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"Come out Ariel... We are worried about you." I knock on the door to the student council's room yet again. Honestly my heart is beating out of my cheast, and I'm sweating cold... I have never seen her act like this.

She responds between sobs. "No! Leave me alone already Luke!" There's no way I can leave you alone! I'm your bodyguard after all... and your friend, and you're clearly in no state to be alone. Damn it, I wanna kill that bastard Subaru Natsuki!

Sylphiette, also known as Fitz, worriedly raises her voice. "Please listen to Luke! Or at least let us come back in...!" Yeah, I would like to at least be by her side, but she freaked out and kicked us out.

Something inside the room breaks, more sobs are heard. "Shut up Sylphie! You don't know what I'm feeling! You have that stupid childhood friend of your and your stupid never ending romance book plot!" She didn't even bother to call the elf Fitz... "Why can't I get a stupid romance plot!? That's not fair!" You could do! I'm pretty sure most people would love to receive your affection!

As long as that affection is actually romantic and not sexual of course, Ariel is quite the beast so... Let's just say that she has driven quite a few maids to tears, though thankfully never to suicide. Ariel is a cruel woman, but she's not that cruel.

And I'm a cruel man. I have long ago earned my reputation as a playboy, who as the name implies, plays with the hearts of women... It's in my Greyrat blood to be perverted after all, and to be honest, I have always prided myself for actually earning a woman's heart before her body, unlike most of my family.

Now however...? That pride has mostly faded away. I can only hope I have never driven a woman to... this. Ariel is normally a confident and charming princess, but she has now been reduced to a crying wreck who just shouts about her lover all day. If we are talking about romance books? Then she reminds me of the tragic female character who ends her life after being rejected...

Fitz pouts, probably not to happy about the princess' mocking words. "Please Ariel, this isn't healty and... and... you can still get your fairytale romance! I-I'm sure Subaru will listen to your pleas..." I don't know about that...

I don't even know why Fitz is defending this guy in the first place. Didn't he cuck Quagmire or something...? I only hear bits and pieces from the elf, so I'm not aware of the full story of course. Hell, maybe that's why Sylphie is defending him? It probably opened the way for her...

Well, I for one don't like him. I know that's not exactly fair, since I don't know much about him in the first place, but... he has driven my best friend to tears, so there's no way I could like him. The worst part of it all is that I don't even know how the hell he has done it either...

Things such as magical aphrodisiacs exist, I even have a few safely stored in my room, for obvious purposes... But something like a love potion? That's stuff from legends, it isn't something a person can find or make... Maybe if they were some amazing legendary mage, but I doubt Subaru Natsuki is secretly Roswaal L. Matters or something.

Which means Ariel took one look at him and started acting weirdly... A Divine Protection maybe? Like that legendary one that can change the mind of a person? Fuck, I hope not, the idea is so scary that I don't even want to entertain it. Besides, Ariel has the Divine Protection of Judgment, so she would have noticed it...

I sigh, I can theorize as much as I want, but in the end I'm powerless. I can only listen as my best friend shouts at my other best friend. "No he won't! I saw his face, he was disgusted by me!" He looked more panicked than anything to be honest.

Ariel continues. "So unless you guys are here to give me the great news of Eris Greyrat's death, then... then... fuck off!" She ends by swearing, something that Ariel would normally never do in public, she has an image to keep after all.

I frown. "Ariel... you're better than some random adventurer, I'm sure Subaru Natsuki will fall for you in a flash..." And to be honest...? "Hell, you're better than Subaru Natsuki, go seduce someone more worthy of your station." My friend's beauty is legendary, and so is her cunning, she's beyond his league.

Oh, don't misunderstand by the way, I'm not saying she should be seducing me either, because she's also way beyond my league. Ariel should be going after the greats, people who could help her win the throne, like Reinhard Van Astrea, Kazuma Satou... or even the Quagmire. Though she would never do the last one of course, she loves her friendship with Sylphiette.

Her tone sounds spiteful. "Someone of my station!? Things like hierarchy die in the face of love!" Are you really Ariel!? Did a demon steal your body!? "And besides, we all know that girl isn't some random adventurer...!" That's true, I guess...

Again, I do not know all the details, since this comes from a tale regurgitated by Sylphiette after she comforted Quagmire, but... Apparently the Eris girl is Eris Boreas Greyrat, the one who supposedly died in the Metastasia event all those years ago...

So yes, she's not some random adventure, she has the rightful claim to the Fittoa Region after all, and due to the way her family was wiped out, under normal circumstances she probably would have been an ally of Ariel... Hell, she probably would have been my wife, but instead she's the woman of some random traveler. The twists and turns life can take are truly weird.

Sylphiette knocks on the door again. "Ariel you are far better than her! I-I'll be cheering for you..." Why do you sound conflicted at the end? "So please get up and try again! Besides, Subaru is being strung along by those harpies! You have to help him!" This again?

I understand your animosity towards Eris, she is the one who broke the heart of your love, but... What the hell do you have against Silent Seven Stars? I mean, she seemed rude, but that was pretty much it. 

Normally Sylphie wouldn't care about someone not being courteous, for fuck's sake she got mad at me after I slapped a guy who called her a dirty witch's son that one time! It seems Subaru Natsuki brings out weird parts from people...

Something heavy hits the wall, I can hear the sound of wood breaking. I think Ariel just picked up a chair and threw it against in a fit of rage... If this keeps up I'm gonna need to kick open the door so I can restrain her, before she does something she will regret.

She sounds crazy, a person could mistake her for a witch cultist. "Shut up! I told you to shut up didn't I!? I did! I'm certain that I did, so shut up!" Just what the hell did Subaru Natsuki do... Or was Ariel always this unhinged? Did the pressure of being hunted down finally get to her? "You're bragging aren't you!? Since you're having your little perfect romance with Rudeus Greyrat you're bragging right to my face!" I wouldn't call a perfect romance, and we can't even look at your face, due to the door and walls separating us.

She continues her rant, I truly hope we don't have any noisy student hearing this from afar... "You and that bastard can go straight to hell! Couldn't he even be bothered to keep his girlfriend!? If he wasn't such a dickless little shit then maybe I would have a chance!" I'm sad Quagmire isn't here. I don't like him, so I want him to hear this.

And her crazy tirade still isn't over. "What are you even bragging about anyways!? I've watched you suckers dance around each other for months, like two absolute losers! Just look at that pathetic sight, the dickless mage, and the half-dev-! The cowardly man girl!" Even at her current state, Ariel at least has enough decency to not compare Sylphie to the Witch of Envy.

Still, tears are now appearing on the corners of Sylphie's eyes, I can see them even though she's wearing sunglasses... This foolishness has gone for more than long enough, I'm tired of entertaining Ariel's new found madness.

That's why I channel mana through my leg, and kick down the door. "That's enough Ariel!" The sight that greets me is a tearful Arie laying down on the ground, her make up ruined and her wrists... thankfully not slit, but she has been biting them of all things.

Both Sylphie and Ariel are giving me shock filled looks, the princess even crawls backwards a little, but I have to wake her up to reality. "You're talking like a maddened fool! Insulting Syl- Fitz for no reason! Get your bearings already...!" I don't know if this is the way I should be confronting her, but...

There's just no helping it. The usual Ariel is a smart and understanding woman, far smarter than me, but this one... She's some weird freak lost in sorrow, her expression reminds me of the many people who lost their loved ones in the Metastasis Event and went mad with grief. So of course I'm not sure how to confront her... I still have to do it though.

She glares at me and starts to slowly get up. "You're the one who doesn't get it! This is... this is... true love! For the first time ever my heart felt love, and immediately after it that heart was ripped out!" Now that she's on her feet, she points at me. "And of course you wouldn't get it! How would you! You're just some... fuckboy! Someone who toys with the feelings of others and then leavez them behind to their suffering!" I'm pretty sure I never drove a woman to your level of crazy.

I sigh, her hypocrisy is obvious. "Ariel... you also sleep around like there's no tomorrow, don't use that as argument." And I don't have anything against her habits either, in fact I'm grateful for them. They're part of the reason why we became such great friends after all.

She grips her hair, using both of her hands. "I know damn it! And I hate myself for it...!" Okay, this really is someone else. Some monster definitely stole my friend's body, because Ariel would never say something this crazy... "I...! I...! I cheated on him! I cheated on him! I cheated on him...!" Her face is going green, like she's about to throw up.

Sylphie carefully interjects. "Um... Ariel..." She immediately gets the princess' attention. "You didn't cheat on anybody... You were never in a relationship, so it's fine... I mean, if I got together with Rudeus..." This time, it's Sylphie's face that goes green, weirdly enough. "He wouldn't have cheated on me just because he had a past relationship with Eris..." Pretty much.

Sure, some nobles may argue that Ariel ruined her purity or whatever, but those nobles were probably doing some messed up things anyways. I much rather have a free spirited women like Ariel in charge over some of the monsters that currently run Asura, and let's not even start on Ranoa... Slavery is legal in my home country, but it is far bigger here, and what an awful sight it is.

The princess pouts and looks down, it's not a positive reaction, but is far better than her continuing her state of panic. "What if he doesn't see it that way though...? I love him..." Who cares about this guy!? Seriously where did this all come from!?

My eye twitches. "Ariel, you care for this guy as much as I care for a lass with a big ass who's into food play. That is to say, you saw it once, and have deluded yourself into thinking it's far too important." Ah, the beautiful future that will never exist...

She glares at me, and thankfully does not throw a table or something in my direction... We are gonna need to replace tons of furniture. "Like I said, it's true love!" And now she is eyeing a vase... I better keep my guard up, else she break it against my head.

I roll my eyes, I should probably not insult her, but this is ridiculous. "It's true thirst is what it is." Yep, she's walking closer to that vase. "Stop acting crazy, and... let's hit the town or something. Maybe you can find a gal or guy who strikes your fancy." And now she's throwing that vase at me.

Thankfully a strike of wind hits it midair, diverting it from its path. Thank you Fitz! I appreciate the help, even though it wouldn't have hurt me. Mediocre knight I may be, but I am still a knight nonetheless!

The elf sighs. "Ariel... I know this hurts, but you have to be better! You helped me countless times to get closer to Rudeus, so let me help you this time!" She then begins angrily muttering. "We have to stop those harpies as fast as possible after all." You would be the type who reuses the insult harpy.

Ariel slowly approaches her, a hopeful look in her face. "D-do you really think I still have a chance Sylphie? Really, really?" Of course you do! You are literally third in line for the throne of this continent's most powerful kingdom! You should be sending marriage proposals to Vincent Vollachia, not crying about some boy!

Where did my confident friend who wants to destroy her brothers, and take her birthright go? Did she get swallowed up by Ariel's new level of lust...? Because there's no way this isn't just lust, in fact the aphrodisiac theory is back on the table.

Still, the elf nods. "Y-yes! You have as much chance with Subaru as I do with Rudeus!" Immediate Ariel picks up another vase and chucks at her, thankfully Sylphie destroys this one with magic as well. "I mean even more chance...!" Too late.

Ariel is crying again. "Ah! I'm going to die alone! Forced to watch as my love is stepped on by some runaway noble girl...! I'm so filled with jealousy I might become the second coming of the Witch of Envy!" I feel like you would be even scarier than her.

I sigh. "Ariel, stop acting like your life is over. Did you forget about our conspiracy to take over the throne?" I probably shouldn't say this with the door open, but whatever, if someone is listening to Ariel they will have heard far worse by this point. "You literally met this boy once, what are you a fairytale princess?" I guess she does have the looks for it...

She nods. "Yes! Literally!" No, you're definitely not! "I was meant to find love with my prince charming, take back the kingdom and then bring prosperity to all! But I failed before my destiny even started..." I... I just need to accept my friend is gone, don't I?

Sylphie interjects. "Well, I think you're not one to give up Ariel! Even when against fate...! So let's try and talk with Subaru, surely the two of us can convince him!" She blushes bright red. "Then when he dumps that... that who-... that harpy, he can befriend Rudeus too! And it will be a happy ending for everyone!" Wow, you almost swore there.

Ariel makes a thinking pose, it actually fills me with relief, maybe my friend isn't gone after all. "A two-pronged attack...? Not a bad idea... Your body isn't sexy at all, but it would contrast nicely with my womanly body, we could probably surpass Eris Greyrat like that." Did you really have to insult Sylphiette like that!?

I agree of course, I am of the Greyrat, and as such I believe that big boobs are the best. Since Sylphiette is as flat as they come, I have never ever felt a single drop of lust towards her, quite a shame really.

Sylphie desperately shakes her head in denial. "That's...! That's way too much!" She giggles to herself. "I mean, Subaru... doing that with me? Putting his thing on me and hitting my womb? Putting a baby to grow in my belly? No way!" This guy might indeed have a Divine Protection that changes minds. I should send a letter to Lugunica and beg Reinhard Van Astrea for help.

Even Ariel has been driven to confusion, giving Sylphie a shocked stare. "Excuse me... what?" Normally the elf is quite a introverted girl, so the perversion she just showed is a rare sight indeed.

The elf fakes a cough. "What I mean, is that a threesome with Subaru is way too much! But like..." Her blush and smile slowly disappear. "I guess we could go on a double date. You and Subaru, together with me and Rudeus." By the end she sounds straight up depressed.

Ariel hums. "That does sound nice, I suppose..." She smiles, it makes me smile too. "You're right Fitz, I can't just give up now. I just have to think of some way of winning...!" I'm truly glad the old Ariel is back, even if she's still obsessing over some guy.

The princess continues, putting her brain to work. "Eris Greyrat is the biggest problem here, no matter how you look at it..." She sends Sylphie a questioning look. "Do you think you could beat her in a straight fight?" It's hard to think of the elf losing, but... the Quagmire did humiliate her.

The elf shrugs. "I don't really know to be honest, I only met her briefly after all... I don't want to kill someone for no reason though." As expected, Sylphiette acts more as a bodyguard than a hired killer.

The princess nods. "It's fine, I don't plan on attacking her, but I imagine she will come for my head once I steal Subaru Natsuki..." She looks at me. "Luke, just how many aphrodisiacs are necessary to drive someone insane?" How am I supposed to know!? "Forget that, the dose may depend on the person anyways..." I forgot how scary you could be...

She starts pacing around the room. "I need to find some way of separating the two so I can take him, and I need to find a secure location too... That woman is probably dangerous, but I wonder if I could manipulate the Quagmire into taking her down?" She then shakes her head. "Whatever, I'll think about this later. We should clean this room first." That's a job for Sylphiette and her magic!

As soon as Ariel says that however, we hear footsteps approaching. I immediately turn to the broken door and raise my guard, putting my hand at the hilt of my sword, ready to draw it at any moment.

Thankfully the person who appears is not an assassin, just a panicked looking student. "Lady Ariel, there is an urgent matt-!" He quickly notices the state of the room. "Just what the hell happened here!?" It was a scary phenomenon called a scorned woman.

I scowl. "Nothing that matters to you, so state your business before I cut you down." Damn it, rumors about this will definitely spread around. Maybe... maybe we should kill this student and fix the room before anyone else comes in? Well, that's up to Ariel I guess.

She admonishes me. "Luke, please don't scare this poor man, we are the Student Council, so it's only natural he would come to us." You sound really reasonable right now, but the fact that your eyes are red and your makeup is ruined from crying definitely gives away the game.

The student is smart enough to not comment on it though, so Ariel continues. "Now, please tell me what happened and we will solve it as fast as possible." Boy am I glad the old Ariel came back before this guy appeared... This could have gone a lot worse.

The student hesitantly nods. "It's just that... Badigadi was about to duel some girl!" Oh shit, that demon is already causing trouble! I guess we better call Rudeus Greyrat. "And then that duel got interrupted! He ended up dueling some guy named Subaru Natsuki instead!" Today is a pain in the ass.

Ariel approaches the student as fast as possible. "What!? Where is this happening...!? That disgusting demon king has better not have harmed my sweet prince!" I repeat, you're not a fairytale princess.

Apologize to all women you molested!


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