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Kill him.

Those thoughts continuously repeat over and over in my head, drowning whatever other thought I could have. Though it's not like I want to fight back against this power either, this was my own choice.

It feels like a dream. It feels like being drunk. It feels like... I feel like the strongest being alive, like a hero capable of saving or destroying humanity at my own leisure. I am... invincible.

I want to brag about it, I want to throw that fact on his face. But rage can't speak, and currently I am rage. And so I simply roar as loud as I can.

Reality cracks because of it. The crater which I'm standing upon gets wider, deeper. I can't help, but thinks... but delight on the fact that if I wanted to I could bring this whole mountain down simply by roaring. Like Heracles, but better, stronger.

Gilgamesh has the nerve to roll his eyes. "So your trick was simply reducing yourself to a mindless beast? How boring. Though I ordered you to entertain me as Heracles once did, I wasn't being so literal." He will pay.

I teleport closer to him, except not really. The truth is that I simply pounced, and nobody could tell the difference. I'm far faster than a human, I'm far faster than a Servant, I'm a god slayer.

Gilgamesh however, has a mind that can match my speed, and so he fires his little toys against me. Each and every single worthy of heroes, worthy of admiration, awe and respect.

"Defeat him! Take his life! Kill him slowly! His torture can wait no longer! Let's keep at until he knows the meaning of suffering!" Those voices fill my heart and soul, they tell me to be fearless.

None of those toys are worthy of a dragon, I walk through them, my armor, my skin brushes them off.

And so when I reach Gilgamesh I use my claw to send him flying. "Divide! Divide! Divide!" Just the slightest touch on his golder armor was enough to steal its power three times. It's now a shadow of what it once was.

He falls down, blood spewing on his mouth. "What...?" Disbelief is clear in his voice, never in a million worlds did he imagine this would ever be possible.

Well, now that he's down, what should I do...? "Devour him! Consume him! Taste his flesh, vomit his flesh, savor his flesh, abhor his flesh!" The voice never stop, but they only give wise advice, so I don't care.

I will pounce on Gilgamesh and ea-.

A purple blur flying away gets my attention. Who the hell do they think they are? "The enemy! They are all our enemies!" Right. I should fly towards the purple blur and eliminate it too. I should ea-.

It's Caster.

My attention goes back to Gilgamesh, but this lapse of judgment was enough for him to recoved and stand up. Even so, one of his hands is on his bleeding stomach, I carved nicely through his armor, through him.

And then he grins. "That's... not bad. I expected a worthless mindless beast, but perhaps you are of a higher grade than that." He waves his wand. "I do not mind using higher quality treasures against you." Eat.

Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. He keeps talking, but I can only think of how delicious he would taste.

Before I can move however, the golden man surrounds me with portals, just like he once did to... to... what was his name again? Some mad warrior?

It doesn't matter, I don't know if this weapons are capable of penetrating my scales, but it is Gilgamesh's intention to create a cage of death at least. And he grins as he fires them all at me.

The mad warrior from the past only had the option of dying and coming back against such a tactic, but... I roar. The weapons are either stopped by the wind and power surrounding me, or they simply disintegrate.

I walk through the golden portals surround me, to once again obtain vision of Gilgamesh, but... He's nowhere to be seen.

I look around, and eventually see a fleck of gold in the sky. Is that him? Is he running away...? He's heading towarda the city. Oh well, I guess the fight is over then. If the fight reaches the city, then I will probably destroy everything...

"Who cares!? Destroy everything! If they're alive they're against us! They have always been against us!" A strange mix of regret and anger is enveloping me. The voices aren't lying, they have always been against us... Would it be so bad if this city disappeared?

But even so... "Pursue him! Kill him! He's getting away! Make him pay!" But I hate Gilgamesh. They hate Gilgamesh too, so they put sense in my dumb head.

How am I supposed to rea-. Right, I have wings, I will just use my wings and tear him apart. After that I can eat him. And after that I can destroy the city. I hate everyone here after all.

What am I saying!? I can't destroy the city!

Nonetheless I take flight, pursuing my enemy. In a second I'm behind him, I'm much faster than I was without Juggernaut Drive. Honestly, I should have used this power way, way before this...

Red fills my vision. "It's always like this... It always ends like this..." I wave it off. I have no time for it. It's strange though, because for some reason I can tell that it had nothing to do with Gilgamesh.

The golden man is flying on some sort of spaceship throne thing...? "So you're competent enough to give chase? Good. Perhaps you will last longer than the dog from the last war." Portals are appearing close to him.

As expected they are all aimed at me, but I dodge them easily enough. Honestly maybe I should have taken the attack just to steal their power. I want to steal everything that makes him be him after all.

"Absorb him! Fill his body with your poison! Be the poison! Eat! Him! Till! There's! Nothing! Left!" I accelerate. I will crash again his little flying machine like a missile and take him down. Then I can finally eat him.

Even as more portals open, and fire their weapons against me, I don't stop my advance. I don't care if they are of higher quality, that doesn't matter to me, that doesn't matter to me at all.

And then suddenly pain fills my body.

These blades are not like the others, they hurt, they burn, they...! "Dragon slayer!" The voices have never been more angry than now. And as I fall down from the skies I can't help, but completely agree with them.

Let's wipe out this city from the board, then maybe I will feel better.

Red fills my vision yet again. "Why does it always end like this...? Must it always end like this...?" For some reason regret is overshadowing anger. I wave it off again.

But in the end I'm still falling. I hit the Fuyuki bridge and... break in half, proceeding to fall into the ocean. The few blades Gilgamesh didn't throw at me, end up striking the bridge too. It's a mess. It's chaos.

I hear the screams of people. "W-what's happening!? What's happening!? What's happening!?" Oh, there were many people on the bridge. There were many vehicles on the bridge. "Help...! Help I don't want to die...!" People are dying around me. I desperately want to kill them.

First the... what was his name again? Whatever, let's just call him golden man.

With one leap I leave the ocean, and reach a part of the bridge that is still standing. I end up falling just in front of some red car. The people are still inside. A woman, three children.

And as I look to the golden glimmer to the sky, mocking me, surround me as if I was an animal... I can't help, but think... That's good. That's really good. I need a projectile if I want to reach him.

I hold onto the car using my claws, ignoring their screams and... "There is a boob loving dragon, living in a certain country!" Red again. This time is being even more nonsensical.

Nonetheless, I drop the car and look back at Gilgamesh. I open my mouth, and aim at him. Energy which I stole from his armor begins to gather... and I begin firing.

One. Two. Three. All of those shots miss, and explode on the air. It is as if someone had thrown three massive flashbangs to the skies, and just like flashbangs they are just supposed to be distractions meant to clear a path.

Now that Gilgamesh is occupied with them again, I fly upwards. Nonetheless, eventually he does start firing his weapons against me again, however this time I'll dodge them and kill him.

There are people down below, these weapons are falling on people. They are destroying the town you grew up on. "The dragon goes for a walk when the weather is good!" Red again! It's always red! Always ruining it!

I let the weapons hit me, because if they don't they will hit the people down below. "Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide!" If there is a consolation prize, is that since I was prepared I was able to steal their power.

This time I don't fall towards the ground again. That's good, this way my chase of Gilgamesh won't be interrupted yet again, even if I have no idea how I'm supposed to compete with his dragon slaying weapons.

He snorts atop of his throne. "Diving your way towards and attack? That makes you even lesser than a simple beast. At least those have instinct to dodge danger." I could have dodged if I wanted to...

It's just that... "Dragon, Dragon, Boob Dragon! Grope-Grope, Suck-Suck, Pafu-Pafu!" These voices don't show up, deafening white! Putting happines in anger, breaking...!

I grew up in this city. To be honest I never had many people I was attached to... Recently though, I feel like I have begun making friends. I mean, even Emiya-Senpai is arguably my friend nowadays!

The golden man sighs. "But if you don't want to dodge..." The sky is painted golden. "I shall at least give you a worthy death for a beast of your caliber." It's just like when he killed Heracles. This golden rain of death will be my end.

I really should just dodge. I definitely won't be able to survive this if all these weapons are dragon slaying one... What would happen to Fuyuki though...? At this point we are in a era full of giant buildings. We must be at the modern part of the city. Well, who cares?

Red. Red. Red. "There are so many types of boobs, but he likes the big ones the best! The boob dragon also flies today!" I like big ones too, but I prefer flatties. "That's totally okay, one of my best friends liked them that way too!" The red is responding!?

I shake my head, I'm... we are anger! The red can't interfere...!

Recently I met this girl called Illya! And it was love at first sight! Ah, I wanna do all sorts of lewd things to her! It's no good though, so I have to hide that. "Eh, there's no need buddy... A man's love for a girl's body surpasses the law!" That sounds super wrong Mister Red!

Gilgamesh snaps his fingers. "Goodbye Daichi Ryouta. You were worthless from beginning to end." And then he finally fires. The executioners sword is now falling towards my neck.

Dodge or take the hit!? I...!

I raise my hand. The worlds Half Dimension come to mind. "Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide!" It's draining, and I'm using the power I previously stole for this, but it's okay.

The swords Gilgamesh sent towards me, and the golden portals slowly become smaller, and smaller, and smaller... Until they simply stop existing. What a waste, I should have just dodged the attack.

But now the path is clear, and so I dive through his flying machine, making a gigantic hole through it, and completely destroying it. "Divide! Divide! Divide!" I also make sure to steal its power on the way through of course.

Gilgamesh begins flying donwards. "What the hell!?" And I flying towards him of course. Eventually my claw reaches him, and I strike him right in the chest. This time his armor completely and utterly breaks.

We land like a couple of flying stars right in the middle of a road. The car behind us tries its best to stop. It seems he managed to do it, but the car behind him does lightly hit him. My bad!

I open my mouth and begin charging a beam. Since I have Gilgamesh right underneath me, I'll use him his own power to kill him. "Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide!" Heh, if this keeps up even a child would be capable of killing him.

Now it's time to fire this shot at the ground. Fuyuki will probably disappear though... "You know, in my experience lolis can be dangerous! Strangely enough they are always the most agressive ones!" Shut up red! "Virgin jealousy huh...?" Let white run wild already!

I got to talk with my sisters recently too. They're the best! I don't want them to ever get married! They can marry me instead, because I won't let some other guy take them!

Actually everyone should just marry me. Saber, Rider, Archer, Caster... It doesn't matter. They should keep being my friends. I was a loner, so abandoning me because of a stupid wish is super selfish, don't ya think?

I fire my shot the skies, wasting all the energy. Why!? In the end all it does is essentially making Fuyuki experience day while it is night...!

Gilgamesh grits his teeth. "Get your filthy body away from me!" As soon as he screams, pains fills my back. He opened gates behind me, and shot more dragon slaying weapons.

Before I can do anything, that damn chain appears and grabs me by the neck. The only reason it has enough energy to hurt me is due to the pain his dragon slaying weapons are causing. Nonetheless they drag me away from his body.

I roar. "Divide! Divide! Divide!" The weapons stuck on my back melt, as if acid was touching them. Meanwhile I just break through his chains, it doesn't even matter if I was related to the divine or not, because I'm the strongest.

And in the time it took for me to do that... Gilgamesh had drawn some weird weapons. "Fine. A worthy stage has been set... as frustrating as it is to admit... Right now you're stronger than even Heracles." He begins floating.

I turn around. "What are you idiots doing!? Run away! I can't save everyone here!" Why are people just watching like idiots!? Some of them even have cameras out, recording this like it's some dumb show... Wait, why can I see a van of that super popular news channel!? Do these guys have no survival instinct!?

Since when could I talk...? "Ah, I will admit though, I really did start liking Koneko more when she grew some amazing tits. Please forgive me Koneko! Please!" Shut up red, I don't want to hear it!

Gilgamesh gets higher and higher as he begins to sprout nonsense. "This will the closing curtain for you... There are other things I wanted to do here, but this a fine enough ending!" Red wind begins gathering around him.

He laughs, and even though he is so high on the sky I can still hear him. "This is the end of Japan! You hear me! I will kill every single one of these pathetic vermins that are surrounding you!" I have a feeling I won't be able to take this one.

"Go get him!" Hah? "Yeah, what are you doing there!" Voices. Not red. Not white. Just people screaming around me. "You're some weird kamen rider, right!? Kick his ass!" Are these people stupid...?

I obviously look like the bad guy so... "When you're a dragon you have a certain aura. A aura which attracts rivals, friends, lovers... And shows the people your true self. Even a stupid Boob Dragon can be beloved with it..."

I... This is no good.

He points the weapon towards the ground. "Ea, Enuma Elish!" And death is sent towards us. Towards every idiot here who is screaming encouragement instead of flying away like a smart person should...

I fly towards the wind. It hits me with far greater force than the dragon slaying weapons ever did, shredding through my scales, but then... "Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide!" I fly through it.

And once I reach it's source, I open my mouth and... I "Daichi Ryouta...!" Bite that weapon and his arm. I swallow it of course. And then I sent the King of Heroes flying towards the ground, though decently far away from anyone.

"And like that it's over..." I begin walking forward towards him and...

"Thieving bastard." He crawls into a gate of his and disappears. The fight is over. He ran away. He ran away. He ran away. He ran away. He ran away. He ran away.

I want to blast this entire city to kill him. This entire country. He can't have disappeared to somewhere too far away, and I have enough energy from that wind attack to destroy this whole country...

"Boob Dragon!" This time that's all red says.

I'm dying. This is my limit, so there's no need to destroy anything. I can finally see mom and dad. I never got to see mom in the hospital, so I really want to meet her again. And hey, maybe even dad will end changing his mind towards me.

I'll apologize towards my adoptive parents too. I know we never really got along, and that they were forced into picking me up, but... but... I hope they don't hate me, and I hope I wasn't a annoying child.

And one day, many years from now I'll see Sakura again, and then we will go on a date like I promised.

"Man, that's so depressing...!" Red is crying. "If I was still alive I would adopt you! Mostly because Asia would probably force me... Still, do you really want to die Daichi?" I... Of course I don't. I desperately want to live.

"Your life will be changed forever from now on... you sure about it?" Yeah, I'm sure... Who are you anyways, Red? "Isn't it obvious? We came here to hold down the fort. Most did it because they were jealous, but I did it 'cause I don't want a fellow Red Dragon Emperor to die a virgin." Huh...

"So just call us. We didn't manage to stop it all, your life will still be short, but if you want to live... To experience happiness, sadness and things outside of anger... Give up on that armor." Thanks Red.

I know what to do. I raise my arm, and... "Boost!" Boosted Gear appears on my hand, and all the white is stripped away. Juggernaut Drive ends... And I fall to the ground right away. As usual, I can't win without losing.

My last thoughts are about how I wish people stopped touching and taking pictures of me.


AN: No way Goatssei would let someone die a virgin when he can do something about it!


Kloud Paradizo

Damned!!! This is the best chapter ever!!! Wowww