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"So we should probably talk about where we all are gonna be staying..." Lancel's house was already crammed before, but now we have way more people here. There's me, Kazuma, Darkness, Aqua, Megumin, Eris, Nina and the house owner himself of course... There's no way eight people can live in this house.

Aqua raises a hand. "Let me sleep with you Subaru!" That would be troublesome, considering you're not my girlfriend and all. I doubt Eris is gonna be okay with sharing a bed with you...

And as expected, Eris immediately rejects her. "Hell no! The only person who is gonna be sleeping with Subaru and me is Darkness...!" Ah, can't forget her of course. I think it's doable enough, it was a tight fit, but she did teleport to our bed...

The crusader immediately blushes, covering her face. "Oh~! It's actually gonna happen! The promised land is here...!" Virgins and making a big deal of sex, name a more iconic pair. Let's forget the fact that I'm the exact same.

Eris immediately stops her delusions. "You and Subaru are not gonna be doing it while I'm present! That would be super embarassing!" Your classic shyness has returned I see... "Actually that does raise a new issue... How are you gonna sleep with us if I can't do it with you there?" We could just stop having sex every night, that's possible.

Darkness smiles brightly. "Don't worry Eris! I can just sleep on the floor in a place you two can't see! It's like they say right, out of sight, out of mind!" Are there no limits to your perversion?

Before Eris can respond, Aqua interjects. "That sounds like a great idea you disgusting thief!" Why did you have to call her that!? "It frees up a space for little old me after all." I would not trust you to not kill Eris in her sleep, and considering the look she's giving you... She does not trust you either.

Lancel interjects. "I think... the messiah should definitely sleep with Lady Aqua! My house, my rules by the way." I know she's your goddess, but please don't encourage her... In fact, please don't believe her divinity at all, thank you.

Aqua pats his head. "Good boy! Guess who's going to heaven? That's right, it's you!" Don't treat him like a dog! I mean, Darkness is right here!

Suddenly Kazuma punches the wall, I raise an eyebrow in his direction. "Um... is something wrong dude?" From the little I have interacted with him, he didn't seem like a violent person. I could be wrong though, so my guard is up.

Honestly, I hope he isn't. Out of all the people from his party, he seems to be the least problematic one after all. It wasn't even hard to find him post-Aqua disaster, because he actually came back by himself.

I can't confirm one way or another, but I think it's just a case of him being the type who runs away at first, but then draws courage from within later. So basically he's much better than me, who so far has only called up courage to cuck a man.

Right now though, he looks dead inside. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, but it's just that I'm seeing a legendary scene of multiple girls begging to be in bed with a guy and it's pissing me off." Before I can respond he raises a hand. "Now, don't misunderstand me, I know Darkness and Aqua are rotten trash, but I also know Eris is the best, and this other Eris girl seems okay too. So in summary, I'm conflicted." I see...?

Wait he mentioned two Eris'!? Ah, that's right, he was there when I died. So of course he would know about them... But well... "Eh, from what I've heard you had a way easier time in this world than me right? I mean, I died, and you're some hotshot hero or whatever." Oops, I sounded a bit spiteful at the end.

It can't be helped, I know I'm just some scum that is being carried by his teammates, so when I see a guy like him I get jealous. That said, I do get his point, Eris is amazing after all... And the rest are nice too, it might be the effects of soulmate stuff, but I wouldn't call them rotten trash.

Kazuma's eye twitches. "Actually, how about I sleep with you? We are guys right? So it's fine right?" No, I can see in your expression that you're thinking about something scary! Even a dumbass like me has some form of survival instincts!

Suddenly Nina snorts. "Hah, and so the mega virgin tries to snag its prey to the abyss! But as expected of a mega virgin... if he could actually snatch prey he wouldn't be a virgin in the first place." You're a virgin too!

Kazuma glares at her. "Oi, don't you even start! I'll have you know that I'm not afraid of beating up women you know!?" Oh boy... I really hope a scary fight isn't about to start. Kazuma is some legendary hero, but Nina is no slouch either... There's bound to have some collateral damage.

The blue haired swordswoman slowly walks over to him with a smirk. "Really? Well, it goes without saying, but I'm not afraid of beating men up either." Today might be the day that Kazuma Satou leaves this world.

He stutters out a response, trying to back down, but he's way too close to a wall. "Well... I see! That is certainly scary information! But isn't violence kind of a thing for people of lower class than us?" This guy... Now that he's seen Nina can fight back he has completely given up.

Isn't he a legendary adventurer? Well, maybe he is more of the tactician type...? Or maybe Nina's natural evil presence is freaking him out. I wouldn't bat an eye if she was scarier than a Demon General or whatever.

Right now the blue haired swordswoman is right in his face, an arrogant grin in her face, it definitely reminds me of a delinquent bully. "You're calling me low class, punk?" Please don't steal his lunch money.

Um... I could do something to stop this now that I think about it... Like asking Eris to stop the fight, or even Darkness. But as said before, I'm an envious guy, so I'm just gonna watch him squirm a bit more.

Kazuma looks away, I think he's about to cry, but nonetheless he tries to resist. "I... I can use steal on you! Don't underestimate me damn it!" He nods to himself. "That's right, I'm gonna steal your panties! Then we will see how tough you are...!" Scum, but you are defending yourself, I guess...

Nina giggles. "Wanna get my panties huh?" And then... she kabedons him. Yep, this is the day Satou Kazuma leaves this world. "Do it then, virgin~... But be aware you're gonna be risking your Something-Calibur in the process." Wow, he looks like he's about to cry.

For some reason, Darkness, Megumin and Aqua all gasp at the same time. "How does she know...!?" They're in perfect synch. It's actually kind of scary to be honest, but I have no idea what they're talking about.

Kazuma looks down. "Sorry, I won't do it Mistress Nina. Please forgive me..." I feel like I just watched a man having his innocence stolen from him. If nothing else, most of my spite towards Kazuma has disappeared, being replaced with pity.

Nina smiles, and blushes of all things, stepping back while giggling. "As expected, virgin~..." Yeah, I definitely just watched a poor man having his innocence stolen. This world is cruel and dark.

However, as soon as the blue haired swordswoman gives him some space, Kazuma extends his right hand, and... "Stea-!" Fails miserably at whatever he planned to do, since Nina is now right in front of him. That's Saint-Ranked speed for you. "A thousand apologies Mistress Nina!" Fear is back in his eyes.

She grins. "Apologies accepted man servant~." This time as she gives him space again, Kazuma doesn't even try anything. He just looks down like a beaten down dog... Animal cruelty is truly a horrible thing.

Megumin interjects. "Kazuma's rightfully deserved loss of manly pride aside..." We choose to ignore his weak and pitiful noise of protest. Truly a broken dog. "I can just stay in the magical school's dormitory." I completely forgot we had that option.

I make a thinking pose. "The same applies to me... And I doubt they would be against me sleeping with Eris and Lalatina there as well." As long as we don't break anything of course. "But then again... There are different dormitories for different genders..." Maybe this is something I should ask Nanahoshi about.

Nina takes her eyes off Kazuma for a second. "I doubt they will care... No, it's more that it would be too much of a pain in the ass to reject you. Eris and Darkness are just too strong." After saying her piece she goes back to staring at the trembling Kazuma. This is bad, she found an easy victim.

I nod. "Then that should alleviate the strain on Lancel's house a little bit." The priest doesn't even react to my comment, Aqua's praise has seemingly sent him to heaven prematurely. "It will probably take some time for them to arrange a room for us though. So this won't solve the problem today." I guess things will just suck for a little bit.

Kazuma finally regains his manhood, after looking both sides, like he's about to cross a busy road, he hesitantly raises a hand. "What are y-...!" And he immediately lowers it down in fear again.

That's because an angry sounding Nina has interrupted him, glaring at the poor man. "Kazu, did I give you permission to talk?" Oi, if you're gonna be so mean to him, don't go giving him a nickname.

He slowly looks to her. "M-Mistress Nina... may I talk...?" I feel like he will never be the same after this encounter. 

Nina waves him off. "Of course you can! Don't ask me for permission, you look like a man, so act like one too damn it!" Yeah, these are definitely the tactics of a psychopath trying to mentally break someone.

Kazuma nods immediately, shouting. "Yes Mistress Nina!" He then points at Megumin. "Why the hell can you even stay at some academy in the first place!? It's triggering my Kazu senses!" Peter Parker, is that you!?

Megumin raises an eyebrow. "Since when do you have those?" Oh, so he's not the legendary Trash-Man after all. "Anyways, I got invited to attend this place's academy, so I accepted it. It's just for a few years, so don't worry." Don't say it so casually when you're clearly so young...

Still, a few years huh...? I didn't even think of that... If I really go through with this school thing, I'll spend years of my life here. That's honestly kind of scary, but I guess that's the best option currently presented to me, so I might as well choose it.

For a few moments, Kazuma simply blinks in disbelief, but eventually... he snaps. "What the hell!? Did you forget that this was supposed to be a quick trip!? We get the guy, we go back to Belzerg with the guy, we get rich abusing the guy!" Am I... the guy in question?

He continues. "And now I'm being told you that you're staying here!? Actually considering Subaru is attending the school too... Shit, and I'm guessing Darkness and Aqua will stay too then...!" He looks like he's about to rip his hair out. "I hate this! Some bastard stole my incompetent party and left me stuck in another country...! And I didn't even pay all my debt before leaving!" I'm so sorry, cuck.

Aqua waves him off. "It's fine... We will just pay the debt collectors when they come Kazuma! So why don't you enjoy a life here? It's not like they don't have a guild here too you know?" He could do quests with Eris and Nina... I should probably not let him do quests with Nina, what returns might not be human anymore.

For a few seconds, it looks like Kazuma is about to snap again, but slowly he smiles. "Huh... I guess you're right... Besides, it feels euphoric to finally leave that damn town for good." That smiles quickly disappears, replace with a scowl of pure hatred. "Like hell I'd say that dumbass! I have a mansion back there...! Besides, what about the Demon King huh!? We need to kill him right!?" Aiming high I see...

But yet again Aqua casually waves him off. "Eh, you will get another mansion eventually..." Kazuma's right eye twitches. I choose to not mention how we are currently discussing housing problems. "Besides, who cares about the Demon King? Belzerg has been at war again him for years! And even if he does get the lead, the country will probably just throw the towel and call Reinhard there." And there's a name I hear a lot.

Kazuma sounds like he's about to commit murder. "The Heavens care damn it! That's why they sent me here in the first place! We can't just... leave the guy alone." Well, if this Reinhard guy can apparently deal with the situation.

Darkness fakes a cough. "I... don't wanna get in this mess, but may I remind you that you are constantly giving up on that goal so that you can live an easy life? It seems to me that you're just against Aqua to be against Aqua." He ignores her, probably proving her point.

Aqua scoffs. "As if you could kill him Kazuma! You have been a disappointment through and through!" Your party has killed multiple Demon Generals. "You got this opportunity because you were the reincarnation of some legendary hero called Himmel, but you have not been living up to the name!" Stop sounding like a disappointed parent.

Kazuma rolls his eyes. "Don't bring up whatever past life I may have into this! Stuff like that is too old to matter!" I... sort of agree? "Besides, we need to kill the Demon King or the Heavens aren't letting you back in, remember dumbass!?" She got kicked out!?

Immediately Aqua starts crying. "I forgot...!" And the she throws herself at me, hugging me. Thankfully I manage to catch her without falling down. "We need to kill him Subaru...! I wanna go home!" Why are you asking me?

I sigh. "I'll... Give me a few years, I'll see what I can do." If nothing else I have an amazing party. Not that I think I can beat the Demon King by the way, but I just don't want to see Aqua cry. As annoying as it is, it makes me sad.

Thankfully my assurance stops her crying, and she actually nods. "Kay... I'll trust you Subaru, since you're much more reliable than Trashzuma over there who only know how to lie and eat hot chips." You don't know anything about me.

Eris pulls Aqua off me. "Don't touch my boyfriend like that." The goddess tries to fight back, but it's clear who's stronger here... Probably Aqua to be honest, but she doesn't know how to use that strength. Or at least I think so.

Kazuma sighs. "Then I guess we will be staying here for a long time huh... Well, I'll miss Wiz, that's for sure." He then looks up. "And I'll also miss... no one else. That's pretty much it... Though I'll have to find someway of contacting that guy..." Please don't be so mysterious.

I nod. "Well, now that pretty much everything is settled... It's gonna be uncomfortable tonight, but we are all gonna sleep together." I smile. "And after a few days we can all move out. I'll stay in the dorms with Eris and Darkness... And Megumin can share her room with a few people too. Probably." I just don't wanna bother the poor priest to be honest.

Megumin pouts. "What a pain... Well, I'm willing to share my room with anyone that isn't Kazuma. I guess..." Why not him!? Actually the answer is obvious. Still, I suppose we found a place for Nina and Aqua.

Maybe it won't be too much of a problem for Lancel if only Kazuma stays here? We are willing to pay the priest of course. Still, it does make me feel like an asshole... Why is something like housing so difficult to resolve?

Nina interjects. "Well, don't worry about me and Kazu. I'll find us a nice apartment somewhere... and tomorrow we can look for an Inn too, as a stopgap." You want to stay with Kazuma...?

The brown haired man looks terrified, but he just nods. In just a few lines, Nina has completely tamed him. How scary, I'm glad she's not my soulmate... Just thinking about her and Eris butting heads scares me.

Darkness sighs. "Then we have decided on our course of action, but..." She looks at the silent happy priest. "Is this really okay? I wish I had brought a great quantity of money with me..." She then looks at Kazuma, an idea clear in her mind. "Actually, didn't you make quite a bit of money for... charity. Why don't y-" And she gets cutoff.

Kazuma basically growls his response. "Not in a million years." You got that money with the power of scamming people, so don't be so protective over your ill gotten coins. Use them to resolve my problems!

Aqua looks at him. "Kazuma, please pay Lancel for letting us stay here." She has a bright smile on, it truly shows the purity of a goddess.

Kazuma's body shakes in fear. "Okay, I'll pay Lancel!" You're giving up that easily!? 

Well, at least his money has gone to an actual good cause now. The Subaru Natsuki cause! Sorry.


"You're a menace Eris..." I thought for sure everyone was gonna sleep in the same room, but she actually kicked everyone to the first floor. Which means this room only has me, Darkness and her currently.

Well, normally she kicks everyone to the first floor anyways, but this time there are way more people... Thankfully I'm probably gonna get an actual night of sleep this time. Eris is shy after all, and Darkness is here. That's not even counting how everyone below would hears us fucking.

Eris pouts. "I'm not." You are. "Anyways, Darkness roll to the floor, me and Subaru are about to fuck and I don't want you seeing it." We are!? I'll repeat as many times as it takes, you're a menace!

Darkness immediately blushes bright red, covering her body which isn't even naked. "W-what!? I'm right here, so do that another time!" W-wow, you're actually against it? So your the type who hesitates at the final moment huh...

Eris actually sits up just to glare at her. "I don't want to hear any objections from a sex slave! Now roll out of bed, it's embarrassing with you right beside us!" I can't believe we are actually gonna do it... Goodbye night of sleep.

With the power of peer presure, Darkness rolls out of bed. "Okay! I won't watch! I'll definitely close my eyes and cover my ears...!" She starts panting. "I might still smell it though...!" She's actually getting into it... Nice.

Eris nods. "Good!" Without hesitation she starts taking off her clothes, trusting the knight's words. Sex really turns Eris stupid huh? Well, it's not like she's exactly bright under normal circumstances.

I sigh, to hide I'm actually enjoying this, and then I start taking off my clothing too. To be honest... The fact that Darkness is actually in this room is making everything even better somehow.

It isn't long before Eris and I are completely naked. We've done this enough times to know how things work... Actually it hasn't been long since I lost my virginity to Eris, it's just that she has way too much stamina so we always do it through the entire night. I'm honestly surprised I can sort of keep up at all, thanks for forcing me to exercise dad!

To my surprise however, Eris lays down again, extending her arms to the direction of the ceiling, as if asking for a hug. "Okay Subaru, attack me!" I'm actually gonna be the top for once? That's rare...

It's so rare that I actually raise an eyebrow. "Huh...? Are you doing what I think you're doing?" The beast actually wants to be eaten instead of eating!? What has this world come to?

Darkness shouts from the ground, her eys are definitely on us... Even though it's obvious hard to see us atop of the bed from there. "She wants you to- to mess her up...!" Her eyes are filled with disbelief.

Eris growls. "Pipe down sex slave...! If you can't see, you obviously can't talk too!" Since Eris is looking to the roof, she can't see that Darkness is seeing... she chose a bad position. "And... this is training Subaru! You have a sex slave now, so you have to train your offensive!" I...! Understood!

I smile. "Then let's train." I look over to Darkness, who is actually sitting down now. "You hear that Lalatina? This is training for you." The knight looks like she's about to explode. I'm sorry for doing this to a virgin.

She doesn't even respond, simply looking at us with widened eyes. For a moment I even think she's about to run for the door, being to embarassed to continue, but she just keeps standing in the same spot while panting.

Eris pouts. "Don't bring her into this Subaru...! I said we wouldn't have threesomes right!?" Yeah, yeah. I won't break a rule as basic as that... Even if this is definitely super close to it.

I smile towards her. "I know Eris... which is why we should avoid any peeping." I look at the stunned Darkness. "Lalatina, cover your eyes with something. Rip up your pajamas if you have to." She will only be able to listen and smell us going at it.

The knight slowly nods, and actually... picks up a piece of clothing we randomly threw near her. It's just my shirt, nothing erotic like underwear... But with a surprising amount of dexterity, Darkness uses it as a blindfold. She could still peek of course, but I don't particularly care.

A blushing Eris looks away. "She's not peeping, is she?" This War goddess really can be adorable in the most unexpected of ways. You'd think someone like her would the type who doesn't care if someone is watching.

I get on top of her. "Yeah, Lalatina is as blind as she can be..." I slowly plant a kiss on Eris' lips, as always it's an amazing sensation. "Now let's do it, that perverted knight won't pay attention at all." I can literally hear Darkness' panting getting faster and louder.

Eris nods. "Yeah..." My hand starts to slowly slide down, foreplay is important, so it should be obvious what I'll be touching. "Today was super stressful with that Aqua bitch, so... make my head turn into mush...!" And I found what I'm looking for.

I begin stimulating Eris' pussy while kissing her, the girl quickly starts to moan. And with those moans, Lalatina actually gasps. "It's in already...!?" Give me a bit more credit than that.

Eris quickly ends our kiss, so she can scream at the girl. "Shut up! How many times do I have to tell you to-" And to her surprise, she's the one who gets shut up, mostly because I kiss her again.

It lasts for a few moments, and when it actually ends I adress the knight. "Nope, it's not in yet Lalatina. Not that it's any of your concern, slut." The blonde knight gasps yet again, she's a masochist after all...

Honestly, what am I even doing? Massaging my girlfriend's pussy while my sex slave moans in the corner just with the sounds we are making...? This is definitely not the vanilla experience I always thought I wanted.

But I definitely want this, so my cock has been getting harder and harder with the passage of time. And with Eris getting wetter... It's not gonna be long until Lalatina gets her wish of hearing a woman get penetrated.

Eris smiles between moans. "F-fuck... me already~!" An order is an order! 

I begin lining up my cock to her entrance, though I mutters out words before that. "You listening Lalatina...? It's about to happen~." She doesn't respond, but I can hear the sound of clothing.

With a quick side-eye, I can see that she has put her hand inside of her pants, this perverted masochistic knight is about to masturbate with sound alone. Finding her really was an wonderful opportunity.

Still, now Eris frowns. "Subaru don't bring her into this...!" And I quickly shut up my girlfriend by entering her, my cock is penetrates as easily as usual. "A-ah! Warn me first!" My bad! But I thought it would be hot...!

I smirk as I begin moving. "Sorry, but this is training for a sex slave...! It's not like I'm gonna need to warn Lalatina!" Eris shily and hesitantly nods. "And don't worry about bringing that hopeless pervert into this, she's doing her own thing." And by that I mean she's touching herself.

I can see if I side-eye it. A perverted blonde knight with a perfect body with one hand in her pussy and the other one in one of her tits. Massaging herself... No, it's more like she's ravaging herself. Of course she would like it rough.

But right now that knight is just something to look at, so I go back to focusing on the main dish, Eris. Who answers me between moans. "Ah~... As long as she's not watching us...!" She's just listening, smelling, and masturbating to us. No big deal.

I groan, as expected Eris' pussy is driving me crazy. "W-what's with you and... being embarrassed about sex stuff...?" I figured asking this while I'm pounding her would be the best time.

Eris kisses me as an answer, but after a while she ends it and gives me a real one. "Isn't it obvious!? Sex is embarassing damn it...!" She's saying that while her tongue is out, what a pervert.

A grin appears on my face. "Then don't worry, this is gonna be just like normal...! I'll cum inside you without a care for the world like I always do...!" I'm starting a faster rhythm now, I will follow through with my word.

But I continue. "And Eris, when I do with Lalatina, can I carelessly impregnate her too? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable..." I don't want to impregnate anyone, but I know what I need to say to make the perverted knight come faster.

Eris quickly nods, she's close to her limit too. "Yeah...! She's just a sex slave anyways, so I don't care how many bastards you pump into her dumb body...!" I have a feeling Eris doesn't mean that, people say stuff they don't mean all the time during sex after all.

But it's enough to make me closer to the edge. "Right, I'll be making you both pregnant then...! Here it comes!" I'm at my limit, so I let out my load inside of her without hesitation at all, hoping this won't bite me back.

Eris becomes insanely tight, it's the sign of her cumming, though her voice already makes that clear enough anyways. "Subaru~...!" Her body shakes against mine.

But she's not the only one who screams. "M-mast-, fuck...! Subaru~!" The perverted knight with an unbelievably adorable name cums too. Thankfully Eris is too lost in her lust to tell her to shut up.

I start panting. "Okay, that's round one..." I know Eris enough to know this is gonna last for a long while. Lalatina doesn't though, which is why she starts sputtering.

Welp, it's time to ruin her nightly schedule too, even if I won't touch her at all. Threesome's are forbidden!


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