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"Is this really the one you want, Yuuma Abe?"

The dead boy nodded. "Yeah Miss Goddess, that's the cheat I want." It was probably not the most powerful item on that list, but it was his favorite.

That's right, a cheat item.

Yuuma had passed away recently, and like any good Japanese citizen, he got an offer to move to another world! This was an offer he naturally didn't want to refuse, even if he very much could. Oh, and he died by getting hit by a truck, as one would expect.

The goddess tilted her head. "I implore you to not call me a goddess. I am a simple angel taking the job of a superior for a while."

Yuuma scratched his cheek, a blush appeared on it. "W-well, considering what you're offering me, as far as I'm concerned you're definitely a goddess." Not only was she giving him a cheat, but also another chance at living! Wasn't that amazing!?

The angel smiled. "Thank you for the compliment, Yuuma Abe." She then looked at the paper the boy had handed to her. It contained the description of his cheat code.

The way this whole thing worked was simple. The angel had given him a whole list of cheats, and he simply had to pick one. Cheats could be anything from legendary items to unique talents, to straight-up superpowers.

Yuuma had seen quite a few that caught his interest. Such as a legendary blade that tripled his exp gain when using it, or a stat booster that maxed one of his chosen stats.

Also, the fact that stats and exp were mentioned in these cheats probably meant Yuuma was gonna go to one of those game worlds. That sounded nice, even if he typically didn't really like stories with those.

The angel's smile quickly turned into a frown. "But this ability... well... How do I put this?" A sigh escaped her mouth. "Quite honestly, I don't recommend it."

Yuuma's eyes widened. "Huh? Why is that?" The ability sounded great as far as he was concerned.

It would give him the power to summon random creatures and give them commands. That wasn't it all either, the creatures themselves would grow closer to Yuuma as time passed. They would also immediately learn any language their master could speak, allowing for easy communication.

Essentially, it would turn his little adventure into Pokémon. A gacha version of it since the creatures were random, but still...

That said, the biggest drawback was probably the fact that the power required a certain bar to be filled before it could be used. That was acceptable though, every gacha had its currency after all.

The angel looked at the paper again. "The ability is much too luck-based. And I cannot guarantee you will be lucky during your journey. Not all are blessed by Lady Eris." Yuuma didn't even know who the latter was.

Yuuma pointed at himself with a confident smile. "Don't worry about me summoning weak monsters! I actually have decent luck ya know?" He had never won the lottery or anything that crazy, but...

He had once won a free popsicle!

"The problem is not summoning something weak, Yuuma Abe. The problem is summoning something overly strong." The angel flinched. "A previous user of this ability ended up summoning a legendary dragon... and then he got eaten."

Yuuma flinched. "W-why didn't he order the dragon to not eat him though!?" He wasn't an idiot, he wouldn't just stand around and get eaten.

"I imagine he probably tried and was simply not fast enough. You must remember that the summon does not come with any engraved instructions." She shook the paper. "If you summon a very malicious creature while being weaker than them, your life will most likely be forfeit."

She continued. "And that isn't all either. The beasts you summon can come from anywhere in the multiverse... and they do not come back unless you send them back."

"The dragon that was summoned to that world was far too powerful and so, he destroyed many civilizations before being defeated." Okay, yeah, that sounded horrible.

Wait a minute! "F-forgetting about the weapon for a second... are you telling me I'm gonna be sent to some post-apocalyptic world courtesy of a dragon!?" That sounded like it sucked!

At that point he might as well just go to Heaven instead even!

Thankfully she quickly dismissed that possibility. "No, that was another world and..." She cringed. "It's currently under repair." Ah.

"Still, I hope you understand why this ability is not good. Both for you and for the people around you." Her smile finally returned. "I recommend picking up a cursed sword that eats souls or something, like most of you NEE-, gentlemen."

Well, after hearing all that...

He still wanted his Pokémon adventure damn it! Even if it was super dangerous!

It was okay because as the name Yuuma implied, he was quite frankly superior to the common man. Furthermore, if he did mess up and die while leaving a behemoth behind, that was totally Heaven's fault for giving a nuke to a teenager.

Yes, he was both neurodivergent (possibly) and a minor! He couldn't be blamed if something went wrong!

So he cleared his throat. "Um... Miss Goddess, I would still like to take that ability!" He put a hand to his chest, trying to seem confident. "I know I can handle it! And I'll definitely defeat the Demon King with it!" That was his mission after all.

According to the angel, the world he was going into was stuck in a war with this Demon King. And once Yuuma defeated the bastard, he could ask for any wish.

Naturally, Yuuma planned on wishing for a harem of hot chicks. And also maybe a harem for his Pokémon too, he was a nice trainer after all!

The angel didn't seem very impressed with his show of resolve. "Right... I cannot stop you." Her smile trembled. "I look forward to seeing you soon."

Oh, so this was over huh... "Wait, can I get starting equipment or something!?" Maybe a bit of money? That would be convenient.

The goddess waved him. "Worry not, the language of the world you're going into shall be given to you. You will speak, write, and read as well as a local." That's great and all, but...

"That's not really starting equipment..." He wasn't planning on being a frontline fighter, since he had his summons, but some armor would be nice!

Her smile disappeared. "Yuuma Abe, did you pick a cheat that gave you any type of starter equipment?"

"N-no?" What was with this treatment? Was she mad at him for ignoring her advice!?

"There is your answer." She totally was!


"So this is the starting area huh?" Yuuma looked around the town he had been summoned to.

It looked like pretty generic JRPG stuff as far as he could see. Still, the fact that he was actually here seeing everything was pretty crazy. Even if it was nothing truly impressive, there was a sense of fantasy about it.

Leaving that aside, however... "What should be my first move?"

He didn't have any starting equipment, so going on quests was definitely a no-go. He also didn't really want to summon anything while he was so absurdly weak. So first he should probably try to learn the basics of this place.

If his reasoning from earlier was indeed correct, then he was probably in an RPG-like world, which meant... "Status!" He should have a stat screen.

But nothing appeared... "Um...? Menu? Pause? Start Button!?" This might be harder than he first expected...

And then he heard laughter. "W-what a loser! Are you seeing that Megumin? Are you!?" Looking at the source of the noise, he found a beautiful blue-haired woman.

Who was totally mocking him?

The girl beside her nodded, she was wearing an eyepatch of all things. "It seems he is delusional, Aqua." She crossed her arms. "Though that isn't really that funny, just sad." For some reason, Yuuma instantly felt like calling her a hypocrite.

Ignoring his weird urges, wasn't this bad? He had just arrived and he was already making a commotion for being a weirdo.

What if this was a dark isekai, and acting like this would get him burned at the stake!? That was way too scary...!

Maybe he should return to his life as a NEET...

How was he even supposed to do that!? He didn't have a house anymore! He basically had nothing! He wasted his opportunity to go to Heaven, and now he was going to die a pathetic and painful death just because he was a dumb weirdo.

The eyepatch girl started to approach him. "Wow, he looks like a panicked Kazuma... Just staring at nothing like that." They were noticing his weirdo behaviors!

The blue-haired girl followed her. "Don't worry, that's just his status as a NEET catching up to him. I bet he hasn't talked with a girl in years and is now freaking out." How did she know!?

Actually, she didn't know. He had talked with that angel after all, and that totally counted.

Eyepatch girl sent a look of disbelief to her companion. "Do you have a NEET radar or something!? Do they exude a unique smell that only can sense!?"

The blue-haired girl. "Oh, they exude a unique smell alright." She gagged.

That was enough to make Yumma come back to reality. "I don't smell, do I!? And if I do, it's totally a good smell, right!?" He had taken a bath before his death! He wasn't that type of NEET!

Yes, even amongst NEETdom hierarchies existed, and Yuuma sat atop it! Or beneath it depending on your perspective on things...

Eyepatch girl sniffed the air. "You smell... okay, I guess." How did she not even hesitate to do that!?

Maybe he wasn't the only weirdo around...

The girl smiled. "So, are you okay and stuff? You won't start hitting your head against the wall or jump off a bridge or anything, right? I can leave you alone and live with a clear conscience, right?" He didn't know how to respond to that.

The blue-haired girl raised a finger. "He's probably just confused because he didn't have a status screen." She understood what he was trying to do!? "Just go to a guild, idiot. They have a card and stuff."

Eyepatch girl left a groan of understanding. "Oh, so that was what was happening. He is not mentally ill, he's just stupid!"

Yuuma's eye twitched. "Right. Thanks for the help, I guess." Once he became the lord of an army, he would definitely make these two pay. "Can you guys point me in the direction of a guild though?"

Soon his adventure would actually start.


"I'm here to register as an adventurer, please!" Yuuma approached the counter with nervous excitement.

He was about to make the very important decision of choosing his class, so his heart felt like it was about to explode.

He knew he wanted something more focused support at least due to his summoning cheat. Maybe a healer... And if he didn't have anything like that avaliable for him, then maybe he could become a ranged damage dealer such as an archer or a mage.

Though the truth is that as Megumin and Aqua explained to him, his options of classes would be decided by his starting stats. So he just had to hope he had good ones.

Ah... In the end those two had helped him quite alot hadn't they? Well, they need not worry, for this future king has definitely forgiven them for their previous transactions!

The girl at the counter smiled as she approached him. "Ah, a new adventurer huh!" Even he could notice that her smile was totally fake though.

Yuuma didn't blame her. He imagined that she probably worked with... savages all day. Still, she was now face to face with a future legendary hero, so perhaps one day she would look back at this moment with fondness.

He answered her fake smile with one of his own. "Yep! I'm pretty new to adventure culture though, so please help me through the steps, miss!"

She nodded. "Of course..." Though as she did so, her eyes seemed to scan his body.

She muttered to herself, disappointment on her voice. "That style of clothes... those facial features... He's totally gonna be another troublemaker, isn't he?" Was she showing good ol' fantasy racist right now!?

He cleared his throat. "Ehem! Help, please!" Ugh, he really didn't want to deal with this classic trope.

She blushed, clearly embarrassed. "O-of course, sorry!" At least she realized she had been a tool.

The only person who could judge others was himself, for he had the superior morality! Yuuma knew this due to the countless arguments he had online, which he always won of course.

She continued. "Anyways, may I ask for your name, mister?" Ah, yes, his name...

Yuuma chuckled a bit. "You stand before... erm... Richard Great Shadow Darkness III." There was no way he was going to use his real name! Not when this was a fantasy world.

Her eye twitched. "Your real name please."

"Yuuma Abe." And there went his dreams.

Her smile returned. "Great! Well, let's create your adventure card then! But first... Do you want a quick tutorial about how it works, Mister Yuuma?" A tutorial huh?

There was no need for that. "Some friends of mine explained it. You can assign your stats with it, and buy skills right?" And all of those things costed points which you gained by leveling up.

As Aqua and Megumin explained, one leveled up by killing monsters. It was as Yuuma had expected, what he hadn't expected however, was the fact that eating quality food also gave one exp. How weird.

She clasped her hands together. "That's about right, though if you have any questions feel free to ask me anytime... And now... the fee, please."

Huh? "T-the fee...?"

A smug look appeared on her face, as if she was expecting this. "You didn't think this process was free right? It costs a bit of money... I-it's pretty cheap though! Just one thousand Eris!" Originally she wanted to make fun of the boy for his naivete.

As she had expected all along, he was some broke nobody who came here to make some easy money. However, as she kept talking about the fee, it genuinely began looking like the boy was gonna cry, so the want to make fun of him ended up disappearing.

His fake smile completely disappeared. "C-can I get a loan to pay the fee?" Even here money continued to haunt him

Did they send him to hell because he rejected going to Heaven!? Had it been a test all along!? He wanted to go back already!

At this point she wasn't smiling either. "Um. No, we can't give you a loan. Sorry." At least not until he became a offical adventurer. "Though I would advise you against taking a loan anyways, from here or any other place."

If he didn't even have money to pay the very cheap registration fee, then he definitely shouldn't be taking any loans.

The boy covered his face with his hands. "I-I... Can you make it free just this once? I'll pay it later..." This was so goddamn embarrassing.

Couldn't his fun Pokémon adventure just start already?

The girl sighed. "Aren't you just basically asking for a loan again?" He definitely was. "Look, didn't your friends tell you of this? This is pretty common knowledge, ya know?" That was a surprisingly good point...

Slowly, Yuuma's embarrassment turned into rage. "They didn't tell me... They went into tons of details about stats and stuff, but they never mentioned a fee." That had to be done in purpose.

They tricked him, with the intention of making fun of him. He could almost picture their laughing faces on his mind... That's it! They were back to the punishment zone! The future king Richard Shadow Darkness III would definitely execute them!

She scratched her cheek. "I see. Welp, please come back when you have some money."

"Miss, how do I make money?"

"That's pretty easy, you find a real job." He started crying.


Yuuma refused to find a real job.

So instead he had come up with a genius scheme to make some quick cash! Which may also get him killed... Finding a job was the same thing as dying though, so it didn't really matter in the end.

The plan was simple. He had started with his power charged, so right now he could summon a monster. Monsters in RPG dropped loot, be it gold or materials that could be sold for gold.

So he would summon some generic enemy, order him to not move, and then beat him to death with his own goddamn hands. Pretty hardcore.

And it was for the sake of this plan that Yuuma had come to this random dark alleyway. "I'm lucky I didn't get robbed." He had nothing with him anyways. Besides, beating a monster to death in the middle of the street would probably have consequences.

He extended his hand. "Okay, activate my power!" He didn't know how to actually use his cheat.

But for the first time in the day, he didn't immediately fuck up. The area in front of him began to glow, so clearly it was working!

"Please be something like a goblin, I really can't handle a dragon right now!" Mostly because a dragon would probably be too big for an alleyway.

What? He could totally beat the shit out of a dragon with his bare hands. If the dragon wasn't moving of course. By the way, Yuuma was a firm believer that he could defeat a bear by putting him on a headlock. What would the bear even do!?

From the light... emerged a very disoriented woman. "W-where...?" She put a hand on her head. "I think I'm gonna hurl..." After saying that, she used the walls of the alleyway to hold herself steady.

While she recomposed herself, Yuuma began analyzing his summon. She was certainly no goblin, much less a dragon. Instead she genuinely appeared to just be a normal human woman.

One with dark blue hair, which was probably common around these lands. Really, her most striking feature was probably her eyes, while one was just normal blue, the other one had a weird mark on it.

She also had a very expensive looking sword on her hip. Without a doubt that was the loot he was about to get.

The girl had finally managed to stand up without the help of the wall. The first thing she did was glare at the boy. "Who are you!?" She put her hand on the hilt of the sword.

That was no good. "Don't move!" He put his cheat into those words.

And as expected, the woman immediately became paralyzed. Though she could still talk. "What... what is happening here!?" She was naturally pretty confused about everything.

Yuuma bowed. "I'm sorry! I finally figured out your identity!" And that's why he would forever regret this. "You're a succubus aren't you!? A S-Tier pull...!" One who didn't deserve to die like this.

"What?" She felt like she had said that word a lot in these past few minutes.

Could one truly blame her?

Yuuma ended his bow. "There's no need to hide it, I won't judge you for your race... Or for how small your boobs are." This girl was definitely a failure of a succubus. He would still totally tap though.

Her face became red. It was a nice contrast to her color scheme. "H-how have you brought my breasts into this conversation!?" Also, they weren't small. They were average.

Yuuma waved her off. "Forget about it... I was gonna call you by your name, but I don't actually know it. Introduce yourself!" Ordering people was fun, unsurprisingly.

The girl tried to resist. She could not. "I... Urgh... My name is Lucina." What kind of dark magic was this!? Was this even magic at all, or some other form of ability.

He smiled. "That's a good name..." He looked to the skies. "I can almost see it in my mind... Lucina Abe... What a beautiful future." And then he looked back at her. "Sadly that wasn't mean to be. You need to die, Lucina. For the good of the world."

The girl would have found a certain humor in such ironic words. "I... refuse..." If she wasn't paralyzed against her will at least. But as things stood, she could not even draw her sword.

The boy sighed. "Trust me, I don't want to do this too.... Let me tell you a tale, Lucina. A tale of how all of this happened..." She deserved at least this much.

Damn it! Why did he have to pull a five star now of all times!? Couldn't he have just summoned a bat or something!?

By rebellious instinct Lucina wanted to scream at him to screw off. However, she held herself back at the last minute. Information was important, and if this maniac wanted to give it to her, then she would accept it.

The boy took a deep breath. "You see... I was chosen by a goddess to help this world defeat a Demon King!" Her eyes widened, that sounded serious.

Though this guy was also clearly a lunatic, so she didn't know whether to believe him or not.

"To fulfill that noble task, I, Yuuma Abe was given the power to summon and control creatures from other lands... Like dragons and stuff. I ended up summoning you." What a shame.

Lucina... slowly raised an eyebrow.

She believed him though. The ability to summon others from all lands certainly sounded like the powers of the divine. And he was indeed controlling her, and seemingly without putting any effort.

"So you are trying to force my cooperation?" Because in that case... "There is no need for that, I would gladly help defeat this Demon King." Even if it was foolish of her, Lucina found her heart racing.

She had nothing back home. Differently from all others who started families and the like...she just remained alone. Considering she was planning on going back to her own destroyed timeline to help those in need, this didn't sound too different!

This introduction was awful however. This Yuuma Abe lacked the charisma someone like her father had.

Now it was his turn to raise an eyebrow. "That's super cool and nice and all, but did you forget the whole you need to die part?" Also, he didn't believe for a second a succubus would help someone for no reason.

Lucina blushed. "I totally did..." She got so excited over... over finally having a goal again that she forgot. "Why though!?" She was willing to give her life, but only if someone had a good reason for it.

And that totally justified her being willing to die for strangers. She definitely wasn't suicidal or anything. Nope.

He clenched his right fist. "Because I need money, Lucina. So I'm going to beat you up until you explode into a bunch of money." Or materials. They would serve the same purpose.

That statement was so ridiculous that she didn't even feel fear. "I... I do not believe I shall explode into a bunch of money." This man... he was starting to remind her of a certain friend.

That was not a good sign.

He sobbed. "Lucina, begging won't help you..." Yeah, he had steeled his hear-. "Waahhh...! Begging totally helped you! There's no way I could kill a pretty girl!" If she was ugly he could do it, but this was just wrong!

Lucina's eye twitched. "H-have you... considered making money in other ways? I could help." She felt strangely calm. Dealing with this man was just like dealing with her more... quirky comrades.

He looked down, despair on his face. "I don't want to find a job... Also, even if you're a succubus, I won't allow you to sell your body. That's a NTR scenario." At that point he would rather find a job. Or kill her and then himself. One of the two.

Her face was yet again red. "Stop calling me a succubus! And I never suggested selling my body!" How did he even arrive at such a conclusion!?

Lucina finally admitted to herself, she was making excuses for the man due to her need for a goal. He was worse than her quirky friends.

He got closer and put his hands on her shoulders. "Lucina, I came up with an idea. You cannot reject this." Literally. "We're gonna unequip that shiny sword of yours and sell it." Hopefully that even possible.

Monster logic told him that you needed to kill the monster to get the sword. He was challenging logic itself here!

That was just too much for Lucina. "Y-you want to sell the Falchion? I-I cannot reject this...?" Okay, when was she gonna wake up?

He nodded. "Yeah. Also, we are getting married. Lucina, do you want to marry me? I order you to say yes."


Awesome, he had his token harem waifu. Even if a succubus could never be main girl.


AN: Ah, a new fic! Don't ask me why I started this.

Also, while Lucina was the first summon, don't expect this to remain focused solely on Awakening. I just brought her first because she's probably the most well known girl in the franchise, originally I was gonna start with either Caeda or Celica.

Which brings me to another point. Netori is a thing in this fic. For those who don't know what that means, Yuuma will steal yo girl. He won't get cucked though. Seriously, this story is not Netorare.


Some Guy

This will be glorious

Failure Ninja

Oh man the full FE roster is here does this mean the genealogy kids will need to be gaslit about who their dad is?