this master? I know you can handle everything of course, yep, but... How many books have you read at this point?" I don't know.

It's true that they're pushing me to my limit though. Just Frieren alone was enough to almost drive me to madness... I don't want to even think about how scary it will be once I need to read Aqua and Goderis' books. I have to do it though, no matter what.

Gotta patch it together. Gotta patch it together. Gotta patch it together. Gotta patch it together.

Atoratorafe frowns. "I agree with Shaula my heart... It is as I thought, books are dangerous and must be destroyed!" Of course you of all people would think that! Honestly sometimes I wonder how you even remember your own name.

I wave them off. "It's fine everyone, I will pull through somehow. Besides... You want to keep fighting strong people, right Atoratorafe?" And most importantly... her love... Shaula's love... they aren't meant to me.

They belong to [Subaru Natsuki], a loser like Subaru Natsuki could never dream of having something so amazing. So I just need to grit my teeth and bring him back, then I can go home and... and maybe even return to school.

Gotta patch it together. Gotta patch together. Gotta patch it together. Gotta patch it together.

The demon sighs. "Very well, I suppose... I suppose even if you wish to perish so much my heart, I cannot give you up. I shall simply ride to hell together with you." Please say that to him when he comes back.

Shaula too pouts. "Yep, gotta follow master... But I really wish your nose and eyes would stop bleeding, yup." Ah, they have been doing that everytime I read a book now. I really am reaching my limit.

But... "Stop wasting time and read Kazu's book already!" Nina screams at me. Too many people are counting on me, too many people love him. What kind of trash would just give on something this important? Even I am not that trashy.

I sigh. "Here we go, another step towards..." Towards what? How will I... how will I patch everything when I have all that I need...? No, I don't need to think about that. I just need to get the needle and the thread

Gotta patch it together. Gotta patch it together. Gotta patch it together. Gotta patch it together. Gotta patch it together.

I open his book, [Subaru Natsuki] will patch everything up together, I will simply collect the raw materials.


For some reason Eris suddenly screams desperately on my ear. "Retreat now Subaru! This man is too... he's too dangerous!" Ah, that's bad. But... first of all, I have to ask him that...

I smile towards the white haired man, for some reason Shaula and Atoratorafe are completely silent. I ignore them and wave at him. "Hey! Do you know Subaru Natsuki?" Maybe I should retreat even if he says yes, and then attack him later. He's dangerous.

His yellow eyes are solely focused on me. "Yes, I know Subaru Natsuki very well." Ah, that's great! I found another piece of the thread!

He takes a deep breath. "What a pain, I thought everything was going to turn out fine since you weren't in Lugunica, but... You really are a curse upon this world." W-wow, that's super rude! Not untrue though, I am me after all.

I awkwardly scratch my cheek. "I see, sorry if you were looking for Subaru Natsuki, but... he's not well right now. I know I look like him, but I'm actually Subaru Natsuki." Not a hero, not a married man. Just a NEET.

He sighs. "You..." He then looks at Shaula, after it his eyes slowly shift towards Atoratorafe. "What a waste of my mana." He explodes into action.

Welp, too late to retreat.


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