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"Yato... shouldn't you be getting ready for school?" As we start getting ready for the day, I'm questioned by my first concubine. "I'm finally coming back to school after all!" That's right.

It has been a few days since we summoned my little sister who has not been officially recognized by my parents. So Rin's suspension has already ended. Though I imagine the teachers will keep a close eye on her.

As for her question though... "I'm throwing the towel and skipping today. I can't take this anymore." I know that is something surprising coming from me.

In fact it's so surprising that everyone has stopped their daily routine to stare at me. It's understandable, since the last time I skipped school was due to a lot of insistence by Cleopatra.

Thankfully Rin doesn't immediately get mad at me. "Why...? That's pretty unlike you, Yato." The reason is simple, I'm not as weak as Skadi, but I'm not invincible either.

A sigh escapes my mouth. "It's because of this neverending, hellish heat wave..." The sun has become my eternal enemy. "I might seriously let Skadi turn this place into an ice fortress." And I definitely can't go to school.

It's already this bad with our super expensive air conditioners, I don't want to experience the outside world right now. I have faced hurricanes to go to school before, but this is far worse.

Rin smiles. "Oh, okay." For real? That's it.

I raise an eyebrow. "Erm... is it really okay?" I'm halfway expecting my parents to burst into the scene screaming about how I better get my ass in gear. "I'm skipping literally out of laziness." Laziness caused by heat, but still.

She pats my head. "I love you, but you can be quite silly sometimes." She means dumb, but she's too nice to say it. "Nobody will get mad at you for skipping school. You could even quit if you wanted to. You're a Campione after all."

I look down. "I know, but... this is the sort of stuff you just can't skip. I mean, if I don't go to school I will become some worthless member of society or something." Well, I guess I can contribute by killing gods.

Rin chuckles. "Your worth isn't decided by school. Besides, just because you quit doesn't mean that you have to stop studying. It just means you can... take things at your own time."

"This may be a harder privilege to grasp than money, but you will live a long time. So if you want to quit school to practice swordmanship... or even just to lazy around, it's alright, Yato." Is it really?

I guess she's right in a way, I don't need to rush things like a normal human. Still, I can't help, but feel that's a dangerous way of thought... Though... I do kind of wish I had more freetime.

I slowly raise my head. "I'll think about it, Rin." This is just as important as my decision to have sex without condoms. Actually that one might have been more important, and with every giggle Caren sends shivers down my spine.

She grins. "I'm sure you will make the right decision." Now you're definitely putting way too much faith in me. "Still... to think a Campione would have been affected by a heatwave. Weird." She mubles to herself at the end.

And then she shakes her head. "Well, I will go get ready for school." She laughs a bit. "Funnily enough when I was young I did think about quitting school to focus on magecraft." But she didn't huh...

And that's why I met her. That's another plus for going to school, it's a place where I can meet and talk with new people. Though then again, I can do that in tons of other ways too, I'm not a normal teenager.

I smile back at her. "Have fun... or something." It's kinda sad. I was looking forward to chatting with Rin during school... but I genuinely can't stand this heat.

I haven't even really had any sexual adventures recently. Mostly because everyone is getting too tired for it due to the heat. Well, I guess we are lucky nobody had a heat stroke yet, apparently that has been happening a lot across Fuyuki.

I put a hand on my chin. "As for what I will be doing..." Originally I was just going to laze around, but after this conversation I would feel bad if I did. Now, obviously I still don't want to do something physically taxing either...

I could maybe read a book or watch a movie... Nah, that's essentially lazing around, right? Alternatively I could learn how to cook or something... But Cleopatra would probably throw a fit about how a king shouldn't lower himself.

But I definitely need to improve in some way...

And then I remember the talk I had with Doni all those days ago, and it's like a lightbulb has appeared on top of my head. "Oh, I know! I'll learn magecraft today!" Or at least the basics.

I'm not expecting to have nearly the same talent I have for swordsmanship of course, but it should be a useful thing to have in my back pocket. And besides, I'll never know unless I try.

Rin gasps and takes a step back. "Y-you're gonna learn magecraft!?" She's clearly getting excited about this. "Who's gonna teach yo-. Oh, Skadi, right?" That would definitely be the best teacher for something like this.

She's a super talented mage from the Age of Gods, one who can restrain a Servant if given previous warning. Honestly, if she was given sufficient time to get ready she might even give me a bit of trouble.

She's also super okay with helping me. In fact she always tries to make herself as useful as possible. Though with this heat wave she has been understandably getting lazier and lazier.

But... "Nah, no way." A scowl appears on my face. "I will just ask Luvia, I guess." She's my childhood friend, so I feel pretty comfortable having her as my teacher. Not that I would mind anyone else of course.

Rin's eyes widen in shock. "Huh, why!? Skadi might genuinely be the greatest mage alive right now!" Can we even count her as alive? "You shouldn't waste an opportunity to learn under her if you're genuinely interested in learning magecraft."

She sighs. "And knowing how she treats you, she will help without hesitation. Even though when I ask she just ignores me while frowning." For real? Even though she's your Servant?

I guess it's just her godly pride talking, and speaking of it... "To be honest, I just refuse to learn under a goddess. I'm fine with relying on her... even loving her... but learning under her is just too much." I guess this is my own dumb pride speaking.

Rin puts her hands on her hips. "I see. I won't claim that I can understand you, I'm just a human after all, but I see." She mumbles to herself. "What kind of failure of a girlfriend outright says to their boyfriend that they can't understand them...?"

I immediately pat her head. "Don't worry about it. It's not something I want you to understand... It's just petty childishness of me." I still haven't dealt with Cleopatra's insecurity, which is why I'm not letting Rin follow her steps. I already have enough trouble on my plate.

Rin pouts, a blush on her face. "If you say so..." It's clear that she is not convinced, but at least I have planted the seeds...

No, screw seeds. I'm helping my concubine right now. "Rin, before you said I should take my time. Well, the same thing applies here... So don't worry about understanding me completely right now..."

"Leave that to the old and wrinkly Rin Tohsaka of the future. And hey, by then I will probably understand you better too." I'm not really into grannies, but I will make an exception for Rin. And also for everyone else in the harem.

Her blush gets more prominent. "Yato you..." And then she suddenly hugs me tightly. "Geez~! Don't say embarrassing things like that~!" Now she's nuzzling her face against my chest.

Cute. I want to breed her... And then I remember how hot it is, and that I have a headache because of it, and my libido dies. At this point the sun might genuinely be worse than a simple mortal enemy.

And then she suddenly steps back. "Wait, if Skadi won't be the one teaching you, who will?" Eh? Did she forget it already...?

I scratch my cheek. "Luvia, I guess." Rin becomes pale out of nowhere. "She's my childhood friend, so I'm comfortable learning under her." She truly understands I'm a slow individual.

"And besides that, she's also super serious about her position here. If I order her to teach me, she will definitely do the best job she can." Illya is great, but she would probably try do some prank. Shiro isn't that great of a mage, and she's busy with school. Rin suffers from from that latter problem too. So Luvia is the logical choice.

Slowly Rin's smile dies out. "Yato... I'm skipping school today." You just returned to it though!


"First of all Yato, we must establish what it means to be a magus." Rin raises a finger, but all of attention is focused on the cute glasses she's wearing. "A magus isn't simply a person who knows magic..."

"They are someone who walks with death, someone who sacrifices. Yes, to be a magus is to sacrifice, it isn't a fun hobby, it is a duty and that's why..." She takes a deep breath. "You must set a motto for yourself. A set of values to guide you along."

"They can be whatever you want, but if you want an example..." She blushes. "I wouldn't mind if you used my family motto. It goes like this, a Tohsaka always-." And then she gets pushes away by Luvia.

My childhood friend glares at my first concubine. "Ugh, I just knew you would start it like this! You didn't put any thought in this at all, did you?" To be fair, I did give very little time for you two to prepare.

Rin glares right back at her. "Little thought!? I never put this much thought into something before!" I heavily doubt that. "And I haven't done nothing wrong yet!" You barely got a chance to start.

Luvia crosses her arms. "Nothing wrong? You started some stupid spiel about responsibility, as if my Campione is some commong magus!" A blush appears on her face. "My Campione is above responsibility!" That's true, but please don't say it outloud.

Rin stutters. "W-well, I won't deny that..." For real? "But being a magus isn't just a responsibility for other people, it's a responsibility to one's self." Rin slowly regains confidence as she speaks.

By the end of it, her finger is raised again. "That is why I'm giving Yato a similar speech to the one which my father gave me. It's for his own good, and I don't slack when something involves Yato's health!"

Luvia rolls her eyes. "You're a fool. Your father was a fool. The Tohsaka are foolish." She puts a hand on her chest. "Now let me teach, and watch closely. Since your entire craft is stolen from my family, you might actually learn something." And like that, their fight continues.

You know, there is a very famous saying that relates to this situation.

Too many cooks spoil the broth. I ended up asking Luvia for help, even though Rin volunteered, because I figured it couldn't hurt, but I guess I was wrong. These two immediately started fighting...

At least I didn't ask Illya as well, any fight with her involved would end up with a corpse. I also discarded my idea of taking Hakuno away from the sex dungeon so she could start learning too.

If they're already having trouble with just one student, then imagine the trouble they would have with two. Specially since Hakuno isn't cooperative well, her will still stands strong.

For a while I just watch, but eventually my patience runs out. "So, are you guys actually gonna teach me anything?" Not to say I'm against seeing sweaty Rin fight sweaty Luvia of course.

They immediately stop. Rin clears her throat. "O-of course, sorry Yato..." Right now Rin looks like a student who was called to the front of the class by a teacher, and had a boner. That is to say, she's extremely embarrassed.

Luvia nods. "Yes, my apologies as well my Campione." She bows. "I will endeavor to make it up to you." It's always a bit weird to see super serious Luvia. It's also cute too, so I don't mind.

Rin, seeing Luvia bow, bows as well... except lower. And then Luvia bows even lower, and then... you get the idea. I can't get too mad though, these two are clearly new to teaching. Maybe they will get the hang of it with enough time.

Still, strangely as it is, maybe I should guide them along. "So, leaving philosophy to the side. How do I use mana in the first place?" I instinctively use it to maintain Servants, and for my authority, but that's it.

Rin seems relieved at the fact that I extended a olive branch. "Things are a bit more complicated than just saying mana. That's because there are technically many varieties of it. Their names are-."

Luvia cuts her off. "There's no need to tell him the names, Yato will just forget it." Surprisingly enough Rin nods. "Basically Yato, there is mana generated from you, and mana generated from the planet."

"Normally a magus heavily relies on that mana from the planet, but you don't need to, since you're a Campione. You're like a mythical creature of old after all." I see...

Well, not really. I guess I have my own MP, and then the planet has its own MP too? Rin and people must have lower MP, so they need that extra bar. I don't though, since I'm just on another class entirely.

Rin tilts her head. "Hey Edelfelt, you think we should just skip all this explanation and teach Yato how to manipulate his mana?" That's really surprising.

Not just how Rin is saying we should skip and explanation, but also about how she actually went out of her way to look for Luvia's advice. Did an alien replace my beloved concubine in a short few seconds!?

Luvia seems just as confused... but then a smirk appears on her face. "As expected of a gorilla! While it is necessary to skip most of the technical jargon, we do need to explain some of it at least!" Wow, she didn't miss her chance.

Rin hugs her arm, and looks away. "Ah... how sad." Eh? "Even though I tries cooperating with this cow to help Yato, she completely spit on my friendly hand." Now that she says it, that is indeed true.

I glare at Luvia. "Hey, you better not think of this as some excuse to pick fights with Rin." Um? Did I just hear my first concubine snort right now? Nah, that was surely my imagination.

Luvia grits her teeth. "Ugh..." And then a smile appears on her face. "Sure! Sorry Yato, I was just a bit mad since Rin is inco-, since we disagree on our teaching methods. But I'll be cooperative from now on." Good.

Luvia then mumbles to herself. "As expected, they are a family of lying little rats who will take any opportunity to advance... I will never forgive them." There's no way she's talking about Rin right? I mean, she just said she would get along with her.

Um... "Well, you guys should at least shake hands or something. To prove there will be no further hostilities." Normally I would order the two to kiss each other, but I can't get horny in a training session.

Rin flinches. "S-sure." I can hear her spatting. "Ugh, I didn't think about the consequences." But nonetheless she extends a open hand towards Luvia. "Let's work together to teach Yato!" Something about her smile is weird.

Luvia flinches, but nonetheless she shakes her hand. "Indeed... Let's work together." Wow, my childhood friend is biting her lip with so much force that it's bleeding. Talk about bad habit.

Let's ignore that however, because it's finally time for me to learn!


"Sorry, I'm a failure of a student." I didn't learn shit. "Please don't think of me as lesser or anything like that..." I've been trying all day to learn how to manipulate my mana, but so far I haven't seen any progress.

Night has already fallen too, which means I wasted most of my day. And the Sun setting down hasn't helped with anything either, it's still just as hot, and I still feel that headache. Actually I might be feeling a bit sick too...

Rin pats my head. "Yato... don't get too down about it. This is the type of thing that takes time... And we all know your talents lie more with the sword anyways." True. And it's like she has said before, I have tons of time.

Luvia laughs. "Indeed. Besides, don't blame only yourself. I'm sure a certain inexperienced teacher of yours is too blame as well!" Actually I really do think you guys got your act together once you two shaked hands.

Rin smirks. "Well, I'm glad you admit. The first step is always the hardest after all." Wow, Luvia must have improved even more than I did as a person in this session of training.

Luvia grits. "Indeed. After all, some of us need to improve themselves through self-reflection, instead of simply stealing the hard work of others." I wish I could steal someone's hard work right now.

I chuckle. "I'm glad you guys are getting along!" I have a feeling their previous selves would be on the floor wrestling right now. It's a fight Luvia would probably win, which means Rin would need to escalate into a magecraft fight...

Rin smiles. "Yep, we are..." For a moment I see a demon. "Just the best of friends." Cool.

Luvia's smile is just as pure as Rin's. "I did always want a pet gori-, I'm glad we have gotten over our differences." Yep, all ends well.

Huh... Maybe once this heat wave is over I will have a threesome with these two. I'm sure they would love to share a bed!


AN: Yato finally tries learning magecraft...! And fails miserably. When it comes to my MC's the only people with less talent in this area than Yato is Daichi, and he literally had no magical circuits.

It's the price to pay for putting all his talent points into swordmanship.

But hey at least the divide between the Tohsaka bloodline and the Edelfelt bloodline has been fixed. Definitely. Oh, and Yato is becoming a delinquent who skips school.

Also, a minor time skip happened. Mostly because I was kind of lost time wise, and this helped to ground myself and speed up some events.


Yuval Roth

As someone living in the middle east and summer arriving, I can definitely relate to what Yato feeling right now, that said, the heat wave is probably a good or the grail or something.

Infinite Daze

Yato doesn’t need to worry about skipping school if he just makes his own school! Also if it’s been a few days what is Hakunon doing in the sex dungeon? Is she just sitting their bored or did Yato pull something?

Yuval Roth

Her parents are probably worried sick if there was a time skip, can't remember if they did anything like write a note that she was running away from home.