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Hajime was almost singing out of happiness as he made his way to school.
Why? Because he was just that happy.
Even though he had recently been turned into a vampire, a creature of the night that drained blood to survive, he had more or less adapted to it. And he had even won his first battle with a surprising out of nowhere powerup!
Now, there were a few complications and all. He had to hunt down his progenitor, because she was definitely evil. And he also felt weaker now in the sun, but...
That just wasn't enough to ruin his good mood.
As he arrived at the school gates however, he met someone that was very much not in a good mood. "Good morning, Aozaki!" But she was putting on a fake smile, and Hajime was too socially inept to see through it. Naturally he greeted her.
She suppressed a scowl. "Morning, Wada."
The fact that she was actively hiding her distaste for him was not a good thing in the slightest. For Aoko Aozaki had four modes, and she was currently in the fourth.
The first where she was normal. The second where she started getting angry but could hide it. The third where she was maddened with anger and could probably kill a person. And the fourth, where she would most definitely kill a person, and that smile was very much fake.
A complicated person really was Hajime's Achilles heel, because he was completely unaware of these modes. "So, what got you so happy today?" He was curious about her pure smile.
Well, normally Hajime would hesitate to approach Aoko of course, even if they were classmates. And it goes without saying that their previous talk where he had ran away was an example of this, but... right now he felt strangely calm.
Like he was a detached observer looking down on someone.
Aoko picked up on this immediately. "Why do you wanna know?" And her smile disappeared. Actually she may not have picked up on anything, and this was just her dislike of him coming through to the surface.
Hajime tilted his head... wondering that too. Why did he want to know?
"I guess I'm just curious, that's all." He was naturally a curious person, it's just that normally he would not have the will to go to someone and start a conversation.
"Hoh...?" Aoko was slowly becoming more and more confused as time went on. In fact this confusion was slowly eroding the anger away....
That is until confusion and anger married each other to make suspicion.
She very much remembered their last "conversation" where Hajime had mysteriously ran away, and now he was being super weird again. The first idea that propped up in her head is that Tobimaru was using him to prank her in someway.
Nonetheless, she cautiously answered the question. "I was just really busy last night. It put me in a bad mood."
The truth was that she had to spend hours of her night destroying stupid corals that the Dead Apostle had made, and even with Alice's help it was difficult.
Mostly because her own magic was weak against it. Aoko was a simple mage, she would just fire mana around like a magic gun, and those things sure were hungry for it. So it ended up taking extra effort to destroy it.
Hajime raised an eyebrow, he didn't get her at all. "Bad mood...?" He had asked her what had put her in a good mood, so what was she talking about?
He really didn't understand it all, and it didn't help that Aoko simply shrugged in response.
Recently she had gained experience with someone with far more social ineptitude, the legendary transfer student Hajime hadn't met yet. So in a way, Hajime was not the most annoying person she knew anymore.
Still, in such a situation Hajime should have definitely backed off. She had essentially told him "no, I am not in a good mood, so leave me alone", but sadly he still didn't get that.
Instead he scratched his cheek. "Busy with what?" Though to be fair this time he had a reason for annoying her.
Aoko Aozaki lived dangerously close to where his battle against the pigs happened, so the fact that she was busy last night... Well, it made him worried for one reason or another. That is to say, he was suspicious of her.
For Aoko however, this was the last straw. "Busy with my business...!" Now she was fully on scowling. It seemed like she was wrong, it wasn't that the transfer student was worse than Hajime, Hajime was worse than the transfer student.
Really, she was close to unraveling a new mode, one that shouldn't exist, the legendary fifth level of Aoko Aozaki anger.
If that happened the universe would obviously explode.
Hajime however, had reached the fifth level of Hajime Wada social confusion.
What the hell was up with her? At first she seemed happy about something, and was willing to answer questions, but she was apparently happy about something bad...? And... and...
His mind had stopped working. "Okay? No need to scream at me, geez." She would murder him if this place wasn't filled with witnesses.
But it was filled with them, so she was forced to take a deep breath. "My bad. I shouldn't have shouted." And she even forced herself to apologize.
Now that she was being straightforward however, her intentions got to Hajime. "Nah, it's good. I'm sorry if I annoyed you." He still didn't even know why he was talking to her.
And so the two entered a strange silence. Aoko's mind busy trying to figure out why Hajime was acting strangely, and Hajime trying to figure out if Aoko was connected to the pigs.
This silence though, made Aoko's mind go to the past.
You see, if one asked Aoko why she disliked the boy, she would simply say it's because he's Hajime. The truth of the matter however, was...


They were both first years at the time, and around half a year had passed already.
Hajime's class was surrounded by people, at the time he was still the little popular prince... Yeah, prince is definitely the word Aoko would use to describe him back then, but she would add two extra words. Fairy tale.
Hajime Wada was like a fairy tale prince, like Aoko's teacher, he simply had an alluring and unnatural aura about him... Even Aoko wasn't immune to the allure of it.
Nobody dared to talk him with however. It was almost funny in a way, he was surrounded by people conversing with each other, and yet not a single one addressed him. He was seen as untouchable royalty.
It was just fear. People were afraid of talking with prince charming and breaking the illusion.
Aoko was not afraid.
So she walk to his class and cut through the crowd. She was almost as popular as him, so people had no choice but to make way. No matter what they said, the legendary tyrant would meet the legendary prince.
She slapped the table. "Hey, Wada!" And then she froze up.
Ah, it turns out that Aoko was afraid too.
Really, how wouldn't she be afraid? Even if she had become a magus, she had decided to keep being a high school girl as well. So of course she would be nervous in such a situation.
Hajime meanwhile, was just happy that someone had talked to him. "Y-yeah?" He was also a bit afraid, since she was scowling and all.
At this point Aoko's rage was already legendary, and Hajime did not have the social skills to tell she was just nervous. That said, even having a angry person talking to him was better than the way people treated him.
Hajime would quickly grow tired of social interaction, but that doesn't mean he enjoyed being both ignored and receiving attention. Back then he would always return home exhausted from the clown show.
His only occasional savior was Tobimaru, and he was really grateful to him, but he wouldn't always be there. Hajime himself didn't have the courage to speak up unless someone addressed him, so he could never break free.
Aoko didn't know any of that of course. She just knew she felt like she was about to explode out of embarrassment.
But there was one thing about her that nothing would ever change. Aoko Aozaki does not back. "Let's go out together!"
"Um... sure." Hajime was just happy she wasn't mad at him.
And that was that. Nobody could really complain, neither the people who surrounded Hajime, or the people who coveted Aoko. The most popular guy got on with the most popular girl.
Aoko crossed her arms. "G-good!" And so the strongest couple in all of Private Misaki High School was born.
Except not really.
It had been a month since they started dating, and Aoko considered things were going well. Sure Alice was pissed that she was "wasting time" with this, but that was that.
She enjoyed spending time with her boyfriend, and she hoped he felt the same. It was true that they were taking things a bit too slow for her tastes, but she was willing to wait. It wasn't a big deal.
There was one problem however.
People now started talking with Hajime, more specifically girls. It was like Aoko had proved that the prince could indeed be approached, that he existed outside of a fairy tale book.
Aoko naturally got mad at the girls who talked with him, but she was also thankful that Hajime tended to just ignore them anyways. He was a good boyfriend.
The truth is that Hajime just didn't know what to say most of the time, and could only silently nod. Still, Aoko tended to shoo them away just to be sure.
And then it happened, one of those annoying thieving cats got past Aoko's defenses. "D-do you have a girlfriend, Hajime?" Aoko thought it was the most stupid question in the world. Wasn't it obvious!?
"Not really."
And so Hajime broke Aoko's belief in fairy tale princes right in front of her.


Just remembering that memory made Aoko cringe, it was like she was a veteran of a war relieving hell itself.
Ugh... to think she had gushed to Alice for hours about her "awesome" and "super hot" boyfriend. If she had some mechanism to travel back in time she would definitely kill her younger self, and young Hajime too.
You see, what happened was simple.
At first Aoko thought he was some shameless playboy, and after some further thought she began believing she was unceremoniously dumped somewhere along the road and didn't realize.
Until something snapped in her brain. She was never dumped in the first place, Hajime simply thought they weren't dating, because she hadn't made things clear enough.
When Aoko had realized that, she didn't even have the strength to be angry. She did swear Hajime would be her eternal enemy from then on however...
At least that was in the past. Eventually Aoko had accepted that dating a guy only for his looks was pretty shallow anyways, and her hatred for Hajime turned into simple dislike.
She sighed. "Well, if you don't have anything else to ask I'll get going." Even if he asked something she would probably just ignore it.
Hajime waved her off. "Ah, see ya then."
He was still suspicious of her, but it's not like he could ask whether she was secretly a pig witch or something. And besides, he had bigger and more dangerous fish to fry.
Standing in the Sun also wasn't good for him.
While Hajime didn't burst into flames, the weakness was indeed annoying. Furthermore, he could feel that it was slowly draining his reserves of warmth. If he kept being here forever, he would need to go hunting again before confronting the vampire.
And then a unprecedented disaster occurred.
"Good morning, Aozaki." A young innocent transfer student greeted her as he made his way to school.
But he wasn't just any transfer student of course. This boy... this creature of the mountains was called Soujuurou Shizuki, and he was perhaps the only being in the universe who could put Aoko more out of her element than even Hajime.
"Ah. I gotta go." Aoko didn't bother explaining herself.
She knew that if she stayed here, faced these two monsters, her sanity would be stolen from her. So she moved away from the scene with as much speed as possible without straight up running.
Soujuurou had no words.
From what he knew of Aoko she was a super helpful person who suddenly got mad at him out of nowhere sometimes. She definitely wasn't the type of person who ran away from a simple greeting...
Hajime was equally as confused, but he then accepted that Aoko had probably just had enough of talking for today. He had pissed her off... somehow after all.
And so two boys were left staring at each other. City demon met mountain demon.
The truth is that these two could have walked similar paths in silence. Both weren't the best with social skills, one due to ignorance, and the other due to just how he was. One however, was too attention grabbing for his own good, while the other looked as generic as they came.
Maybe those similarities were why Soujuurou felt comfortable enough to wave at Hajime. "Ah. Hello, nice to meet you." He had never seen the boy before.
Hajime was surprised the boy had suddenly started talking with him. "Hey, nice too meet you too. I'm Hajime Wada by the way." There was something about Soujuurou which made him feel calm.
The boy nodded. "I see. I'm Soujuurou Shizuki." There was a bright smile on his face. "Are you acquainted with Aozaki by any chance?" He wanted to know why she had ran away without even greeting him back.
Soujuurou had a strange fascination with Aoko. He himself didn't understand why however, perhaps it was his own trained instincts warning him of something special.
And right now, as he looked at Hajime, he felt like he was looking at a wolf... or perhaps a dog. Dangerous, but also not really.
Besides, for Soujuurou who didn't even know what electricity was until recently, everything on the city was dangerous in some way, shape or form anyways. In that sense, people like Aoko and Hajime who didn't bother to hide their aura of danger were refreshing.
Soujuurou considered every conversation a battle to death, and he could easily tell Hajime was armed.
For Hajime, Soujuurou seemed nice. 'Cause he was smiling and stuff. "Ah, yeah. We attend the same class." He also recognized Soujuurou's name.
This was the Sono-G Tobimaru had taken under his wing. The mountain boy who knew literally nothing about modernity until very, very recently.
Hajime had met a vampire and two flying pigs, and yet Soujuurou was much more alien than that in his own way.
Soujuurou nodded. He was a bit jealous to be honest, though he also did like his own class. "Can you tell me why she was so angry?" It was a weird question to ask someone.
But Soujuurou was a bit too pure to hide his true intentions. Not to say he couldn't joke, or be subtle, but since he saw no harm in asking, he asked.
And since he was so direct, Hajime didn't see any problem in answering. "I think I made her mad by accidentally prying in her personal life." Which might include talking with scary flying pigs.

"Oh." That was the only reaction Soujuurou gave.
And then the two simple stared at each other with a smile.
Neither felt uncomfortable. They had nothing to say, so they didn't. That was until Hajime decided he had spent enough time here. "Hey, the Sun is getting to my head, so I'll head-in."
"Ah, I should head-in too." And that was that.
Thankfully the world didn't end once two black holes met each other.


"I'm surprised the world didn't end once you two met each other." Tobimaru was perplexed.
He had invited both Hajime and Soujuurou inside the Student Council room during the lunch with the intention of introducing the two, but they had already gotten acquainted before school began.
There was nothing wrong with that of course, but the vice-president expected there to be a scandal of some sort if these two met each other in an uncontrolled environment.
Hajime's eye twitches. "Why would it? Huh?" An aura of hostility enshrouded him.
He was bad at reading people, but even he knew how to do it after spending years talking with someone. So he definitely understood Tobimaru was mocking him.
Soujuurou meanwhile, felt uncomfortable before such an aura. "Yeah, why would it?" So he wanted him to calm down as soon as possible. A mad dog was dangerous.
Tobimaru shook his head. "You two... well, whatever. There's something more important I want to talk about anyways..." He looked at Hajime. "So how did the talk between you and Aoko go... Shit...!"
Tobimaru was just curious, since Hajime had fled once he screwed up talking with her the other day. However, he then remembered Soujuurou had confessed to liking Aoko, for some god forsaken reason.
At least that's what he thought. The truth is that when Soujuurou said he liked the girl, he meant purely in a platonic way.
A grimace appeared on Hajime's face. "Well, I managed to talk with her, but she clearly doesn't like me." Which he didn't really care too much about.
In the end he had more things to worry about.
Soujuurou however, felt like Hajime was wrong. "I don't think she would have bothered to talk with you if she didn't like you." Aoko was like a hurricane after all.
She destroyed everything around her, but you were sort of safe if you stayed inside. It was just really scary.
He lowered his head. "She probably hates me though..." For a long time he didn't understand her at all.
She was constantly helping him, which was really nice. He just didn't know whether she did that out of duty or care. Knowing that she had straight up ignored him however?
Like he said, if she didn't like Hajime she wouldn't bother with him. And now Aoko was not bothering with Soujuurou.
Upon seeing both of his friends in distress over Aoko, Tobimaru could only say one thing. "Like moths to a flame..." These two idiots were heading to their deaths.
And he didn't know which idiot he should support.
On one hand, Hajime was his childhood friend, and he desperately needed a girlfriend who would set him straight.
On the othet hand, Soujuurou was like a innocent puppy, and he didn't want the mountain boy's first romance to be an absolute failure that would traumatize him.
He groaned, and wished Soujuurou could have fallen for a normal girl. "Yo, Sono-G. Trust me when I say Aoko doesn't hate you." If she did, she wouldn't pester the vice-president so much to help the mountain boy.
Soujuurou seemed unconvinced. "Really...?" But he had hope.
Aoko was one of the first people who helped him, so he really didn't want her to hate him. That would be way too painful.
Sadly Tobimaru couldn't explain why Aoko didn't hate the transfer student. If she discovered he was going around telling people what she did behind doors... His life was forfeit.
So Hajime had to come to the rescue. "I wouldn't say really, but Aozaki is a complicated person. Sometimes she says or does things she doesn't mean."
"She also feels weirdly about things... I don't get why, but she will definitely hate you if you are always nice to her, for example." It was ironic in a sad way.
That Hajime could tell what kind of person Aoko was, but always failed when he was near her. In the end, just because you knew what a car was, didn't mean you knew how to drive one.
Soujuurou was glad. "Well, if you guys say so..." He didn't get it at all of course, but he was glad.
With one problem dealt with, Tobimaru aimed at the other... and then stopped himself.
He planned to tell Hajime that it was fine to give up on the whole girlfriend thing from now, but he didn't want to have this conversation in front of Soujuurou. Mostly because it would definitely involve Aoko and Hajime's dream.
If Soujuurou learned such a monstrous dream existed, his innocence would have definitely been tainted.
So instead Tobimaru decided to talk about something else, something that he was curious about. "So, what did you catch yesterday, Hajime?"
Soujuurou tilted his head. "He caught something?" He didn't really understand what that was supposed to mean. Like an animal?
Tobimaru nodded. "Yeah, he called in sick for the day... A pretty rare occurrence. I can remember the last time Hajime even had a common cold."
And now Soujuurou was worried. Hajime looked fine, but he really didn't want to risk catching anything. He had tons of jobs, he couldn't afford to miss days due to sickness.
He sent a worried look at Hajime. "Is it contagious?" Soujuurou hoped he didn't come across as rude.
Hajime himself immediately prepared to lie. He definitely couldn't tell these two about his new life as a vampire.
Or at least he couldn't tell Soujuurou, who he barely knew. Telling Tobimaru wouldn't be as bad of course, but he hadn't even told his father yet... That's right, he hadn't told a single person.
So would it be so bad to tell someone? It would certainly make him feel relieved. And besides, these two would definitely take it as a joke anyways, because who wouldn't?
Besides, he wanted to see their reactions.
After a moment of consideration, he chuckled. "Yeah, it's contagious alright." Soujuurou's eyes widened, the mountain boy almost jumped out of his chair.
Thankfully Hajime quickly continued. "At least if I want it." He wasn't sure he could actually make new vampires. "You see, I got a bad case of vampirism recently. I wandered into a dark alley and..."
"And I saw a vampire killing someone, that vampire then bit me, and I got turned. So far I have only eaten animals though, so don't worry." Immediately Hajime felt like a weight was being lifted from his shoulders.
And as expected, Tobimaru snorted. "What? Did you get diarrhea and are too embarrassed to say it?"
The vice-president did actually suspect the existence of the supernatural, and he did think Aoko was involved with occultism. But naturally he wouldn't even consider the idea that his friend was a vampire of all things.
Hajime smiled. "Shut it, jerk!" Tobimaru may have not known it, but he had just helped Hajime more than he could ever thank him for.
There was one thing Hajime failed to notice however...
The trembling and now pale form of Soujuurou.
For the mountain boy, a car might as well be magic, and the same thing applied to TV's, guns or air planes. And so when Hajime told him he was a vampire? Soujuurou believed it without a single shred of doubt.
Hajime seemed to be a honest attack dog after all. That's why Soujuurou liked him in the first place.
"Scary..." He muttered to himself. "Cities are way too scary..." Fighting a bear would be more comforting.
Shouldn't the police be doing something about this!? He wasn't afraid of Hajime who only ate animals, but the other vampire was clearly bad news! Though the more Soujuurou thought about it...
Maybe the police was doing something about it? Nobody had told him about vampires until now, so they clearly weren't a big deal.
Still, he would stop taking alleyways as shortcuts from now on.


Hajime was a part of the go home early club.
Their existence was definitely not one approved by the school, but they didn't care too much about Hajime. Yet again his good grades had saved him, and if he kept them up there wouldn't be any troubles.
Aoko meanwhile, was the president of the Student Council. Class ending did not mean freedom for her, she had to go and do work. Specially since sometimes it felt only she cared about this damn school.
And that's why Hajime saw her before Aoko had a chance to do so.
Outside of the school gates, a girl dressed in black awaited. Her clothes were strange, but Hajime immediately recognized that they were actually a school uniform.
Deep inside of the woods existed a school exclusively for super rich girls, this was their uniform. Hajime thought that the target of his step three would most likely be one of these girls. Mostly because he assumed all the students from that school were naive spoiled women, so basically easy to seduce.
Now the question was, what is this super rich lady doing amongst commoners?
Looking at it, Hajime felt a sense of deja vu.
The girl was surrounded by people, both girls and boy. And yet not a single one talked to her, too afraid of staining this otherworldly princess. Or perhaps too afraid she would reject their advances.
So she just stood there silently, an annoyed look on her face.
If this event had happened in the past, Hajime would have just ignored and went home, he hated crowds after all... But Hajime felt differently today.
I am a vampire. That thought kept repeating in his head.
And so he confidently cut through the crowd, and addressed the girl. "Hey! Do you need something?" He was pleasant surprised at himself. This was just like when he suddenly spoke to Aoko.
The crowd meanwhile had no choice, but to back down. They disliked Hajime of course, but they couldn't deny that this was like a meeting of two deities from different religions. Completely beyond them.
Because the girl looked like a fairy tale princess, and he looked like a fairy tale prince.
Her voice sounded angelic. "I-I'm here for..." But it was trembling for some reason. That was unlike her... but for some reason she couldn't stop herself, and then she couldn't talk at all.
Hajime waited... and waited... and waited... but the girl stayed silent. Only looking down and blushing.
He didn't really get what was going on, but he felt he should at least introduce himself. "Well, my name is Hajime Wada. If you need anything just tell me." He wouldn't mind helping her.
Even if he was starting to feel really weak from the sun. He would definitely need to suck the blood from a bird or something tonight.
She slowly nodded. "Okay... my name is Alice Kuonji." She felt she was being attacked by an enemy. Why else would her heart beat so fast? "I'm looking for someone. Aoko Aozaki."
Alice was Aoko's teacher of magecraft, her guide. And today she had a important lesson to teach her... how to deal with a Dead Apostle.
Alice had been mostly content with ignoring the blood sucker and leaving him to the church, but yesterday he had tried invading her home, and had even damaged two of her Ploys. He had challenged her pride as a Witch.
So she left school early and came to pick up Aoko. With her insane versatility, and Aoko's raw destructive potential, they would find the Dead Apostle's lair and kill him for being an annoyance.
At least that was the plan. She didn't count on stuttering in front of some high school boy.
Hajime now knew what she was after though, and he knew how to help. "Aoko huh? She's doing Student Council work right now, since she's the president." He wasn't surprised the two knew each other.
Aoko lived in a mansion, so she was probably loaded, which means she probably knew other people who are loaded. The probable reason she didn't attend Alice's school was because she was way too violent.
He could see it in his head, Aoko starting a massive fight with the daughter of a millionaire and then entering in an eternal legal war due to it.
Alice looked down. For some reason staring at his face was difficult. "I see... I suppose I'll keep waiting for her then." She didn't know if she could.
Until now she was doing that just fine, but now... now she felt she was about to get a heatstroke.
She should have changed her uniform before coming here. Black clothing was cruel.
Hajime put a hand on his chin. "She shouldn't take long... but if it's important I can take you to where she is." That was technically against the school rules.
Hajime wasn't too worried about it though. Nobody would make a fuss about someone who wasn't a student from Private Misaki High School entering school grounds if she had something important to communicate. For all they knew she was here to say Aoko's mom had died or something.
Alice tried looking back at his face to answer... but she couldn't. Even if she looked up she always averted her eyes.
How strange. "If it wouldn't be a bother..." She must be coming across as really rude.
Hajime meanwhile, thought he must have something wrong with his face. Why else would she be avoiding his face? Maybe he had spent enough time in the Sun that he was sickly pale?
"Don't worry, I don't mind." It would just be a quick walk after all.
Alice smiled... lightly, but that was still a rare and great occurrence. "Thank you, Wada."
Meanwhile every single student there was staring with shocked looks on their faces. Was this the mating ritual of the gods!? It was like seeing a witch court a vampire!
It goes without saying, but if either Alice or Hajime could read their thoughts, they would have combusted on the spot.
But they couldn't, so instead Hajime guided the silent Alice to the Student Council's room. The silence suited him just fine too, much like with Soujuurou, if he had nothing to say he wouldn't.
Once there, Hajime knocked on the door. "Excuse me?" He would try to be polite, since he was interrupting their work and all.
Tobimaru's voice rang out, clearly confused. "Hajime?" And then after a moment of silence, he shouted. "Feel free to enter!"
With their permission, he opened the door and with Alice right behind him, he entered. As soon as he did, he scanned the room to see who was here. Tobimaru and Aoko were a given, but it seems the treasurer was here too.
Hajime tried his best to look apologetic. "Sorry to interrupt, but..." He motioned to Alice. "This girl was looking for you, Aoko."
Aoko raised an eyebrow upon seeing her. "Alice?" She had no clue why she was here in her school of all places. Maybe it was related to the mysterious puppet maker? Or maybe the annoying vampire?

More importantly, why was Alice's normally pale face so bright red?
Alice wordlessly ran to Aoko, and then grabbed her sleeve like a scared child. "W-we have to go..." She kept stealing glances at Hajime and then looking away.
"Eh?" Aoko was extremely confused. Why were so many people acting weirdly today?
She had seen many different sides of Alice. From her normal cold demeanor, to her sore loser demeanor, and even when she was super nice. But she had never seen her roommate act like this.
Alice began dragging out. "I-I said we have to go..." And Aoko instinctively obeyed, as the two started walking out of the room.
Aoko mumbled. "Well, I pretty much finished everything here already." She was glad Hajime had brought Alice here though. Knowing the girl she was probably waiting outside or something...
Hajime.. oh.
It finally hit her.
Alice was a sheltered girl who didn't know many guys. She would occasionally come down to the city, but she didn't truly interact with anyone beyond the necessary.
She was the type of girl who looked down on Aoko for losing time with a boyfriend during Aoko's first year. That is to say the type who is definitely, naturally a weakling to playboys.
And the only people she constantly talked with were Aoko and the girls who attended her school. So Alice, upon meeting the man who could even make Aoko flustered with a smile, naturally had her heart stolen.
"Oh no..." She left her feelings slip out as she left. Her eyes were that of a veteran who had been drafted for a second war.
The treasurer who Hajime didn't even know the name off crossed her arms and glared at him. "So, what did you do?" She too was part of the accidentally rejected by Hajime club.
Tobimaru imitated her. "Yeah, you better confess. That way your punishment will be light."
"I-I didn't do anything though..." He wished more people were nice and kind like Soujuurou.
The world was scary and confusing.


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