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It was a bright summer's day, I don't remember much of the scenery besides that.

The girl was crying, as usual. Ever since she got here, all she did was cry all day... No, it was more accurate to say that she cried all day when she was near me.

When around others the girl was refined and elegant, even bossy to a certain extent. The perfect little lady.

"Is there something wrong?" My voice came out a bit shaky. To be honest I was close to crying myself at that moment.

I had people in the past that got angry at me for being... well... stupid, I never made someone cry however. And so I was really worried that some threshold I didn't know about was crossed.

"N-no, everything is alright." Things definitely weren't alright, she wouldn't be crying if they were. Though in a way that just proves my question was stupid from the beginning, like looking at the sun and asking if it is bright.

So I tried to get at the root of the issue already. "Did I... Did I do something wrong?" I suppose being forward is one of the perks of being stupid. I can never dance around a subject.


Maybe if I wasn't stupid this would end here. The girl would never answer, and I would be smart enough to realize she doesn't want to talk about it.

As previously said however, I could never... I can never be subtle about these types of things. "Sorry if I did something wrong." What even is the point of an apology, if you don't know what you're sorry for?

It's humiliating in a way. Lowering yourself for something you didn't even do.

Maybe the girl realized that, because she suddenly seemed angry at herself. She stopped crying. "No, you didn't do anything wrong. I was the one who did, so I was crying." I found that strange.

The girl I knew was always perfect in every single way imaginable, and even though she was younger than me, she was much more mature. Her only real flaw was her crying, which she only showed to me, so it didn't matter.

I tilt my head. "So what did you do?" It's cruel of me, but I felt a bit relieved.

Recently I had said goodbye to a friend and now I was happy my last remaining one didn't hate me or anything. I wonder if I was feeling particularly insecure on that day... the girl was a crybaby after all. Her crying near me shouldn't have been anything special.

Or maybe I somehow realized there was something particularly strange about her crying today specifically. I doubt it though, like I said before, and like I will say again, and again, I am not a subtle person.

The girl took sometime to respond. "Father he..." He called me a disappointment, he called me useless, he called me shameful, he calle me... "He didn't get angry at me, even though I messed up something important." I didn't get it.

I didn't get it all. "Eh? Isn't that a good thing?"

"Of course it isn't, idiot." That made me realize why.

If she didn't call me an idiot, if she didn't cry near me... if she was just her usual perfect self around me, I think I would have felt a little bit lonely.

But still, from that moment onwards I decided that she wouldn't cry anymore, she would just get angry.


I open my eyes. "This isn't good..." It feels like my entire body is open, like I'm being cooked alive.

Fight. Tear. Rip. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Red blood, red sun, red wound, red flesh. Twisting, colliding, cleansing, corrupting. Murder everything around you and eliminate this annoying problem already.

My sickness... has gotten to the point where I'm having flashbacks to my childhood. Isn't that way too scary? It's a big death flag right? At least my dream didn't get to the point where I promised to meet them again or something.

Abandon meaningless nonsense, don't focus on the meaningless noise, seek the trail, see the trail, let the trail guide you. A trail of red, a carpet of red, leading to your destination. A banquet of red.

I put a hand on my head. "Not good at all." Trail. Murder. Red. Meaningless. Kill. Fight. Flesh. Wound. Noise.

My body is being pulled apart in two directions... three directions... four directions. Body, mind, soul and instinct are in disagreement, causing my brain to fail. I have a feeling my next dream will show me something very different.

The body wishes to rest. It's only common sense to rest when you're sick. You already have people taking care of you, close your eyes and sleep, this sickness will pass eventually.

The mind of a warrior wishes for a blade. This current state is just shameful in every single way possible, if one must face the assassin hidden in the light he should at least be carrying a blade.

The instincts of a Devil King wish to rip this place apart and hunt down this insolent rat. If I destroy everything in front of me, everyone around and near me, I should hit something important eventually.

And the soul of Yato Shibata just wants to think clearly for one goddamned second.

I close my eyes, I focus, when I open them once again, one could say I have truly woken up. Body, mind, soul and instinct remember that they are supposed to work together... I must be really messed up if I forgot that.

And then suddenly a voice reaches my ears. "Yato, are you alright!?" No, it's not suddenly. This person has been trying to reach me for long time now. The truth is that I was just too focused on myself to notice.

I nod. "Yeah, I'm alright Cleo..." I'm surprised she's the one in my room and not Skadi. "Actually... I really am not alright." Is there any point in lying when my condition is probably visible on my face.

She grits her teeth. "Right... sorry for even asking that. It's just that you were staring at nothing for a few minutes, so I..." So she got worried.

I give her a smile, it probably comes off as weak, but it is what I have right now. "No need to apologize for being worried over me." It actually warms my heart a little bit. A good warmth.

And speaking of warmth. "By the way Cleo... A god is most likely trying to kill me." There is no way this is just a common sickness, or heatstroke. Skadi would have fixed me up already if that was the case.

It can't be a plan from a normal human either, because in that case Gaia and Alaya would have protected me, I'm a so-called baby Campione after all. Furthermore, my instincts freaking out pretty much guarantees my opponent is one of divine nature.

She grimaces. "I've figured." Hah, I guess I should have expected that. I'm the dumbass here after all. "So, have you figured who it is? Where they are attacking from? I'm assuming it is related to the Sun."

I sigh. "It's definitely related to the Sun, but I don't know who they are or whatever... To be honest I only confirmed that they're a god because my instincts are going haywire." Which is probably not a good thing.

My body is weakened, and while I imagine I'm still stronger than a Servant, I'm definitely nowhere near my full potential. What an annoying enemy, couldn't I have found someone straightforward like the first god I killed?

I take a deep breath. "Leaving that aside for now, where is Skadi anyways? She was the one taking care of me last time I was awake." And more than that... "Did she make some new medicine? I'm actually feeling better than before." Hopefully that puts a damper on the plans of this god.

Last time I was constantly drifting in and out of consciousness, but now I feel good enough to fight if necessary. And fighting is definitely necessary if I don't want to die.

Cleo nods. "Well, she has made tons of those... potions of her." Ah, the thing she was constantly making me drink. "But from what I understand they were just stabilizing you." A medicine made by a goddess rivals the power of a god.

"What actually turnes the tables is that she decided to take Saber's sheat away from Sakura and give it to you." Avalon huh? Yeah, right now I definitely appreciate it's existence. "Saber didn't want to give it to you, but Sakura threatened her with Command Seals." What a bratty little sister!

But leaving Saber's need for correction aside, I'm surprised Avalon is working at all... From what I understand it should only truly work for Artoria and her Master. Maybe it's sort of working for me, since I have a bond with Sakura? Technically I am the person supplying Saber with mana after all.

And speaking of bonds... "So is Sakura... is everyone aware that this is an attack from a god at this point?" She still hasn't answered me where Skadi is, but now my attention has been stolen by this.

She looks away. "More or less... some are in denial, I suppose." Ah, I guess this is a pretty scary situation. "Mostly because Skadi, the person who analyzed your body, hasn't said anything so far."

"She's been keeping everyone in the dark, so even though we logically assume it's the work of a god, doubt remains in our minds." I see. That might be a good thing though, I don't want my concubines to freak out.

Still, that makes me a little mad at Skadi. I'm guessing she didn't confirm the situation to everyone because she thought of it as beneath her. It's her usual godly pride, essentially.

I click my tongue. "I'd hate to worry everyone, but we definitely need to make them aware of this." We need everyone to have their guard up. Though I'm sure their guard is already up anyways.

Cleo immediately agrees. "Right. With confirmation from you their last little bit of confusion will leave. Returning to Skadi though... To be honest I have no idea where she is." Amazing.

"She just left your side and said she had something important to do. She left me as your personal bodyguard..." Saber would probably be better, since she is a Knight Class Servant.

Skadi probably still doesn't trust her though, and so I won't blame her for it. What I will get mad at her though, is the fact that she didn't even bother telling anyone where the hell she went.

I used to be okay with the fact that Skadi considers herself above the rest of the harem, that she never bothers to talk with them. Clearly that needs to change.

A sigh escapes my mouth. "Now I'm worried about her, but I'm sure she can handle herself. Once I meet her again though, I will definitely be scolding her." And thanking her for helping me when I am at my weakest.

Cleopatra crosses her arms. "That definitely seems wise! I mean, I'm grateful to her and all, but... Do you know how sick I felt when she called me to this room and left while barely explaining anything."

She just said something interesting. "You hadn't seen me before? Does this mean nobody was allowed to come inside of this room until now?" I only remember seeing Skadi each time I woke up as well.

"Yeah... Nobody wanted to bother Caster, so we obeyed. This is also part of the reason why all your concubines haven't completely accepted this is an attack by a god. After all, they haven't seen how..." How awful I look?

Cleopatra's eyes get a weird looking gleam on them. "I wonder why Skadi forbade our entrance here though? You think there could be a traitor?" Oh, that sounds all spooky and stuff! How exciting!

But it's also ludicrous. "Nah, no way." My mind doesn't accept that possibility for even a second. "I wouldn't make someone capable of doing that into my concubine in the first place." I have a good eye for women.

Even though it makes my body hurt, I actually end up chuckling. "Besides, you can't beat the cock, Cleo!" Well, I haven't had sex with everyone in my harem just yet, but...

The cock is more than a physical thing! It is spiritual and-! The truth is that I like everyone here, and so I just don't want to believe anyone would betray me. There's no need to hide it, really.

She smiles. "It's good to see you still can joke around... Well, considering it's you, it wasn't a joke." She pats my head, as if I was a child. "But in the end that's what makes you so cute." I can be cute even in this state?

She continues. "But yes, I believe you are correct when you say that there are no traitors. If Skadi was one she would have killed you already and..."

"This might be foolish of me, but from Skadi's attitude I don't think a god would ally themselves with a human to take a Campione. Take with a grain of salt however, since we are clearly dealing with a trickster." Yeah...

I will stand by what I believe. I don't think a single person on my harem would betray me. And to be honest going down this train of thought won't help much anyways.

So I might as well ask the most important thing here. "Hey Cleo, what do you think this God is capable of anyways?" I'm too dumb to figure out, which is why I should rely on my super smart concubine.

She flinches. "That's a complicated question... everything I say right now would just be an assumption. We don't know anything about the enemy's personality after all, we don't even know why he wants to kill you besides being a Campione."

A motive huh...? "Maybe it's because of Skadi? Brogamesh did say she could attract trouble." I didn't expect them to be sneaky about it though. Aren't all Norse gods supposed to be crazy barbarians?

Cleopatra hums. "I guess it could be... Though to be honest I find it difficult to think of any Sun god who would resort to such underhanded methods. It doesn't really... go with the Sun, don't you think?" It could be bait.

Make me think it's all about the Sun, while he's poisoning my bedsheets or something. A bedsheet god. Still, since our only real lead is the whole heatstroke thing, I have no choice, but to focus on that.

Speaking of that big dumb star. "Do you think the god is the Sun or something? That sounds very godly." If he is, then we are now aware of his location! "Maybe I should try destroying the Sun!" Something I once said was impossible.

She awkwardly chuckles. "I don't think that's really doable right now." Yeah... I couldn't destroy the Sun while not being half-dead, so imagine doing it while dead.

"But we might not even need to worry about fighting this god right now." Oh? "As things stand, we might be able to pull him into a battle of attrition and win." Isn't that super duper dumb?

I raise an eyebrow. "How do we do that? I was basically half-dead a second ago. And I feel like such a strategy would make me full-on dead." Wouldn't turning this into a battle of attrition be exactly what he wants.

Cleo smirks. "You are less dead than you were a second ago, actually. Because with Avalon and Skadi's potions we are outpacing what the god can do. Your healing is more efficient." I didn't actually think of that...

She continues. "And that isn't it all... Clearly this god is either more efficient when dealing with Campione, or he is being forced to focus most of his power on you. Since none of the girls have faced any problems."

"Well... perhaps the average citzen of your kingdom could suffer a little bit... heatstrokes have certainly become more common recently. But if that's all it should be fine, don't you think?" Yeah, I guess that isn't a problem.

But... "Assuming you are correct... What if the god changes target to Rin or something?" If he did that I would be baited into moving. "And even if can't... what's our win condition here? Just wait until he dies of old age?"

Cleopatra's eyes widen. "Wow, you really are trying to think hard about this." Of course I am! I'm being challenged by some bastard god! "You shouldn't worry about him changing targets though..."

"Because the effects of this... heatstroke ability are clearly not instant, now that we know what's happening we can act accordingly and give them potions before the worst part of the effects settle in." We might run out of potions eventually.

Though I don't believe Skadi betrayed me, so she could always make more. Assuming she plans to comeback anytime soon of course.

Cleo continues. "And of course, if the focus does change, your healing will skyrocket. It's a pretty dangerous game to play for this god, who clearly wants to put you down without a fight."

"Specially since I think I figured out a way to slow him down a bit. You didn't want to go to school, right Yato?" I nod. "Maybe that's because direct contact with sunlight was affecting you more severely. So let's just close all windows of the mansion."

I gasp. "Our strategy for winning is becoming NEET's!? Can a NEET really defeat a god!?" I look at one of the windows, sunlight is peering through. Right now that is the enemy... things have really reverse.

Cleo raises a finger. "And our win condition is pretty simple! We just need to wait until the god runs out of mana! There is no way this isn't eating at him, specially when he has kept this up for days."

That's true, an Authority doesn't come for free. "Sounds good Cleo... Though there is one thing I need to do before we become shut-ins and abandon the outside world."

"And what's that?"

"I need to go help my parents..."


Hostages. They are the one thing that could completely ruin Cleopatra's whole NEET plan.

Now, there are a few hostages that this god could hypothetically take. Like Ayako or Taiga... but I doubt he would focus on small fish like that. Since Skadi isn't around, I can't guarantee her safety either, but I trust she can handle herself.

So the possible hostages that worry me the most are my parents. Which is why I sent them a message to stay whenever they are, and now I'm going to drag them to my home. For their own safety.

A yawn escapes my mouth. "Welp, I'll be back soon Cleo, make sure to take care of everyone." I'm leaving without telling people. Mostly because I don't want to hear any objections.

I'm feeling mostly fine right now... Well, I am still far below my normal self, but this is as good as it gets.

Admittedly leaving my concubines only with the protection of two bodyguard Servants worries me a bit, however I was way weaker before, and the god still didn't take that opportunity to kill me. So he obviously fears Servants to a certain extent.

She puts her hands on her hips. "I'll do my best to hold down the fort..." She looks down. "Even if my lover leaving while I stay behind worries me greatly." I'm not just any lover though, I'm an awesome one.

I pat her shoulder. "I'll be back as fast as I can. This is serious for me after all." The job of a parent is to protect their child, but once a child reaches a certain age, they should protect their parents too.

She smiles. "Don't talk like that, it's basically asking to get hurt." Hah, I did have a death flag dream recently... "Anyways, I'll at least see you to the door." I nod.

Once I step outside the mansion, the first thing I do is glare at that shining star. "Man, I can't wait for us to go back to normal. I miss Mister Normal Sun who wasn't hot enough to kill me." This event might have traumatized me enough to make me hate sunlight.

Cleopatra snorts. "Well, glaring at the moon like it's an enemy isn't going to help. In this case it might be our greatest ally even." What am I? A werewolf?

Wait, the moon?

I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. And then in my back. And then in multiple other places. "Ah... this is why I hate fights like this." I'm feeling that pain because I'm being stabbed in those places.

I see enemies all around me, and they definitely weren't there a second ago.


AN: Writing this... Sun God Arc is gonna be a new experience to me. Mostly because I'm not used to writing opponents who fight like this. Hopefully by the end of this I'll be more experienced!



Could you start tagging your posts? It would be easier to find different fics here.


My advice if you get stuck is to watch some JoJo fights especially ones like The Sun from part 3 or YoYo Ma from part 6 as they lean more so into stalling out your opponent and making discrete/methodical attacks rather then all out brawling


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