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"Ah, thanks for the food...?" For some reason Lancel hands Darkness a empty plate. It also doesn't help that he's glaring at the girl like she's satan herself... Actually, he's not glaring at her, he is glaring at a pendant around her neck.

The pendant must be important in some way, because even though Darkness completely changed into Eris' clothes due to the pee accident, she did keep that. It also looks super ornate.

I send the priest a look of confusion. "Dude... why?" I guess the knight did just randomly show up in his house, and her and her heavy armor also broke the floor a bit. However... we already explained that it wasn't her fault, so please give her a break.

Seriously his hatred came so out of nowhere that Darkness isn't even blushing like usual, she's just confused. Well, it's good to know that if her brain doesn't recognize something as humiliating she won't immediately do something perverted.

Lancel spits on the floor, an expression of disgust on his face. "Because she's a pig who follows Eris, that pendant makes it clear enough." The beef between the Axis Order and the Eris Order is so bad that it even makes the kind Lancel act like this!?

Darkness hugs herself, now that her brain has caught with the situation she's blushing. "Oh...! To be treated like a dog...!" Is this girl always so... horny? And she actually has the courage to call someone Virginzuma?

My eye twitches. "You're kind of a creep huh?" I already knew that of course, but I feel like it's worth acknowledging to the wider world. How the hell is a girl like this supposed to be my soulmate!? I'm definitely not a guy who's super kinky.

For a moment Darkness is silent, slowly she looks down. "Huh, that... hurt..." Her eyes are slowly widening, as her lips tremble. "And not in a good way... wow." I feel like I'm giving her a existential crisis, and if so... good. That was meant to hurt, it was a genuine insult after all.

Eris pouts. "Geez Subaru, don't untrain her." She's not trained in the first place! "Anyways, Lancel feed her, we can't let her starve even if she is a weirdo." This time Darkness does blush, so sadly my insult didn't kill her masochistic tendencies.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I actually have something against masochistics, but there's a time and place for everything! Also, I don't know how to feel about this girl being my soulmate, I'm not a sadistic guy after all. Definitely.

The priest does a mock salute. "Anything for the messiah!" And so, this time he actually puts food on the girl's table. Well, it's not like it was his choice, Eris and Nina bought this food with their money made from quests after all.

Darkness sends him a smile. "Thank you for the food." And he spits on the floor again. And so the knight starts to eat, as if she didn't just watch a grown ass man spit on the floor out of sheer hatred.

Nina raises a hand. "So... what are gonna do about this girl? I don't know how to feel with a armed stranger being in the same house as me." Just be glad that you didn't see her pissing herself, seriously.

I cross my arms. "I guess that depends... Darkness, can you tell us your story with a bit more detail?" All we know is that she wanted to go to Ranoa and ended up in our room. I also know the Aqua she's talking about is a goddess...

And in the end Darkness is actually part of the Eris Order... Just how messed up is that!? Though I guess I should give point to Aqua, you would think a goddess would only befriend people belonging to their cult.

Eris waves me off. "Subaru, there's no need to think. Darkness is now your concubine, so feel free to use her as you wish." When did I agree with that!? And more importantly... why are you okay with that!?

Darkness smiles ear to ear. "A blessed name for a blessed person!" Right, you are a Eris worshiper... I met your goddess, and she's probably cringing in heaven at your actions right now, so have some decency!

She then glares at me. "However, I won't simply surrender my chastity! As a pure knight I'll fight with all my strength to resist you!" She's blushing too, as if she's expecting something. Sorry, I will keep my inner-bastard demon nice and chained.

I respond with a deadpan. "You're making me cringe, please stop and act like someone who is not disgusting." Immediately her face goes pale, her face falling into the table... but thankfully not her plate, that would be messy.

Eris sighs. "Subaru...! Don't mistreat your concubine!" Seriously when did I agree with that? "But then again... I guess she is your concubine, so feel free to abuse her if you want to." There's no way to win here, is there?

My right eye twitches. "Eris... why are you so okay with the idea of me having a concubine? Specially when it's a woman I just met?" Even if Darkness is indeed super hot. She matches Eris in the body department after all.

My red headed girlfriend shrugs. "Because... well... you may not know this, but I actually come from nobility." So you were an ojou-sama all along!? "And grandpa always said... a man's manliness is decided upon how many women he beds" Your grandpa was messed up.

She continues. "Besides, it's much better that this is a woman we just met. I know you only like her for her body after all, your heart belongs to me." She finishes that with a red blush, how can this woman say the most outrageous things while looking so cute?

It goes without saying that I can't simply agree with this. "Eris... You realize what would entail with having a sex slave right!? Are you really okay with that!? There's no way it would be good!" Specially since our relationship is so new.

The War Goddess looks down. "But... what if nobles unfairly look down on you? Besides l..." Her face goes red as a tomato. "I know a man appreciates having more than one woman to satiate his libido... So I'm totally okay with." You're doing a great job at satiating my libido by yourself though!

Currently I have dark bags under my eyes, and my hair is still a mess, because I have not been getting a good night of sleep recently. The reason for that is because Eris fucks me throughout all night of course! So who would still need more! I do want more than I need of course.

I mean that's always been a trait of me, even back on Earth. I was a kid raised with good parents, and my grades were decent, but I still wanted more, I wanted to be Kenichi Natsuki, and not having that turned me into a NEET. It's no exaggeration to call me the greediest guy ever.

And now I greedily want this blonde who I know nothing about too...! Wait, control yourself Subaru Natsuki! Don't think about touching that beautiful body of hers, who you only touched when she was wearing armor! That's a dangerous path to walk towards!

Eris' eyes suddenly open wide. "Oh, there is one thing I can't let happen though." So you do have an objection! Save me from NTR-Kyuubi! "I-I... I d-don't... I don't wanna do threesomes okay!" What kind of weak objection is that!

I can only mutter. "Okay, that seems fine by me." Wait, didn't I just agree with her proposal suddenly!? What the hell is wrong with me!? I literally met this woman today! And our first interaction included her peeing herself...!

But... Darkness is my soulmate, I can't deny that, even if our first meeting is embarassing. Besides, it's okay that Darkness is a masochist, I will enjo- My mind is wandering to a dangerous place again. It is true that I can't be too mean to Darkness however.

The knight suddenly cheers up. "Yes! I'll be the best sex slave ever!" Oi. "I'll put up just enough resistance to make things spicy and exciting, but not enough to make things annoying! I promise!" Why are you screaming like you just got a weird job opportunity!?

Thankfully Nina saves me. "Hey, Subaru did raise some good points... Are you sure you want this girl to be his sex toy, Eris?" I'll owe you forever my friend. "I mean, do you even know if she's qualified? Are you willing to train her?" According to Eris she's already trained.

Nina continues. "Training a sex slave is no joke you know? I wanted to do it with you ex, so I would know. Aphrodisiacs are crazyyyy expensive." For a few moments I actually forgot this woman was a NTR villain, this is a grim reminder.

Eris hesitantly nods. "You're right, and I can't have Subaru having a piss poor sex slave, that would be beneath him..." I can see Darkness' face becoming paler and paler, as she realizes that this won't be as easy as she thought.

Suddenly Lancel interjects. "Well, if I could throw my opinion on the ring..." You can't! I just know you're gonna say something ridiculous! "This trash should definitely become a sex slave, it's only right a Eris' pig realizes who's the true messiah." I just knew you were gonna say something dumb!

Before anyone can responds, I shout. "Have we forgotten that we were talking about important stuff!? Like Darkness' teleportation and what we should do about it!?" I may be surrounding myself with too many idiot. Just myself is already enough.

Darkness fakes a cough. "Don't worry Subaru, the conversation about sex slavery is more important." No it isn't! And to show that I glare at her, the girl flinches a little. "F-fine, let me tell you all how everything happened..." I almost expect her to suddenly start repeating the word flashback.

Thankfully the world has not become that insane yet. "Recently one of my comrades, Aqua, started acting a bit... strangely. She decided to travel here to meet you, for supposedly you are her soulmate." Eris growls at her words... So sex slavery is okay, but actual love makes you feel threatened? That makes a strange amount of sense...

She continues. "I do not know how, but Kazuma Satou, another party member of mine, found out about your location." He's that NEET from before... "We asked for a skilled mage we know to teleport us here, from Axel in Belzerg to Sharia in Ranoa, but... Wiz the mage, objected..." She sighs. "She alleged that teleporting us to a city full of magicians might have... negative consequences, but as always we ignored her advice." Why though!?

If nothing else, she actually looks worried about her party. "Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, Chomusuke... They could be anywhere right now." What kind of ridiculous name is Chomusuke!? Megumin is already sort of weird, but the last one crosses the line!

Lancel crosses his arms. "That situation does sound dire indeed, but..." He spits on the floor. "How dare this woman call herself Aqua!? And she wants to steal the messiah's lover too!? She must be evil incarnate!" Sometimes I wonder how exactly does the Axis Order drive someone insane...

Darkness responds with a deadpan voice. "Well, there is a woman called Eris in this room." She then giggles. "Though she does indeed have a godly aura...! Those punches hurt!" She is a War Goddess after all, also you didn't really look hurt.

I sigh and raise a hand. "Before anyone says or does anything crazy... I've met this Aqua before, her and Kazuma. They are the ones who convinced Eris to revive me, and... Kazuma is probably from my world." I could feel the NEET aura he radiated.

At least he's actually a summoned hero, since he looked like your average Japanese teen. How very generic of him! At least I have the my ugly eyes to distinguish my design! How does that guy expect to become popular at all!? Oops, the natural rivalry between NEET's emerged there for a second.

Immediately Lancel's jaw hits the floor. "Subaru, are you telling me you all are talking about the real Aqua!? And that she has fallen in love with you!?" He then nods to himself. "Makes sense, the messiah loves you after all, and some may argue that the goddess and the messiah are one in the same... Either that or daughter and mother, but oyakodon is blessed, so it's okay." I agree with the last part of that at least.

Eris eye twitches. "Well, I'm grateful that she saved you, but... I'm definitely not letting her try to steal you. You are my soulmate, not some random goddess'." I'm technically the soulmate of many people.

Nina nods. "At this point I'm full in cheering for you Eris, so I won't let this goddess interfere either." You continue to be an amazing wingwoman. "Besides, I wanna see what a goddess can do, since I have only fought a demon king so far." Please have some common sense.

I sigh. "Nina, she was literally messing with life and death. That's way beyond us, don't you think?" I have to wrangle my companions into not throwing their lives away... To be honest until now I didn't really think too much about the ramifications of having divine soulmates.

Both of the goddesses I've met seemed very enthusiastic about the whole thing, and now one of them is coming after me... I doubt I can say no to that, no, I know I can't say no to that. Also Aqua is hot as hell, ironically enough.

Nina waves me off. "I never said I would win...! I lost pretty badly to the demon king too! But it was a learning experience!" She then shifts her look towards the confused Darkness. "By the way, I didn't fight that super scary guy from Belzerg. It was another demon king." Stop dropping scary lore on my lap, though I guess I should have expected the existence of multiple demon kings...

She continues, a smirk on her face. "Besides... this Darkness' entire party sounds like an exciting fight." Hah!? Darkness is tough, I guess... "I mean, we are talking about Kazuma Satou here, aren't we!?" Yep, with that name he is definitely from Japan.

I raise an eyebrow. "Is he famous...?" If he got summoned by a goddess then I don't doubt it. The guy probably has some sort of absurdly strong cheat ability after all.

Nina nods, excitement clear in her face... Hell, even Eris looks excited at the prospect of maybe fighting this guy and his party. So the blue haired swordswoman starts listing the reasons why. "The defeat and kill of multiple demon generals... the destruction of the Destroyer... Apparently this Kazuma guy even defeated Mitsurugi of the demonic blade in a duel!" He does sound strong...

She continues. "Kazuma Satou is one of the most accomplished adventurers of the past hundred years! His party, Darkness' party reached S-Rank in a flash! People have started calling him the Reinhard Van Astrea of Belzerg! A unbeatable genius followed by a unbeatable mage, a unbeatable knight and a unbeatable priestess!" I have to take back my NEET comments, don't I...? Though I don't exactly know who Reinhard is.

Suddenly Darkness hits the table, a dark expression on her face. "I can handle the fact that you're all delusional and think Aqua is a goddess, and... I appreciate the compliments, but never say those words in front of Kazuma. The world will end soon after, being crushed by his now gigantic head." There's genuine terror on her face.

She then fakes a cough. "Anyways, I would like if you all could lend a hand in locating them. While they are all very talented people... this is a completely new place. Also Chomusuke is a cat." The poor guy must be completely lost!

I nod. "That seems fine by me, but... Sharia is a big city, so it will probably take a while to find them, if we find them at all." Maybe they will find me first? Aqua was looking for me, after all, the only problem is that I'm not exactly famous like Kazuma...

Darkness smiles. "I'm truly thankful for the support, it seems I was blessed by Lady Eris into being summoned onto a home full of kind people..." Ah, that's embarassing, and now I'm blushing... "So about the sex slavery thing...!" And I imagine I will be blushing for a while longer!

Suddenly Eris, Nina and even Lancel are giving her serious looks. The blue haired NTR villain begins by asking questions first. "So you this is the first time you become a sex slave?" A-are you actually treating this like a job interview!?

Darkness nods. "Yes, but I'm a hard worker, and I can compensate for my lack of experience with enthusiasm!" My heart might beat out of my chest if this continues. "And... well..." A blush appears on her face. "I'm also a virgin, that's extra points right?" I don't really care to be honest... But yes, they're totally extra points.

She continues. "And... as you said, my party is famous so I don't know if you heard this, but Darkness is only an adventurer's name." Wait, can I actually call myself Purge King then!? "My real name is Lalatina Dustiness Ford, I too come from nobility... Surely turning a noble into a toy sounds amazing!" It kinda does...

Eris squints her eyes. "Well, it is true that it would raise Subaru's standing by a huge amount." No, making a noble my sex slave would probably just send me to jail. "D-does this mean that you can read...?" I didn't even think about that!

Is it bad that I now want Darkness solely for the amazing power called literacy? Yeah, that's why it's totally okay for me to turn her into a sex slave... What am I even thinking!? I need a break...

Darkness gives her a thumbs up. "Yes! I can read and write! Though I only know the Human Tongue... and a few bits and pieces of the Demon Tongue, sadly Megumin has not finished teaching me it yet." So this Megumin is a demon?

Eris flinches at her comment, and Nina immediately give Darkness a thumbs down. "A sex slave should not overshadow the wife... Eris can barely read." Oh, the knight made my War Goddess insecure by accident.

Lalatina immediately begins freaking out, trying to defend herself. "Well...! I can just forget how to read if it's important! I promise that becoming a pig who only knows how to oink is easy for me!" Please remember that you are a lady of noble standing...

Still, if this is inevitable... "Hey Lalatina..." Her face immediately hits the table again, for some reason. "How are your combat capabilities?" She's apparently from a legendary adventurer's party, and she did tank the Eris barrage, so... Having a endgame party member would be nice.

Darkness raises her head up. "I'm weak and pathetic. As I said before I'm a... a... v-virgin, so this is all purely hypothetical, but I imagine a man would have a easy time breaking me in half." I feel like you took my question the wrong way.

I sigh. "That's... good to know?" She sends me a big smile, seemingly happy. "But I actually want to know if you can handle yourself in a fight." And that smile dies, replaced by a embarassed frown... That's not a good sign.

She stutters her words out. "W-well, my teacher said I b-basically am E-emperor ranked in the W-Water God style..." That does sound amazing! It's only one rank below Gal, and he's on top of the world!

As expected, both Eris and Nina seem impressed, they shout on synch. "For real!?" I don't doubt it, since Darkness was eating Eris' punches for breakfast... Besides the part where she pissed herself at least.

I smile. "I guess that's expected from an amazing adventurer like you..." Why does this idiot even want to be a sex slave!? She's a noble, and also super strong, so wouldn't she prefer to go conquer a country or something!?

Strange, for some reason, instead of being happy with our compliments Darkness seems actually kind of... dead inside? Maybe she's realizing she's wasting her potential here? Then maybe I should make her a sex slave already, before this opportunity slips through my hands.

Before I can say anything however, Nina interjects. "This all sounds like a very impressive resume Miss Darkness... So what kind of salary do you expect to receive?" I have to pay her!? With skills like these she's probably super expensive.

Lalatina does a mock salute. "I'm not looking for a salary! I'm not thinking about a salary! Because a toy doesn't think at all!" Please don't say those words while panting, in fact please don't say those words at all.

Eris sends me a curious look. "So, what so you think Subaru? We keep her, or does she belong to the streets?" Eris where did you learn those words? It was from Rudeus wasn't it? But well, if my hand is being forced...

I extend a hand towards the knight. "You convince me-, my friends. You're in Lalatina, that's it if you want to, after all." I'm not actually gonna turn her into a slave of course, she can always back out.

With a red blush she shakes my hand. "Yes! I won't disappoint!" However, when our handshake ends, she looks down. "B-but pleass don't call me by my real name, it's embarassing...!" You are the concept of the word embarassing brought to life, so shut up.

I smirk. "Sorry sex slave, but it's way too cute of a name to just ignore. Lalatina." I honestly don't see what's so wrong with it, I guess it is a bit strange, but since this is a fantasy world, I'm fine with it.

Darkness immediately melts. "Ah...!" In fact I think this embarrassment did way more than just melt. She's insultingly easy... At least she didn't lie about being easily broken I guess, it will be a nice break from Eris.

What am I thinking about!? I need to return to normality. "A-anyways! We should probably go look for your party members Lalatina!" Another moan comes from her mouth. "Any clues on what spots they could be visiting?" Humans have patterns after all... That's probably why the cat will be the hardest one to find.

Darkness nods. "Yes, Megumin is probably at the magic academy, testing her skills, and knowing how prideful she is... Let's just say there is a high probability there isn't a magical academy anymore." Scary...! "Anyways, are you guys gonna chain me up now or later?" Later damn it!

I just hope this Megumin isn't as weird as her party member


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